It is incredibly beneficial to the health of everyone to ensure that the body receives an adequate amount of oxygen. There are a variety of meanings that may be attributed to the word oxygen. Ozone gas, hydrogen peroxide liquid, and oxygen gas are the three most frequent forms of hydrogen peroxide. O2 makes up oxygen gas. On this planet, it is the most prevalent type of oxygen that can be discovered. Due to the presence of two oxygen atoms, it is a molecule that is stable. If you want to utilize it for healing, you should be aware that it is quite yin, which is a factor that creates complications with its use. A. B. The formula for ozone gas is o3. This type of oxygen is less stable than others. Due to the fact that it is far more yang, it is significantly more suitable for general usage than oxygen. In the course of electrical storms, it is created naturally, and it imparts a clean and fresh odor to the air. The following are some of the ways in which it may be manufactured by machines: 1. Using a spark gap, the machine pushes air through the gap. Corona discharge is the name given to this particular procedure. It generates ozone in the same way as lightning does its task. Despite the fact that this technique is widely employed, the product that it generates is not as pure. 2. The apparatus conveys air across a bulb that emits ultraviolet light. Because it is more difficult to operate, this approach is used less often. 3. In order to produce medical ozone, more expensive equipment begin with a tank containing pure oxygen, which is then passed across an ultraviolet light bulb. Although this results in a more pure ozone, I do not feel that it is required in the majority of situations. I.e. hydrogen peroxide liquid. The formula for the chemical is, h202. An antiseptic solution that is diluted to a concentration of three percent is offered in pharmacies and is used to eliminate germs that are present on the skin and in other areas. For the purpose of cleaning and disinfecting houses, farms, and other locations, a solution that is far more concentrated, consisting of 35%, is available for purchase on the internet. cautionary notes on oxygen 1. In the language of macrobiotics, pure oxygen is considered to be highly yin. Pure oxygen is not something that we encourage utilizing because of this reason. Oxygen in its purest form is more yin than ozone. 2. One often experiences a kind of exhilaration or a high after being exposed to pure oxygen. In addition to being extremely addicting, this is frequently misunderstood as being beneficial to one’s health. However, it is not a better health; rather, it is a yin high, which is similar to the high that one experiences as a result of drinking alcohol or using some narcotics. Please take caution. 3. To keep a flame going, pure oxygen is required. The fact that it must be handled with caution in the presence of open flames, cigarettes, gas stoves, and other similar items is still another reason why we do not suggest it. The flammability of ozone is lower. Four. another. It is possible for breathing in pure oxygen to disrupt regular respiration. In hospitals, for instance, when patients are placed on pure oxygen at times when they are unable to breathe properly, this is the only place where this is a concern. If you breathe in an excessive amount of ozone, it may cause your lungs to get irritated. The reason for this is often due to the fact that it causes some recurrence of chronic respiratory illnesses, which the majority of individuals have. When one adheres to a development program, this issue will eventually disappear after some time has passed. 35% hydrogen peroxide is very corrosive and should be handled with extreme caution. Later on in this text, this topic will be covered. What function does oxygen play in our bodies? Oxygen is extremely necessary for the survival of all living things. To manufacture ATP, also known as adenosine triphosphate, animal bodies make use of oxygen in each cell in their bodies. In turn, this is used for all of the activities that occur inside the body, ranging from digestion and evacuation to thinking and movement. This is the most important function that oxygen serves in the body. In today’s world, it is extremely typical for people to experience low oxygen levels, which may lead to fatigue and a reduction in the synthesis of energy inside their cells. This results in the body being unwell, with cancer being the most significant illness that is related with oxygen deficiency. The advantages of oxygen and oxygen therapy for a wide variety of medical illnesses, including cancer, infections, strokes, cardiac rehabilitation, burns, and many more, are so extensive that whole textbooks have been published on the subject. These are the primary factors that contribute to low oxygen levels in our bodies: 1. There is a little deficiency of oxygen on these planets. This is something that will be argued by some, but a significant number of medical professionals are of the opinion that all people might need more oxygen than the earth can produce. The use of automobiles and the phenomenon of global warming are unrelated to this. At this point in time, this is just the way that the ecology of the world operates. 