Article 1 of the 7-part realitysculp series is available here. When knowledge is lacking, individuals will try to make up for it in whatever way they can. Sometimes the source of this knowledge is the product of careful investigation; other times it is the product of speculative thinking. Those in positions of power cannot afford to let this happen in any scenario if they want to keep their hold on power. The unseen world 2015 Nobody on the planet would like the idea that their conduct, activities, or even their thoughts themselves might be controlled to an extreme degree. But as the twenty-first century begins, human liberty is, on the whole, at its lowest point in recorded history. Because it goes against the years’ worth of schooling, political philosophy, and television shows that many have seen, many people may disregard this piece as ridiculous. Reading about what may be the biggest moment of their new lives, for those who are brave enough. why? because everything in our world is flipped. The ideas I want to convey to the reader are that almost all significant truths in our society are the antithesis of what most people think to be true. I’ve read the writings of many truth seekers who have traveled farther down this path of discovery over the last several years, and many of them have amazing insights to impart. The majority of truthers try to jolt the public out of their slumber by stunning them with facts that defy the prevalent and widely held beliefs, but although this sometimes succeeds, it usually fails miserably. Despite being well-written and rationally structured, these endeavors often fail to assist others in understanding the reality of the world. I soon discovered there were two sides to the problem. First, most people are not as conceptive as they might be. The best way to describe conceptiveness is as being open to learning new ideas and seeking to comprehend them. This is not the same as the widely used phrase open-minded, whose meaning has been perverted by propagandists. These days, being open-minded means accepting drastic lifestyle changes that are thrust upon you by people in authority without question or without exercising judgment. Conceptiveness, on the other hand, necessitates the use of judgment and critical thinking when assessing novel ideas. The second concern is the extent of a person’s reality. Information outside the bounds of reality is beyond the capacity of the human mind to understand and comprehend. As I’ll demonstrate to you later, this fact is also used to manage the population. The best way to define reality scope is as the accumulation of all the ideas and information that a person is aware of or can imagine. Please keep in mind that what defines a person’s reality is their understanding of and capacity for imagining ideas, not their agreement with these ideas. A human cannot understand and comprehend knowledge that is beyond the bounds or scope of their reality, as was previously established. A person must thus make a decision when exposed to knowledge that is beyond the realm of reality. the option to disregard the knowledge and focus their attention elsewhere, or to broaden the boundaries of their reality in an effort to understand it. This decision is based on the importance that the option is believed to have for the person making it. But as this conversation will demonstrate, a person’s perception of value is derived from their world view, or, to put it another way, their overall comprehension of reality. Furthermore, this conversation will demonstrate how the media and educational system, which are controlled by a small number of people whose objective is to govern, give the masses their worldviews. Therefore, the true problem of reality scope is to demonstrate the immense importance of this information and comprehension to a human living in a worldview that seeks to undermine the merits of any thought along these lines. In fact, people understand deep down that going down this route would be, at most, unpleasant and maybe quite harmful. A mindcage is a psychological condition in which a person’s capacity for creativity, learning, and spiritual growth is constrained to an extent that authorities find beneficial. Being mindfree refers to a psychological condition in which an individual chooses to pursue limitless intellectual, spiritual, and imaginative growth while acknowledging the presence of authoritarian and self-imposed mental prisons. really while everyone values their own personal freedom and free choice, very few people really realize that these things were taken from them a long time ago. The main cause of this is because most people are unaware that mindcages exist, and even those who know often don’t realize it affects them personally. I have chosen to aim my efforts in a different path than other truthers as a result of this discovery. I’ve dedicated myself to the mindfree trip and made an effort to record the specifics of my discoveries in the hopes that others would find value in this experience. You have to acknowledge that you are in a mindcage before you can find a way out of it. A person can never guarantee that they are never controlled unless they accept that psychological locks and controls exist in order to confine people to a mindcage and have an awareness of how this prison operates. Though this is a self-evident statement, most Americans seem to have decided that those whose hearts lust for wealth and power are better suited to protect and preserve our free will. Let’s face it, not everyone has the potential to become president. A particular kind of person must have a strong sense of dedication and substantial financial resources to rise to such a position of authority. But the average American thinks that someone who receives hundreds of millions of dollars in funding from business and the rich people who own those businesses would somehow make the interests of the common person their top priority when they run for office. Do
