Every American’s everyday life has transformed during the last several years. Many people start to feel like old-timers while reminiscing about the days before the 9/11 terrorist attacks since the changes have become so routine. Although there are many of these variations, they cannot be classified as good or bad, much as it may become difficult to describe the many tones of a sunset. The human services industry is one area where significant changes have been seen in practices and tendencies. While an older population was certain to bring about some changes, others were not. The human services sector grew both immediately after the 9/11 attacks and throughout the subsequent economic hardships that many Americans encountered. Post-traumatic stress disorder, or ptsd, became widely acknowledged and accepted. The days of military troops returning from war and discreetly suffering from their exposure to conflict zones are long gone. A relative who was changed by war was previously mentioned, but not much was done to support them in processing their feelings. Fathers, sons, grandpa (and occasionally great grandpa), and daughters may connect to each other, talk about their experiences, get support, and move on. After a life-altering incident, change is unavoidable, but it doesn’t mean that these changes have to follow someone for the rest of their lives. With the current state of the economy, many baby boomers who are getting older are starting to reach retirement age. This has been a difficult transition for many. There have always been forecasts that this generation of Americans nearing retirement would put a strain on the system, but few anticipated the difficulties this generation would face as they approached retirement amid a downturn in the economy. The previous ten or so years have seen a modest rise in investments, which has left many seniors in financial trouble. Even if there is a larger demand for human services, organizations with lower financial resources may still satisfy the requirements of their customers thanks to human services software providers. Even though the human services sector is expanding rapidly, taxes still apply. Numerous charitable organizations that assist elderly, veterans, and families have come up with inventive methods to give back to their local communities while keeping costs down. It is anticipated that the need for human services will at least not change during the next ten years. According to certain projections, during the next years, there will be a greater demand for services but less resources available.


Since our government is officially insolvent due to its debt, there is still a significant amount of money that has to be expended to stop us from continuing down this possibly fatal road. Only because the president keeps printing billions of dollars and taking out loans to cover expenses, has the nation avoided becoming bankrupt. That leads to bankruptcy, as any person with even the slightest grasp of finance will tell you. We have $20 trillion in debt as of shortly. Debt only arises from actual spending. phrase indicates that $20 trillion was spent on something. It wasn’t yours, and it wasn’t mine either. Who then owns it? Who has it if not the middle class, the government, or the impoverished? I’m not really sure how to answer that, but I do know that our nation is full with filthy wealthy individuals. In the United States, there are 66,000 individuals with a net worth over $20 million. It comes to a total of over $12 trillion. We have two individuals who, individually, are valued at than $79 billion. Naturally, only those with more than $20 million are included in this. it does not include the nation’s millionaires. Additionally, there is an estimated $2.1 trillion in US currency held in foreign institutions. However, I’m certain it is covered by the sums shown above. Of the $2.1 trillion, Apple alone holds around $200 billion in cash in banks outside of the nation. Over $500 billion of the trade imbalance we have is not spent domestically; rather, it is transferred to foreign nations. Oil purchases annually range from $500 billion to $1 trillion (estimated due to significant price fluctuations). there is money that may also be in circulation here but is being sent out of the nation. Though there are other sizable quantities that depart the nation for a variety of causes, they are the most noteworthy amounts. Additionally, approximately $20 billion in US money were transferred back to Mexico by illegal immigrants. The amount of money spent on production in other nations where items are marketed here was not even mentioned above. To put this into perspective, 20 million individuals earning $50,000 a year may be employed with $1 trillion USD. It would totally transform our nation. There is a lot of wiggle room, as I have illustrated with much more than that above. The money to turn our economy around is plenty, which is the main point. The answer to fixing our economy is really rather straightforward. get the aforementioned funds to work in our country to generate decent employment and tax income for the government. These two actions alone will drastically lower our debt without requiring any sacrifices. Tens of millions of people will be better off, and America will once again be great. The execution is the issue; the answer is straightforward. We encounter a dead end when we attempt to alter the system such that politicians are forced to make choices that their affluent and powerful backers find objectionable. Any presidential contender, like Hillary or Jeb Bush, who can easily raise over $100 million, in my opinion, hasn’t upset enough elite clefts to be able to implement reforms that would really affect our economy. Put another way, despite their repeated declarations that they desire change, voters still choose establishment politicians over qualified, capable individuals. One must break the mold. Overcoming the corruption is necessary. Without it, we can be sure that nothing will alter except the faces that hang on the White House walls. To get further details on rescuing our nation, go visit our website at


