The Christmas video song is often seen to be the easiest of them to be evaluated. The fact that these videos are not in the least bit commercial and do not seek any kind of particular recognition is the reason why only fans are featured in them. Nevertheless, Vincent Poag’s Christmas music video is a little offbeat in its presentation. The nicest thing about the video is that it does not make any attempts to make people smile merely because it is Christmas. This is by far the finest aspect of the film. Rather, it explains the purpose for celebrating Christmas at this time of year and how to do so. It’s not your typical Christmas music video from 2015; instead, it’s got a groovy vibe and a little irreverent tone, combining all of those jolly elements into one cohesive whole. To tell the truth, this time it is different from the standard Christmas carols that Vincent Poag has written, which we are familiar with. It doesn’t even make an attempt to be seductive, yet it still manages to be really alluring. putting on a show: the video makes an attempt to reflect the actual reality that we live in. It holds up a mirror in front of us and reflects how we have made our attractive face appear filthy through the filth of intolerance, prejudice, greed, and wars. This highlights how we have made our pretty face look dirty. On the other hand, it never really attempts to blame us for the same thing, nor has it taunted us in any case. It makes an effort to represent that which strikes us as most significant to emerge. In point of fact, it illustrates all of the qualities that we want for ourselves. Once again, it demonstrates that there is an abundant supply of pleasure all around, highlighting the foolishness of our failure to seize it. To tell you the truth, from a poetic standpoint, this is the finest work that Vincent has ever given to the public. Especially noteworthy is the fact that the very final sentence, “and for a present may I suggest, for christmas lets be friends,” sounds almost like a slogan. The voice of the vocalist carry throughout the whole of the song a pleasant undercurrent of sincerity that is perfectly realized. Vincent has done an excellent job, instrumentally speaking, of keeping it from being too exuberant. Kudos to him for the way he has integrated the guitar works while keeping things extremely basic and in a manner that goes well with the genre of the tune. kudos! When it comes to the video portion, it’s such a well-put-together package that one would watch it several times even if it were muted. This film is around two minutes long and has the potential to make you feel a rush of adrenaline and want to give someone a hug, therefore breaking down walls of prejudice. It’s kind of like a short film that won an award. To tell you the truth, a critical assessment of the musical elements that are included in the video would not do the video justice. It’s the desperate and humbling plea we all have deep down inside of us to have a family. In conclusion, all that can be stated is that Vincent has an irreplaceable Christmas present for every single person on the whole planet. It’s a Christmas video from 2015 that you just have to see. Please click on this link to see the happy Christmas song video if you would need additional information.