Even at this early hour of the morning, the garden fairies are awake. The garden companions huddle up to the front windows of their fairy cottages, peeping out from behind the curtains, while the delightful scents of hot apple cider and pancakes fill the fairy kitchen. The wind is howling outside, and snowdrifts are starting to build up under the little trees and winter plants. In the magical garden, it’s snowing today! The fairies are treated to a major surprise once or twice a year: snow flakes that are falling quickly cause fairy school to be canceled. The fairies dress up in jackets and boots rather than flying to the tiny schoolhouse by flying over the stepping stones and beneath the winter plants. They are prepared to have a full day of fun. The fairy dwellings’ bright fires give comfort, but the outer world is a wintry wonderland! Several inches of snow fell on the winter container garden over night, and it doesn’t seem to be stopping. Beside the winter blossoming plants, the trolls are in the act of rolling snowballs. By the ajugas, the gnomes are constructing snowmen. Naturally, the unicorns are also constructing a snow stable. Anyone ready for an adventure on a snowy day in the winter container garden? If you look carefully, behind the winter flora, you may spot some pixies creating snow angels. They will dash into the fairy home in the afternoon to assist with hot chocolate distribution and cookie baking. After spending many hours ice skating, sledding, and munching, the garden pals will eventually tire out after their ideal snow day and snuggle up to sleep. Make your own snow day. With a little creativity and some fake snow, you can create a fairy snow day in your own winter container garden. There are a few simple steps you can take to transform your tiny garden into a picture-perfect snow day setting, even if you may be tempted to just shake some fake snow over your winter plants and fairy cottages. Select your fake snow first. You may make your own homemade snow by using a product like Sno-Wonder, decorating with fluffy cotton balls, or combining shaving cream and baking soda. Upon selecting a suitable snow, you may begin embellishing your winter container garden. I like to collect some Styrofoam balls, pinecones, and seasonal decorations. I paint them white with acrylic paint and then roll them in fake snow. Paint serves as a glue. The pinecones and decorations seem to have been freshly powdered with snow, while the styrofoam balls resemble snowballs. I put in some white or clear glitter to give a little glitz. I add snow to the winter container garden after making these snowy additions to the fairy garden. I place snow at the base of my winter plants, scatter it about my fairy homes, and pile it in drifts to give the impression that fairies have been playing there. Little extras like sleds and shovels enhance the snow day atmosphere. Make sure to use the artificial snow to dust your benches, little fake trees, and other faux winter flora. Using your thumb or a garden fairy’s foot, make little fairy footprints in the fake snow to indicate that the fairies have been playing outdoors. The idea is to create a winter container garden that seems to have been covered in newly fallen snow. Lastly, add some glittering LED lights and a homemade snow day! sign to complete your winter container garden. I hope this year brings plenty (but not too many!) of wonderful snow days for your fairy garden. To create charming small landscapes for containers or your yard, miniature gardening provides miniature plants, accessories, fairies, garden equipment, and dollhouse furniture. The imaginative fairy garden created by miniature gardening and storytelling bring out the childlike spirit in all of us. Every small miniature garden scene you design is a picture of a fantasy that is full of mystery and intrigue.

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