With its flowing letter strokes combined to form phrases that resemble handwriting, cursive writing was formerly regarded as a cornerstone of the primary school curriculum. Over time, there has been a concerning trend in which educational systems are abandoning this writing form, putting the onus of continuing to teach this writing style on parents if they so want. What’s the big deal, one would wonder? I mean, cursive writing is so archaic and irrelevant? It’s 2013, and because we spend most of our time on computers composing emails, tweets, messages to pals on Facebook, and sending texts with our phones, you don’t really need to learn cursive these days. Even if these behaviors seem harmless and basic, you should be concerned about how far our language has come in such a short period of time. The annihilation of language is a magnificent thing, as George Orwell put it.I refuse to acquire or become acquainted with the acronyms hahaha, omg, jk, and a host of other terms that are constantly attacking our common speech. It’s quite remarkable to see terms like oesrsly, tl;dr, and fil that seem like nonsense on your phone suddenly become legitimate words in the Oxford English Dictionary. need money for Christmas purchases? To get your $1,000 Visa gift card, follow this link. furthermore observe: This is the reason the N.S.A. prohibited the video. Let me explain the significance of cursive and the reasons the government and public school prison system would prefer that your children never acquire this kind of art. We have gradually come to accept the intentional dumbing down of the language via acronyms. If you or your kid could never read important historical texts like the bill of rights or the declaration of independence, wouldn’t it be fantastic? That’s what the global rulers are counting on. Imagine living at a time when you are ignorant of your fundamental rights. It’s not that you don’t care; rather, it’s that you are unable to comprehend the simple manner in which they are expressed. Although most people would chuckle, such a situation is very plausible. I predict that in 25 years, cursive writing will go extinct, with very few people still able to read or write in this system. A few significant papers written in cursive are listed below: United States Constitution: abolition of slavery, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, Articles of Confederation, Emancipation Proclamation, and Thirteenth Amendment see other information here
Envision a bus full of people letting the driver and his guides lead them on some kind of mystery trip. It becomes very clear as the trip goes on that the bus will be driven down the cliff! The passengers are either too oblivious to what is happening or too deaf, dumb, and blind. Due to the navigators’ influence, the driver foolishly chooses to press the accelerator pedal harder rather than using the brakes. -This is a metaphor for what is going on in the United States right now: the passengers are the people they are supposed to be looking out for, and the driver and navigator represent the political administration in charge at the White House with their increasingly careless spending of borrowed money that is ruining the American economy. More precisely, the largest crisis in American history is being faced by the country. The current total of the US national debt is far over $17 trillion. What is the appearance of this enormous debt? If the length and breadth of an average American or European football pitch were piled side by side next to the Statue of Liberty, well over 17 trillion dollars would reach shoulder level on the pedestal. -There are around 7 billion people on the planet right now. The total cost to each man, woman, and kid of paying off the US national debt would come to almost $2,150. -It would take you more than 41,000 years to spend 17 trillion dollars if you spent a million dollars every day! -verify the time on your watches. The US national debt rises by $150 million for every hour that passes. -The US national debt has increased by more than $5 trillion since Barack Obama took office. Naturally, paying down the debt would take years, but the Obama administration has no intention of doing so at all. This indicates that policymakers are doing nothing to halt the fast transformation of a once-rich country into a poor one. -that translates to money taken from American citizens, their offspring, and future generations. traveling the highway of disinformation. The facts are not being reported by the mainstream media. They want you to accept the statements made by Obama. that his economic plans are having the desired effect and that the economy is developing gradually; despite the fact that the reality is there in front of the naive people, they have swallowed this spin without question. End of the American Dream is a great website that documents the reality with all the data and facts. How long until the general populace wakes up, stops sleeping with their eyes open, and realizes what’s actually happening? Can you predict where this will end? In America, the scenario is analogous to operating a company on a credit card debt and then taking out another credit card loan to cover the continuous monthly obligations. You’ll declare bankruptcy sooner or later, right? -So let me explain what I mean: America’s financial collapse was