There is a plethora of tragic tales, catastrophes, and other topics that are not only difficult to take in, but also difficult to just watch on the news. There will be a tale or video clip that will flash over the waves of the worst acts that humanity has ever committed, similar to a shooting star or a wonderful glimpse of the odd firefly on a lovely summer night. These are the types of tales that ignite the deepest parts of the human heart, which, while being deeply buried and numbed, contain the qualities of hope, compassion, and the better nature of good people. The finest things that people are capable of doing, as opposed to the worst, have the potential to move us to tears, inspire us, or re-warm us. A town in Alabama called Prattville, which was established in 1839 and was named after Daniel Pratt, an entrepreneur and architect, is where the narrative starts. The town of Autauga, which is famous for its enormous cotton gin that is situated by the Autauga Creek, was well-known as an industrial hub until very recently. However, a little kid called Josiah Duncan, who is only five years old, has just brought the town front and center once again. When Josiah’s mother, Ava Faulk, took her five-year-old son to dine at a nearby Waffle House, he saw a homeless guy sitting in front of the restaurant. This prompted him to ask a lot of questions about the man. He wanted to know all there was to know about a homeless person, even where he would store his food if he did not have a place to live. Once Josiah had finished listening to his mother’s responses, he proceeded to urge that his mother should get him a supper. She gave her consent, and the guy was given permission to enter the restaurant. During the time that Josiah was assisting the guy with his order, his mother reassured him that he could have as much bacon as he desired with his bacon hamburger. During the time that the homeless guy was being given his dinner, Josiah made the decision that he should offer a prayer of thankfulness to God. At that moment, he shouted out his blessing at the top of his lungs for everyone in the restaurant to hear. Josiah’s mother said in a video that the prayer that Josiah offered brought tears to the eyes of almost all of the customers who were there at the Waffle House on that particular day. On May 17, 2015, the tale of Josiah was shown on WSFA TV-12 in Montgomery, and it has since been broadcast around the country on a variety of news channels, including network and cable news stations. The action of Josiah Duncan, which was completely unplanned and unaffected by any external influence, serves as a lesson to the whole world. There were other people who entered the same restaurant on that day and saw the homeless man as well; however, only this young boy, who possessed an angelic sense of perception and did not have any pretensions, saw him with a concern and curiosity that reflects something that we may have all lost a long time ago. The innocence that we are so certain our children need to get away of as quickly as possible is precisely what caused this young guy to see what only innocence can still perceive. Exactly this sort of action is what enables us to comprehend the reasons for what Christ stated in the next passage. The Lord says, “Take attention that you do not disdain any of these little ones; for I say unto you that in heaven, their angels do constantly view the face of my Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 16:10) This is likewise a lesson that concludes with a question that is of utmost significance. It is a question that was presented by a little kid who was only five years old and had no prior understanding of politics, social concerns, or legal affairs; nonetheless, it is the question that everyone considers to be the most significant question that has been asked in the whole previous generation. Why has the United States of America killed 55 million unborn infants since 1973? Furthermore, how many Josiah Duncans may have been among those who were present? Is it possible for us to bear the loss of such angels? Do we not require this kind of humanity? And lastly, what gives us the confidence to believe that when we all re-imagine the face of God as children do for the first time, we will be able to provide an explanation for the cruel punishment that has been inflicted upon these innocent individuals? Forget about the question “Are you brighter than a fifth grader?” and get on with answering a question that is far more essential. This question was provided to us by a little kid from Alabama who was nice enough to send it to us. “Are we more compassionate than a kid who is five years old?” If not, then what are the reasons for this? A little boy approaches his mother and asks her to get a meal for a homeless man (video) Since the year 2005, Michael Bresciani has been serving as the publisher of American It is because of the articles and reports written by Reverend Bresciani, as well as the contributions of some of the most talented writers and journalists in the United States, as well as the news and reviews that the website has acquired the moniker of “The Website for Insight.” His timely reports and writings have been published in print and online journals and magazines and have been read by millions of people all over the world and nationwide. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter .

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