The first few steps after opening the business may be difficult for the new handmade jeweler. In current weak economic climate, selling handmade jewelry might be a challenging business, but if you continue to use your imagination to produce high-quality goods, things can improve. Here are some things you should know before launching your own handmade company. custom-made jewelry 1. Remember that the company is not expanding quickly. It will take some time for the company to stabilize. You must give it time since it will start slowly. This is the most challenging period for your company, but if you can get through it and your clients learn about your innovative items, they will return and encourage others to join them. Be calm and provide your products and services your all since satisfied clients will return for the superior goods and outstanding supplier services. 2. Save the distinctive items for your own look. You might begin by coordinating the design, styles, and materials used with the themes and personalities of your store. If you want to create your own brands and trends in the jewelry industry, get the collection exclusively for your stores. You may make more money based on the selling price of your items if you can start the process from scratch and provide direct client service without the need for an intermediary. 3. You should consider consignment if you are not yet ready to open your own store. For both advantages, you may get a consignment arrangement with other retailers. The proprietor of the shop won’t be paid until your merchandise is sold. You won’t get the money right away, but after your handcrafted jewelry is sold out, you will undoubtedly receive it. In this manner, you may launch your own brand without having to spend additional funds on your own store. Ensure that every phrase in the consignment contract has been read and understood. Before doing business together, address any issues with the store owner. 4. Recognize your target audience. Identifying and focusing on your target market can assist you in preparing materials and developing styles. It is highly advised to do target group research before to starting a firm in order to maintain product sales throughout this difficult economic period. The website for stainless steel jewelry. Shop html at


The politics of the Washington Nationals What about the Washington Nationals’ incredible performance, where they stayed in the fight to win the World Series? I must have missed Donald Trump’s tweet telling the world that he was the only reason the Nationals won, claiming that his nationalism theme was the only thing that contributed to their success. The senators were the names of two previous major league baseball clubs in Washington. The saying about the old team’s record was first in war, first in peace…and last in the American league, despite the fact that they did win the world series in 1924. Although the Nationals play in the National League, the previous club, the Washington Americans, would have won several more titles if they had gone by that name. Founded in 1901, the original Washington Senators franchise was moved to Minnesota in 1960 and changed their name to the Twins. Washington was given an expansion franchise in 1961, and they moved once again to become the Texas Rangers in 1972. The moniker meant that the team name was doomed from the start. The term a group with power in the government has never fully applied to the senators from Washington.Not one of the previous senators who played baseball hit with power, except for Frank Howard and Harmon Killebrew. The Montreal Expos were a team with a lot of potential but was never able to win, much like the Libertarian Party. From its leftovers, the Nationals were formed. It seems that lawmakers were finally satisfied with anything brought from Canada when the team moved to Washington, DC, in 2005. Expo 67, the international fair in Montreal, inspired the initial word expos. Major League Baseball is also referred to as the show, and if the show could have another location, Washington, DC would suit the description. The Washington Show-boats might have been the new team name in 2005 instead of the Nationals, as DC politicians have been taking the nation down the Potomac River for years. The Nationals were 19–31 in late May, and a few irate legislators were putting up a bill to force the US government to take over the club. They suggested changing the team name to the gnats by adding a g for government. They seems to be a great match for politicians in Washington, DC, given that gnats are annoying. They swarm, bite, and also draw blood. The proprietors of the Washington Nationals believed that changing the team’s name would improve their fortune, so they suggested a few moniker, such as swamp creatures. The team decided to show the television show Swamp People and the film Creature from the Black Lagoon on the big screen during the game to provide extra entertainment since attendance at Nationals Park had been down in May. The club found out that