When I read articles written by other feng shui practitioners, there are times when it causes me to grimace. This is due to the fact that all too often, a general feng shui concept will be handed on, regardless of whether the area in issue is a house or a retail company. A place of business, by its very nature, may and should be characterized by a greater amount of “yang” energy than a person’s private abode. There are, of course, some notable exclusions, such as the “yin” atmosphere that one might anticipate to see at a yoga studio, massage clinic, or therapist’s office. And this brings us to the point: while designing a place, we need to take into account not only who will be utilizing the area but also how many people there will be and what the space will be used for. Even more fascinating is the fact that feng shui surroundings may be customized to a very particular kind of company, which can act as a complement to the kind of business. The perfect atmosphere for a place that teaches martial arts will not be the same as the atmosphere that is perfect for a place that does hair. Sometimes we want the energies to cater to the proprietor of a business, while other times we want the energies to cater to the clients or patrons of the company, so that they would frequent the establishment on several occasions. Another strategy for improving the overall profitability of a company is to ensure that its most important employees, such as the sales team, are located in the parts of the building that provide the most potential for advancement. Over the course of the last eighteen years, I have analyzed a wide variety of commercial buildings, ranging from single-location shops to large retail malls. In addition, the variety of enterprises that have been entrusted to my care has been extensive and, at times, baffling. I’ve been requested to review anything from houses of worship to an organization that provides exotic bakery strippers for rent. Despite this, I often see a certain sort of paradoxical consistency between the kind of company that inhabits a building and the intrinsic feng shui features of the space. Sometimes there are a lot of relationships, and other times there are only a handful that are very subtle. An example of this would be a prosperous shoe business that is oriented toward the east (the east direction is related to the feet.) Another hilarious example is the colonics facility that I examined, which had energy in the treatment room that might either exacerbate intestinal issues or attract those who already had them. Some of the most useful advice for a company are just common sense, while others unquestionably call for the expertise of a qualified professional who is familiar with the area in ways that are not immediately apparent. People are able to improve and maintain different kinds of assets with the assistance of kartar diamond, including home-based companies and commercial buildings. Kartar is the author of three books and other ebooks, one of which is a collection of feng shui recommendations for companies. Go to www.fengshuisolutions.net if you want to learn more about the qualifications of Kartar Diamond, the services he provides, and the online mentorship program he offers.


In accordance with the principles of feng shui, the evaluation of residential and public places must adhere to distinct sets of guidelines. And last, every commercial property and every firm will have their own distinctive qualities, which may be accommodated for with sufficient forethought and preparation. For instance, the perfect entry for a restaurant will look quite different from the perfect entrance for a medical facility. When designing the floor plan for a restaurant, the kitchen should ideally be situated in the most functional area of the space. This is due to the fact that the product that is being sold has to be manufactured in a favorable environment in order to provide the greatest results. The non-obvious characteristics of the building, such as its construction year and its exact compass orientation, are taken into consideration when deciding which section of the floor plan is the most advantageous. The fortunate thing is that there is never just one spot that would make a nice kitchen. There is a strong possibility of more than one. It is also essential to make the entryway as inviting as it can possibly be. The clients will respond to the entry in one of two ways: either positively or negatively. Numerous businesses place their entrances smack dab in the center of the side of the restaurant that is facing the customer. Calculations based on traditional feng shui are the only method to identify which door is the most auspicious to use, since most buildings have more than one entry. A back office and the placement of a cash register are also taken into account; however, if the restaurant wishes to have a bustling bar scene, then that portion of the restaurant would rank even higher than the spot where the money is actually collected. At point of fact, unlike in a retail shop, money is collected at each table, and this practice continues throughout the majority of the restaurant. In the design process, each of these design concepts has the potential to function well. But what happens if a feng shui expert is called in after the restaurant has been constructed, when the design is already flawed? It is quite unlikely that the owner of a space will be allowed to make substantial structural alterations to the space after the area has been built out. In point of fact, the restaurant would often seek the assistance of a feng shui expert when the company is not doing well, which is why renovating may be financially difficult. A practitioner of feng shui may advise that specific objects be added or removed from a space by making use of the variety of options available with regard to the interior design and color scheme. I have conducted an assessment of a number of eateries and determined that they lack access to water at their front doors. Wall-mounted fountains have the dual benefit of reducing the amount