I used to use the UWAMP local server exclusively for years, and while I still enjoyed it, I had to look for other options because UWAMP is not evolving and updating correctly in a timely manner, which is troubling. I tried WAMP, XAMP, and some others. For those who are unaware, these are internal local servers built with the PHP programming language, MySQL database, OpenSSL for SSL support, and Apache web server for the Microsoft Windows operating system. Then I found LOCAL (yes, that is the name) server. LOCAL may install WordPress automatically as many times as you like and create as many accounts with web pages as you like. You can check out more about LOCAL here: localWP.com

LOCAL may be run locally on your PC, or if you choose the advanced option, it can be run remotely from your PC to the World Wide Web. It is completely free. It should go without saying that Local is both a fantastic concept and an incredible piece of technology. I am using it to test my ideas before uploading them to an online server.

I would like to know if it is possible to install phpMyAdmin on LOCAL server. Please let me know if you know how, or even if it is feasible at all.

I’m grateful.


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