purposefully planned in secrecy with the goal of plunging the country’s citizens into enslavement and poverty. As I have already said, the president is not in command of any nation, not even the United States. He is in this position to carry out a covert enslavement plan that the true lords and masters who are in charge of the nation and the world have given him. Applying John Maynard Keynes’ economic theories may be connected to the concept of taking out loans in order to pay off debt. This is promoted in nations other than America, such Europe and Japan. Because the hidden controllers want to see a worldwide financial collapse to produce political upheaval, they let these governments to embrace massive stimulus spending programs and irresponsible expenditure. The ultimate goal of global dominance is then plotted after the financial collapse. this will entail: 1. the establishment of a single super currency and worldwide monetary domination. 2. An oppressive regime: worldwide police/military fascist dictatorship, etc. 3. The great majority of people will live in poverty and be disadvantaged. The ultra-rich will still be in place while the middle classes have been severely damaged financially. 4. While the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has bought millions of rounds of ammunition, a great deal of time, money, and effort has been dedicated to increased monitoring, tighter security, and the weeding out of troublesome people in nations like America. The goal of all of this has been to stop home-grown terrorism. But this isn’t the true cause. -All of this has been done to prepare for the expected negative reaction from the public due to the planned one global rule and the predicted impending financial hardships. 5. the establishment of federal emergency management administration (FEMa) camps to house those facing financial difficulties. The camps may eventually turn into prisons; this is what happens when a group of people in charge of the world act as if they are their own laws. The criminal corporate bankers that control central banks and the Federal Reserve are the global benefactors of the national debt hoax. a change in the wind: the people, who are now at the bottom of the hierarchical tree of power, must rise to the top in order for a democratic system to function. People power does exist, in fact. Before it’s too late, we the people must reclaim our rightful ownership of this planet in order to halt the secret controllers and their enslavement goal. The planet’s covert masterminds are aware of their greatest vulnerability—a large numerical disadvantage. Refusing to cooperate with the moneyed interests of criminal corporate bankers or secret controllers is the best way to put an end to them. They would be overpowered if they all refused to pay the nation’s obligations. In order to restart without the hidden controllers, we must force our governments to act in our best interests, shut down the Federal Reserve, shut down the whole monetary system, and hit the reset button to zero. If
Occult symbolism abounds in the huge seal with the all-seeing eye on the back of the US dollar note. The following aspects of the law are too strong for even the most stony-eyed skeptic to write off as ‘coincidence.’ There are thirteen leaves on the olive branches. Thirteen bars and stripes Thirteen arrows, thirteen letters: ‘e pluribus unum’ 13 stones in the pyramid, 13 stars in the green crest above them There are thirteen letters in annuit coeptis, and just behind the pyramid is novus ordo seclorum, which means new secular order or new world order. Why 13? But what about the other characteristics? The governing elite, or secret forces, have a strong occult affiliation, as I have stated in other pieces. The pyramid and all-seeing eye, as seen emblazoned on the reverse of a dollar note, represent the covert occult groups that still rule the United States. Given the widespread use of this symbolism in corporate logos, it might also be seen as a declaration by the ruling class that they, via banking and business, dominate the globe. Number 13 is said to signify the colonial states with a Christian country social order that stands for freedom, equality, and peace ever since the one dollar currency was created. However, the symbology really stands for the opposite—something dark and unchristian in its obscurity. The number thirteen is associated with both the number of families who comprise the ruling class and the practice of demonic occultism. For the Egyptians and Babylonians, it was a mysterious number. For the masons today, it is a mysterious number. The 13 items listed on page 1 are occult representations of the preparations for a one-world government conquest and the creation of a new world order (NWO), in which everyone would live under a worldwide fascist dictatorship modeled after the one in George Orwell’s fictional book 1984. thus, to elaborate: The 13 bars and stripes stand for the churches of Christ and the opposition to God. The 13 arrows in the eagle’s right claw stand for military might and conflict. 