Fox News claimed that there had been forty instances of Afghans in uniform killing Americans in Afghanistan this year. These are not casualties from warfare. When two armies engage in combat, it is inevitable that there would be some losses. These were homicides committed by individuals we were attempting to educate in order to prepare them to assume responsibility for their country’s defense. That justification has been used for the American military deployment in several Arab and Muslim countries. The authorities clarify that we are providing training to the citizens in order for them to assume responsibility for defending their country. What is the amount of training needed to get proficiency in rifle shooting? You pull the trigger and a bullet is discharged. However, can you guess? Here is a secret that the authorities have not discovered yet. The Muslims do not want us to provide them with training. Muslims perceive non-Muslim Americans as infidels due to their religious beliefs. Why would a Muslim choose to be schooled by a non-believer? He would not, naturally. General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, visited Afghanistan to meet with General John Allen to address the issue. Dempsey said that a portion involves invasion, while another portion is related to cultural aspects. It is necessary to acknowledge that our efforts to instruct the Afghans with good intentions may be futile, akin to casting pearls before swine, a concept discouraged in the Bible. It is erroneous for a person or a country to defy God. Afghans do not want our presence for training purposes. They want our demise. Hamid Karzai, the Afghan head of state, has been accused of corruption and alleged involvement in the drug trade. He has demanded that the U.S. make reparations to Afghanistan. No, we are not obligated to provide reparations to Afghanistan. They first offended by providing training and shelter to terrorists, including those responsible for the 9/11/2001 terrorist attacks. When we requested the surrender of the terrorists, they refused. Request compensation from Afghanistan for the damages caused on 9/11. After Jesus warned against sharing valuable things with those who cannot appreciate them, it is a grave error for us to be doing so in Afghanistan. Barack Obama recently attended a religious service. He seems to be interested in securing the Christian vote. If Obama were really a Christian, why doesn’t he follow Jesus’ teachings and refrain from sharing valuable things with those who cannot appreciate them in Afghanistan? This provides another proof that Obama is not a Christian. Afghanistan was underdeveloped before our intervention and may revert to its previous state after we go. No more Americans should perish there. We should refrain from wasting valuable things on those who do not appreciate them.

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