To put it another way, this is a call, a challenge, and a plea… …for everyone of us to take some time apart from the frenetic pace of life from time to time in order to contemplate the life that we are now experiencing. Ask yourself at this second: “What is it that really matters to me the most?” • what makes me feel that my life has purpose and contributes to my happiness? • what do I desire or need? • what are the attitudes or beliefs that prevent me from living the life that I actually want to live? Hold on just a second. despite the fact that your children are begging for assistance with their schoolwork or that the impending deadline at work is driving a frantic rush of all the things you still need to complete to flash through your thoughts, you should continue to help your children. Ignore the ping of the text message that you just received for the time being. The thought of what you promised your husband or wife that you would do and completely forgot about that has a pull so strong that your entire body seems to want to pull itself from the chair on which you are sitting so that you can take care of it and check it off your list. For just this moment, ignore the ping of the text message that you just received. Just hold on for a moment. breathe. Do you love yourself enough to make room in your life for the things that are most important to you, or do you just react and respond to whatever seems to be the most pressing issue at the moment? Do you love yourself enough to make room in your schedule for you? What do you notice when you give yourself permission to stop doing everything and simply be with yourself? How does it make you feel? Do you sense yourself being breathed in by your own breath? Do you sense the bubbling flow of energy that is pumping through your body as well as the pounding of your heart? Do you have an awareness of the areas of your body in which you are harboring tension, where you are hanging on to stress that is originating from someplace external, or even from the voices that you have internalized over time that tell you that you “should” do this or that? Is it possible for you to relax that area in your body, whether it’s your shoulder, your neck, or even the knot in your stomach? how would you feel if you were in your position if you did it? The purpose of pausing is to switch off the autopilot that, when we aren’t paying attention to our life, appears to take over and run everything. It is able to drive your car from your house to your place of employment with such ease that suddenly you find yourself pulling into a parking spot despite the fact that you spent the entire trip thinking about the conversation you had with your son or daughter or housemate the night before, and you realize that you can’t even remember the drive. It is unquestionably helpful at times to be able to do tasks such as brushing one’s teeth, folding clothing, or washing dishes without having to pay full attention to the task at hand. It frees up cognitive resources that may then be used to other endeavors. The second thing that it does, however, is that it makes it easy for you to transport yourself away from the here and now and into a recollection of the past or an imaginative projection of the future. It maintains the train’s steady motion down the tracks without checking to see whether the tracks are going in the direction you want them to go. You may establish your intentions…for both your personal and professional lives, if you are clear about what it is that is important to you, what it is that you value, your vision for your life, and even particular objectives. Your goals will act as a touchstone that you may go back to if you lose focus throughout the day or the week. They help you maintain your attention. They keep you going in the correct way and gazing in the proper direction to get you where you want to go. Please visit:
As a kind of prophetic art, traditional xuan kong feng shui may sometimes be highly precise. When we take into account the period of construction as well as the reading on the magnetic compass of the property, we are able to uncover invisible effects. These influences may include events or situations that an occupant could find themselves in. For instance, there is a certain kind of energy that may exist in someone’s home, and the presence of this energy might forecast the need for surgery. The Flying Star Academy will then provide one or more solutions in order to circumvent this possibility. It is possible that the solution will entail a component treatment for the space in question and/or a reduction in the amount of time spent in the room so that you will be less affected by it. The final strategy for being able to avoid an emergency operation is to actually arrange an elective operation in order to fulfill this practically certain condition. This will allow you to circumvent the emergency operation. An unexpected and more dangerous event might be used as a distraction by having a mole removed, for example, rather than having an emergency. Another unfortunate event is when a person’s house’s feng shui predicts that they will become a widow or widower in a certain year. This is a very unfortunate condition. what should we do to stop this from happening? In addition to a conventional treatment, such as the incorporation of a new component into the space, you can consider inviting a family or friend who is already a widow or widower to stay with you for that year. This manner, the home will have a widow or widower without you having to go through the process of losing a spouse yourself. Strange, huh? Well, these are some of the secrets that were imparted with me by one of the most recognized and sought after feng shui experts on the world. This particular feng shui master advises officials in the governments of china and Taiwan, to mention a few of his remarkable clientele. Lemons may be turned into lemonade in a variety of ways, provided that one has the necessary education and expertise. This kind of situation, in which a setting that can be unfavorable for one individual turns out to be advantageous for another, is something that I have seen hundreds of times with different customers. This may be related in some way to a person’s age, gender, profession, marital status, or any number of other aspects of their personal astrology. During the beginning stages of my education in feng shui, I was