Many online businesses have begun to implement sweepstakes campaigns on Facebook in order to increase the number of followers they have and the amount of publicity they get. This post is an absolute need for you to read if you are someone who enjoys winning free stuff. One would be surprised to learn that there are a great number of sweepstakes available, each of which offers a reasonably high probability of winning. Simply like a page and entering your email address is all that is required of you to participate. Please have a look at the following list of Facebook sweepstakes campaigns that I especially enjoy: presentation including audio and visual entertainment in Toronto Nothing is more annoying than subwoofers that are so weak that they make all of the bass notes sound the same. A true subwoofer should be able to create a bass that is deep, tight, and articulated to a high degree. In light of this, the Toronto Audio Video Entertainment Show (taves) has collaborated with SV Sound in order to provide a subwoofer to a fortunate winner. The sb-1000 model will be awarded to the ultimate winner. To be eligible for this giveaway, all you need to do is fill out the form that is provided below; it is that easy! Petapixel is the winner of a Sony Alpha A7 worth $2,000 A free Sony Alpha A7 mirrorless camera with a 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 lens is being given away by us. This camera has a worth of $2,000 already! 3.chinavasion want to be the lucky winner of a quad-core Android TV dongle! What do you think of watching YouTube on your large-screen television? alternatively you might utilize your television to engage in activities such as playing games, listening to music, and chatting on Skype. All of those things can be done on your television if you have this quad-core Android TV dongle. On your television, you can use this quad-core, 8-gigabyte memory, 2-gigabyte RAM Android 4.2 TV dongle to accomplish a wide variety of things, such surf the web, view YouTube, log in to Facebook or Twitter, play angry bird, and much more. if you want us to come out on top, move quickly! shops owned by Sam Ash You have the opportunity to win a Fender® Dimension Bass if you enter. the only music that comes from Fender® and Sam Ash! A fortunate winner will get a PlayStation 4 launch edition, while another lucky winner will receive an Xbox One console with the day one edition. pro is giving away both of these fantastic prizes. Enter to win here, courtesy of ac pro! Congratulations! What are some ways that I might increase my chances of winning? simple. It is imperative that you inform your friends about the sweepstakes. When you accomplish that, the majority of campaigns will provide you with additional entries. It is imperative that you read the terms since each campaign has its own unique tally. In conclusion, which Facebook sweepstakes do you like participating in the most? Write a comment and let me know whether you are interested in the sweepstakes that are listed above. Moreover, please let me know if you think that I have overlooked a decent one. thanks. I will include it in this post if I find it to be helpful.


Therefore, you have decided to establish a band, and you are about to do your very first concert. Isn’t it exciting? Despite the fact that this may be the case, a significant number of bands encounter challenges when they first begin playing live. In the event that you are not adequately prepared, you run the risk of being disheartened when things do not go as planned and your band does not get the reception that you want. For the sake of enhancing your live performances, let’s go over some suggestions that you may use. If you want your band to be successful before they take the stage, one of the most crucial things they can do is conduct practice. It is not necessary for you to rehearse the original music that your band has created; you can go online and locate guitar chords and tabs to your favorite songs in order to improve your playing of instruments. It is possible to obtain free tabs for guitar players on a variety of websites; thus, you should explore around and select tunes that you will look forward to practicing. There is no need that you perform the music precisely as it is written, even if you rehearse using the music that your band has composed. If you want to grow better at your instrument, one of the ways you may do it is by experimenting with it. However, you should make it a goal to concentrate rather than merely fiddling with the strings. Before you go out and put on a concert, you should try experimenting with the arrangement of the song and searching for the one that sounds the best. There is a little bit more to it than simply showing up and performing, even if it would seem like bands are just going to turn up a few days before the event. Your participation is required in order to have a successful show, which needs communication and preparation on your side. Additionally, prior to the performance, your band will be required to produce a stage plan in addition to an input list. When your band is on stage, the stage layout will display how your band is set up, while an input list will reveal the microphones and lines that are required for your performance. Before the day of your event, your band should make sure that all of their equipment is in good working order by doing a thorough inspection. Additionally, you need to make certain that the strings on your guitar are recently replaced and properly tuned, that the drum head is in excellent shape, and that you have a sufficient supply of wireless batteries. In order to ensure that you have sufficient time to set up and pass over your stage plot and input list on the day of the event, it is imperative that you come as early as possible on the day of your band’s gig. Once you have finished setting up your equipment and have had a conversation with the production personnel, you should tune your instruments and be ready for a soundcheck immediately. In order to prevent the amps from drowning out the rest of the band, the volume should be adjusted to the optimal level. Also, you need to take into consideration the level of the monitor mixers, since they have the potential to damage the sound for fans who are seated in the front row. Because there are some musicians who prefer to carry their own microphone, it is important to make sure that the band does a brief soundcheck to verify that every member is heard appropriately. Having a fantastic performance requires a significant amount of preparation, to put it simply. You need to practice often, making advantage of the free tabs that are available online for guitarists; however, you should make sure that any guitar chords and tabs that you use for practice are transposed correctly. It is also important for your band to have all of the pre-show information and equipment so that you are aware of what you are dealing with. Please visit if you would like to get further information on the most accurate guitar chords and tabs that can be found on the internet.