13 letters in: ‘e pluribus unum’, meaning ‘out of many’, is the plan to unite all governments, money systems, and faiths in the globe to gain global dominance. By the way, Satanism is the new religion that is being prepared. The 13 stars in the green crest above the eagle are called mogen david, a hexagram that is used in occult practice to conjure Satan. The number of evil families ruling the world is represented by the 13 stones or steps of the pyramid. The phrase annuit coeptis (meaning announcing the beginning or arrival) consists of 13 letters. The thirteen leaves located in the olive branches represent peace (really?!) in the bill; Lucifer, or Satan, is the all-seeing eye. Take note of the light that surrounds it. This stands for illumination, and those who engage in satanic occult rituals are considered to be the illuminated ones as they are aware of hidden meanings and possess secret knowledge. so-called all-seeing eye since it sees and knows everything, just what you’d expect from a worldwide fascist tyranny with a big brother monitoring you. It’s no accident that the eagle, drawn from old pagan symbols, also represents the Roman Empire and the German state during World War II, in addition to the dollar. this is due to the fact that these organizations were also controlled by the same evil occult powers. Secret societies are gathering places for the ruling class to debate strategies to forward the goal for nwo slavery. -The Freemasons are one of these organizations. Do not misunderstand me. The majority of freemasons are sincerely good individuals, but those at the bottom of the hierarchy are blind to the fact that those at the top are leading a demonic cult with aspirations to rule the whole globe. It has been said that when they build their nwo, the pyramid’s divided capstone (top) would be united. the answers This message is not meant to cause fear or terror. The purpose of this message is to raise awareness among readers that action must be taken and that solutions are available. We, the people, have to reclaim the earth as our own. Since this message is limited to financial problems, Iceland is the best example of regaining legitimate ownership via financial management. It’s critical that you understand the following. Between 2006 and 2008, the banks and the Icelandic government allowed the country’s economy to collapse, leading to widespread joblessness and significant savings losses for the citizens they were meant to be helping. The largest banks were given permission to privatize and deregulate, which is why this occurred. Yes, this had occurred in many other nations and had been apparent during the 2008 global financial crisis, but the people of Iceland rose above the circumstance and managed to pull themselves out of it by forcing the resignation of the whole corrupt administration. taking the banks national. referendum, giving the populace the power to choose their own economic structure. the rewriting of the Icelandic constitution by its citizens and the imprisonment of those responsible. Iceland’s economy is now among the fastest growing in the world, yet I venture that none of the aforementioned topics have appeared in the mass media outlets controlled by the secret forces. It’s because the powerful people in the background don’t want you to know that this is the way to destabilize the centralized, profit-driven private banks and dishonest governments. Come on, people—it’s time to do something! The solution is a government managed by the people, for the people, rather than by large banks. The secret is to be financially independent. Aside from Iceland, other nations with financial dominance outside of the central banking system include Iran, Russia, China, and Venezuela. It is thus not surprising that these nations have been maligned by the ruling elite. North Dakota has functioned independently of the Federal Reserve System since the early 1920s, in contrast to other US states. North
Over the course of history, there have been several despotic leaders. The leader of the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin, murdered a huge deal of people during the huge Terror by killing his political rivals and other Russians with coolness. His economic policies also contributed to the famine in Ukraine, which took a great deal more lives. During his reign, over 23 million people perished. In fact, there is still debate among many Russians today about whether Stalin was a hero or a monster. Mao Zedong, the founder of the People’s Republic of China, is thought to have been responsible for between 49 and 78 million fatalities during his rule, based only on mortality rates. But maybe the one who keeps Hitler on top as the most notorious of them all is Adolf Hitler. Hitler authored a book titled mein kampf, or my struggle, while he was imprisoned, and in it he laid out who was responsible for Germany’s defeat in the First World War. With his quick ascent to power, Hitler laid forth his political philosophy and goals for Germany, sealing the destiny of the Jewish people living in Nazi-occupied Europe. Hitler’s minister of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, was effective in inciting hatred against Jews in the minds of many Germans and influencing them to adopt his viewpoint. With the final solution, the Nazis’ response to the Jewish question, his masterminds started to come up with new and more effective ways to kill people. Between 1941 and 1942, gas chambers were added to concentration camps, carrying out his plans to permanently eradicate this group of people as well as others he deemed undesirable. Towards the close of World War II, allied forces saw unimaginably horrific images upon arriving at the nazi concentration camps. They would be witnesses to a slaughter unparalleled in scope. masses of malnourished and thin individuals living in close proximity to abandoned bodies, showing utter contempt for the value of human life. Joyful tears flowed as their liberators—who must have seemed like gods to many—descended onto the camps. building an empire Hitler’s interest in archaeology was piqued by his relentless search for proof of the existence of the Aryan race, which was made popular by movies like Raiders of the Lost Ark, in which his officers enthusiastically researched Germany’s past to support nationalism and portray Germany as the cradle of civilization. He was so determined to build his worldwide empire that he supposedly investigated time travel and space exploration. The Holocaust and World War II events now stand alone as maybe the most notorious periods in history. acting as a warning, a safety net, and a lasting reminder for coming generations to make sure history doesn’t repeat itself. Author and creator of Critical Eye, a website devoted to discussing social concerns, foreign events, and other subjects, Christopher is a UK-based individual. examining current concerns with a critical eye