once given the opportunity to accompany my instructor on an evaluative visit to the house of a lady who turned out to be the author of a number of popular “romantic” books. A nasty puddle of water that had been sitting there for some time could be seen just outside the front door before we went inside. When we questioned her about the murky water, she said that it was there regularly because the level of her canyon house was lower than the level of the street, and water from her sprinkler system frequently flowed to the one low area at the end of the driveway. In most circumstances, filthy water is a warning indication. It is possible for it to foretell a great deal of illness or even criminal conduct. My professor saw the irony in the fact that her entry was so beneficial for authors and chuckled to himself about it behind my back. This was determined based on the year that her home was constructed and the position of the front door. At this particular kind of entry, there is a “wood” energy that, when encouraged by water, becomes more active (like watering a plant). As a writer of nasty sex novels, she benefited from the pooling of the dirty water at the door of her building. This is actually a rather g-rated translation of what one could come across in this circumstance, but this is just one real example of how some people naturally dodge a bullet based on what they do for a living and how we can sometimes make lemonade out of lemons. In other words, this is just one example of how we can sometimes turn lemons into lemonade. To be an effective consultant, you need to know how to apply these old lessons in a contemporary setting, as well as how to make the necessary modifications in a way that is both straightforward and inexpensive. Since 1992, Kartar Diamond has been assisting individuals with their houses as well as their enterprises, making this a particularly strong feature for the company. Visit if you would like more information.
Electronics are seen to have the ability to enliven a space and stir chi (also known as qi or energy) in a manner that is beneficial in the new age interpretation of feng shui. This is really one of the most strange conceptions to emerge out of the new age spin-off versions of this old tradition, when electronic instruments were not at all employed or written about as treatments for imbalanced spaces in any way, shape, or form (hundreds or thousands of years ago.) This is not to argue that contemporary pieces of décor or inventions cannot qualify as valid balance agents in a space; rather the contrary, in fact. A water fountain, for instance, is one of the most magnificent contemporary marvels, and it is something that we are able to use since electricity was invented. It would not be conceivable to introduce the natural element of moving water into interior areas if it were not possible to plug in these beneficial technologies. And yet, you don’t have to go very hard to obtain study results that warn us that being in chronic near proximity to electrical fields may cause a wide variety of health issues. These studies are readily available. It has been shown that spending long periods of time in front of a computer may cause eye strain and weariness. not to mention the fact that excessive stimulation from electronic gadgets might disrupt the normal circadian cycles that our bodies follow. Young children may be especially vulnerable to life-threatening diseases when exposed to strong electrical fields, and any fragile person should make every effort to restrict the amount of time they are exposed to electrical fields. Although it is practically difficult to avoid being exposed to electrical fields, it is a common misconception that the presence of electronic gadgets “livens up the chi” in a space. This is a misguided belief that may lead to health problems. What sorts of contemporary elements really meet the requirements to be considered valid feng shui remedies? The following is a condensed list of things that are examples of natural elements that may be found in many environments. water, including fountains with actual running water and aquariums with the tops removed (exposing the water to the qi in the room.) wood In places where the “wood phase” component is required, we may substitute living plants for the wood component. fire: an actual heat source, such as a blazing lamp or a candle that is being carefully watched as it burns, is unquestionably a depiction of the fire element; nevertheless, massive displays of the color red may also work. items made of genuine stone or soil, clay, or brick may function well as substitutes for the earth element in situations where it is required. gold, silver, brass, bronze, copper, and iron are all examples of metals that may be used in situations when an adjustment has to be made. When taken internally, colloidal silver helps eliminate germs and assist the body in recovering from illness more quickly. When we consider the five natural elements that have been used for the longest time and that are a part of a genuine feng shui audit, we can see that electronic devices do not easily fit into any of these element categories, with the exception of fire. Although electricity is considered to be the fire element, we more often refer to fire as “sha.” The term “sha” refers to anything that may be detrimental to our physical and mental health and well-being. As a comparison example, we might have metal “sha,” which would be anything made of sharp metal that may be physically hazardous to be near. Sha is a Japanese word for “cutting instrument.” The word “water sha” may be used to refer to filthy water that has become stagnant. This in no way suggests that people should avoid using their technological gadgets. In point of fact, a home sound system that is capable of bringing calming music into the space can be seen in no other way than a positive light. However, it is not really true or well thought out to believe that technological equipment is a feng shui solution in and of itself. Kartar Diamond is the proprietor of the worldwide consulting firm feng shui solutions. Because Kartar assists clients with both residential and commercial properties, no work is too big or too little for the company. Visit to discover more about Kartar’s learning tools and publications, as well as the manner in which she provides consultations both in-person and over the phone or internet.