My allergy to red wine is a mystery to me. What is it about red wine that causes me to have an allergic reaction? Due to the fact that they do not experience any adverse responses while drinking white wine, the majority of individuals come to the realization that they are allergic to red wine. For some people, drinking red wine might result in headaches, and it can also cause their face to go red. I’ve even picked up on the notion that drinking red wine might lead to congestion. I would want to make it clear that I do not suffer from an allergy to red wine; but, as a sommelier, I often encounter queries or concerns about red wine allergies. An allergy to red wine is said to be caused by tannins, according to some individuals. Although it is often believed that tannins are the source of red wine allergies, there are two increasing hypotheses that vary from the hypothesis of tannin-allergy. These theories include sulfites and histamines. There are a few theories that explain why individuals feel they have red wine allergies. Sulfites are a kind of preservative that is used in the production of wine, and it is thought that it is possible to have an allergy to sulfites. There is a tendency to detect more sulfites in red wine than in white wine. This is due to the fact that the process of making red wine might be longer and/or more involved. Having said that, it is widely accepted that sulfites are present in the majority of wines. There are even sulfites that may be detected in beer. I don’t really buy into the theory that sulfites cause red wine allergies because it seems like if you were allergic to sulfites, you wouldn’t be able to drink either red or white wine. However, if you are allergic to sulfites, then a lower presence of sulfites can probably mean that you are less likely to get an allergic reaction (if you are allergic to sulfites). In my opinion, the explanation that makes the most sense is that the individual is allergic to the histamines that are found in red wine. There are histamines found in grape skins. To explain, histamines are a substance that certain people in the human population are allergic to. In the event that you are sensitive to pollen, dust, or other allergens, you are allergic to certain histamines. This is the reason why there are medications for allergies that are referred to as “anti-histamines.” Considering that I am a sommelier and not a scientist, I am certain that there is a far more comprehensive explanation of what histamines are. Because of the presence of histamines, I believe that red wine allergies are caused by histamines. After pressing the juice, the skins are allowed to rest for a considerable amount of time, during which they absorb the color of the grape skin. This is the reason why red wine is red. Now, the skins of grapes include histamines; hence, if the juice that is squeezed for red wine ferments along with the skins, this indicates that the juice is absorbing everything that is contained in the skins, which would include histamines. Assuming that you are allergic to red wine, you may want to do a little experiment. Before consuming red wine, you may want to consider taking an antihistamine. Nevertheless, be sure to check the label to ensure that it is safe to consume! sincerely yours, – present-day sommelier


How to construct a business plan that is of really high quality If you are a student of business, you will be expected to have strong writing abilities in the area of business plans. As part of your business capstone project, you will be required to submit a comprehensive business plan in addition to completing coursework and group projects at some colleges, such as WGU. for the purpose of evaluating your business knowledge and ability to synthesise and integrate the many disciplines that you have studied in your degree. Considering that a business plan has to be able to replicate situations that occur in the real world, it is imperative that you take into account all that you need to accomplish in order to be successful while you are developing a business plan. If you are the owner of a firm and a leader, you will constantly be required to raise money. Moreover, you are not going to abdicate this responsibility to anybody else. You will be required to present your business ideas to investors who have a significant amount of money. Having outstanding business plan writing abilities is necessary in order to persuade investors to provide you with the funds you need in order to expand your company. For this particular scenario, the potential investor that you will be trying to persuade to donate funds is going to be your professor. According to the business plan writers at professional writing service, the following information should be included in the style of a solid business plan: study of the market, executive profile, and description of the firm service or product line that focuses on organization and management a request for funds for marketing and sales, together with financial estimates How