Summary For a family of four, the overall cost of healthcare expenditures in the United States comes to around $19,393.00. This rise may be only 7.3 percent higher than last year’s average cost of $18,074, which is the smallest year-over-year increase in almost a decade, according to milliman, a worldwide consulting and actuarial business. However, at $1,319, it is the largest increase in total dollars spent per household over the previous year.Strachan (2011). shown on the same website In 2002, American families had healthcare costs of $9,235, and those costs have now doubled in fewer than nine years, claims Lorraine Mayne, partner at Milliman and consultant actuary. Employer contributions accounted for 48.6% of the rise in healthcare expenditures, with employee contributions covering the majority of the remaining 51.6%. According to data from the U.S. Department of Labor and the Kaiser Family Foundation-Health Research and Educational Trust Annual Employer Survey, from 1999 to 2007, premiums for employment-based private insurance increased by 114%, while earnings increased by 27%, leaving an average gap of 7 percentage points per year. (p. 3 of Ginsburg, 2012). This makes up a larger and larger portion of the family budget. US consumers are estimated to have spent $363 billion on healthcare in 2009. The four primary factors driving up healthcare expenses are managed care, health insurance, productivity, and demography. demographics The present population’s demographics contribute to the United States’ rising healthcare expenses. Both the number of senior citizens and the average life expectancy in this nation are rising at the moment. The budget for Medicare is being severely strained by these hikes, and things will only get worse. An increasing amount of money is being taken out of the personal budgets of the typical elderly citizen in our nation who relies on Medicare to assist pay for their medical bills. Medicare recipients must shoulder a significant financial burden for medical and long-term care services due to gaps in coverage. The typical beneficiary’s out-of-pocket medical expenses in 2004 came to about 20 percent ($2,477). Ten percent of recipients made out-of-pocket payments of $5,000 or more in the same year. (Orszag, 2008). This will only grow worse since they will need more healthcare as they get older. Our country is seeing a rise in the number of jobless people in addition to an increase in the elderly. They will have long-term health problems that we, the tax payer, may have to pay for if their health is not maintained by routine medical treatment. health coverage In our nation, health insurance is still a hotly contested issue with huge variations. Different segments of the American population are covered by a variety of insurance plans. The first important distinction between them is insurance policies provided by private companies vs state programs. (p. 52, Kovner, 2011). The three main public insurance programs are children’s health insurance program (CHIP) for the poor, Medicaid, and Medicare for the elderly. Since the 1960s, public healthcare insurance has increased while private insurance has decreased. $1.2 trillion was spent on healthcare by the private sector in 2008. The high cost of health insurance coverage is still an issue. In 2011, the average yearly premium for family coverage was $15,073, while the average yearly premium for individual coverage was $5,429. (2011, Lyons). The consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act, or COBRA, was created in 1985 to help people who lost their employment continue to have insurance for a maximum of 18 months. The disadvantage of cobra coverage is that the former employee is now unemployed and must pay the full cost of the premiums, which might be high. productivity On a national level, the United States’ healthcare system is not very productive. The way that care is delivered is the primary determinant of productivity in healthcare. The failure of medical treatment, according to Harvard economist David Cutler, who advised President Obama during the 2008 campaign, is not so much that errors are made but rather that the system has not developed mechanisms to limit those mistakes. Evans (2011). The annual waste resulting from this loss of productivity is estimated to be $700 billion. Poor quality information and publically sponsored insurers that pay for the quantity of treatment provided, regardless of quality and efficiency, seem to be the main causes of the problem. The customer is then charged for this expense. controlled medical services Managed care plans are health insurance policies that have agreements with hospitals and physicians to provide members lower-cost treatment. Point of service (pos), preferred provider organizations (ppo), and health maintenance organizations (hmo) are the three categories of managed care. Ppos are the same but will pay a percentage if you travel outside the network, and poss allow you pick between the two. Hmos forces