The developers of present the notion of becoming green. Your investment portfolio has to be sufficiently robust, much like a healthy diet. Because of this, our financial adviser recommends that we make some of our money available for investment in real estate. If you are wanting to make an investment in a home, we have provided you with the study of an industry professional on the real estate in greater Noida. You are now able to choose where you may put your money to get the highest return. Basis for your decision: throughout the last several years, the real estate market has demonstrated a remarkable transformation in both large cities and small communities. This transition has occurred in every single one of these locations. 2012 was a difficult year for real estate firms since the economy was unstable, demand was weak, inflation and interest rates were high, and these factors brought real estate developers to the brink of a funding crisis due to rising prices of input and debt. Sales also declined. nonetheless, buyer interest is generated in the residential divisions all the way up to the middle of the market. This has resulted in price rises for the raw materials, which, in turn, has led to price hikes in the majority of cities. The opinion of an industry expert is that in 2013, developers are more prudently pricing their projects, and they have devised innovative ways to give a greater number of pre-launch bonuses. Those that have huge projects and inventories are the ones who are put under the most pressure to provide discounts. Greater Noida is quickly becoming an important center for both industry and education. It is around forty kilometers away from the city of New Delhi. It has developed a strong infrastructure, and it serves as a center for a number of significant businesses. It is linked to Noida via a roadway that has six lanes in each direction. 15 to 20 minutes to go from Noida to Greater Noida. the yamuna expressway, which links it with agra via mathura, is one of the reasons why it has become one of the hotspots for property investment. It will soon have a metro connection to Noida, as well as Ghaziabad and New Delhi. Greater Noida is a desirable location for a number of residential market categories. There is a possibility that there will be a 20–25 percent spike in prices in this region. go green projects in greater noida: there is a need for conserving nature along with the growth of operations, this has become one of the most priority-based challenges for various sectors in real estate the developers are designing an ecofriendly system to the use of environmentally sustainable construction material and they are managing the project with minimal resources to using renewable energy for habitation is being known as imperative for a safer future. The increasing needs for investment in the building of infrastructure assets all throughout the nation are a direct result of the fast urbanization that has taken place and the expanding population. Several projects, such as jaypee greens in greater noida, which is a luxury 182.91-hectare golf-centric real estate development, are predicated on the idea of becoming green. The developers now have a variety of property alternatives available in the Greater Noida area. In a same manner, they incorporate their notion of “going green” and their projects into one another. For example, they sell residences that come with golf courses, landscaped areas, resorts, and commercial complexes. They are developing a lifestyle real estate that will give individual houses and flats in the Greater Noida area. This development will bring about a full lifestyle. This study was compiled by udai pro market, a real estate consultancy organization, to assist you in making informed and lucrative choices about the purchasing, selling, renting, and leasing of properties in India. You may get in touch with udai propmart for further information on real estate on yamuna expressway.