well do you know how to develop a plan for a business? If you want to be able to produce an exceptional business plan, you need to have a comprehensive understanding of the firm, including the marketing, financials, strategy, and management components. If you are not knowledgeable about any of the factors, you will not be able to produce a business plan that proves the feasibility of the firm to potential investors. Because of the research that has been done, it has been discovered that there are inexpensive business plan writers that aid students in writing excellent business plans for their projects and assignments. Here are some pearls of knowledge on how they do this: Make it clear to the investors that there is a market for your product. The beauty of your product or the technical qualities of your product are not something that investors are interested in. Instead of investing in firms that are driven by technology or services, they choose to put their money into market-driven businesses. Demonstrating to them that there is a demand for your product and that you are capable of generating sufficient sales and profits is your responsibility. Show these educated individuals the advantages that your product offers to its customers. Last but not least, your presentation has to demonstrate that there is interest in the market; be sure to prove your statements about the industry. the requirements of your potential investors should be addressed. Following the completion of a compelling argument for your market penetration, you should proceed to generate financial estimates. To assess whether or not investors will be interested in evaluating your enterprise, predictions are used. Additionally, predictions serve as a guide for them when they make commitments and determine the price at which the money will become accessible to you. Show them how they will be able to cash out by making all effort possible. In order to illustrate how investors will sell their shares, your strategy has to demonstrate this. They are interested in knowing if you intend to sell the firm at some time in the future, consider taking it public, or purchase their assets. You have a very good chance of winning if you have a product that is common in a market that has already been established and if you also have a management team that is capable. Your company’s business should be reflected in your business strategy. It is not possible to succeed by selecting a template and then filling in the gaps. There is a common understanding among investors that a plan is a condensed version of the fundamental components that constitute a venture. You should concentrate more on the substance of your paper than you do on the format while you are creating it. Make certain that your strategy thoroughly addresses each and every facet of your business endeavor so that investors may make a judgment based on accurate information. Bear in mind at all times that the owners of capital do not place a great deal of importance on the attractiveness of your product or paper. The only thing that interests them is whether or not your company concept is really viable. Show that you are capable of assisting investors in making money, and they will allow you to retain their money for the time being. Do you have a product that is well received by the market and has a market that has been established? Do you have the appropriate individuals to assist you in carrying out your plan? Develop a package for your concept that would appeal to potential investors.


Introducing Dr. Rakesh Khera to the audience It is the responsibility of Dr. Rakesh Khera, Director of Urologic Cancer Surgery at Medanta Medical Center in Gurgaon, to offer patients who have urologic malignancies with complete care. It was at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in New York, United States of America, as well as at the most prestigious urological cancer facilities in the world, that he gained his knowledge. Having a wealth of expertise spanning 23 years, he is one of the few individuals of his type who can provide information and assistance about issues related to urology and andrology. The best urologist in Medanta Gurgaon is mainly concerned with providing the highest possible level of patient care by using the most cutting-edge treatment technologies, together with a profound human care and compassion. Surgeries for urologic cancer are being performed by a famous uro oncology surgeon at Medanta Medical Center in Gurgaon. When you are diagnosed with urologic cancer, you need the most cutting-edge medical treatment. Dr. Rakesh Khera, Ph.D. In the field of urologic cancer care, the leading urologist in Medanta Gurgaon provides patients with a complete range of the most cutting-edge treatment options available today. He is committed to maintaining the quality of lives and offering exceptional care based on individualized treatment programs for each and every individual who is adversely impacted. This is Dr. Rakesh Khera. medanta medicity