Verden er fuld af ord, sætninger, ytringer og taler. mens få af dem hænger fast i længere tid, er der lejlighedsvise eksempler på, at ord ikke bare er noget, der flyder ud af munden på folk, og at de kan skabe skelsættende historiske øjeblikke. for 50 år siden holdt martin luther king den berømte tale med sætningen »i have a dream«. og for at hylde borgerrettighedsforkæmperen bag de ord, der siden gik over i verdenshistorien, holdt den amerikanske præsident sin egen tale onsdag. på trappen foran lincoln memorial i washington talte barack obama på nøjagtig samme sted, hvor martin luther king holdt den tale, der blev skelsættende for amerikansk historie og racedebatten. »han tilbød samme vej til frelsen for de undertrykte, såvel som for undertrykkerne. hans ord tilhører historien og besad en kraft og en profeti, der ikke er set magen til i vores tid,« sagde præsidenten i sin tale onsdag. her reflekterede han desuden over kings arv, og han understregede, at manden, der står som symbol for opgøret med racediskriminationen i usa, og hans bedrifter, kensington parka herre ikke må undervurderes. martin luther king »gav en mægtig stemme til millioner af menneskers stille håb«, sagde barack obama i en hyldest til de mennesker, der trodsede intimidering og vold i deres kamp for lige rettigheder for alle. under marchen i august 1963, hvor martin luther king holdt sin berømte tale, deltog omkring 250.000 mennesker med forskellig racebaggrund med slagordet »lighed nu!«. og millioner fulgte med på tv, heriblandt den daværende præsident john f. kennedy. marchen banede vejen for civil rights act (borgerrettighedsloven, red.), som forbød racediskrimination, og et år senere fik sorte borgere også lovens ord for, at de ikke måtte diskrimineres i valghandlinger. »fordi de marcherede, ændrede amerika sig,« sagde barack obama fra trappen i washington onsdag. han fortsatte: »fordi de marcherede, ændredes byråd og statens lovgivende forsamlinger, og kongressen ændrede sig, og ja, i ??sidste ende, ændrede det hvide hus sig«. barack obama sagde desuden, at det vil være at vanære modet og ofrene fra de mennesker, der kæmpede for lige borgerrettigheder side om side med martin luther king, at sige, at tingene næsten ikke har ændret sig siden dengang. en række fremtrædende personer, der trådte frem på canada goose salg trappen foran lincoln memorial på årsdagen, herunder også barack obama selv, understregede imidlertid, at indkomstulighed, høj arbejdsløshed og en skrumpende middelklasse har gjort indhug i håbet om at opnå ligestilling for millioner af amerikanere. »at sikre de fremskridt, som dette land har gjort, kræver konstant årvågenhed, ikke selvtilfredshed,« sagde barack obama og tilføjede: »vi vil lide lejlighedsvise tilbageslag, men vi vil vinde disse kampe. dette land har også ændret sig meget«.