supporters were imitating shark bites with a variety of motions throughout the game, leading to the song baby shark being famous. It seemed sense to change the name to sharks in order to build a successful squad. It was also an apt description of Washington, DC politicians, who are frequently crafty and predatory, much like sharks. The squad was in such need of assistance that they took a call from Donald Trump, who proposed renaming the team the Washington Trumps. Additionally, Trump pledged to issue a presidential order guaranteeing that the Trumps would always win by trumping the cards whenever Washington played the St. Louis Cardinals. In exchange, Trump required that all profits from team marketing materials and apparel be sent to an organization under Ivanka Trump’s ownership. Furthermore, the items would have the slogan, trumps…the greatest major league baseball team ever. The tea party members in congress proposed renaming the group of people who have been in Congress for 50 years as washington drunken sailors, in light of their wasteful ideologies. When the club faced the Milwaukee Brewers, they would have a free beer night in an effort to draw more fans. But after receiving a protest from the Department of the Navy, the name was dropped. The impeachment of Donald Trump became the focus of the House of Representatives at that point. A few Democrats suggested the moniker Washington Impeaches, using a decaying peach as the team emblem, in response to the rallying cry of impeach…impeach…impeach. The club began assessing several tactics in early June in an effort to improve the nationals’ record. But then the squad started winning, so they decided to put off choosing a new moniker. Now that they have won a world series, the team has formally elected to stick with the moniker washington nationals. Most people are unaware of the allegation that the Houston Astros want to protest the World Series conclusion by claiming that the Nationals stole their signs and by requesting to rerun the games they lost, since the political battles are now dominating the headlines. According to a different rumor, the House Intelligence Committee intends to look into President Trump’s alleged quid pro quo phone talks with Washington nationals. peering forward via the rearview mirror


Changing one’s mind from the mainstream requires guts. In our majority rule culture, anything that seems to contradict our everyday ordinary reality is often written off as a hoax or fiction. Many individuals just refuse to entertain other ideas, no matter how absurd they may appear at first, but they have a tendency to accept information from news reports without question, even when it is blatantly biased and full of lies to further the larger goal. The media’s singular goal of trivializing and disproving every aspect of the subject of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and extraterrestrial life whenever it comes up—using phrases like little green men, ets, and other tedious repartee—does not help with this. As a result, the topic has had a persistent image problem. Have they gotten in touch with us? Consider the phenomenon of crop circles. The artificial ones are easily identifiable, with wheat that has been irreparably ruined and an overall hideous jumble that has some kind of a pattern mixed in. Compare this to the magnificence of a real crop circle, which may arise in a matter of minutes and are sometimes enormous in size (some measured in miles rather than meters), with their very intricate and flawless finishing. Without modern technology and previous preparation, this would be an unattainable feat for a small group of people and would need human labor.It would take at least many weeks, and be nothing more than a length of rope and a board of wood. … much more difficult to keep this project hidden from the general population. When examined more closely, artificial crop circles are always discovered to have imperfections, whereas genuine ones have none at all. Despite withstanding intense scientific scrutiny, electromagnetic energy found in the wheat and soil underneath, and the corn whole, as if called upon by a higher force to lay this way and that. There is still nothing to refute the existence of real crop circles, and there is no evidence to support a man-made phenomenon today. The government obviously takes this phenomenon considerably more seriously than the general population does, as seen by the frequent use of military helicopters for investigation—an expense that must have amounted to thousands of pounds. A crop circle with a binary code message that surfaced in the grounds of the Chilbolton radio telescope in Hampshire in 2001 was a direct reaction to signals sent by Carl Sagan and associates 27 years before. They included comprehensive details in their message, such as our planet’s position in the universe, the human race and its genetic makeup, and a picture of the satellite dish—the device used to send the message and end the transmission. Amazingly, a response was received stating that they were gray, had big heads and little bodies, were on average 4 feet tall, and were mostly composed of silicone and carbon. They also said that they resided on the third, fourth, and fifth planets in their solar system, with a population of around 21 billion. They also gave us a crop circle that used our photo. These crop circles developed over night in a monitored and guarded region; as a result, it is difficult to manufacture them in the dark without being seen. Unsurprisingly, this crop circle—which is still the most well-known