2. Less oxygen is often present in the air that is found in urban areas and other polluted surroundings. The reasons for this are as follows: 1) the presence of oxygen-burning vehicles, industries, and even people; and 2) the presence of fewer trees and other plant life in areas that are mostly paved over and covered with structures, as is the case in the majority of cities. As a side note, this may be one of the reasons why criminal activity, drug addiction, and sickness are often more prevalent in urban areas. As a general rule, they are not as healthy as other regions, and this is partially owing to the lower quantities of oxygen that are there. 3. practices that include holding one’s breath or inhaling in a shallow manner. There are millions of individuals all around the globe who engage in these behaviors on a regular basis. Not only can stress, fear, anxiety, and concern cause your breathing to become shallow, but they also lead you to develop the habit of physically not breathing as much or holding your breath. In example, young women may have extremely poor breathing patterns. One of the reasons for this is that a. The wearing of high-heeled shoes, belts that are too tight, and even certain types of undergarments may make it difficult to take deep breaths. Additionally, trousers and other garments that are too tight might make it difficult to breathe. Always wear clothes that is loose and unrestrictive so that you may breathe without restriction. A. B. There are some people who do not want their stomach to move in and out when they breathe, and as a result, they only breathe using the top half of their lungs, which is not enough. When breathing, always do it with the belly, as is typical for infants. I.e. In addition, the fact that some women do not want to expose their chests while they breathe is another factor that leads to shallow breathing. I.e. Fear, which may be experienced by both men and women, causes breathing to become restricted. Four. a lifestyle that is characterized by inactivity. Individuals who do not engage in any kind of physical activity are often the ones that have the poorest breathing patterns. Exercise is a significant contributor to the delivery of oxygen to the cells of the body. Workouts do not have to be taxing on the body. During a nutritional balancing program, it is advised that only light and moderate forms of exercise be performed. Exerting oneself vigorously consumes an excessive amount of energy, which might be better used for the purpose of healing. Additionally, a lot of individuals are so fatigued that going through strenuous exercise makes them much more exhausted, and in certain situations, it may even be harmful. This is the sole kind of exercise that we encourage, and that is walking. Five. The posture is bad. The practice of bending down and rounding the shoulders to an excessive degree causes the chest to become compressed, which inhibits the chest from being able to fill with air when breath is taken in. One of the most common reasons for poor breathing, often known as shallow breathing, among some individuals is this. For example, physical weakness brought on by dietary imbalances might be a contributing factor in poor posture. copper imbalance, which may lead to kyphosis and scoliosis for certain people. not wanting to give the impression of being very tall. undesirable habits of sitting or driving, for example. Trauma, particularly sexual trauma, is a concern. – collisions and injuries sustained. 6. operating in situations with reduced oxygen levels! Some examples of these include working in closed office buildings that do not have any windows that open, inhaling recycled air in theaters, music halls, or any other location, or working in close proximity to equipment that consumes oxygen, such as gas stoves, furnaces, and other similar devices. There are a lot of individuals who work in stuffy offices, for instance, and they do not comprehend the reason why they feel so exhausted at the end of the day, and some of them even feel dizzy or sick. Windows in buildings should be able to open to a broad degree so that a sufficient amount of fresh air may enter the building. Unfortunately, this is not the way that the majority of buildings are constructed in today’s world in an attempt to cut down on the expenditures of heating and cooling. 7. lung and bronchial issues are present. One’s lung capacity is often diminished as a result of these, which are quite prevalent. In millions of individuals, the lungs and bronchial tubes are affected by a wide range of illnesses, including chronic bronchitis, excessive mucus owing to food sensitivities, asthma, bronchiectasis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bacterial, viral, parasite, and fungal infections in the lungs, and many more including moderate to severe disorders. These are caused by pollution to a certain extent, but by no means are they all caused by pollution. 