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The decision between a rifle and a scope is one that must be made by the majority of individuals who participate in shooting sports and hunting. Both of these activities need the use of specialized equipment. There are currently a great deal of rifles that are available to the public, but the thing that the vast majority of people look for is the ideal sight to go along with the rifle that they have. This, of course, necessitates a trip to either your neighborhood or an internet shop specializing in rifle scopes. The most challenging aspect of the process is when you are confronted with an overwhelming number of riflescope brands and models but have no idea how to compare them. When you finally get around to utilizing your fresh new scope, you will see that this scenario has become much more difficult. It is essential to have a solid understanding of how your scope operates in order to get the highest level of satisfaction. The first thing you need to do is pinpoint the purpose of the activity for which you will want the assistance of a scope. A scope with a lesser power would be sufficient for you to use if the distance at which you would be hunting is between fifty and seventy-five yards. If, on the other hand, you want to use it at distances more than 200 yards, the most important thing for you to do is to invest in a high-power scope that will bring your target considerably closer so that it is within an acceptable range for aiming. The 3x to 9x riflescope is versatile enough to be used in a variety of hunting situations. To put it another way, if you have a magnification of three times, the target would seem to be three times larger than it would if you were looking at it with your unaided eye. A target that, when seen with the unaided eye, seems to be just five inches tall would, when viewed through the scope, appear to be fifteen inches tall. Increasing the magnification will bring the object even closer, which will result in a much more distinct image. In addition, a riflescope is comprised of the following parts and pieces: 1. the reticle to include: – This is indicated by a plus symbol (+), and the point in the middle of the circle is where you should align yourself with the target. Some reticles have mil dots marked on them, which enable the user to make adjustments for factors like as wind that may have an impact on the accuracy of the shot. 2. Eyepiece: This component is where the ocular lens is housed. 3. The ocular lens is the lens that is located in the anterior segment of the eye. 4. eye relief: this refers to the distance that occurs between the ocular lens and your eye when you gaze into the scope. Eye relief may be adjusted by rotating the turrets of the scope. The greater this distance, the more accurate that scope will be. 5. eye bell: this component is responsible for holding the eyepiece in place 6. objective lens: this is the lens that is positioned at the other end of the scope from your eye, and it is the lens that is the farthest away from your eye. 7. power ring: this is the ring that allows you to control the amount of magnification. 8. alterations to the elevation: up and down 9. alterations to the windage: left and right When you are aware of these components and the distinctions between them, you will be able to make more informed selections about purchases.


I rusland mener regeringen åbenbart, at en bøsse kun er noget, man skyder med. sådan er det heldigvis ikke i danmark, hvor bøsser, lesbiske, bi- og transseksuelle i dag fejrer, at vi lever i et samfund, hvor vi har ret til at være forskellige og udøve vores seksualitet. copenhagen pride er en glædens dag – men selv på en festdag som denne gør det mig ked af det og vred at tænke på de love, der er blevet canada goose salg vedtaget i rusland, som brændemærker minoriteter og begrænser borgernes ytrings- og forsamlingsfrihed. helt konkret betyder lovene, at personer af samme køn fratages retten til adoption, ligesom alle og enhver kan idømmes bøder eller ligefrem fængselsstraf for omdeling – i ordets bredeste forstand – af information om ”ikke-traditionel seksualitet”. loven er et direkte overgreb på demokratiske værdier og menneskerettigheder, og står dermed i skarp kontrast til alt det, vi fejrer under priden i dag. så meget desto vigtigere er det, at vi sammen fordømmer putins homojagt, og udviser solidaritet med de russiske homoer, sådan som 10.000 danskere allerede gjorde det i tirsdags under en protestmarch i københavn. netop muligheden for at fordømme og demonstrere er blandt de vigtigste redskaber i den politiske værktøjskasse, når vi kæmper undertrykte minoriteters sag på fremmede territorier. i en kronik her i avisen afviste kristian køhler ellers i sidste uge, at hverken fordømmelse fra det internationale samfund eller demonstrationer hjælper de russiske homoer. naturligvis ville det letteste være, at vi bare valsede ind, hev lovene ud af putins bjørneklør og flåede dem i småstykker. det kan vi bare ikke. men vi kan netop demonstrere imod dem, kritisere dem, fordømme dem og påpege det uretfærdige, umenneskelige og usmagelig ved dem, og derigennem håbe på, at vi gennem en international koordineret protest kan presse russerne til at trække lovene tilbage. omverden har da også reageret med harme, hvilket har fået putins stikirenddrenge på banen med forsikringer om, at formålet med loven bestemt ikke er at diskriminere seksuelle minoriteter, men at beskytte børn og unge mod ”enhver homoseksuel propaganda”. hertil må jeg bare sige, at hvis det er sandt, at vejen til helvede er brolagt med dårlige undskyldninger, så bidrager den russiske regering i disse dage med nogle store, tunge sten. udenrigsministeren var heller ikke