and maybe the most significant to date—was never shown on any nightly news program. A cover-up by the government? Millions of eyewitness accounts are now available, and many of them are from the general population as well as astronauts and military personnel, who you would assume would have a greater capacity to distinguish more precisely than many others what they had seen. Furthermore, it is becoming harder and more crucially unethical for them to go public about their experiences at great personal risk from government agents and the inevitable mockery that will follow their courageous admissions—all for the sake of humanity. Author and creator of Critical Eye, a website devoted to discussing social concerns, foreign events, and other subjects, Christopher is a UK-based individual. examining current concerns with a critical eye


There are credible reports substantiating the claim that Iran finances Sunni terrorist groups. These groups have harmed international public opinion of Sunni states by their acts of terror and criminality, which has justified acts against their populations. Supporters of Iran actively exploited the term wahabism to split the Sunnis; while they were unable to win over the population, they were successful in misrepresenting their views in the West. In actuality, none of the Sunni governments are under the control of extremist groups like the IS, the Taliban, or al-Qaida. In the Sunni nations, these criminals have not gained a single seat by public mandate; in contrast, clerics and Hezbollah allies control Iran through popular mandate. This represents the extreme religious views of the fewer than 1% of Muslims worldwide who support Iran out of a total of 23%. Nonetheless, many asna e ashri in the shia community, as well as ismailis and agha khanis, favor western ideas and reject Iranian policy. Conflict between civilizations has resulted from incorrect beliefs held by certain groups, especially some Sunnis, based on a misreading of Islamic doctrine. In peacetime, it has been encouraged to misquote passages from the sacred texts that refer to war in order to foment division among those civilizations and specifically target Western cultures. The Iranian clerics’ goal of reestablishing the old Persian Empire is an effort to use terror networks to destabilize the whole Middle East. Understandably, a new piece of information surfaces claiming that isis was the product of an Iranian clandestine campaign to discredit and overthrow anti-Sunni governments in Iran by tricking the West. Other than the IS, the ongoing Russian bombardment of opposition regions in Syria are the first indication of a covert campaign by the Sunni community’s mutual foes, a Western ally in Chechnya and Xinjiang. In all of recorded history, there has never been a single instance in which the Sunnis did not form a Western alliance to combat rogue regimes. Additionally, a number of asna e ashris, ismailis, and agha khanis from the Shia community oppose the Iranian government. It is not Israel but rather Iran that stands in the way of peace and the establishment of a Palestinian state. It is the rift that the Iranians’ creation of Hamas among the Arabs of Palestine. The interest in Palestinian statehood has been harmed by the financial and logistical assistance given to Hamas over the years. The Iranian dictatorship has harmed the United States’ goal of a two-state solution coexisting peacefully in the Middle East. Every time peace talks made headway, the Iranians used devious tactics to provoke the Hamas into firing missiles at Tel Aviv, targeting innocent people. This led to Israeli defense forces retaliating, which ultimately ended in a humanitarian disaster. Then, by burning American flags and providing financial backing for large-scale campaigns against American interests in those nations, the Iranians distorted the situation on the streets of the Islamic world. The Iranians’ public engagement initiatives met expectations. It takes learning to overcome their strategies. Finding Iranian assets that are active on both sides of the conflict is essential. In non-Arab Sunni nations like Pakistan, this means maintaining a firm hold over the news media. This aids kids in developing opinions on the option they have chosen. The underlying problem is the bombing and murdering of Sunnis in Syria and Iran’s expansionist plans to destroy Arab Sunni governments, which is bolstered by Russian resentment towards its Chechen Sunnis and Chinese hostility towards the 20 million Sunni Uighurs who oppose the communist system. In summary, the combined effort of Russia, Iran, and China is predicated on the idea that my enemy is my friend. Would this function? Oh no, why? Peace is the ultimate victory; no side in a fight can win a war. and winning the hearts and minds of the populace is necessary to bring about peace. For a long time to come, it will be an American success to keep them interested. In addition to maintaining US economic dominance on a worldwide scale, this will harm their economy since 20% of the world’s population is Sunni. China is encouraging instability in Xinjiang among its 20 million Sunni population, including the nearby Gilgit in Pakistan, while Russia is escalating hostility among its own Sunni minority in Chechnya. China will be destroyed by any clandestine western operation if it decides to intervene in the Syrian Civil War. regardless of how unsettling it may be, it continues to exist as a reality in the Syrian Civil War with more extensive involvement in the Middle East. After reaching a nuclear disarmament agreement, Iran