Today, rubies are named only red version of the mineral corundum, its closest buddy (by the composition is practically identical twin) – sapphire. sapphire is the name given to the blue variety of the material. The only thing that differentiates these two stones is the amount of metal that contributes to their hue. Ruby only occurs in its namesake color, but sapphire may be found in a wide range of hues. The color of a ruby may range from a very light pink to a deep crimson or even black. The rubies that have the hue known as “pigeon blood” (brilliant red with a hint of purple) are considered to be the “perfect” rubies; nonetheless, these stones are very uncommon. On occasion, the star in the shape of a hexagon may be seen on the surface of the ruby. Asterism is the term that’s used to describe this kind of occurrence. Despite the fact that this star is generated by inclusions rather than by the qualities of the stone itself, stones are believed to be the most precious and costly of all minerals. In comparison to other valuable stones, the ruby gemstone is the second hardest after a diamond; but, much like a diamond, it is brittle and may break. During the faceting process, the cutter will need to exercise extreme caution because of this, and later on, jewelry with rubies is suggested to guard against falls and bumps. Its brightness shine is comparable to that of a diamond’s (albeit somewhat less brilliant), and the price of a huge ruby stone may be many times more than that of a diamond. Ruby gemstones have long been associated with strength and ardent love. Today, jewelry featuring rubies—such as rings or earrings—indicates the high social rank of the wearer, such as a ruby ring set in white gold. In general, Germany, Israel, and Bangkok are the three countries that are responsible for the processing of almost all of the world’s most precious rubies. A minute percentage of the stones originated in the cities of Geneva, Antwerp, and New York. However, Japan is the primary cutter of the great majority of rubies cut in the form of stars (rubies with asterism). Many people who appreciate fine jewelry are fascinated with ruby even now, just as they have been throughout history. Nearly all affluent people have the means to purchase it, which is the primary factor that led to the development of synthetic ruby as a substitute for natural ruby. Late in the 19th century, French manufacturers were the ones that introduced the product to the world. 1947 marked the beginning of the active synthesis of star ruby, and today’s jewelry markets are rife with synthetic stones. In order to create the optical effect of a star in a ruby crystal, a very little quantity of titanium oxide material must be added at the beginning process.

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