sen til at afvise de russiske søforklaringer, og proklamerede i stedet, at han agter at holde rusland fast på deres internationale forpligtelser, og ikke vil tøve med at bringe sagen for europarådet til september, såfremt loven ikke trækkes tilbage. i mellemtiden sender vi igen i dag en klar besked til putin om, at danskerne er villige til at gå forrest i kampen for homoseksuelles rettigheder. gennem stemmerne fra tusindvis af festglade mennesker i de københavnske gader, vil vi råbe, danse og larme så højt, at det kan høres helt til kreml, og på den måde markere vores støtte til de russiske homoer. selvom priden i år fokuserer særligt på støtten til de russiske homoer, må vi ikke glemme, at vi de senere år har oplevet en kedelig stigning i antallet af hate crimes mod homoseksuelle i danmark. så sent som i lørdags blev en ung mand udsat for grov vold og røveri pga. sin seksuelle orientering, og svævede efterfølgende mellem liv og død. det er et problem, som vi ikke må ignorere, og i sf agter vi fortsat at gå forrest i kampen for de homoseksuelles rettigheder – hvad enten det er i danmark eller udlandet. når det er sagt, så har størstedelen af de danske homoer det heldigvis godt. flere af dem har oplevet, hvordan deres rettigheder gradvist er blevet bedre siden 1989, hvor danmark som bekendt blev det første land til at indføre registreret partnerskab mellem personer af samme køn. efter at s-sf-r-regeringen er kommet til, har man igen set et danmark, der ligger langt fremme i kampen for homoseksuelles rettigheder – bl.a. med lovliggørelsen af homo-vielser, der også er en milepæl, som vi fejrer under priden i år. og netop priden peaker i dag! det bliver en formidabel folkefest. canada goose expedition dame parka lad os derfor stå sammen og hylde kærligheden og forskelligheden i vores samfund, og samtidig vise vores ubetingede støtte til de russiske homoer.


This show or will become a chance to overcome channel building problems for led enterprises, so that 2013 will become a new era in the growth of led. The Shenzhen international led exhibition will be held on July 3, and it will be the first event of its kind. led industry has accelerated in the second quarter, but this also means that the sector is still growing. Due to the fact that lead is still a relatively young business, channel construction needs further improvement. It is anticipated that led interior lighting would reach 55.7 billion yuan in 2013, representing a growth rate of 66 percent. This means that the output value will be more than landscape lighting and will become the biggest led application market segment. 2013 will be a more prosperous year for the domestic led lighting market, particularly in led indoor lighting, where there is a tremendous amount of room for the development of commercial lighting output; led interior lighting in 2013 is expected to reach 55.7 billion yuan, an increase of 66 percent compared to the same period; the output value will be greater than landscape lighting and become the largest led application market segments. And now that product costs, particularly those of led bulbs, have dropped to levels that are comparable to those of conventional lighting, the substitution impact in the led commercial lighting area, such as led flood light, will be significantly increased. This proposal has initially received the consent of the shenzhen municipal government, which also means that there will be “generous” to promote the led shenzhen industrial development in the next step. shenzhen semiconductor lighting industry joint innovation center will be set up in shenzhen by drawing successful model of the guangdong province semiconductor lighting industry joint innovation center. shenzhen semiconductor lighting industry joint innovation center will be set up in shenzhen. shenzhen semiconductor lighting industry joint innovation center will be This also suggests that more action will be taken to adopt led lighting in Shenzhen, and that the Shenzhen International LED Exhibition will also make an effort to promote the impacts of led lighting. li sida lighting www.lead-lighting.com is a led lighting company in shenzhen that is keeping up with market demand and public consumption levels to build low-carbon environmental protection technology. the leading peer professional led technology combining with the characteristics of products and customers using environment is to build more environmentally friendly and energy-saving led products. we have reason to believe that li sida lighting will not be denied for the 21st century low-carbon green lighting market. www.lead


Before you start delivering teleseminars, if there’s one thing I strongly recommend you to do, it’s to precisely identify both your area of expertise and your target audience. why? because you will have a higher chance of success if you have a better understanding of what your market wants and what you are equipped to supply. You are now in a stronger position to be able to deliver solutions via your teleseminars that are uniquely tailored to the requirements of your market. Do not for one second suppose that you are the only one who can provide all of the issues that are relevant to your market. You will have a greater chance of gaining credibility if you remain focused on your area of expertise and specialization, and if you collaborate with consultants who are exceptionally well-versed in a subject that your clientele find fascinating. There are several advantages to conducting teleseminars in which you showcase presentations from different specialists. 1. You don’t have to try to please everyone by being everything to everyone. In any case, doing so is completely impossible. 