When architectural designs are able to match the principles of excellent feng shui, it is undoubtedly pleasant. But, alas, this is not always the case, and the fact that it is not always the case might lead to imbalances in the lives of the tenants. Each and every home has what is known as a facing side and a sitting side. Even if it is not the side that would be regarded the architectural front of the property according to traditional criteria, the side that faces the street is deemed the front of the property. When referring to the rear of a home or apartment, the sitting side is the word that is often used. You could find an apartment that has an entrance on one side of the unit, but the main views and the largest windows are on the other side of the unit. This is just one such configuration. The facing side may be determined convincingly based on the availability of uninterrupted views and balconies. The side with more “yang,” the side with stronger lighting, and the side with bigger rooms are all indicators that the facing side is more than simply an entryway. Additionally, a home that has a backyard that has large views and a land slope that is sloping downwards has the potential to have the facing side be that backyard. These conditions don’t warrant any concern. It is not required that the front door of a home be on the same side as the street or that the house face the street. Because determining which side is the facing side and which side is the sitting side is essential for generating something called the flying star chart, these principles and criteria are something that all traditional feng shui students learn early on in their studies. The issue, however, is in the manner in which the residents make use of the area. The yang rooms are often the rooms that have more light, are larger, and are the locations with the highest levels of activity and stimulation. The yin rooms are often more subdued, smaller in size, and darker. As humans, we have a constant desire to replenish our energy stores and have the support of the world around us. We need to remain awake and alert when in the yang rooms, yet relaxed and receptive while in the yin rooms. However, there are situations when the architect fails to take into account or completely disregards this vital feng shui concept. I may sense the unstable energy of a house even as a visitor at a client’s home if the rooms that are intended to be the busy rooms (living room, kitchen, dining room, office) are in the yin areas of the house. Examples of these rooms include the dining room, the office, and the living room. Equally, when the rooms that should be considered yin (bathrooms, bedrooms) are located in the yang half of the home, it might give the impression that there is no place for anybody to rest. Have you ever come across a floor plan that looks like this before? you step into a space that is dimmer as you enter the living room, but the master bedroom may be so bright that it causes glare in the room during the afternoons? Why does anything like this occur? It is not required of an architect to have extensive knowledge of feng shui, and it is imperative that they take into account the requirements and preferences of their customers throughout the design process. Therefore, occasionally an inadvertently terrible design is generated because neither the designer nor the customer are aware of any better options. On the other hand, there are occasions when it is very clear to me that a design compromise was made in order to save money. This is particularly the case with large developers who are required to fit a set quantity of “product” (houses) into a certain area. It is all too common for people to disregard the course the sun takes around the property or the optimal layout of the yin and yang rooms, both of which may ultimately have a negative impact on the health of the people living there. Are there any quick-fix solutions to these problems? We can, without a doubt, make some adjustments to the layout and decoration of the space in order to make the yang rooms seem more yin and the yin rooms feel more yang. This may require adjusting the colors and lighting, and in certain cases may even involve rearranging the functions of the rooms. kartar diamond is the author of a full series of feng shui suggestions books, such as “feng shui tips for architects” and “feng shui tips for realtors.” kartar diamond was trained by a variety of different chinese instructors, some of which were from Europe and Australia. These chinese masters include master sung, lo, and yu. Kartar Diamond is based in the Greater Los Angeles Area, although they serve customers all around the globe. You may learn more about the qualifications of Kartar Diamond, as well as his books, ebooks, and consultancy format, by visiting Kartar Diamond has been in practice since 1992.
There are many distinct kinds of educators, each with their own unique objectives. However, the majority of educators have the earnest desire for their classes to immediately apply what the pupils learn. In addition to this, one of the goals that we have for our students is to teach them how to make efficient changes to their personal spaces. A portion of this is done with the intention of helping “sell” feng shui. Because we want our pupils to have faith that feng shui is effective, we could strive to impress upon them the significance of the first lesson they take with us. When there is a whole classroom full of individuals, each of whom has distinct qualities and unique situations that we don’t know about, it is really rather difficult to impart anything more specific than broad knowledge to them. Many advice, when taken out of their original context, might seem weird, ritualistic, or even superstitious. When I teach an introductory course that is three hours long, I spend the first half of the session building the students’ confidence by providing a high-level overview of such deep subjects as the yin-yang theory, the chi flow theory, the eight trigram theory, and the five-element