you to choose between providers inside the network. The fact that managed care can influence expenditures for this population suggests that managed care activity can have broad effects on the entire health care market. This is the problem with hmos: there are increases in managed care activity that may have spillover effects, influencing the performance of the entire health care delivery system, thereby affecting care for both patients under managed care and those not. (Page 2 of Baker, 1997). To address these issues, we clearly require efficient administration at every stage of the healthcare system, from the patient to the government. In conclusion, the state of healthcare in our nation will only deteriorate further if these issues are not resolved. alludes to Medicare. Evans, M. (2011, June 1). Retrieved March 25, 2012. $700 billion is the cost of low productivity in the healthcare industry. taken from Ginsburg, P. (2012, October 8). March 25, 2012. the project of synthesis. obtained from kovner, a. (2011) on March 25, 2012. V. Weisfeld, ed., Health Care Delivery in the United States, 10th ed. Springer Publishing Company, LLC, New York. (2011, September 27) Lyons, K. The typical family health insurance plan now costs nine percent more. taken from Orszag, P. (2008, May 29) on March 25,
Government workers throughout the nation are being impacted by the government shutdown. Government offices and federal parks are shuttered while the United States attempts to figure things out. Nasa is one sector affected by the shutdown that is now being disregarded. About 18,000 individuals work for NASA, and all but 550 of them are now on furlough. These 550 are devoted to presently active missions and mission-critical supplies. The Maven launch in November may have the greatest stakes. The Maven is a spacecraft intended to investigate Mars’ atmosphere. Although November 18th is the planned launch date, a lot of work still has to be done in preparation. Prior to launch, testing and other preparations are needed. Whether or if this shutdown continues might possibly cause the mission to be delayed until 2016, when Mars will once again be in tight alignment with Earth. Regarding the ongoing operations, such as the Mars Rover and other robotic missions, they continue to operate and are manned by external contractors. Essential duties will continue throughout the government shutdown, even if NASA won’t be updating its website. The Maven will patiently wait at the Kennedy Space Center’s cleanroom while the NASA staff working on it are placed on furlough. Workers in the NASA cleanroom will resume work when the government shutdown ends, with the goal of completing all testing prior to the launch date.
Republicans vs. Democrats is an unending battle; why not put a stop to it? In life, there are a lot of never-ending conflicts between good and evil, light and dark, and republicans and Democrats. One of these doesn’t quite belong right now. There will always be an internal conflict between good and evil. It has always been a cycle of light against gloom. There are periods of the year when the day lasts longer than the night, and vice versa. These are battles that have existed from the beginning of time. Republicans vs Democrats, however, hasn’t. It is not something that has always been; rather, it is a modern development. However, it’s similar to light vs dark and good and evil. All of it is subjective. It just depends on the individual’s stance. The reason for this is unclear. Should we identify as Republicans or Democrats? Everybody has an opinion when it comes to politics. Every circumstance is different. There are groups of individuals that have similar views as republicans and Democrats. The dilemma lies in the fact that some republicans may have democratic views on certain matters, and vice versa. Nevertheless, they are forced to accept the opinions of the majority of their party after being exposed. This is the reason why the battle never ends. Why is it required is the question. In any case, why is the party system still necessary today? The country’s population becomes divided as a result of the party system. The majority of individuals identify as moderate Democrats or Republicans. Nevertheless, they are required to choose which side to support. Given that the elected officials are chosen by the citizens of their district, state, or nation, this is a serious issue. The people they represent should be served by them. not the group that they identify with. This is a republic, not a democracy, where the people have the ultimate authority. The process of serving the people would be expedited if the party structure were eliminated. In the absence of a party, the MPs would have to act in the best interests of the constituents they represent. Thus, maybe the conflict between Republicans and Democrats is coming to an end. However, the people must choose when enough is enough. Once again, this struggle is distinct from the others mentioned, and a resolution is conceivable. Sincerely, Ender Wiggins