8. lack of oxygen. The term anemia refers to a condition in which the red blood cells that are responsible for transporting oxygen to the tissues are either impaired in quantity or damaged in some manner. A significant number of people are unaware of the fact that moderate anemia is extremely prevalent, particularly among young adult women who are menstruation, vegetarians, and those who suffer from chronic conditions. Copper poisoning is a main contributor to anemia in today’s society. There are just a few medical professionals who are aware of this reason, and as a result, millions of young women and vegetarians are given iron when the issue is really an imbalance of copper. Toxicity caused by lead, deficits in vitamins (such as B12, B6, and others), and other nutritional imbalances are also potential causes. Most individuals who suffer from anemia are not even aware that they have the condition. Nevertheless, their bodies are unable to provide an adequate amount of oxygen to the cells, which is a factor that leads to weariness and a much worse overall health. a 9. there are more diseases. The oxygenation of the body may be decreased by any sickness that affects circulation, hydration, or breathing. Some examples of such illnesses are muscular weakness, arteriosclerosis, Reynaud’s syndrome, dehydration from any source, sympathetic dominance, and others. Other blood illnesses, in addition to anemia, have the potential to influence the distribution of oxygen throughout the body. Adrenal tiredness might lead to breathing patterns that are less efficient. Many elderly persons have difficulty breathing for a variety of causes, including but not limited to weariness, poor posture, osteoporosis that affects the spine and posture, and maybe other factors. (10). smoking. In many cases, smoking causes serious damage to the lungs and results in a significantly reduced oxygenation. A. 11. there are further reasons. Inadequate hydration, decreased circulation for whatever cause, and even just allowing the body to get too chilly are all examples of symptoms that may be experienced. Because of this, circulation and respiration are both impairing, which in turn limits oxygenation. oxygenation in relation to circulation and hydration One of the most fundamental principles of oxygenation is that oxygen must not only be taken in, but it must also be transported throughout the body in a sufficient manner. To do this, proper blood circulation is required. When it comes to increasing circulation, moderate exercise, rebounding, and deep breathing are all useful. Deep breathing also helps enhance circulation to a certain extent. In addition, the use of any sauna on a regular basis, or at the absolute least a few times each week, is quite beneficial for circulation. In order to have optimal oxygenation of the tissues, it is necessary for the body to have appropriate hydration. Most individuals do not consume an adequate amount of water. In the event that spring water is either unavailable or too expensive, we suggest consuming three quarts of exclusively carbon-filtered tap water or spring water. By going to the website, you will have the opportunity to locate a nearby spring where you may acquire free spring water. Please stay away from any and all reverse osmosis water, since it does not seem to be as effective at hydrating the body. Typically, this is referred to as drinking water or purified water when it is seen at the supermarket. Alkaline water and other designer waters are also something I would steer clear of. Alkaline water should also be avoided at all costs. It is considerably too yin, and there may be additional harmful issues associated with it. Simple methods to increase the amount of oxygen you take in 1. Take a few deep breaths every day. On the scientific side of nutritional balance, this is an essential lifestyle component to consider. The statement is particularly applicable to young ladies, despite the fact that many elderly individuals have poor breathing owing to lung problems, weakness, fragility, and maybe a lack of physical activity. You may enhance your breathing by working on your posture, engaging in daily physical activity, adhering to a dietary balance program, and doing the following breathing exercise: • start by moving your abdomen outward as you breathe with your breath. This will cause the abdomen to become full with air. A book should be placed on your stomach while you are lying down if you are unsure whether or not you are doing this properly. If you breathe in, the book should move upward, and if you breathe out, it should go below. This arrangement should be maintained. The next step is to breathe into the sides of your lower chest while simultaneously pushing the sides of your ribcage outward. This will induce airflow in the middle of the chest. The third step is to elevate the upper chest and the pectoral region, which will cause air to be pumped into the upper chest. • You may begin again in the abdominal region and make an effort to bring it in as you exhale. Next, compress the sides of your ribs, and lastly, press down on the pectoral region, also known as the upper chest region. There are instances when this is referred to as the three-part breath. Within a short period of time, if you do this for fifteen minutes every day, it will quickly become a habit, and your breathing will undergo a significant improvement. Since there is no alternative to taking deep breaths, I would ask that you start doing this exercise and learn to do it all the time or at least the majority of the time. Whenever it is feasible, try to take a breath in via your nose. In addition to preventing your mouth from drying out, this will assist to humidify the air, and it may also boost the amount of oxygen that you take in. 2. live and operate in an atmosphere that is abundant in oxygen. This indicates that you should constantly have a window open a little bit for fresh air, that you should try to avoid stuffy workplaces and unhealthy air, and that you should attempt to live in the country or at the very least have a lot of green plants around you due to the fact that these plants continually produce oxygen. 