theory. I tell the kids that we are just going to spend 10 minutes on topics that each need a whole week of training but we are only going to do that. Despite this, my ultimate goal, like that of most educators, is to move the pupils forward as soon as possible to a position where they can comprehend some of the theory or the mechanics behind some strong improvements they can make. The fact of the matter is that feng shui is most effectively learned in a certain sequence, and this order may need more theory and more explanations before we even get to the point where we discuss real treatments. In point of fact, this is something that I have seen time and time again; someone will attempt to alter their own living area before they have even acquired the very minimum of knowledge necessary to create a flying star chart (energy blueprint based on when the structure was built and its precise compass alignment). Those of you who are reading this essay have had varying degrees of experience with the mystical art form that is being discussed. Some of you may merely have a casual interest in the topic, while others of you may have studied it in great detail, and still others of you may even be practicing it. Ask yourself, would you be prepared to spend a hundred hours studying more about the philosophy that lies behind this ancient practice, or would you have been willing to do so at the beginning of your studies, before rushing the “cures” and remedies? If the answer is yes, then you should be. We are a part of a society that values convenience foods, and whenever I have been approached by the media for an interview, they have requested easy “top ten” lists of things to do and straightforward steps that anybody can implement in their life without any prior training. Therefore, as instructors, we often find ourselves talking about topics that aren’t very engaging to others. Then, the more esoteric explanations are often saved for the more advanced practitioner classes in a number of the classical systems. Because many of us are a bit nervous and we want people to trust us and think that feng shui is for genuine and not a superstition, I consider this as teaching feng shui backwards. This is because we want people to believe that feng shui is for real and not a superstition. Because of this, we often skip over a great deal of information that is not only intriguing but also delicate and even deep. In point of fact, after a student has mastered the “rules,” they should continue their education to learn about all of the “exceptions to the rules” and eventually how to “break the rules.” A number of years ago, I made a phone call to a feng shui teacher whose writings had left an impression on me. I wanted to know whether she ever accepted any private pupils. It was a yes from her. My next inquiry was on the amount of time necessary for a private student to get educated by her. “Roughly eight years,” she estimated. Contrast this curriculum with those of institutions that provide certifications to their pupils in a couple of weeks. This is a totally other issue that occurs within the profession of feng shui, whereby some individuals teach “backwards” as a result of the unfortunate reality that they do not have sufficient content to offer with their pupils. These same students believe they are farther along in their education than they really are, and they are unaware of the opportunities that are available to them. Having been one of master sang’s earliest and most well-known graduates, kartar diamond spent many years as an advanced teacher at the American Feng Shui Institute. This allowed him to pass on his knowledge to subsequent generations. kartar has spent the most of her life studying traditional feng shui as well as other esoteric arts; despite this, her approach to feng shui is rather earthy and focused on application. Go to for more information on Kartar Diamond’s online mentorship program, as well as his books, ebooks, consulting services, and other offerings.
The BP oil spill proceeded to poison and pollute on an unprecedented level, and while it did so, numerous similarities were drawn to the economic and environmental toll that was taken in connection with Hurricane Katrina in 2005. That, in turn, got me thinking of a customer of mine who had to rebuild her home after Hurricane Katrina flooded it about two-thirds of the way up from the floor to the ceiling. My experience with this case study was one of a kind. The walls and flooring of this specific home needed to be renovated, but the roof and ceiling were able to be preserved in their original state. In a strict sense, the interior construction-era energies of a home do not leave the building or become rejuvenated until the roof and ceiling are removed from the building. The parameters for a radical time shift necessitate that a significant section of a home be opened up to the sky and that the rays of sun touch the bottom level of a building. This is because a radical time shift needs a significant amount of daylight. However, what happens to a home if it becomes inundated with water? What happens inside of a home if there is a fire, but the roof and ceiling remain intact and the interior is filled with smoke? Because of the extreme nature of the situation, the qi, also known as the life force energy, will figuratively “die” when the room is filled with smoke, fire, or water. If the damage is so severe that it needs completely new surfaces (even without the roof and ceiling being opened up), then we may consider the home to have been “reborn” once it has undergone renovation. The idea that the qi in the area has been “drowned” or “consumed” is essential to understanding this situation. The term “choked” was used by master sung to describe the way in which fire and smoke may obliterate the original floating stars or destroy the qi. A home that is actually relocated from one area to another is an example of one of the various kinds of drastic renovations that might affect the building duration of a property. This is analogous