offers the most cutting-edge medical skills in a setting that places an emphasis on humanity, compassion, and care for patients. It is possible to treat ninety percent of urological cases: R. Khera, Dr. Rakesh Rakesh Khera is a urologist who works in Gurgaon. He is known as Dr. Khera. It is now the case that he is employed as an assistant director of urologic cancer surgery at the medical facility known as Medanta, which is located in Gurgaon. Over a thousand robotic and laparoscopic surgical operations have been carried out by the leading uro oncologist in Gurgaon, who has a wealth of expertise stretching back over a period of 23 years. This is Dr. Rakesh Khera. The “belly-button,” practically scar free surgery (less), and single incision laparoscopic surgery (sils) procedures have made their debut at Medanta Hospital. Medanta Medical has initiated these procedures. The best urologist in Medanta Gurgaon is a highly competent and very professional urology medical expert who provides each patient with superior urological care that is accompanied by compassion and appreciation. He has established a solid reputation in the treatment of these and other urologic problems by using cutting-edge technology and the most recent information to each individual case. This has allowed him to build a solid reputation in the field. Every one of Dr. Rakesh Khera’s patients receives treatment that is both extremely compassionate and forward-thinking, as provided by Medanta Medicality. He is also credited as being a pioneer in the use of urine diversion and minimally invasive cystectomy. dr. rakesh khera, an economical urology surgeon in Medanta Gurgaon, is widely known as the greatest urologist in the nation, providing complete urology services. He is renowned for his superior care, correct diagnosis, and the most effective treatment of urological illnesses. Through his knowledge, he is assisting hundreds of international patients in locating economical and high-quality medical treatment in India. His objective is to ensure that you recover in a healthy and speedy manner on a one hundred percent basis so that you may return to your regular schedule as quickly as possible. The best urologist in Medanta Gurgaon technique involves carrying out a comprehensive diagnosis by doing a comprehensive examination of the problem, which is then followed by the formulation of a treatment strategy. The therapy that is provided by Dr. Rakesh Khera Medanta Medicality is rather inexpensive; the cost of these treatments is around one fifth to at least one eighth of what it is in western countries. When compared to patients in the United States and the United Kingdom who get comparable therapy, the cost of urological treatment that he provides is sixty to eighty percent lower. Dr. Rakesh Khera may be reached via the India Laparoscopy Surgery Site Group for consultation. Once you have come to the conclusion that India is the best location for your urologic cancer treatment, the next most essential question is which hospital you will choose. During the process of selecting medical surgical treatment away from your home, we at India Laparoscopy Surgery Site Group are here to answer any and all questions that you may have and to assist you in making an educated selection. If you want to have your urologic cancer surgery in India, we will provide you with the greatest bargain that we have to offer. First and foremost, India Laparoscopy Surgery Service will establish an appointment for you with Dr. Rakesh Khera of Medanta Medical. This will make the whole procedure much simpler. Because we were persistent and consistent, we were able to provide the pleasant services to a large number of patients who were satisfied with our work. Simply click on this link to get free guidance, a quotation, an invitation to apply for a medical visa, and support with every stage of your treatment in India. a medical report may be sent to the following address:, or calls can be made to the following number: + 91-9373055368 .


Id for brake service in boise Welcome to Brake Service Boise, Idaho, where they have been caring for high-quality automobiles and trucks for more than sixteen years. Providing vehicle repair and maintenance services to their consumers in bois is something that they take great pride in. They make it a priority to do the sort of service that results in us feeling satisfied about recommending them to our friends and family. It makes no difference if we are locals to Boise or simply traveling through; they will happily supply all of the essential vehicle repair services for us. The technical concerns that have been presented will be resolved by our automobile brake service boise id auto repair professionals when we bring them in. They will also restore the dependability and reliability that we anticipate from the operation of our vehicle. Therefore, drop by their car repair shop, and they will demonstrate to us why they are regarded as one of the most reputable auto repair businesses in the Bonneville