Article 2 of the 7-part realitysculp series is available here. The person in charge of the information’s substance and context also has the last say over the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of others who receive it—all of which are unseen. 2016 Humans are natural information consumers since they are self-aware, cognitive beings. Humans are masters of information and crucially reliant on it because of our extraordinary capacity to gather, store, understand, and link knowledge in ways that other creatures cannot. Data provides us with insight into the subjective and objective realities that combine to form our multifaceted life. In order for us to make the right decisions, it is essential that we have precise and comprehensive data. Information manipulation is as natural to people as the use of information. We have example after example of information manipulation and deceit going back as long as human records go. Humans are not the only species that manipulate data; studying nature provides instances of data manipulation by many other living forms. It may be insects that pose as tree branches to ward off birds consuming them, or a blowfish that inflates to protect itself from an incoming predator or rival. We see several instances when the animal world makes an effort to misrepresent the facts in order to skew the truth to its favor. Humans are so used to manipulating facts that even young toddlers will do it in stressful situations. Any parent who has children understands that when kids damage anything in the home or do something they shouldn’t, they nearly always turn to data manipulation as a method to get out of trouble. Perhaps they attempt to conceal the evidence in the hopes that no one will see it, or they attempt to shift the responsibility to someone else. In the legal system, it is common for attorneys to draft a argument on behalf of their clients. In actuality, these arguments are really just efforts to portray the evidence in a different light or within a different framework. This is done in order to either undermine or downplay the significance of the data points that are against their client while validating and bolstering the significance of the data points that are in favor of their stance. The key is to realize that using and manipulating data comes naturally to people, just like breathing air. For human life and success, thorough and reliable data are essential. Even so, we seem unable to imagine that individuals with the greatest motivation and ability to manipulate data would ever do so, despite the fact that we are constantly reminded throughout our existence as humans that we are constantly faced with manipulation of data or the context in which the data is presented. The fact that we accept information as gospel in certain crucial circumstances—that day will follow night, and night will follow day—is quite startling. Being suspicious of all the information we are given is essential for us as consumers and masters of data in the digital age, just as a mouse must examine every movement in the grass for a snake and every shadow moving above for a predatory bird. Humans must constantly exercise their freedom of knowledge since the context and substance of information are essential for developing any kind of sensible and realistic viewpoint, worldview, or even thinking. Please take notice that I am not talking about laws of any kind since laws are only concepts created by humans and are not real. People who are able to comprehend what I just stated have the freedom to breach the law whenever they see fit. Understanding that there is only one person in the world we can be 100% sure is telling us the truth is what I mean by the phrase freedom of information action. That person is you. We must approach every piece of information we get with strong and critical inquiries due to the freedom of information activity. We need to see beyond the information’s constrained and often self-serving context. Since knowledge is one of the most significant resources available to humanity, we must constantly be aware of the reasons behind information sharing. We can appreciate the contexts and boundaries of the correctness of the information after we have an understanding of the motive. One of the first major areas where the reality shock cycle may be intentionally altered and controlled by others is data intake. If you give someone authority over the context and substance of the information that a person or a population gets, they have the ability to gradually sway the recipients of that information to agree with their point of view. On the other hand, this also presents the person with their first chance at independent decision-making. The majority of people living today were brought up in an educational system that instilled in them the idea of approved or authorized sources of knowledge. Our developing brains accepted these ideas without asking two crucial and essential questions, as we will see later. What gives these sources credibility, and who approved and authorized them? We are never introduced to the idea of a possible conflict of interest that may arise from an educational system that teaches us to only believe information from authorized sources, such as the educational system. Without taking this into account, the school master persuades the pupil that they would broaden their horizons in a single motion while simultaneously confining them to a perspective based on the approved curriculum. Just take a moment to consider this: the mere fact that information or an information source has the labels approved or authorized indicates that the data has been reviewed and edited by someone other than you to make sure it presents the information in the context that someone else determined you should see. Put otherwise, any material that has the adjectives approved or authorized connected to it is propaganda. The information supplied by a approved or authorized source cannot be accepted by a free person