to disconnecting a device from one electrical socket and then inserting it into a different one. In this particular illustration, the connection to the earth below is the most important factor. If a home was constructed in 1914 and then relocated to another place in 1976, the house that was initially built in 1914 would be deemed to have been built in 1976 after the transfer since it was moved to a different site. This is really important information to have, and if I am working on behalf of a client, I always ask about the history of the property or structure in question. Some of the more simple schools of feng shui do not even take time into consideration, and as a result, they fail to diagnose some of the most crucial parts of feng shui as a whole. When the square footage of a home more than doubles as a result of extensive renovations, this may be a sign that a fresh start is just around the corner. For instance, if a home was first constructed in 1925 with 800 square feet and was later expanded in 1999 with more than 1600 square feet, we might recalculate the whole building as if it were built in 1999 even if the expansion took place in 1999. Having said that, this scenario warrants more elaboration. There is still a chance that the overall structure may be perceived as being partially from one building period and partially from another, depending on how a home is enlarged, whether the extension is up or out, and how the newer component is linked to the older part. My e-book, “Feng Shui Tips for House Hunters,” highlights the various visual and contextual clues that a person should be aware of when taking into account feng shui prior to purchasing or leasing a home. This may be helpful for those who are looking to purchase or lease a home. However, when it comes to factoring in aspects of time and remodeling, you owe it to yourself to have a professional who is classically trained and experienced determine the impact of fire, flood, remodel changes, and the original construction era of the house. This can help ensure that you get the most accurate assessment possible. Kartar Diamond often collaborates with a variety of construction professionals, including builders, developers, designers, architects, and landscape architects. Feng shui may be used at any stage of the home buying process, including the design phase and the remodeling phase. Go to if you want more information about the online mentorship program, as well as the consulting services, professional training, books, and ebooks that Kartar Diamond offers.
Since I make my living in the field of divination, I felt obligated to watch the recent episode of a well-liked television program that explored the question of whether or not psychics are hoaxes or genuine. The producers of the show took the safe stance that the majority of psychics are either con artists or just overconfident eccentrics who have delusions about their abilities. This was done despite the fact that they had conducted relatively little in-depth research into the phenomenon of psychic ability. This specific presentation had psychic mediums (those who communicate with the dead), palm readers, space clearers, and a tarot card reader among its guests. Despite the fact that I have the opinion that most psychics are not nearly specific enough for my tastes, I am aware and have personal experience with the fact that feng shui practitioners are typically treated pretty poorly (and unfairly) by the media as well. This is the case even though I have the opinion that most psychics are not nearly specific enough for my tastes. The fact that everyone of us has a degree of free will is a significant issue that was not addressed by any of the psychics who were asked to be interviewed for this article. We are all too quick to write off a metaphysician who is not accurate one hundred percent of the time, but practitioners of predictive arts generally agree that nothing is “set in stone” and that because of free will, no psychic, astrologer, or feng shui master can predict the past, present, or future without some errors or omissions. This is despite the fact that predictive arts practitioners generally agree that nothing is “set in stone” and that nothing is “set in stone.” We are unable to provide a result guarantee. and neither can the large pharmaceutical firms, who have no issue producing medications that have significant adverse effects for a certain fraction of the population. When it comes to the topic of integrity, we as a society are able to be just as critical of large businesses and their “track record” for truth as we are of an individual person. We don’t run our local weatherman out of town and label him or her a charlatan when they give us inaccurate forecasts of the upcoming weather. By way of illustration, a feng shui study enables us to classify specific kinds of homes as being more likely to bring their inhabitants a certain set of challenges or conditions. However, even in the most fundamental studies of feng shui, it is possible to determine, on the basis of an individual’s specific birth data, whether or not they would do better than another person in the same home. The importance of having a compatible personality cannot be overstated. Even if two people are living in the same home and even sharing the same room, they may still have diverse experiences due to the individual ways in which they interact with the same environment. Then, when we add on to that some element of free will, a modest and seasoned consultant will accept that he can’t know everything all the time since he doesn’t have access to all the information. It is another paradoxical position that many skeptics take that if someone is helped by the guidance of a psychic or a practitioner of predictive arts, that person must have been very suggestible. This is a position that many skeptics take (i.e. the placebo effect.) The idea that one’s thoughts may alter their experience of the world around them is a fundamental tenet of metaphysics, and the concept that “it’s all in one’s