has revealed her true intentions, but this will cost her dearly in the days to come. It’s time for Hamas to wake up, and Israel should use more tactful diplomacy to take advantage of the current circumstances and establish contacts with the Arab world in order to achieve a lasting peace. There are 100% Arabs and 100% Sunnis around Israel. We should take advantage of the chance the Middle East presents for our future generations to have a prosperous future. I propose holding a Middle East meeting at the Vatican under the present pope, bringing together the Jewish state, the Arabs, and the United States as guarantors of accords with a new, peacefully residing Palestinian state. Let’s hope for a Middle East that is safer. Iran has no interest in supporting the Arabs of Palestine or Israel. Arabs in Palestine are exclusively Sunnis. Please understand this. and Iran need to give from interfering in Arab-Palestinian affairs. The longer the United States is successful in keeping Russia and Iran involved in Syria, the more harm will be done to them. The United States is about to win this war. They would all be unable to recuperate from this never-ending conflict. Ultimately, in contrast to past actions, the 85% of Muslims of Sunni descent will go out on the streets in support of the United States. However, cautious public diplomacy is required. Iranian


Some people view free speech as the ability to say whatever they want, but it is outrageous when someone else says the same thing back. — Winston Churchill In a wired up, turbulent world, finding balance may be challenging. The 2016 election was successful in bringing out the worst in us and stoking feelings of resentment and hatred. It remains battle whether it is mental, verbal, on social media, or in person. a fight that is unwinnable. It’s been stated that if you have to be right, you are already incorrect. Many individuals are being carried along by an invisible, very harmful current while falling in love with the way they sound and believing that their version of events is exceptional, if not exceptional! No lens ought to be so confident. If you never hear other people out, how can you ever achieve balance—or be really exceptional? A real balance will let you comprehend things more fully. It is simple to get so vehement in our opinions that we overstep the line into imperialism when we are out of balance. then too many people are sidelined and nobody is given a voice. joining the bandwagon mentality against men who treat women poorly or ignore the ways in which women also ensnare and harm men; blocking out republican viewpoints because one is a Democrat; and maintaining the presumptive belief that one race, gender, nation, or way of life is superior are all examples of subtly asserting one’s entitlement. Closing our brains and making assumptions about things that are not like us or ours is a ubiquitous and intrusive endeavor to polarize and divide mankind. Not so much a magical conjuring as a really bad manipulation. According to Webster, the definition of a tempest is to be tossed about or agitated violently. confusedly tossed. marked by being battered or struck by adversity’s storms frequently; disturbed or distressed; in peril. seem familiar to you? Everyone is essential. We need to maintain our connection by keeping our hearts and thoughts open. monitoring, honoring, and giving room for a good-willed spirit to exist while the other is articulated. We only need to give this expression some room—not to agree with it or engage in it. Assumptive beliefs are very complex. Periodically analyze and honestly question yourself. You’re going to be shocked by what you discover in your brain’s obscure corners! Someone commented on my blog after a section of it was made available online, saying that while I agree with my thoughts (regarding self-reflection, etc.), men’s rape mindset is much worse than what women do to trap men. I got the impression that this individual was expressing hurt and rage about a recent rape and attack of a loved one. entirely comprehensible. It was possible that the author of this blog was taken to have no comprehension of the rape mindset. It’s simple for me to advocate for justice, tolerance, and other virtues like that, right? She couldn’t have known that the author had been raped and attacked. Naturally, what I’m talking about here is society’s overall disregard for other people—not violent crimes. Thus, it is one aspect. Presumption, misunderstanding, and poor communication are all detrimental during a storm. Our neighbors and coworkers are not our enemies. Conflict and division have an impact. There is a legend that advises against engaging the opponent in combat on his own ground. Shift the battle’s location to avoid confronting the adversary where he feels most comfortable. The adversary is helpless on your chosen territory—the spiritual realms—because it lacks power, endurance, and equilibrium. The adversary is rendered powerless. Right now we need everyone. We need to stay together by keeping our hearts and minds open, exercising self control, and having a clear plan of action. We may not be aware that, in the midst of a furious and violent storm, we are being quietly invited to reflect deeply on our inner selves and our own failings while simultaneously choosing to keep our distance from the dramatic and biased conversations. Recognize and accept the ambiguity around you. Give things a minute to stay unclear. You are not an expert in everything. A turbulent, endless sea constantly rises and falls. Acquire the skill of surfing the waves.