of space required on the ground. Some restaurants need the element of fire to be shown, and this may be readily done by decorating one or more walls with red artwork. It’s possible that the flow within the dining hall has to be adjusted, and this may be accomplished by moving about some of the tables, chairs, and other moveable things like potted plants. Every restaurant is different, thus there is no standard set of guidelines that applies to them all. According to the principles of traditional feng shui, there are 144 distinct architectural types that may be divided into four distinct groups. Two of these four categories are not seen as being very helpful to individuals or relationships. This is not a good sign for the wait staff or the prospective guests, since it is likely that they will not feel comfortable when dining at the restaurant. Many customers will not return to a restaurant if they are not comfortable there, regardless of the price of the meal or the quality of the cuisine. To increase the likelihood that customers will want to return, it is necessary to take steps to ensure that they have a positive experience while they are there. There are two primary building kinds that are not regarded to be helpful for one’s financial luck, and it is necessary to make adjustments to each of these building types. These procedures need adjustments to be made on the outside of the restaurant; nevertheless, the remedies may be implemented if there is an area to work with, such as a patio or a parking lot. In the event that this is not the case, and there is no control over the outside, then the focus must shift to the interiors. Kartar Diamond works with customers in a wide variety of professions and fields of endeavor. The application of feng shui to workplaces and organizations requires a unique strategy from that used in residential settings. Since 1992, Kartar Diamond has been providing consultancy services. Visit the website www.fengshuisolutions.net to learn more about her qualifications, as well as the services, books, and mentorship program that she offers.


The relationship between man and nature plays a significant role in feng shui philosophy. Therefore, the evaluation of open areas need to be a standard part of all schools of Feng Shui. The layout of a lot has the potential to have an effect on the structure that will ultimately be constructed on the lot. Even before a town is established, there are directional parts of the land that will be important in relation to the core of the property. The pharynx, the soles of the feet, and the neurological system are all connected to the direction of east. If a piece of land is lacking an east sector in respect to the total design, then any future residents may have issues with their neck, feet, or nervous system as a result of living there. The future construction will also be affected by the level of the land. For instance, some structures function more effectively when the land behind them slopes downward, while other buildings function more effectively when the area in front of them slopes upward. According to the more conventional schools of Feng Shui, the symbolic animals of dragons, tigers, tortoises, and phoenix birds are all related to geographical features, such as mountains or earth formations, or even other neighboring buildings. Developed symmetry is the kind of symmetry that is looked desired in outside contexts, and there is a particular kind. The “health” of the soil, as well as the presence or absence of any plant life, will have an effect on subsequent inhabitants of the area. In general, if the plants and trees in an area are in poor condition and are either dead or dying, this will be detrimental to the health of any subsequent tenants. Even if it is fairly subjective, there are many views that are virtually generally appreciated and ideal. Views will have an effect on the health, energy levels, and mood of the future residents. Now, is it possible for land that nobody inhabits to have an effect on any particular group of people? This is something that is dependent on how near individuals really live to the location in issue. For instance, mountains that are nearby have the potential to have an impact on a whole town, much as how the ocean has the potential to have an impact on those who live near the shore but are too far away to even see it firsthand. It seems to reason that a person would be impacted by a natural or man-made feature to a lesser extent the farther away they are from that feature. Calculations are used in the more sophisticated traditional schools of Feng Shui, which may show when it is best to have specific parts of land remain wide open in proportion to the part of the parcel that is developed. Choosing to leave these spaces open and undeveloped on purpose has the potential to have a broad range of effects, including both positive and negative effects on the residents’ health and relationships, as well as their financial well-being. Even the location in which we keep our garbage cans and automobiles can have an effect on the future. In the same way that we try to avoid building in interior spaces that are essentially too yin or too yang, we try to avoid building on ground that is fundamentally too neutral. despite the fact that technological advancements and advances in building have made it feasible to live in locations that were previously off-limits. Las Vegas or any other city in the middle of a scorching desert is a good example of this. We are able to live and prosper in a natural setting that would likely be entirely unfriendly if it were not for the fact that we have brought in the water and the air conditioning. Clients are assisted by kartar diamond in all aspects of the feng shui process, including the selection of land for development, the feng shui of existing houses and businesses, and property searches. In addition to that, customers have the option to get yearly updates. Go to www.fengshuisolutions.net for further details on Kartar Diamond’s consulting services, book, ebooks, and mentorship program.