mind” refers to this idea. In other words, the skeptic may make fun of the concept that the energy of a room can be adjusted with only the furniture in the room, but at the same time, they are supporting an even more mystical thesis, which is that we all possess “mind control.” This paradox is also applicable to holistic medicine in some sense. The use of homeopathy as a treatment for the common cold may elicit laughter from skeptics; nevertheless, by doing so, they are implicitly admitting that the mind, and not the body’s ability to fight off infection, determines whether or not we get ill. This is only one illustration of how quickly a skeptic might contradict their own skepticism without even being aware that they have done so. Should we have faith in these unseen powers, or should we not? My personal cynicism has been alleviated over the course of time as a result of the many people who have participated in “blind case studies” within the context of my feng shui practice. Clients have installed remedies and made alterations to their homes or workplaces without letting their wives, children, or coworkers know that the environment had modified in any way, much less the reason for the change. Notwithstanding this, the subjects who were targeted continue to get the advantages or effects that were anticipated. I have been recording objective findings for close to twenty years now, and almost everyone is in agreement with the “diagnostic” of their environment. There is just one circumstance in which this cannot be verified instantly, and that is when the customer has not yet moved into the area, or when they have only just moved in. I believe that feng shui is a genuine phenomena, and I say this with all sincerity. It is effective the majority of the time, regardless of whether or not a person believes in feng shui or even is aware that something was done in their name in the name of feng shui. Since 1992, kartar diamond, owner of feng shui solutions, has been providing consulting services by making use of traditional applications of Chinese culture while maintaining a practical mindset. Kartar is the author of a number of publications as well as a series of ebooks titled “tips.” Go to for additional information about Kartar’s published
Many people are going to be taken aback by the title of this piece, and it is going to arouse both disagreement and hostility. Nevertheless, I need a few minutes of your time in order to clarify this verdict that I have arrived to. According to their actions, their books, their websites, and their direct comments to me, I have been completely mystified as to why a whole major segment of the feng shui consultant population has no desire to actually practice or even familiarize themselves with traditional feng shui! I have no idea why this is the case, but it does! After over twenty years of watching this highly odd mentality held by some practitioners, I have arrived to the following conclusion. You would think that anybody who professes to adore the idea of feng shui and calls themselves a consultant in this area would make it their business to study as much as they possibly can about the subject matter. In the early 1990s, a friend of mine living in Australia was unable to get sufficient knowledge on her own continent. As a result, she traveled to Hong Kong on many occasions in order to meet with a variety of instructors. That exemplifies devotion and dedication! There are several schools and sub-divisions that fall under the umbrella of traditional Feng Shui. Some of these schools have an emphasis on land and the natural environment, whilst others place their emphasis on architecture and the constructed environment. There are certain educational institutions that place an emphasis not just on the individual but also on how well they personally mesh with the surrounding environment. If I were to go too technical for the average person who will be reading this post, I would say that there is so much information to study and apply that it would take a person years to understand all of these different theories and applications. I have taken classes with a half dozen different instructors, and each school has something special to provide me with as a learning opportunity. Despite this, the great majority of people who follow new age interpretations of feng shui don’t seem to have much interest in diving further into this profound and extensive body of knowledge. For instance, there are some new age schools that don’t even bother to use a compass to identify the actual orientation of a home or the directional limits inside a floor plan. This might be confusing for those who aren’t familiar with the terminology. The compass is an essential instrument for the trade; nonetheless, I have heard many strange explanations for why some people believe the compass is antiquated or unimportant in today’s world. Despite the fact that the compass is a necessary tool for the trade, some people have this odd belief. The unfortunate reality is that a guy who was not even regarded seriously by contemporary day feng shui masters in china was the one who introduced the first wave of interest in feng shui to the western world less than thirty years ago. This fascination has since spread across the whole western world. In the early 1990s, before the internet, almost the only books accessible in english followed a one-size-fits-all methodology that was an almost unrecognizable form of feng shui. However, the average unassuming westerner was unaware that this was the situation. Even if it did not seem to be a simple marketing gimmick at first, it eventually became one on a very successful level, giving rise to an increasing number of books and contributing to the spread of other myths. A genuine sect dedicated to Feng Shui came into existence. In modern times, not only do we have to navigate all of the old myths and superstitions, but a whole lot of fresh hocus pocus has also been added to the pile. After all these years, conventional, classical feng shui has finally