The propaganda from supporters of Russia and Iran never stops, either connecting ISIS to Saudi Arabia or labeling it an Israeli-American invention. The truth is that the ISI and CIA collaborated to finance and establish the mujahedeen in order to use covert tactics to overthrow the USSR. Though this was successfully employed against them, the Taliban and Al Qaeda emerged as the offshoot of those mujahedeen. This was not anticipated by the cia. At most crime scenes, an investigation is conducted into the victim of the crime in the first information report, or fir. Can someone help me identify the benefactor in the instance of ISIS, where Sunni governments or areas have been destabilized and their reputation has been damaged due to ISIS’s criminal behavior? Since Iran has been fighting to support pro-Iranian nations based on their religious views from Pakistan all the way to Lebanon in the Middle East, why would Saudi Arabia or the United nations damage the reputation of Sunnis or destabilize Sunni states? Although there being no Shia presence among the Palestinian Arabs, it is unclear why the Iranians provide financial and logistical support to the Sunni Hamas, which targets Israel with unprovoked missile launches in order to maintain hostilities. Palestinian casualties were severe as a consequence of Israeli security forces’ retaliation. Where is the rationality in the Sunni terrorists’ efforts toward the Iranian agenda? Iran has a history of hostilities with Sunni powers. Iran battled for Sunni rights at what point in history? How did that history turn around, leading to Iranian financial and logistical backing for Hamas in the face of a Palestinian Arab populace that is exclusively Sunni? Upon the culmination of all these exploits facilitated by Iranian assistance, whether it overt or covert, the Iranians, along with China and Russia, are appealing for solidarity in their battle against terrorist networks. This is really directed toward Sunnis, enabling the clandestine promotion of Iranian plans, and successfully use social media to sway public opinion in the West. China confronts the 20 million Sunnis in Xinjiang, while Russia faces the Sunnis in the oil-rich province of Chechnya. The shared opponent for Iran, Syria, Russia, and China is the Sunni population, which makes up 85% of the world’s 23% Muslim population—the second largest group after Christians. Few people are aware that after US military operations in Afghanistan following 9/11, a number of extremist leaders, notably Sunni terrorist Gulfbadin Hekmatyar, sought safety in Iran. Why did Iran show support for those connected to the Taliban? Because of their covert logistical assistance for sunni terrorist groups, the Iranian covert operation is successfully eroding public attitudes against sunni nations. Afghanistan and Pakistan, among other Sunni Arab nations, have historically been US allies. Through iranian covert activities that benefit both Iran and Russia, this is eroding American intrinsic support in the Muslim world by presenting them through the prism of terrorists. Could I ask you a few questions? First question: Who, in the Muslim world, upholds the authority of clerics by popular mandate? Second question: Is it not a proclaimed rogue state by the West? Question 3: Can you identify one Sunni state where the Taliban, Al Qaeda, or ISIS have received mandates from the public? What does it indicate, if not? In conclusion, it is problematic that open-ended inquiries have not been used to evaluate the undercurrents, which include the events in Syria. Perceptions on the success of the Iranian-Russian alliance will be obtained via the structured questionnaire. A decision that is impartial, real, and trustworthy must be reached. American policymakers must comprehend the fundamental phenomena with intelligence. The term wahabism is misused and propagated by Iranian operatives in order to fabricate a rift among the Sunni governments. Note: The essay in no way disparages any organization or denomination; rather, we firmly believe in religious peace. Extremists who identify as Sunni or Shia have both received the same condemnation. Saudi Arabia warns that Assad in Syria has no future at


The California Democratic Party is in a strong position to guide the country’s recovery in terms of both its economics and morality, but today I’m writing to you specifically about the latter. We are progressively approaching a time in our history as a country where there are more people who appreciate other people’s rights than there are those who are working to undermine those rights. Gay marriage is the shining example of this social upheaval, and the gains made in this protracted struggle are a sign of the broader cultural changes that are occurring. Everything about this is excellent. In actuality, these triumphs are the result of changes inside the Republican Party. While moderate and tea party republicans disagree on matters such as marriage equality, conservative