Individuals are likely to respond with a protein shake of the head when asked whether they plan to relax while wearing outdated clothing, have on hopeless wristbands, or use obsolete technology. In fact, many people do finish this response. People like trying new things, particularly amazing things that may make them seem more attractive, and this has helped define the reason why there are so many different fashion models and brands in the world today. Despite the fact that many people are discussing this book owned by trend households, only a small percentage of those individuals are aware that these families own whole book lots, and maybe they are thus loaded. Nevertheless, for the great majority of people, these individualized items are just something that they cannot get their hands on. Indeed, the earth and the moon are not all that comparable in reality. thus, the greatest Miu Miu bags is the best and most appropriate option. You are surely aware that mobile phones, despite the fact that they have been there for a long time, have not been considered to be only devices but rather indications of status in addition to monetary representations. The histories, the characters’ experiences, and even the stories that sometimes accompany the past are all included in the carriers. In addition, the majority of us are certain that the majority of these businesses are significant endeavors that may be passed on to benefit children and granddaughters. These imitation handbags will almost certainly never go out of style; in fact, as long as people continue to carry them about, they will continue to seem modern and fresh. it is possible to use it at any moment, in addition to the fact that it may be an excellent thing to overlook entirely. The vast majority of these Hermes handbags on sale might also be noticeable while carrying snacks. You may undoubtedly cater the most of them to the needs of family clients who are hosting special events. owing to the fact that the majority of these carriers often demand a quite low fee, you are able to provide them to some individuals. You may also seek for several significant savings from the service provider if you place big orders by doing so. However, the vast majority of these handbags will not be suggested as management and company presents. The primary reason for this is that presenting imitation bags to potential customers does not seem to be a brilliant idea. In addition, replicas of customized handbags make for an excellent giving option for a number of reasons. In point of fact, this goal, which was meant for similar carriers but has since fallen by the wayside in anticipation of the impending happy new year, has fallen into place. When it comes to buying imitation handbags, the internet provides a world of its own, one that is filled with attractive deals and affordable prices. There are legitimate wholesalers in the exclusive world that can provide the greatest replica bags at the most reasonable prices. If you know where to look, you may get the best replica bags at the best prices. Additionally, occasionally a small group of friends or acquaintances would pool their resources in order to make a significant purchase from online wholesalers. This can result in increased advantages as well as reduced prices. may purchase brand-new Prada tote bags in accordance with these moves in order to maintain and expand one’s handbag collection. Replica handbags are often the best option to go with if you want to maintain your desire to be fashionable while sticking to your financial constraints. The use of fake carriers significantly improves the appearance of the record and adds an element of humor to the whole experience.