area. While the clients are waiting for their vehicles to be repaired, the employees at brake service boise, Idaho provide them with a number of different alternatives to choose from. They give service to the shopping center or the house, as well as maybe a restaurant in the neighborhood, the airport, or even the movie theater that is located nearby. Along with that, they provide low-cost automobile rentals via the business rental company. When we go to their location, they make us feel at ease by providing us with waiting areas, comfortable outdoor chairs, and a connection to the internet. For your convenience, the vehicle repair business known as brake service boise id is situated in the city of boise, Idaho. the company’s quality certified technicians are equipped with the most recent automotive technology and are able to handle any major and small car repair services on local and international automobiles. The following is a list of some of the many auto repair services that they provide: electrical, wiring, and electronics; battery replacement and service; anti-lock brake service and diagnostics; computer diagnostics; electrical and wiring issues; replacement of interior and exterior lighting; testing of the battery system; routine maintenance and tune-ups; air filters, fuel filters, oil, lube, and filter service; and more. The services offered by brake service boise id include mechanical repair, the repair or replacement of vehicle engines, diesel service and repair, clutch repairs and replacement, and other similar services. They will provide a facility that is capable of repairing both local and international automobiles. They take pride in the devotion of their traditional clientele, which is mostly comprised of older persons and women. Since its founding, brake service boise, Idaho has had annual growth of almost twenty percent on average. They increased the size of the cove in their shop in order to handle the expansion of both the company and the workforce. The work force at brake service boise, Idaho consists of an ase certified technician, five highly trained technicians, and the writers who provide services. The shop is outfitted with the most up-to-date diagnostic equipment available. They specialize in the servicing and repair of air conditioners, as well as the diagnosis and repair of drive-ability issues, as well as repairs for light-duty diesel engines in trucks. Replacement components manufactured by the original equipment manufacturer are utilized, unless the client specifically requests something else. Using the brake service boise id and on demand repair and estimation software, the shop management system is automated and controlled. This may be accomplished via the use of the program.


The hsc coworks is a premium hsc tuition service that offers regular face-to-face tutoring, weekend study sessions, hsc study bootcamps, and mock trial tests to students residing in Mosman and Bondi Junction as well as those residing in the regions around these two neighborhoods. The hsc coworks is a premium hsc tuition service that offers regular face-to-face tutoring, weekend study sessions, hsc study bootcamps, and mock trial examinations to students residing in mosman and bondi junction as well as those residing in the regions around these two neighborhoods. The hsc coworks is a premium hsc tuition service that offers regular face-to-face tutoring, weekend study sessions, hsc study bootcamps, and mock trial examinations to students residing in mosman and bondi junction as well as those residing in the regions around these two neighborhoods. The hsc coworks is a premium hsc tuition service that offers regular face-to-face tutoring, weekend study sessions, hsc study bootcamps, and mock trial examinations to students residing in mosman and bondi junction as well as those residing in the regions around these two neighborhoods. The hsc coworks is a premium hsc tuition service that offers regular face-to-face tutoring, weekend study sessions, hsc study bootcamps, and mock trial examinations to students residing in mosman and bondi junction as well as those residing in the regions around these two neighborhoods. The hsc coworks is a premium hsc tuition service that offers regular face-to-face tutoring, weekend study sessions, hsc study bootcamps, and mock trial examinations to students residing in mosman and bondi junction as well as those residing in the regions around these two neighborhoods. The hsc coworks is a premium hsc tuition service that offers regular face-to-face tutoring, weekend study sessions, hsc study bootcamps, and mock trial examinations to students residing in mosman and bondi junction as well as those residing in the regions around these two neighborhoods. The hsc coworks is a premium hsc tuition service that offers regular face-to-face tutoring, weekend study sessions, hsc study bootcamps, and mock trial examinations to students residing in mosman and bondi junction as well as those residing in the regions around these two neighborhoods.


