A overview of the news about Fiberstore: moratel deployed bti’s “metro network solutions” and “ethernet business service solutions” to build multi-service networks for indonesia’s largest mobile operators. bty systems, the leader in software and networking that enables content and service providers to capitalize on trends in cloud computing, mobility, and internet video, announced today that pt mora telematika indonesia (moratel) has deployed bti’s metro networking and ethernet business services solutions to create a multiservice network for indonesia’s leading mobile operator. moratel is the country’s largest mobile service provider. This deployment, which will span all the way from Pekanbaru to Singapore, will act as a model for similar systems that will be implemented in the future in six additional cities around Indonesia. bti collaborated on the rollout with a local partner company called pt interprima indocomm. Moratel is a supplier of wholesale telecommunications infrastructure. It was founded in the year 2000. Moratel, which has its headquarters in Indonesia, provides services to tier-1 carriers, such as the leading mobile operator in the country. This operator wanted to develop a multiservice network that could handle ethernet, sdh/sonet, and dwdm all on the same platform, and moratel was able to fulfill this need. Moratel decided to work with bti on the project because of the company’s cutting-edge, scalable solutions. These solutions enable multiprotocol packet and optical services, are very simple to learn, and can be deployed very quickly. “Throughout the whole of the partnership, bti has shown quick delivery. We need to go live in a short amount of time, and bti worked with us and provided excellent support all throughout the holiday season, making it possible for us to meet the timeline that our customer had requested “The general manager of products and business development for moratel, syarif lumitarjo, made this statement. “Additionally, the client sought solutions that were scalable and dependable, which is precisely what bti provides. These solutions also allow for easy expansion and interaction with current equipment. We are looking forward to expanding the use of bti’s products to a number of more locations as well as maintaining a productive and mutually beneficial cooperation.” The bti 7000 series is an intelligent networking infrastructure system that is small, flexible, and simple to use. It is the central component of bti’s metro networking solutions. It converges the packet and optical layers, which results in simpler administration, quicker provisioning, and a faster time-to-service. Other benefits include huge scalability, a flexible infrastructure, and better reach. in addition to a pay-as-you-grow business model. Users are able to readily generate new business prospects with the help of the bti 7000 series, and then profit on those chances. “we are excited to be working with a true telecom infrastructure and services pioneer, and for helping establish a network benchmark for future deployments,” said fahim sheikh, vice president of sales for bti in asia pacific. “we are excited for the opportunity to help establish a network benchmark for future deployments.” “we look forward to maintaining our close working relationship with moratel as they go into the subsequent stages of this multiple, multiservice rollout.”

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