In the same way that the human race has been experiencing the effects of gravity long before we even understood what gravity is, all people and animals on this planet experience feng shui regardless of whether or not they are aware of it. [C]omparable to how the human race has been experiencing the effects of gravity long before we even understood what gravity is. And as a corollary to that, a person who does not believe in the principles or applications would nevertheless profit from them, despite the fact that they do not believe in them. As a consultant who has provided guidance to a large number of families and work teams, I have seen that there are often one or more individuals involved in the analysis who are unaware that feng shui measures are being taken on their behalf. in addition, there is always the possibility of seeing someone who is vehemently opposed to it or who is just disinterested. In point of fact, these individuals often achieve the most astounding outcomes, and they always provide the most compelling “blind” case studies. Even after twenty years of exposure in the western world, many people in the United States continue to believe that feng shui is a belief system, derived from buddhism or taoism, and that it is exclusive to or only relevant to asian culture. This belief persists despite the fact that westerners have been exposed to feng shui for the past twenty years. Because of the misconception that one must be Chinese in order to practice feng shui that has been spread by some individuals, I have even been asked about my ethnicity before being employed for a position. This makes about as much sense as the notion that in order to perform jazz music, one must be of American descent. In the same vein, someone once asked me during an interview whether there are any potential drawbacks to believing in feng shui and whether or not I thought there were. Is it possible to have too much information? I don’t believe that to be the case, despite the fact that many people seem to forget that we still have some degree of free choice. There are certain things that cannot be attributed to feng shui. In point of fact, some customers are dissatisfied when they learn that the feng shui of their surroundings is not to blame for certain difficulties they are experiencing. You don’t want to soak in all the useful knowledge that’s accessible and let it make you so overwhelmed that you can’t move or enjoy your life. In point of fact, there is a new medical name for persons who have an obsessive preoccupation with eating properly. This phrase is “ortho-rexia,” and it defines such individuals. Therefore, no reasonable instructor or practitioner of feng shui wants to see their pupil or customer suffer from “feng-rexia,” which may be the obsessive fixation with striving to balance every area all the time. The only plausible advantage that a “believer” might have over a “non-believer” is that the person who is positive about feng shui might notice some subtle changes that a “non-believer” will not notice or acknowledge. This is the only possible advantage that a “believer” might have over a “non-believer.” A person may use this information to aid them perfect their own treatments. Someone who is enthusiastic about feng shui will probably have an easier time correlating cause and effect because they have a vested interest in paying attention because feng shui can sometimes be subtle or work slowly over time. Similar to a scientist who takes note of all the variables in their experiment, someone who is enthusiastic about feng shui will be like a scientist who takes note of all the variables in their experiment. Kartar Diamond is a consultant with extensive training in the classical arts who has been in business since 1992. She has counseled individuals from various areas of life, including a large number of people who were previously skeptical. Visit www.fengshuisolutions.net to learn more about the books, ebooks, and consulting services offered by Kartar Diamond.


Many individuals have some knowledge of the principles of feng shui, particularly those that pertain to the positioning of furniture. A significant portion of this is based on ideas that examine how different architectural and design layouts influence the flow of energy or air currents across a place. Where items are put may shift the energy in a space, which in turn can have a predictable influence on a person’s health, profession, and relationships. In fact, feng shui was commonly referred to as “the art of placement” in the early 1990s. The forecasts that are made using traditional feng shui might be rather precise. For instance, not only are we able to determine whether or not a person is dissatisfied in the main relationship they are in, but we may also be able to determine whether or not the reason is cheating. When location and time are taken into consideration, we are able to generate a one-of-a-kind matrix of energy patterns for any floor layout. Those who are acquainted with astrology are aware that an astrologer may provide their client with a list of the finest days and times to begin a significant activity that may have long lasting effects. The same is true for the practice of feng shui. When we combine data about the occupants or owners of the home or company with information about the property or business itself, we are able to come to these conclusions. Classical feng shui can determine the best and worst times to do certain things, such as the best date to launch a magazine, have a grand opening for a business, stick a shovel in the ground to start a demolition, sign a contract, put a house up for sale, try to get pregnant, or have surgery, as well as any number of other momentous commitments. Some factors of time include the following: • long term energies based on when the structure was created; • changing energies depending on when the structure was rebuilt; • 20-year phases that all structures move through at some point in time; • yearly cycles that all structures pass through; • monthly cycles, and even daily cycles; and • an example of energy generation that is permanent and dependent on building year: renal, blood, or circulation issues might develop in the residents of a home constructed in 1970 and oriented toward the south. People living in a home that was constructed in the 1950s and faces north may have health issues related to their hearts or eyes. The situation of a one-story house that has its ceiling and roof exposed to the sky while a second-story addition is being constructed is a good illustration of how the energy of the home might shift as a result of remodeling. The “locked phase” is an example of a phase that all constructions go through after 20 years, and it is the period that may badly damage a home that is otherwise in excellent condition. For instance, any home that was constructed between 1984 and 2003 and with a northwest-facing orientation is presently in a “money lock” for the next 20 years, which might make it more difficult for the residents to achieve financial success. There are a variety of other housing styles, constructed throughout a variety of ages and oriented in a variety of ways, that are also subject to the influence of the “locked” phase. Because the energy in a home fluctuates from year to year, I always have a lot of work to do during the final few months of the year to provide my customers with yearly updates. This keeps me extremely busy. The dormant or latent energies are often activated when yearly cycles occur. For instance, a home may always be susceptible to burglary, but during specific years, that susceptibility may become much more pronounced. The monthly cycles come and go swiftly, but strategic planning might include the ideal month to start a renovation, attempt to become pregnant with a boy or girl, try to spark a new love connection, win a competition, or find a job, just to mention a few of the more typical requests I receive from customers. There are a lot of cliches and sayings in our society that are actually just notions from feng shui that reflect the passage of time. The expressions “right location, right time,” “wrong place, wrong time,” “an accident waiting to happen,” and “timing is important” are among my favorites. kartar diamond conducts consultations with hundreds of new customers each year, but she also stays in touch with her previous customers by providing yearly updates. Certain customers need guidance on a monthly basis in order to choose the best time to carry out significant activities. Go to www.fengshuisolutions.net to learn more about Kartar Diamond’s on-line mentorship group, as well as the books, ebooks, services, and other offerings that he provides.