There are many individuals that cook on a variety of different levels. Cooks who are not professionals prepare meals at home for their loved ones and friends. Dining establishments use experienced chefs to prepare meals for patrons and persons of high social position. You should find the advice in this article helpful, regardless of the degree of cooking you do or the people you prepare for. When preparing meats or fish, one of the things that you will need to be aware of is that you need to ensure that the seasoning is distributed uniformly over the surface surfaces. If you add an excessive amount of spice to a single part of your dish, it may weaken the flavor or cause it to have a sour taste, both of which will bring down the overall quality of your dinner. You should wait a few minutes before serving a piece of food that has been cooked in the oven. This will allow the food to cool down and become more tender. It is the last thing you will want to do if you serve any component of your food that is overly hot, as this will damage the whole quality of the meal for the individual that you are serving. Take the guesswork out of the process of decreasing liquids now. In the event that a recipe instructs you to cook the liquid until it has been reduced by a certain quantity, you should indicate the depth of the liquid by dipping the handle of a wooden spoon into the liquid. A line will be left on the wooden spoon as a result of this. You will be able to determine how much the liquid has truly decreased by dipping the spoon once again at a later time. In the event that you are cooking pasta, it is essential that you do not add an excessive amount to the pot. Because of this, your meal will not be cooked all the way through, and it will have a flavor that is quite raw and thick. To get the most out of the flavor and quality of the pasta, you should strive to restrict the quantity that you put into the pot. Dressing the salad is one of the worst things that you can do if you are hosting a large party. It is one of the worst things that you can do. The salad will likely go mushy after a while due to the fact that it will be left out for a considerable amount of time. Instead, provide a selection of dressings for folks to pick from and put them out here. In order to determine whether the oil is really hot enough and ready for the meal, you should glance at the surface of the oil. It has reached the appropriate temperature when it is no longer fully smooth and has the appearance of shimmering. When oil is left to overheat, it really begins to break down, producing chemicals that are unpleasant to the respiratory system, and it will start to smoke, therefore it is important to know when to say when! If you are going to fry a food, you should use long tongs to put the item to the oil before you fried it. The meal should be held just below the surface of the oil for about five seconds before being released. When a meal is placed in oil in this manner, the outside of the food will be sealed, and it will be less likely to adhere to the pan. For the purpose of preventing nuts from sinking to the bottom of the pan, it is recommended that you first quickly roast them in the oven and then sprinkle some flour over them before using them in a cake. By applying heat and gently dusting them with flour, you may prevent the nuts from falling out of their place in the cake mixture and lessen the possibility that they will settle before the cake is finished baking. Make an effort to prepare a supper on a Sunday that will allow you to consume the leftovers throughout the week. By way of illustration, on a weeknight, you could create a sandwich out of any leftover roasted beef that you have saved. Not only does this relieve you of the burden of having to cook, but it also helps you avoid wasting food, which is a significant benefit. Cooking is a multifaceted activity, as was said before. Cooking is a vocation that is performed by professionals in restaurants for clients and prominent individuals, while amateurs cook at home for their families and friends. Regardless of your skill level or the people you are preparing food for, you will be able to cook to the best of your ability if you use the advice in this article.


After a long time, I finally had the opportunity to go to Dubai with my family, which included my wife and our children. I had the most incredible trip of my life, and it made a significant impression on me. I would want to go back to that location as part of my holidays since I missed out on so many opportunities to appreciate it due to a lack of time. Dubai is home to a number of attractions, some of which I was able to experience during my time there, and I believe that this is the reason why everyone who has been there must wish to return and take pleasure in their time there. There were many things that I loved doing in Dubai, but the dhow cruise that I took was the one that I found to be the most impressive. These days, the dhow cruise Dubai services are gaining a fantastic name among tourists for the straightforward reason that being on the sea on a boat provides you with an unforgettable experience. It is also the case that the majority of individuals choose this route because of its reasonable cost. The Dhow Cruise Dubai is often comprised of boats that are both strong and traditional in nature. These vessels were constructed by Arabs who were fishermen and gem divers. Once upon a time, it was not used for the purpose of entertainment; but, in later times, it was utilized for traveling at night in conjunction with the delectable supper. When my family was also there, it was a really pleasant experience to enjoy a wonderful supper that included numerous items that were served on water plates. In all honesty, it was a floating café that served as a source of elegance and allure throughout my vacation. Our excursion on the dhow cruise in Dubai lasts for two hours, and during that time, I saw a considerable number of newlywed couples who were on their honeymoon, as well as business travelers and groups of friends. My family and I were able to create some memories that will last a lifetime thanks to the perfect setting. The dhow ride in Dubai provided us with an incredible opportunity to get a better understanding of the city’s remarkable features. Throughout the course of our journey, we discovered that it was the ideal entryway for some pleasure, amusement, and satisfaction. Without a shadow of a doubt, Dubai is without a doubt one of the most exotic places on the whole planet. Because of its wonderful locations to visit and its impressive skyscrapers, as well as its lively atmosphere and superb surroundings, the location has become a highly sought-after destination throughout the holiday season. When we rented a boat in Dubai, it made our trip far more enjoyable. We were unable to leave the food table because of the delicious meal that included a variety of delicacies. Furthermore, the delight allowed us to forget about all of the troubles that we face in our day-to-day lives. The experience that we had at this location was one that was relaxing, pleasurable, and magnificent. During our trip to Dubai, in addition to the dhow cruise that we took, we also got the opportunity to go fishing in Dubai, which made our trip even more amazing and fun. While we were enjoying our fishing trip in Dubai in a more comfortable and luxurious manner, we were welcomed by the magnificent water and the colorful seafood that it contained. The services of al wasl, a travel organizer organization, were used by us in order to ensure that our vacation would not be marred by any form of issues. We found it to be satisfactory in terms of the high-quality services that are accessible at whatever time of the day or night they are offered. Is there anything that you are anxiously waiting for? Get started on this incredible holiday and experience the breathtaking beauty of the location with the person you care about right now.