3. Employ an ozonator or ionizer machine in your bedroom or at home, and if at all feasible, at your place of employment. The ozone that is produced by these fairly unusual air purifiers is completely safe, and they also offer a number of additional advantages. Ensure that the ozone control is set to at least half of its maximum setting while you are using this machine in your bedroom. A portion of the oxygen that is present in the surrounding air is converted by the machine into ozone or o3. As a result, the air in the room is able to take in a somewhat higher concentration of oxygen from the air outside, given that there is some ventilation present, such as an air duct, in the vicinity. Therefore, the machine is effectively drawing a little bit extra oxygen into the home or bedroom environment. Ozone is rapidly converted to oxygen in the lungs when you take in the combination of room air and more ozone. This results in an increase in the amount of oxygen that is present throughout the whole body. There are many who are concerned that ozone might cause irritation to the lungs. Occasionally, someone may claim that they are sensitive to ozone or that they do not enjoy the odor, which smells like the scent of a forest. If you find that the ozone is bothersome, you may simply reduce the quantity of ozone that the machine generates. Four. Drink water that contains oxygen. This is not a difficult task to do. The pitcher is a piece of equipment that oxygenates water so that it may be consumed. It only causes air bubbles to form in water. making use of an ozone generator. One more option for adding ozone to drinking water is to make use of an ozone generator. It is possible to utilize any ozone generator, at least in principle. After placing the output tube into a pitcher of water, wait fifteen to twenty minutes before drinking the water. This will enable the water to bubble through the tube. The capacity of drinking water to hydrate the body is improved by the consumption of oxygenated or ozoned water, which is an uncommon advantage of consuming these types of water. Indeed, this is a really valuable advantage. Some of our customers, for instance, have reported that they do not have to pee as often when they consume oxygenated water. Additionally, some individuals have said that they do not have to get up as frequently throughout the day or night in order to urinate. For some individuals, this may also help alleviate the discomfort of leg cramps. Over the course of many years, research has been conducted on the therapeutic use of oxygen oxygen treatments, which include the use of oxygen, ozone, hydrogen peroxide, and UV blood irradiation. They are not only beneficial in preventing cancers and a wide variety of other disorders, but they are also very easy, affordable, and safe. Oxygen treatments are less common among traditional medical practitioners since they do not entail the use of pharmaceuticals; hence, they do not contribute to the financial gain of pharmaceutical corporations. The majority of the time, however, they are a far superior alternative than medicines. Having said that, it is possible to overdo it with them, so it is important to use them sparingly. I am going to categorize the oxygen treatments into two categories: those that can be performed independently at home and those that need to be supervised by a medical professional. Ozone treatment is one example of home-based oxygen management. Because ozone is relatively inexpensive and because it is highly effective, ozone treatment is one of the finest methods to enhance the amount of oxygen that is present in the body. methods to utilize it are: 1. Through the purchase of an ozonator/ionizer air purifier, one is able to breathe in some ozone. 2. It is possible to consume ozone-infused water by purchasing a simple ozone generator and then placing the ozone output tube into a glass or pitcher of water for a period of twenty minutes. This will add ozone to the water that is being consumed. 3. In the rectum, ozone might be used. It is necessary to have an ozone generator as well as a canula or a thin tube that is inserted into the rectum in order to do this. This should be done for no more than three minutes at a time, and no more than two to three times a week. Four. There is also the option of adding ozone to a bath, sitting in an ozone-filled steam cabinet, or experiencing a sauna enclosure. Five. The topical use of ozone is another option. Oil that has been ozoned may be purchased. Consuming ozonated water or applying ozone to the rectum is more effective than this, although it is still acceptable. There are several businesses that offer ozone generators of varying sizes and types. The ones that are created to ozonate a hot tub typically cost approximately $125.00 in