Not only what to use and where to use it, but also the time of when to employ different treatments is included into a Feng shui study. Whenever I do consultations with clients, I always make it a point to establish the sorts of long-term and yearly treatments that need be put in place. What do you mean by a remedy? A color or piece of furniture in a room that symbolizes one of the five elements may act as a cure in that space (water, wood, fire, earth, metal.) A remedy can also be a recommendation on where to position a piece of furniture such as a desk or bed, and this placement is typically a long-term recommendation based on the best energy flow for the room as well as the person’s best personal directions. For example, a remedy could be a bed or a desk. There are also yearly cycles, as well as monthly cycles, in addition to the semi-permanent and annual cycles. Helping clients with fertility issues, remodeling concerns, surgery recovery, sending out resumes, putting a house on the market, traveling, protecting against accidents or break-ins, and a whole host of other circumstances that can be a focal point more in some months than others are examples of situations that call for monthly remedies or noting monthly cycles. In point of fact, even if the annual energy in a home or company does not support a particular objective, there may be a window of opportunity in the form of better months during which one may achieve their objective without suffering any adverse consequences. There are even daily cycles that may be used, and on those particular days there are certain feng shui cures that should be applied in different regions of the floor plan. The parallel science of Chinese astrology designates the month of February as the month of the tiger each and every year. Each of the twelve chinese zodiac signs corresponds to one of the months of the year, and each individual also has a connection with one of these signs. I have already sent my customers who have already gotten their 2011 yearly update with their lu cun fortunate money days. These lucky money days are related with one of the twelve chinese zodiac signs; however, it is not often the person’s own zodiac sign. In a broad sense, the month that corresponds to your lu cun fortunate money might be the finest month for you to make a significant financial choice or take a financial risk. For instance, if the days of the week that bring you the most luck with money are tigers, then February, the month of the tiger, may also prove to be one of your most successful months. It is the year of the tiger in February, the rabbit in March, the dragon in April, the snake in May, the horse in June, the sheep in July, the monkey in August, the rooster in September, the dog in October, the pig in November, the rat in December, and the ox in January. However, in accordance with the western calendar, the beginning of these monthly cycles does not occur on the first day of each month. In our western calendar, they begin sometime around the middle of the second week of each month. The Chinese have a calendar that is often referred to as the “10,000 Year Calendar.” Although this calendar does not really cover a period of 10,000 years, it is regarded as an important calendar since it provides guidance on when certain tasks should or should not be performed. Everything is calculated, and a lot of arithmetic is involved. Since 1992, kartar diamond has been offering consultation services in traditional feng shui. Her qualifications include the fact that she has studied with some of the most prominent masters in the world, such as master Sung, who taught at the American Feng Shui Institute, where Kartar later became a senior teacher. Visit Kartar’s website at www.fengshuisolutions.net for additional information about consultations, yearly updates, the design phase, and the use of feng shui in various contexts, such as the search for a new home.


