Feng shui is a discipline that may be recognizable to you, as is some of the symbolism that is linked with the eight different trigrams. Each “trigram” is connected to a particular area of the body, a color, an element, a member of the family, and a certain orientation. Every one of these trigrams is represented by a set of three lines. The literal meaning of the term “trigram” is “three lines.” In order to portray the one-of-a-kind trigram and direction, the lines may either be broken or solid and in a certain sequence. For example, the qian trigram consists of three solid lines that are piled on top of each other and is connected to the region of the northwest (the post-heaven sequence) as well as the role of the father in the traditional Chinese family structure. The three broken lines that make up the kun trigram represent both the post-heaven sequence in the direction of the southwest as well as the figure of a mother. I don’t even know where to begin with “post-heaven sequence.” Some of you who are reading this are already familiar with what this signifies; but, for the benefit of others who are not, let’s just explain that there are two different versions of the trigrams based on the directions that are related with them. There is something that is referred to as the “pre-heaven sequence,” and it is used for various forms of understanding in a feng shui study. Additionally, it is the arrangement of the eight trigrams that is considered to be the “most mysterious,” when a person examines these ideas. These identical three-lined symbols are paired together to make what are called “hexagrams.” And it is the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching that are indicative of deep and mystical wisdom that believers seek when they turn to the I Ching for inspiration. This is because the I Ching was written in the Shang Dynasty. We may say that the i-ching, which is also called yi jing, is an ancient oracle or book of divination that is intimately tied to the basics of feng shui. Other spellings of the book include yi jing. Even the compass used in Chinese Feng Shui has a ring on it that may be used to identify each of the 64 hexagrams. When I was first trying to decide if feng shui was really my destined professional calling, I threw the coins to do the simple calculations on the energy that was assigned to the timing of my question. When I threw the coins, the energy that was assigned to the timing of my question was exactly what I had been looking for. the response that came to me after consulting the I Ching? I was given hexagram number 55, which translates to “feng.” This hexagram represents the coupling of two trigrams: fire below and thunder above (the zhen trigram) (li trigram). It was a deeper level of irony. It’s possible that this is the same thing as randomly opening a book to a chapter title that reads “you are already doing what you are supposed to do” while you’re trying to figure out what you should be doing with your life. You could think that the trigrams and the I Ching have no relevance to the present world, but when I first started learning about Chinese metaphysics, a friend gave me a book that discussed the trigrams and how they relate to dna. We do not know who or how many persons were responsible for the discovery of these mathematical connections in the beginning, but it is certain that this discovery occurred over extended periods of time and after careful study of the cycles that occur in nature. The current uses and interpretations of the trigrams are leading to the development of further trigram-related ideas. The eight trigram theory is very useful and accurate, and it may be used in a variety of contexts to facilitate positive change for individuals. As an example, the zhen trigram is connected to the position of the oldest son and the direction of the east. If the floor plan of a home is lacking the east section, it may be more challenging for a couple to have a son if they are trying to conceive while living in that home. If a family moves into a home that is lacking the east sector, it is possible that the oldest son in the family may have some difficulties or that his health will be affected in some way. If there is anything wrong with the east part of a home or if it is in poor maintenance, such a crack in the foundation, this might also be harmful to the oldest son in the family. The more you study the trigrams, the more you will realize that they are a reflection of our lives and how we live them. Kartar Diamond is a professional in feng shui who has been practicing since 1992. He received his training in the traditional method. kartar diamond is a professional feng shui consultant and educator. She has worked professionally with thousands of customers and has instructed tens of thousands of pupils in the art of feng shui. This is her full-time career. Kartar Diamond is the author of a number of books, ebooks, and other types of educational software. Visit www.fengshuisolutions.net to learn more about Kartar’s worldwide consulting services and teaching methodologies.