For prompt release, reach out to Will Fantle at 715-839-7731. The FDA food safety rule homepage is crashing just before a crucial deadline for public comments People and organizations are unable to provide input as the deadline of November 15 approaches. — Cornucopia asks for a prolongation cornucopia, wit: To guarantee meaningful public feedback on the FDA’s proposed food safety regulations, family farm and consumer activists have been working for weeks ( Currently, the government website that acts as a channel for public feedback on food safety is unavailable, broken, or flat out rejecting comments. Will Fantle, codirector of the Cornucopia Institute in Wisconsin, states that this is potentially disenfranchising thousands of farmers and consumers, and is flat-out unacceptable. Like many other groups around the nation, we have been working for months to increase public knowledge of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and the proposed regulations created to execute it. We have heard from several of our members that they are unable to submit their views in time for the public comment period, which ends on November 15, since is down. Congress approved the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) in late 2010 in response to public outrage over years of food poisoning incidents linked to harmful fecal infections that affected imported goods, peanuts, spinach, melons, sprouts, and sprouts. However, local and organic family farms are burdened with costly and needless preventive measures by the FDA’s proposed regulations, which are better suited for hazardous industrial processing and distribution networks. Moreover, a health management plan for industrial-scale feedlots and livestock facilities—the main source of many fecal-generated pathogens—is not addressed in the proposed regulations. This message is being reported by a number of users who have visited the FDA’s comment portal for the two dockets located at!documentdetail;d=fda-2011-n-0921-0199 and!documentdetail;d=fda-2011-n-0920-0188: We are working to restore full operations as soon as possible, but we are experiencing temporary technical difficulties. Over the last several weeks, people from the public have been reporting this message on occasion, and it now seems that this is the default scenario for everyone trying to visit the homepage. In other instances, residents have allegedly been told to submit any comments they may have made again, and in November, other website users received a notice stating that planned system maintenance was underway and would be finished by August 6. We feel it is incumbent on the FDA to fix their webpage problems immediately and then extend the public comment period for another 30 days thereafter, given this ongoing barrier to public comments, Fantle said. Cornucopia officially sought the extension in a letter dated today that was sent to Michael R. Taylor, the deputy commissioner for foods at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These regulations have the potential to force many small-scale farmers out of business. They, along with the customers who purchase their produce, should be given a voice so that the FDA can implement the necessary changes. The public comment platform run by the federal government has encountered issues before. Cornucopia has previously reported that similar problems with website accessibility have been experienced by people attempting to provide input on proposals that impact the national organic program of the United States Department of Agriculture and its National Organic Standards Board. Those observations have been explicitly communicated to policymakers by the agriculture policy group at public meetings. However, not much seems to have changed. Fantle said, We plan to submit a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request this time to inquire about the issues related to the FDA’s food safety comment page mishap. We would like additional information regarding the nature of this issue and whether it was caused by a government contractor—possibly even the same contractor or contractors involved in the scandal involving the government’s health care website. -30- Furthermore, the government’s website remained down this morning after being unavailable all day on Monday, November 11. Please refer to the current action notice at on the Cornucopia Institute website for advice on how to provide comments by mail. Visit to read the entire story with photos… The Cornucopia Institute is devoted to research and teaching that upholds the ecological and economic truths that underpin organic and sustainable agriculture. The Cornucopia Institute conducts research and investigations on agricultural and food problems in order to provide family farmers, consumers, good food movement partners, and the media with the necessary knowledge.

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