begun to make some progress in the modern world. Both in the United States and in other nations, there are now schools and instructors who are of a very high caliber, as well as institutions that provide complete educational programs. Notwithstanding this, many adherents of the new age are resistant to expanding their horizons of knowledge. They operate in the same manner as someone who stopped going to school after middle school and did not pursue further education since they were able to find employment without it. I am aware that this may sound harsh, but the fact is that by the time they leave my three-hour introduction class, the students have a deeper understanding of traditional feng shui theory than certain individuals who have written books and who charge several hundred dollars an hour for their services. You may even ask whether the complete quantity of knowledge they hold is enough to fill one little book, and you would be right to suppose that there is a great deal of superfluous content being released in the name of feng shui. Due to the inclusion of chapters on topics such as space clearing and decluttering, gemology, and meditation, the ordinary customer is likely to walk away from a feng shui consultation without even understanding what they are entitled to get from the consultation. “Intention is 90 percent of the treatment,” one of the basic tenets of the new age movement, is taught to followers of the most prominent new age school. The practice of meditation, as well as positive thinking and affirmations, receives an excessive amount of attention. As someone who practices meditation themselves, I can state that all of this is fantastic stuff; but, it should not be referred to as feng shui. Alternatively, if I were a surgeon and a neighborhood nutrition counselor tried to pass myself off as a surgeon, I would be really insulted by their attempt. I would feel the need to inform someone about them. and here is the most important part: When offered the chance and invitation to study conventional feng
Feng shui is not just the art and science of how humans are impacted by the built environment and the natural environment, but it is also a component of a triad of traditional healing techniques. These therapies include acupuncture, acupressure, and massage. Chinese astrology and traditional Chinese medicine are the other two components of this holistic healing trio. Each of these three practices offers profound insight and direction that may help us conduct our lives in a manner that is more harmonious, purposeful, and fruitful. Using chinese medicine, we may learn about the state of our constitutional health and how we can deal with any inherent weaknesses by making use of herbs, diet, acupuncture, or other health-related remedies to make up for them. We now have a road map to our life in terms of the times when we may be faced with challenges and the times when our lives will naturally be simpler thanks to chinese astrology. It is possible to be rather detailed with Chinese astrology, which may assist us in making choices that are timely with regard to our love lives, careers, and health. And then there is the ancient Chinese practice of feng shui, which analyzes the effect that our house or workplace has on us. Consider the following as a hypothetical illustration of all three of these systems in action: A reading of a person’s horoscope can reveal that they will have some difficulties related to their health between the ages of 25 and 30. The physician may be able to ascertain the nature of the potential health issue by making use of the diagnostic procedures offered by traditional Chinese medicine. (it’s possible that astrology might provide some light on this as well). Feng shui may then suggest whether a home will benefit or harm the health of the occupants, and it can even anticipate particular years when the effect of the house would be better or worse for health concerns. When combined, all of these factors have the potential to produce an effective life plan as well as a knowledge of what a person should be doing at different points in their life. It is noteworthy to note that other civilizations than the Chinese have versions of this trilogy that are quite similar to the Chinese one. This is in the same manner that the core beliefs of many different faiths lead to the same ultimate truths. In India, they refer to feng shui as vaastu shastra, which is their local name for the practice. It works in conjunction with aryuvedic medicine and vedic (East Indian) astrology, which it complements and enhances. The contemporary way of life has become more segmented. The links between the most important aspects of our life are not apparent to us. However, everything has an effect on everything else! On the other side, we are now understanding that we are all tied to one another and responsible for one another from a variety of perspectives, including economics, politics, and the environment. The unfortunate reality is that the pollution that has been generated in China has now reached the west coast of the United States. When it comes to the principles and practices of feng shui, we are always on the lookout for the connection that exists between the cosmos, the natural world, and the lives of individuals. Even words like “heaven luck,” “man luck,” and “earth luck” have been coined to help us define the numerous forces that have an impact on our lives. These yang and yin forces may also be calculated on a small scale inside a constructed environment. The interaction that our planet has with the sun and moon is one of the most significant in our solar system. Feng shui considers the constructed environment as well as the natural landscape, both of which may have a significant impact on humans as well as animals, to be a part of its purview. Since 1992, Kartar Diamond has been conducting expert audits all around the world to monitor these energies on thousands of properties. Go to for more information on Kartar Diamond and the worldwide consulting services she offers.