values are becoming more tolerant. Democrats should use the divide as a chance to advance justice for the right to marry, just as it has done in the past. We have embraced the top two primary here in California, which is a potentially very useful mechanism that might help us take advantage of these fractures within the Republican Party. Even though many of my fellow Democrats criticize the jungle primary system, which awards the top two vote-getters—rather than just the top vote-getter from each party—as a barrier to our attempts to advance progressive principles more broadly, it is actually a fantastic tool for widening the rift within the Republican Party. The discussion about the appropriate course of action in light of the new reality of the top two primaries is starting inside the Los Angeles County Democratic Party, and it is a worthwhile one. The no party preference party is developing more quickly in California than either the Democratic or Republican parties, as our county chairman recently noted. this is due to the fact that hardline and moderate Republicans are splitting their party on a variety of topics, with immigration, voting rights, and civil rights being the most divisive ones. The foundation of the Democratic Party was the idea of inclusivity. We are the group that honors variety and recognizes the power of many viewpoints. Because we are a country founded on the principles of equality—equality in opportunity, equality in our capacity to uphold our personal faiths, equality in the right to free speech, and the general need for justice and respect for all—we have historically grown because we have shown over time that we genuinely believe that when our government or culture attempts to diminish the civil rights of another human being, that we are morally obligated to fight for that person or culture. Therefore, the Republican Party in California is in a precarious position right now, and our party has a choice: either we embrace the no party preference people and watch them grow until they start their own party to challenge us, or we can reach out and engage in constructive dialogue. In my opinion, it would be prudent for us, the party of diversity and inclusiveness, to take advantage of this chance and launch a widespread effort to win over as many of these atheists as we can. However, in the process, we must not waver in our will to fight for civil rights since our country’s past is replete with instances and deeds that severely violated the civil rights of others. In addition to being enthusiastic to advance the principles that define us as Democrats, we should also be eager to expand our party. from the suffragette struggle to workers’ rights to Jim Crow democrats have been the ones to put aside our personal interests and fight for justice during the whole history of America’s failure to live up to those sentences from the Declaration of Independence that all men are created equal. I’m writing to you today because of it. We must remember one thing in light of the enormous opportunity we have to expand as a party, the demise of the Republican Party in California, our historical diversity as a party, and the chance to ignite a national movement towards progressive ideals as we work to win over the growing number of no party preference voters. First and foremost, we are the party that has battled to defend the civil rights of all people. And yet, there are Democratic candidates running for office who have opposed marriage equality, both here in California and in conservative areas throughout the nation. Some people who were formerly Republicans still believe that a man and a woman only have the right to be married. This is unquestionably bad. Our party is varied. There is place in our party for discussions on the ideal course of action in the areas of military, education, and the budget, among other areas. Nonetheless, we cannot compromise on the integrity of our goal. Despite our enormous growth potential, we must eliminate Democrats who oppose us on civil rights issues, especially marriage equality, and choose candidates who share the fundamental belief that restricting someone’s civil rights is the Democratic Party’s red line. because violating the civil rights of another individual stems from an innate, deep-seated desire. We must not elect them, lest their avarice taint our values. This goes beyond just defending our ideologies. We should remove civil rights offenders from our society and use candidate records on homosexual marriage as a yardstick for evaluation for pragmatic reasons. rigid Republicans are now working to impede other people’s ability to vote—another essential civil right that we must defend at all costs—by enacting excessively stringent voter identification laws. In order to prevail in this struggle in the road, we need to elect and elevate Democrats who have historically been willing to support other people’s civil rights, even when doing so is difficult.