As you probably already know, handbags have been a very popular fashion accessory in recent years. Most adult ladies prefer to carry plastic bags that are a same tone and even model as their apparel. there are many different sorts and categories of designer handbags that can be purchased and which have the potential to complement an individual’s wardrobe in its whole. Nowadays, consumers may buy a one-of-a-kind variety of designer handbags that has been customized using their own logos. You may place an essential bride’s initial and the date of the wedding in the monogram of one of these Hermès love bags, so they can be regarded as a potential wedding product. On the other hand, unique plastic bags are an essential component of a distinctive outfit. In order to indicate that something is the least expensive, one’s own version should be of comparable worth. despite the fact that it will be unknown to assist you in producing an essential sports backpack, it will help you be dressed in an important fashionable apparel. That pattern is really necessary. If you are going to be wearing an essential playsuit, it is highly recommended that you have an important sports backpack with you. Even if you are going to an event, you may still carry an essential women’s handbag with you. This is highly recommended. in addition to being of the utmost importance to unwind and carry a canvas backpack while doing a number of different easy sets. Therefore, children need much more than one backpack! When choosing which Hermes purses to purchase, it is important to consider the items that you could put within your own backpack. When you’re not even going to be that busy, it’s simple to truly have a very excellent tote in addition to a small-scale laptop bag for yourself. Having a large backpack that can hold the essential items no matter where you go is essential if you want to be able to bring everything you need for your profession and your lifestyle with you wherever you go. It is common practice to identify a significant handbag by its distinctive knot or even its figure model in the shape of a crescent. It is a backpack with a slouchy shape and is not going to park itself together in a way that is apparent and obvious naturally. the length of the country’s tie may range from relatively short to fairly long, and the design may change according on the person who wears it. Additionally, the pattern may be dependent on which hand is used to carry the bag. Nothing in today’s world is likely to be particularly long-lasting unless you take the necessary steps to properly care for your most valuable possessions. If they are traditional and inexpensive hermes kelly 35cm bags, you will need to cause them to become plainly paid for so that you may help the life of the nation’s real estate market to be extended. Examine the methods that are provided for you to help maximize the amount of time that your replica handbags may be used. If you use the tactics that have been outlined, you will discover that you are provided with the guarantee that the fashionable handbags you choose may endure for a very long time.


One of the stages that a home or other construction goes through is referred to as the “closed phase” in xuan kong feng shui, which is one of the many phases that may be identified. My customers are informed whether or not the property they have purchased is now in a long term or short term locked period. And with each new report, customers are informed not only whether or not their residence or place of business will be in a “locked” phase for the next year, but also what they can do about it. To be more precise, the money lock refers to the length of time during which the tenants of the building may have their professional and financial potential limited by the construction. When their revenue is typically flowing and growing, it might make some people feel as if their energy is standing still. For other individuals, the consequences may be far more severe, and I’ve found that there’s a correlation between the money lock and people losing their homes or businesses when the money lock takes hold. On the other hand, the people lock has less of an impact on inhabitants’ financial situations and more on their physical well-being and social connections. It is well recognized that the people lock may lead to reproductive concerns, can reawaken dormant health problems, and can keep a person’s love life dormant or weaken it. When we consider it from a logical standpoint, the answer to the question of whether or not there may be an overlap of effect with locked stages is “yes.” This year, more than one update customer has asked me this question. One well-known cliche is, “If you don’t have your health, you don’t have everything else.” If a person’s health is bad, they will not be able to appreciate the wealth they have earned and they will not be able to keep the wealth for very long. Therefore, the answer to the question is yes, indirectly, if your property is located in a people lock, which mainly impacts health, it may also influence financially because of the trickle-down effect. The outcome is predetermined if you are unable to manage your workload because you are too sad or unwell to work. One further illustration of this would be a company that is in a personnel lock. In principle, it would not have an effect on revenue; nevertheless, if the people who work in or own the firm are sick, gossiping, fighting amongst themselves, or otherwise not getting along in any manner, the “bottom line” will ultimately be impacted. In principle, if a building is in a money lock, it is possible for the revenue to decrease… And who among us doesn’t experience some level of anxiety when their income drops? No matter the source of the stress, it is clear that stress is one of the most significant factors in the development of health issues. Therefore, issues with money equal issues with one’s health. After that, there is the issue of determining whether or not a people lock and a money lock may coexist at the same time. This topic is a bit more difficult to describe in a newsletter, but the explanation is that certain locked phases may occur concurrently while others cannot. For instance, if a home is subject to the feared “20 year money lock,” it is impossible for it to also be subject to the “20 year people lock” at the same time. On the other hand, a home’s lock may be set for twenty years, but in certain years it could also be set for an overlapping one-year lock. The stages that are frozen for one year occur again every nine years. The 20-year locked periods repeat themselves every 180 years on average…. These are the basic explanations for why the people lock and the money lock seem to be separate, but really may have an effect on one another. The art of traditional feng shui focuses on figuring out how the layout of a home or other structure might have unintended effects on the people who live there. Since 1992, Kartar Diamond has been operating as a consultant, assisting hundreds of clients all over the globe. Please visit www.fengshuisolutions.net for more details on Kartar Diamond’s on-line mentorship program, as well as his books, ebooks, and dvd. Kartar provides customers both locally and remotely with solutions that are useful and within their price range. In addition to that, she collaborates with real estate agents, designers, and architects.