United States dollars, making them the least expensive. Hydrogen peroxide treatment uses peroxide baths. One may take a bath in which one has added between one and four cups of hydrogen peroxide that is of food grade and contains 35 percent of hydrogen peroxide. Do not take more than two baths every week since bath water is considered to be yin. In addition, hazardous substances that are present in almost all water sources today, even the purest water, may be absorbed by the body via the process of bathing. As a result, the use of an ozonator or ionizer machine is advised more than the use of peroxide baths. One might, on the other hand, do a succession of peroxide baths in order to rapidly increase the amount of oxygen that is present. In addition, they are wonderful for getting rid of sexually transmitted diseases. Take a look at the baths on our page for a lot more information on this spa. a. 1. Take some slow, deep breaths. One of the most effective and time-tested methods for increasing the amount of oxygen in the body is this. Read breathing for more information. 2. aeration. By drinking water that has been aerated, one may increase the amount of oxygen that they take in. It is oxygen, not ozone, that will be added to your body by this. In order to complete the process, you will need to purchase a basic air pump from a pet supply shop or online. In order to aerate fish tanks, they are used. Put the air tube in the bottom of a pitcher of drinking water and let it sit there for at least fifteen minutes. This will cause the amount of air in the water to significantly rise, which includes the amount of oxygen. When there is a bubbler attached to the end of the air tube, it will function more effectively. This is often a little rock that has a large number of holes in it, which allows air to circulate through it. There are other pet boutiques that sell these items. oxygen-based operations performed in the doctor’s office: 1. The administration of intravenous ozone or intravenous hydrogen peroxide. With regard to cancer in particular, they are quite beneficial when carried out appropriately. 2. air that is hyperbaric. The term hyperbaric oxygen refers to oxygen that is subjected to pressures that are higher than the typical atmospheric pressure. The treatment is performed while the patient is seated in either a metallic or inflatable chamber. As a result of the operator pumping oxygen into the chamber at pressures that are many times higher than the ambient pressure, the body receives a greater quantity of oxygen via the lungs and the skin. However, in order to enjoy this treatment, one must first climb inside an oxygen chamber. For a variety of reasons, including the promotion of wound healing, post-operative care, stroke rehabilitation, and other purposes, it is made accessible in some hospitals and burn centers. It has the potential to remedy these diseases. This is a drawback, however, since oxygen treatment is considered to be yin. The use of ozone treatment is superior in most cases. 3. workouts or exercises that include oxygen treatment. A few holistic physicians provide this treatment, which is a relatively straightforward method. The patient participates in the exercise by either walking or running on a treadmill while breathing in pure oxygen via their nose, or by sitting on a stationary bicycle and pedaling. This may significantly boost oxygenation in a way that is both safe and affordable. Again, however, pure oxygen is extremely yin, which is a drawback, particularly when it is used for an extended period of time like this. Four. The amount of oxygen in the blood is increased by UV blood irradiation. In most situations, this is an incredible treatment that is offered by a select group of holistic physicians for the treatment of cancer and infections. After removing a little amount of blood from a vein, the sample is then exposed to UV light for a limited period of time. After that, it is reintroduced into the body of the patient. Compared to pharmacological treatment, this is a considerably safer alternative that may be helpful in treating a variety of diseases and infections. Be sure to keep things cold while dealing with 35% food grade peroxide, as suggested by other issues. When the bottle is subjected to heat or direct sunlight, the pressure inside of it will increase, which could result in the contents of the bottle exploding. Undiluted peroxide at a concentration of 35% will result in a transient burn on the skin. Ensure that it does not come into contact with your eyes or mucous membranes. While working with it, gloves are strongly recommended. Immediately flush your eyes and skin with a big amount of water if you accidentally get peroxide on your skin or in your eyes. The use of a direct solution of 35% peroxide in or on the body is not recommended. not to be consumed. As was just indicated, there are some individuals who suggest putting a few drops at a time into a glass of water. It is not safe in my opinion to do this. Because 35% peroxide bleaches and creates holes in nearly everything, you should exercise caution when it comes to your clothing, furniture, and other items. Other applications for 35% food-grade peroxide Hydrogen peroxide has a wide range of applications, the majority of which are associated with the elimination of germs of all sorts. Utilizations in the food industry include the following: a) add a capful of 35% hydrogen peroxide to a bowl of water and soak fruits or vegetables in the solution for ten minutes to destroy mold and germs. Following the opening of a container containing milk or cream, add half a teaspoon and shake it well. This has the potential to further prolong the milk’s expiry date by up to one month. 