Chapter 19 of Joseph Sugarman’s The Adweek Copywriting Handbook is, in my view, one of the more intriguing portions of the book. In this chapter, you will learn 31 psychological strategies that you can immediately use into your emails and all of your other marketing efforts in order to make them more appealing and convince your readers to make a purchase from an organization. Some of the strategies that he discussed are as follows: 1. sincerity 1 To tell you the truth, this shouldn’t even be on the list; it ought to be a matter of course. However, I suppose it is necessary for him to bring it up since there are still individuals in the world who sell their enterprises in a manner that is both dishonest and shady. When it comes down to it, those kinds of individuals will always be there. However, if you are truthful with your audience, you will already be ten steps ahead of them without even trying. 2. connections between people I will show you how to become an email titan, and this is the most important thing that any businessperson should be concentrating on. I will also tell you how to achieve this. Speaking with a real person is significantly more appealing to people than communicating with a nameless corporation. The use of storytelling is one of the most entertaining psychological strategies that can be used. Whenever I send an email, I always make sure to include this particular element. To attract the attention of your audience, to amuse them, and to create connections with them, telling tales is an excellent method. fourth, consistency In order for your marketing efforts to be successful, consistency is an extremely important factor. Maintain a consistent email routine with your readers. you may do it once a week, three times a week, or even once a day. Your consistent presence in their inboxes will cause them to remember you, and they will always be happy to receive your emails, provided that they are of value, of course. I’m going to stop here since I don’t want to reveal too much of his lessons to anybody else. If, on the other hand, you are interested in reading the remaining 31 psychological strategies, you may get a copy of Joseph Sugarman’s The Adweek Copywriting Handbook by clicking on the affiliate link that I have provided below. in regard to the author: ellisen wang is a copywriter that specializes in email and is also the author of the book “how to become an email titan.” By signing up for an account at, you will have the opportunity to read the sample chapters of the book and get the knowledge necessary to compose email content that your subscribers will never get enough of and that will make them want to purchase from you. If you choose to sign up, you will also get daily copywriting, email marketing, and business ideas sent directly to your inbox for your convenience. You also have the option of reading through the blog and listening to the audios in order to be provided with more marketing information and training if you do not choose to opt in.