A great number of residences and structures already have established identities. I will sometimes read the part of the Los Angeles Times devoted to real estate, in which they announce when one celebrity has purchased the property of another star. I also wonder whether the new owner will have the same well-publicized good luck or tragedy as the previous owner, who was the one who sold the property. The “predecessor law” is a word that is used in feng shui philosophy. This rule states that whatever occurs to one resident or family has a high probability of happening to successive inhabitants of the same space. The energy emanating from the home or structure is strong enough and will last for long enough to continue having the same effect on individuals for decades. When a home or other construction is constructed, a powerful force like the one I’m talking about is born into being. It is a comingling of energies from the ground itself, from the very soil that the building is constructed upon, with forces that have traveled all the way down from the heavens, from the sun and the stars. The energy contained inside the building is contained by the roof and ceiling, much like Pandora’s box, and it has the potential to impact any tenant in a similar manner. Is it simple to generate income from the property? or is it the hole in the pocket? Is it the sort of home in which the inhabitants are likely to sustain accidents, get involved in legal conflicts, or have ongoing health problems? Several years ago, I went to an open house, and after chatting with the seller’s agent for a bit, he told me that in the previous 10 years, he had been engaged to sell the same property by three different owners in a row. This was after I had visited the open house. Even though he was unfamiliar with the more technical aspects of feng shui, he agreed that it was a “divorce house.” Is there anything you can do to alter the way the home affects you, and if so, what is it? without a doubt! Because of this, I decided to become a practitioner of feng shui. Feng shui would only be a study in what to avoid and nothing more if the effects of dwellings and commercial premises were possible to be predicted, but there was no means to change the energies of the spaces. despite the fact that this is not very realistic. Despite the fact that certain aspects are more or less “cast in stone,” the majority of characteristics may be altered by changing things like color, components, décor arrangements, gardening methods, and how a person utilizes a space and what activities they do in it. I have certain customers with whom I have worked for more than a decade, and I have watched them “marry” the same home style, or at the very least, I have seen them be drawn to the same house type again and over again. And it is my responsibility to lead them away from that “dysfunctional” connection that seems so comfortable…like the home you grew up in or the folks who raised you. And since I have taught my customers so thoroughly over the course of so many years, this is why many people depend on me when it comes to the process of home searching. The year before last, I published a few electronic books with the goal of assisting real estate agents, architects, and people looking to buy or build a house or business in finding, buying, or building a house or business that is inherently better and will have a positive influence on current and future occupants for decades to come. Southern California serves as the headquarters for the multinational business feng shui solutions, which is owned by kartar diamond. Kartar is now recognized as an authoritative and reliable source of knowledge due to the fact that he received training from some of the best feng shui teachers in the world. Kartar has been in the consulting business since 1992 and has a large number of satisfied customers as well as a wealth of case study knowledge. Visit her website at www.fengshuisolutions.net to learn more about the local and long distance services that she provides.

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