2. the fact that you are offering the most effective answer to your target audience unquestionably raises the bar for your credibility. 3. by hosting subject matter experts, you are establishing the groundwork for future possibilities to collaborate with them. 4. If you work with the proper professionals, you may significantly improve the number of people who opt in to your mailing list. 5. it relieves you of the responsibility of continuously producing material for your teleseminars. The truth is that the vast majority of specialists like the opportunity to be questioned by other people. However, you need to be ready before approaching them to be the featured expert on your teleseminar before you contact them. When someone plainly hasn’t done their study and then approaches an expert with a question, it’s quite frustrating. Make sure your follow-up is flawless, prepare what you are going to say ahead of time, and have something written down that clarifies what you are doing. Increasing one’s exposure in the eyes of prospective new customers is a major boon for the expert. They get even more exposure because to the marketing done before the teleseminar. Additionally, you have the option of providing them with the audio recording to use for their own promotional purposes. It is best not to invite a specialist to join you and then anticipate receiving assistance with marketing from them. particularly in the case where people who register will be added to your opt-in list. However, if you want to share the opt-in list with the professional, they could be eager to assist you in marketing your business; however, you shouldn’t expect that this would be the case. Above all else, make sure you’re conscious of the fact that a person’s level of visibility directly correlates to the amount of work they get. It is likely that you will be required to handle all of the specifics by working via their events manager or their va. This is considered to be the norm in the industry by many professionals. If done correctly, including some expert sessions in the mix of your teleseminar is a terrific approach to create a win/win situation for everyone involved.


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It is a truth that has been widely recorded that the concept of kit houses has captivated the imagination of the people in Australia in a significant degree. Now, the issue that has to be asked is why people in Australia are opting for it. There is no doubting the fact that it is difficult to identify the specific cause for it, but one thing is certain: if you look at the property market in recent years in Australia, you will see that the concept of kit houses has had a significant influence. In point of fact, there are a number of factors, including the following: cost, topography, adaptability of design, and friendliness to the environment, etc. just a few things to call out here. Let’s investigate the cost component of it together. Because of the ease with which it can be assembled, the cost of constructing a kit house in Australia is much lower than the cost of constructing a conventional home. This is due to the fact that anybody can construct a kit home without encountering any difficulties. Even in the event that you choose to have the builder handle it, the overall price will be lower for you. Why is this the case? because they will be able to produce it quickly, and as a consequence, the cost of labor will be on the lower side in comparison to the cost of constructing a typical house. The adaptability of the design is another feature that gives Australians with an additional reason to go for it, in addition to the cost issue. It is not surprising that the popularity of Australian kit houses is causing people in other countries to take note of it. It does not matter whether you are living in Australia or in the United States if you are planning for a kit home in that eventuality it makes sense to take care of certain things like, fixing the budget only after going through the site and design because it will help you to make a realistic budget, and if possible hiring an expert. If you are planning for a kit home, it makes sense to take care of certain things like, fixing the budget only after going through the site and design. When designing your home, you should always keep the future in mind. This means that you shouldn’t create anything that won’t appeal to people, because if at some point in the future you decide you want to sell your home, it will be extremely difficult for you to find someone who is interested in purchasing it. As human beings, we have a natural tendency to fantasize about constructing a house for our loved ones, and in order to realize this ambition, we are willing to travel the additional mile or two. In other words, we go ahead and get a mortgage without giving any thought to whether or not we will be able to make the monthly payment. as a result, many individuals are being forced out of their houses. Now the difficulty is what to do since I want a house but at the same time, I don’t have the type of money that would allow me to purchase one. The solution to this question is straightforward: if you reside in Australia, you should choose for kit houses. As an Australian, one thing that sticks out in my mind is how popular the idea of prefabricated houses, sometimes known as kit homes, is not only in Australia but all across the globe. Aussie Kit Homes is a reputable company that offers steel frame construction services in Australia. For many years, we have been meeting the specific demands and wants of individual homeowners in Australia by fabricating steel wall frames and roof frames to meet their specifications. Please visit the following website: steel framing systems for any further details.