Article 1 of the 7-part realitysculp series is available here. When knowledge is lacking, individuals will try to make up for it in whatever way they can. Sometimes the source of this knowledge is the product of careful investigation; other times it is the product of speculative thinking. Those in positions of power cannot afford to let this happen in any scenario if they want to keep their hold on power. The unseen world 2015 Nobody on the planet would like the idea that their conduct, activities, or even their thoughts themselves might be controlled to an extreme degree. But as the twenty-first century begins, human liberty is, on the whole, at its lowest point in recorded history. Because it goes against the years’ worth of schooling, political philosophy, and television shows that many have seen, many people may disregard this piece as ridiculous. Reading about what may be the biggest moment of their new lives, for those who are brave enough. why? because everything in our world is flipped. The ideas I want to convey to the reader are that almost all significant truths in our society are the antithesis of what most people think to be true. I’ve read the writings of many truth seekers who have traveled farther down this path of discovery over the last several years, and many of them have amazing insights to impart. The majority of truthers try to jolt the public out of their slumber by stunning them with facts that defy the prevalent and widely held beliefs, but although this sometimes succeeds, it usually fails miserably. Despite being well-written and rationally structured, these endeavors often fail to assist others in understanding the reality of the world. I soon discovered there were two sides to the problem. First, most people are not as conceptive as they might be. The best way to describe conceptiveness is as being open to learning new ideas and seeking to comprehend them. This is not the same as the widely used phrase open-minded, whose meaning has been perverted by propagandists. These days, being open-minded means accepting drastic lifestyle changes that are thrust upon you by people in authority without question or without exercising judgment. Conceptiveness, on the other hand, necessitates the use of judgment and critical thinking when assessing novel ideas. The second concern is the extent of a person’s reality. Information outside the bounds of reality is beyond the capacity of the human mind to understand and comprehend. As I’ll demonstrate to you later, this fact is also used to manage the population. The best way to define reality scope is as the accumulation of all the ideas and information that a person is aware of or can imagine. Please keep in mind that what defines a person’s reality is their understanding of and capacity for imagining ideas, not their agreement with these ideas. A human cannot understand and comprehend knowledge that is beyond the bounds or scope of their reality, as was previously established. A person must thus make a decision when exposed to knowledge that is beyond the realm of reality. the option to disregard the knowledge and focus their attention elsewhere, or to broaden the boundaries of their reality in an effort to understand it. This decision is based on the importance that the option is believed to have for the person making it. But as this conversation will demonstrate, a person’s perception of value is derived from their world view, or, to put it another way, their overall comprehension of reality. Furthermore, this conversation will demonstrate how the media and educational system, which are controlled by a small number of people whose objective is to govern, give the masses their worldviews. Therefore, the true problem of reality scope is to demonstrate the immense importance of this information and comprehension to a human living in a worldview that seeks to undermine the merits of any thought along these lines. In fact, people understand deep down that going down this route would be, at most, unpleasant and maybe quite harmful. A mindcage is a psychological condition in which a person’s capacity for creativity, learning, and spiritual growth is constrained to an extent that authorities find beneficial. Being mindfree refers to a psychological condition in which an individual chooses to pursue limitless intellectual, spiritual, and imaginative growth while acknowledging the presence of authoritarian and self-imposed mental prisons. really while everyone values their own personal freedom and free choice, very few people really realize that these things were taken from them a long time ago. The main cause of this is because most people are unaware that mindcages exist, and even those who know often don’t realize it affects them personally. I have chosen to aim my efforts in a different path than other truthers as a result of this discovery. I’ve dedicated myself to the mindfree trip and made an effort to record the specifics of my discoveries in the hopes that others would find value in this experience. You have to acknowledge that you are in a mindcage before you can find a way out of it. A person can never guarantee that they are never controlled unless they accept that psychological locks and controls exist in order to confine people to a mindcage and have an awareness of how this prison operates. Though this is a self-evident statement, most Americans seem to have decided that those whose hearts lust for wealth and power are better suited to protect and preserve our free will. Let’s face it, not everyone has the potential to become president. A particular kind of person must have a strong sense of dedication and substantial financial resources to rise to such a position of authority. But the average American thinks that someone who receives hundreds of millions of dollars in funding from business and the rich people who own those businesses would somehow make the interests of the common person their top priority when they run for office. Do

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