Apparently, the republicans are hiding a very dark secret. It’s also rather easy. Republicans ensure that big, multinational companies like McDonald’s may pay millions of workers in retail, fast food, and banking poverty wages, allowing these firms to generate billions of dollars in profit. Republicans ensure that these workers’ families can continue to earn those wages by providing them with access to assistance programs such as food stamps. McDonald’s workers get billions of dollars in benefits each year in the form of food stamps, medicaid, and section 8 housing vouchers. In fact, so many McDonald’s workers depend on government help that the company established an entire division inside its human resources department called mcresource just to assist in putting them in touch with aid programs. Mcconsider that. There are McDonald’s staff whose primary responsibility is to enroll workers in assistance programs. How bizarre is the retirement celebration for the gold watch? I’m joking. Very few employees at McDonald’s will ever retire. The shady, perverted aspect of this facade is that Republicans veto any legislation meant to increase the minimum wage to a point where it may lessen the financial strain that corporate assistance is putting on taxpayers. Republicans justify this low pay by claiming that these are entry-level positions that you take while pursuing higher education. then you ought to get an improved item. However, some who work in fast food struggle just to make ends meet, much alone pursue the education required to become independent. They have trouble finding daycare for their children. They get standard medical treatment in the emergency department. Their transit isn’t always dependable. Nobody is assisting their children with their schoolwork while they work at night. Naturally, they consume a lot of fast food. The sad thing is that they lack the time, means, and ability to lift their kids out of poverty. The fact that this system is ensnaring the next generation in the welfare system is what is most abhorrent. It’s typical for them. Am I exaggerating too much? Let’s examine the renowned American working family, which is a married couple with two children, for the sake of this discussion. This is the model that republicans seem to support so ardently. Let’s pretend they are Los Angeles residents. Here, the average rent is $1,435. If you earn the $8.00/hour minimum wage, it makes up 107% of your working year; but, if you make the Los Angeles poverty rate of $10.60/hour, it only makes up 81% of your working year. Come on, let’s act. Assume that workers at McDonald’s or Walmart are paid $12 per hour. I know, it’s absurd. Please be patient with me. If both parents worked full-time at the fictitious $12 per hour, their combined income would be $3,840 (before taxes). After deducting rent and taxing at a meager 8%, the households are left with $2,097. Now deduct gas, water, electricity, and telephones. This four-person family’s daily budget is reduced to about $50 in order to pay for food, clothing, and medical treatment. Remember to factor in transportation. I understand your thoughts. They would get section 8 housing as a government subsidy, so they would never really have to pay all that rent. They wouldn’t have to worry about healthcare since they would most likely be receiving medicaid. You, the taxpayer, would be footing the bill for their gas and electricity, and you would rather not. and that was an exaggerated case. Actually, they are paid minimum pay. that’s $16–17,000 year in an area where the average annual rent is $17,200. There is an error in this math. For this individual to live, they must get welfare. We do sometimes need to support certain sectors because of the benefits such businesses provide to our community. What benefit do these hidden welfare payments that Republicans are clamoring for genuinely provide to our society, then? Consider fast food. No, please. All it brings us is diabetes, fat, and hypertension; please remove it from my area. It doesn’t encourage eating well or provide employment that would benefit the families in my neighborhood. Consider Target and Walmart. No, please remove these. They displace decent middle class manufacturing employment in the US while taking advantage of desperate labor markets elsewhere. And what benefit does it provide my family in return for those jobs that are lost? My neighbors get a retail job that takes away from their Thanksgiving, I get to purchase my kids some lead-infused toys for a few dollars cheaper, and all the profits go into the wallets of a CEO who will start slashing hours soon they have to give my neighbor with any kind of healthcare plan. The American ideal is being severely undermined by the republicans’ opposition to a livable wage. It is generating a permanent underclass whose subsistence depends on the state. and you’re losing money on it. We need a livable wage based on a sliding scale so that, at the very least, no more than 50% of your take-home income is allocated to the typical rent in your area. That’s fifteen dollars an hour here in Los Angeles. We wouldn’t have to massively support these companies, but a family of four would still be eligible for food assistance. In light of that, I believe that our president’s proposal for a raise to $10.10 an hour is, at worst, somewhat acceptable, and the welfare republicans should have little issue accepting a rise to at least that amount. Even if they agreed to $10.10, the Republicans would still be welfare Republicans defending the profits of large businesses, but at least the workers would be accorded some respect. With that suggested increase, he is more than halfway there. In actuality, however, the GOP’s purported endorsement of free market ideas is undermined by maintaining a system that permits companies to pay Americans a salary that necessitates outside assistance from the government and ultimately reduces families to a life of forced labor.