Article 1 of the 7-part realitysculp series is available here. When knowledge is lacking, individuals will try to make up for it in whatever way they can. Sometimes the source of this knowledge is the product of careful investigation; other times it is the product of speculative thinking. Those in positions of power cannot afford to let this happen in any scenario if they want to keep their hold on power. The unseen world 2015 Nobody on the planet would like the idea that their conduct, activities, or even their thoughts themselves might be controlled to an extreme degree. But as the twenty-first century begins, human liberty is, on the whole, at its lowest point in recorded history. Because it goes against the years’ worth of schooling, political philosophy, and television shows that many have seen, many people may disregard this piece as ridiculous. Reading about what may be the biggest moment of their new lives, for those who are brave enough. why? because everything in our world is flipped. The ideas I want to convey to the reader are that almost all significant truths in our society are the antithesis of what most people think to be true. I’ve read the writings of many truth seekers who have traveled farther down this path of discovery over the last several years, and many of them have amazing insights to impart. The majority of truthers try to jolt the public out of their slumber by stunning them with facts that defy the prevalent and widely held beliefs, but although this sometimes succeeds, it usually fails miserably. Despite being well-written and rationally structured, these endeavors often fail to assist others in understanding the reality of the world. I soon discovered there were two sides to the problem. First, most people are not as conceptive as they might be. The best way to describe conceptiveness is as being open to learning new ideas and seeking to comprehend them. This is not the same as the widely used phrase open-minded, whose meaning has been perverted by propagandists. These days, being open-minded means accepting drastic lifestyle changes that are thrust upon you by people in authority without question or without exercising judgment. Conceptiveness, on the other hand, necessitates the use of judgment and critical thinking when assessing novel ideas. The second concern is the extent of a person’s reality. Information outside the bounds of reality is beyond the capacity of the human mind to understand and comprehend. As I’ll demonstrate to you later, this fact is also used to manage the population. The best way to define reality scope is as the accumulation of all the ideas and information that a person is aware of or can imagine. Please keep in mind that what defines a person’s reality is their understanding of and capacity for imagining ideas, not their agreement with these ideas. A human cannot understand and comprehend knowledge that is beyond the bounds or scope of their reality, as was previously established. A person must thus make a decision when exposed to knowledge that is beyond the realm of reality. the option to disregard the knowledge and focus their attention elsewhere, or to broaden the boundaries of their reality in an effort to understand it. This decision is based on the importance that the option is believed to have for the person making it. But as this conversation will demonstrate, a person’s perception of value is derived from their world view, or, to put it another way, their overall comprehension of reality. Furthermore, this conversation will demonstrate how the media and educational system, which are controlled by a small number of people whose objective is to govern, give the masses their worldviews. Therefore, the true problem of reality scope is to demonstrate the immense importance of this information and comprehension to a human living in a worldview that seeks to undermine the merits of any thought along these lines. In fact, people understand deep down that going down this route would be, at most, unpleasant and maybe quite harmful. A mindcage is a psychological condition in which a person’s capacity for creativity, learning, and spiritual growth is constrained to an extent that authorities find beneficial. Being mindfree refers to a psychological condition in which an individual chooses to pursue limitless intellectual, spiritual, and imaginative growth while acknowledging the presence of authoritarian and self-imposed mental prisons. really while everyone values their own personal freedom and free choice, very few people really realize that these things were taken from them a long time ago. The main cause of this is because most people are unaware that mindcages exist, and even those who know often don’t realize it affects them personally. I have chosen to aim my efforts in a different path than other truthers as a result of this discovery. I’ve dedicated myself to the mindfree trip and made an effort to record the specifics of my discoveries in the hopes that others would find value in this experience. You have to acknowledge that you are in a mindcage before you can find a way out of it. A person can never guarantee that they are never controlled unless they accept that psychological locks and controls exist in order to confine people to a mindcage and have an awareness of how this prison operates. Though this is a self-evident statement, most Americans seem to have decided that those whose hearts lust for wealth and power are better suited to protect and preserve our free will. Let’s face it, not everyone has the potential to become president. A particular kind of person must have a strong sense of dedication and substantial financial resources to rise to such a position of authority. But the average American thinks that someone who receives hundreds of millions of dollars in funding from business and the rich people who own those businesses would somehow make the