2. cleaning applications: a) for bacteria-free laundry, add one ounce of the product to each load of laundry and wash it on the cold cycle alone. A cleaner look may be achieved by spraying dishes, glasses, and cutlery with the product. c) Spray a little amount inside the refrigerator to eliminate mold and smells in a risk-free manner. Mould and smells may be removed from sinks, toilets, bathtubs, showers, and other areas of the bathroom by spraying a little amount of the solution. g) Spray a little amount on the floors to eliminate mold, bacteria, and unpleasant smells. A) Spray a solution with a concentration of three percent on both indoor and outdoor plants in order to eliminate certain molds and germs. c) To eliminate weeds, use a solution that is 10%. c) make use of in swimming pools, ponds, and hot tubs in order to disinfect them without the intervention of chlorine, bromine, or any other harsh chemicals. The amount that is required may be found on the internet, along with instructions. It is possible to remove certain food stains from sinks and pots by using peroxide at a concentration of 35%. e) Pour a little amount of peroxide that is 35% concentrated down drains in order to remove obstructions that have been produced by a buildup of hair, soap, and other substances. I have been advised that a good approach for using peroxide as a deodorant is to put approximately 3% peroxide in a spray bottle and spray it beneath the arms, allowing it to dry on the skin. This is the fourth aspect of personal usage. Should it be necessary, spray one more throughout the day. It’s possible that this is just as effective as much more luxurious and costly deodorants that are available in shops. Be sure to dip your toothbrush into a little amount of peroxide before brushing your teeth. after that, brush as usual. This will leave your mouth feeling extremely fresh, destroy all of the germs that are present in your mouth, tooth, and gums, and whiten your teeth a little bit. Do not be frightened if the peroxide causes the gums to become somewhat irritated and for the peroxide to froth up. This is a typical occurrence. It is important to exercise caution while using peroxide since it has the potential to irritate the gums in some individuals. In order to prevent the transmission of diseases, it is recommended that toothbrushes and other personal care goods be soaked in peroxide. This will destroy bacteria, viruses, and other hazardous organisms. (d) Apply a little amount of the spray to bites, wounds, scratches, burns, and bruises. The wound will be cleaned without causing any injury, and this will avoid infection. It is natural for it to hurt a little bit, but it will hurt. e) To eliminate germs and maintain the water’s freshness, add one ounce of a solution containing three percent to the water dishes and baths used for dogs. 5. When traveling, a) combine a few drops of the antibacterial solution with all of the water that you drink. b) It is a straightforward and risk-free medicine that may be brought along for the purpose of treating wounds, bruises, bites, scrapes, wherever else, and even while camping. Prior to the invention of oxygen concentrators, anyone who want to breathe in a greater quantity of oxygen were required to purchase cans of pure oxygen. Not only is this expensive, but it is also inconvenient since the bottles are not just enormous but also heavy. Oxygen concentrators are a more modern technique of acquiring more oxygen. Although ozone generators and hydrogen peroxide are two compounds that break down to release some oxygen, oxygen concentrators are a more recent method of obtaining more oxygen. The machines in question are able to take a certain amount of oxygen from the air in the room and then pump it via a little tube that may be inserted into a person’s nose, for instance. These devices are able to plug into the wall. In places like hospitals, nursing homes, and other establishments where oxygen is required but oxygen bottles are difficult to use, they are used as an alternative. In conclusion, bio-oxidative medicine is a method of providing holistic medical treatment that is gaining popularity due to the fact that it is straightforward, relatively affordable, and in many instances highly successful. Particularly in the field of cancer treatment, it will undoubtedly expand in the years to come. I hope that everyone will make it a priority to take deeper breaths, improve their lung function, circulation, and hydration, refrain from smoking anything, and maybe install an ozonator or ionization air purifier in their homes so that they can easily enhance the amount of oxygen that is present in their bodies. When it comes to mending the majority of illnesses, the use of ozone and other forms of oxygen is also quite effective. 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