As an older member of the baby boomer generation, I’ve just about made it to the end of decent electronica, which I refer to as an umbrella “catch-all” term for any music that can be created using instruments like the thermin, a sound synthesizer, or even a computer. Derek Delacroix, a new musician (at least new to me), has shown me that they are only the fundamentals of the instrument. When you combine elements of a variety of different musical styles, you get something I term “derekanama.” While I was growing up, the Moog synthesizer was the only instrument that could be used to make music like that. My cousin used one in my band. But in today’s day and age, there are a dizzying variety of subgenres that I refer to as electronica music. Today, Derek transported me into the 21st century by introducing me to an innovative subgenre of music that, in my opinion, he was the first person to ever develop. Some examples of contemporary music styles include ambient, ambient dub (along with a few other ambients), breakbeat, down tempo, acid jazz, techno, down tempo (including acid jazz), and a multitude of other styles. There were just a few bands who were experimenting with any of it while I was growing up and performing music; sting (then called the police), yes, and elp were the ones that come to mind (emerson lake & palmer). A new artist has arisen who fuses the feel of electronica with hip-hop, jazz, reggae, soul, and dance to produce a unique sound that is unlike anything you have heard before and that you will not forget. You would be doing yourself a favor by doing yourself a favor by downloading a few of this San Diego artist’s well crafted originals such as his opening number “so mellow,” “dance city,” “night song of the jungle,” and “dub dynamite,” which is my personal favorite of his songs. Today, there is an up and coming artist in this San Diego artist. To my ears, dub dynamite seems like it could easily serve as the background music (or maybe the theme music) to the most recent blockbuster science fiction picture, or even a hitchcock program from the 1960s. Derek has certainly moved beyond the period of experimentation. Many electronica musicians, in my opinion, are more interested in experimenting with new technologies than they are in really making music. The impression that is left after listening to Derek is that the technology is really an instrument that he has learnt to use in order to make people want to listen to him. I am now one of your fans. Located in San Diego, artist Derek Delacroix offers a wide variety of free downloads on his soundcloud page. Author Rick London is also a cartoonist and designer, in addition to being a music critic.