interests of the common person their top priority when they run for office. Do people genuinely think leaders in business and the affluent are idiots? Would you give away a sizable portion of your savings to someone who might later restrict your ability to live your daily life or reduce your income? This is the first instance of an inverted world. The majority of Americans think they live in a democratic society, while those who are more knowledgeable think we live in a republic. The illogical belief that prevails in both situations, however, is that the politicians chosen and backed by the wealthy elite represent the people and not the individuals who paid to put them in office. More crucial to think about is why the majority of Americans would accept as true a notion that deviates so drastically from reality. Why do Americans often see as mentally sick anybody who poses such issues or those who want to protect their right to privacy and self-determination? The explanation for these questions’ simplicity is that the ruling class finds value in these attitudes and points of view. if a person was to be worried with attaining and keeping their own free will then what they need to do is to grasp the mechanics of the human process that translates the facts or information we get into the actions we perform. free thought lies at the core of all freedom, without this a human is a slave to the wishes of another person and doomed to existence in a mindcage. whereas our wild human predecessors enjoyed free thinking as readily as breathing air, in our contemporary society we have been born into a hierarchy where we have been educated to believe the thoughts and aspirations of others are our own. to become free, we must first acknowledge the fact that we live inside a mind prison, then we learn how to reclaim control and safe guard our mental processes so that the ideas we have and the acts we perform are actually our own. initially, i dubbed the complicated process that takes information input and changes it into our ideas and actions the perception, instinct, emotions, thoughts, and behavior (piftb) cycle. nonetheless, time and experience has showed me that the cycle actually starts with the information we get. people, like to animals, live to a considerable degree in a reactive way. what this implies is that our everyday life is one of getting a steady stream of data inputs from the five senses and via the piftb cycle this data develops the attitudes and behaviors people express. Whilst this statement indicates that, to a certain degree, people seem to be slaves to the facts they are given, particularly in situations that necessitate an instant response, understanding of the cycle and application of critical thinking may puts us back in charge. going forward this process data, perception, instinct, feelings, thoughts, and behavior (dpiftb) cycle will be called as the realitysculp cycle. comprehending the realitysculp cycle is crucial since the cycle may be purposefully changed with tremendous success at numerous places. the information required to manage and steer this cycle has been a hot area of study for the rich elite, companies, governments and their social engineers for many decades. A person can only escape their mental prisons and lead a mindfree life if they possess an equivalent or greater comprehension of the reality trap cycle. Many groups, think tanks, and foundations have developed many efficient techniques for manipulating free will that have been used to a gullible populace for at least 50 years. Recall that the cycle starts with the data that is received and concludes with the actions of the general public. The essential things that define what it is to be human—thoughts and perceptions—lie between the start and finish marks. When our ideas, perceptions, and behavior are controlled, people become nothing more than creatures to be used as labor for a master. Realizing that one’s own ideas and conduct may and have been adapted to fit the demands or desires of another person is perhaps the most unsettling realization of all. A person who is ignorant of the reality-scrap cycle is doomed to live as a farm animal for the ruling class. If someone doesn’t find enough value in this to decide to broaden their perception of reality, then I have to conclude that they really deserve to live as a beast of burden within a mindcage. As we spoke about when I originally shared the cycle’s synopsis, I began with perception. In fact, the cycle would start at perception in a world where we get our information directly from a pure environment, unfiltered or altered by anybody else, much like our free predecessors in the past. Still, much of the knowledge in our environment comes from second-hand sources. edited, framed, and screened by the five main media source owners. Not only does someone else choose the information we get, but they also choose the situations in which it is presented. Think about what it implies for a second. Controlling the content and context of the information that people get is obviously one of the most important elements in making sure that they act in a manner that pleases their master, since the reality-scrap cycle begins with the data that is received and ends with the individual’s conduct. Bob Jones writes on topics that are at the heart of our existence and is committed to raising awareness of the significance of events that have a significant impact on the security and quality of life of the average person. Rather than presenting a list of titles or literary honors, Jones applies common sense and reasoning to concepts and events that the general public is being kept ignorant of through education and the media. In addition, he publishes a website devoted to ending human suffering. Click the link to read more articles, or go to to see our other articles. linked articles: self-awareness, media control, and free thinking.