The need for steel in the Asean market is high; however, since the local iron and steel sector is underdeveloped, the Asean nations mostly depend on imports to satisfy their demand for steel. In 2012, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) overtook South Korea to become China’s top exporter of steel. January to July of 2013 scenario of Chinese steel shipments to Asean countries The most recent numbers from customs reveal, China’s steel exports mostly flow to korea and asean nations from january to july of 2013. Out of the top ten countries for china’s steel export volume, asean countries accounted for six of those spots, while south korea is still rated first. The first seven months of the year saw a rise of 13.7 percent in steel exports from China, bringing the total to 35.84 million tons. accounted for 26.73 percent of china’s total steel exports during which time the total amount of steel exported to the Asean region reached 9.58 million tons, representing an increase of 34 percent. Aside from the month of january, the monthly amount of Chinese steel shipments to Asean is more than 1 million tons. which reached a peak of 1,789,200 tons in March owing to seasonal considerations, before seeing a subsequent fall in export quantities. The amount of steel capacity that was exported from Asean countries to China decreased to 1.167 million tons in July. Look from the national, Vietnam has surpassed Thailand to become China’s top steel exporter in the ASEAN region, with 2.15 million tons of total quantity exported. The second and third largest destinations for Chinese steel imports are Thailand and Singapore, each with more than 1.5 million tons. whereas the amount of steel that is sent to indonesia, the philippines, and malaysia together exceeds one million tons. The amount of steel that was sent to these six nations accounted for 92.6% of the total amount of steel that was exported to the ASEAN region. examination of the many types of steel that China supplies to the ASEAN countries The sheet product remains the most common form of china steel exported to the ASEAN region, followed by the wire rod, angle profiles, and tubes. To be more specific, China shipped 3.89 million tons of plates to Asean, which accounted for 40.61 percent of total steel exports; 3.41 million tons of wire rod, which accounted for 35.61 percent; 1.04 million tons of angle profiles and 80 million tons of tubes, which accounted for 10.89 percent and 8.38 percent of total exports, respectively. the steel market scenario in the main ASEAN nations At the moment, the supply of steel in the nations that make up the ASEAN market is still inadequate. In 2011, crude steel production in six major asean member states reached 20.65 million tons, which is an increase of 5 percent. This resulted in the year’s steel consumption rising to 54 million tons, which is an increase of 7 percent. Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Singapore were the countries contributing to this rise. The majority of the rise in asean steel consumption may be attributed to the fast expansion of imports. Imports of steel into the ASEAN region increased by 8 percent in 2012, reaching a total of 36.9 million tons. More than 80 percent of all imported steel is used in the construction and shipbuilding sectors. It is still the case that Japan, China, Korea, and Taiwan are the primary importers of steel into the Asean market. 2010 saw the formal inauguration of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, which resulted in China and 10 other asean nations entering an era of zero tariffs. This resulted in a significant rise in the amount of steel exports from China to the other asean countries. The percentage of steel goods made in China that make up the overall imports into the ASEAN region has been growing annually. In 2009, just ten percent of all steel that was imported into the ASEAN region came from China. However, in 2010, this percentage jumped to seventeen percent, and in 2011, it increased even more to twenty-three percent, making China the second biggest steel importer in the ASEAN region. According to statistics provided by the South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute (seaisi), in 2012, asean imports of longs from China increased by more than double the previous figure. The number of profiles that were exported from china to the other countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) climbed by 70 percent in 2017. The imports of wire rods from China have also increased by more than twice as much, reaching 100 million tons. China is the largest importer of hot-rolled sheet, but the total amount of hot-rolled plates only increased by 3 percent last year and remained at 100 million tons for the whole year. Recent years have seen a tremendous development in the construction sector of Asean nations, which has resulted in an increased demand for various building materials as well as a significant market potential. In the same way as malaysia and singapore both contribute for more than 70 percent of the philippines’ total steel consumption, the philippines’ consumption of steel has reached an astounding 81 percent. Steel trade conflict between Asean and China to elevate Asean to officially overtake south korea and become one of China’s major steel export zones last year. At the same time, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (asean) has been elevated to the role of main sponsors for the trade remedy investigations involving Chinese steel goods. As a result of the current state of the world economy, the demand for steel on the national level has decreased while the supply has increased. Since 2013, the nations of Southeast Asia’s Association of Southeast Asian Nations have been taking more aggressive actions against China in an effort to defend their indigenous steel industries’ profits. If you are in need of carbon steel pipe, steel section, or steel wire in China, then feel free

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