In recent years, promotional wristbands have become a significant instrument for generating and perpetuating brand awareness. This may be done with the use of the wristbands. It would seem that not even a month goes by these days without the release of yet another Disney blockbuster movie, which causes swarms of children to compete for tickets at their neighborhood theater. As a consequence of this, the success of these movies is sometimes guaranteed a number of weeks before the film’s initial release, thanks simply to the advantages offered by this low-cost method of promoting. What are some of the most important advantages of using promotional wristbands? Obviously, the fact that youngsters are constantly ready to connect with a new imaginary hero makes it much simpler for them to embrace new things. Adults are often willing to be identified through promotional wristbands; this could be as a participant in some sponsored charitable event or as a supporter of some preferred sports team in its pursuit of a championship title. However, although their motivations may differ, there are also many good reasons why adults are often willing to be identified in this way. When compared to many of the common alternative wearables, such as branded t-shirts and caps, for example, they offer the distinct advantage that they may be issued free of charge and to a significantly larger number of individuals than either of these more expensive alternatives, as these bands can be purchased for just a tiny fraction of the cost of either of these alternatives. Despite their little stature, these products are able to make up for their lack of size with a great degree of visual impact. This is made possible by their daring designs, which are rendered in colors that are striking and attention-grabbing. Promotional wristbands might be worn for a short period of time or for an extended period of time. They provide the marketer with a disposable campaign solution that will demand the absolute bare minimum from them in terms of their initial expenditure when they are created from materials that have a lower resistance to wear and tear, such as paper or cardboard. The use of more durable materials, such as silicone, vinyl, and plastic, on the other hand, may result in a slightly higher initial investment but will allow for longer-term and more frequent application, which will result in continuous publicity for a product or service, an upcoming or ongoing event, or a worthy cause. People typically wear them with a feeling of pride and purpose when they are affiliated with a charity cause. This may motivate the support of colleagues and friends. Wristbands may have the main purpose of advertising, but in addition to that, they may be intended to serve certain more practical functions that might be of direct use to the people who will wear them. For instance, a sweatband sold at a local sports shop that has the store’s name and is printed in the shop’s colors delivers advantages, although somewhat different ones, not just to the user but also to the business that is selling it. One additional example of this more useful use is the employment of impact bands for reasons similar to those intended. Another possibility is a modification of the standard design of promotional wristbands known as a wrist-strap. This provides the user with a convenient way to fasten a camera or a smartphone while they are moving and also keeps it near enough for easy access in the event that it is needed.


Every single moment, there would be a rolling up of both your delight and the forms that maintain presenting likewise art. This truly is one medium that draws a stunt among a large number of followers and admirers and may cut through the monotony of repetitive activities. There are a variety of unique subsets that make up the press, and more room for growth exists. The image will be stacked out among the options to choose from in order to keep oneself entertained. There was no one who could avoid paying attention while watching the whole movie. It comes in a variety of flavors and colors, from which one may choose the appropriate sorts. The synopses of the films and the lists of them are being developed in order to be offered on the websites alongside the page. advantages of watching movies online The most dependable service providers will make it possible for people to learn about the most recent films that have been released. style and the season of the movie’s re-release both hold a location among the audience members. To put it another way, the Google function displays the most recent photographs as well as the ones that have been uploaded most recently. Full-length motion movies may be savored either by leaving the theater or downloading them and watching them later, with either the eyes downloaded or riveted to an enormous display. When you see the movie in its entirety, both the figures and the story become intriguing because it reveals the sharpness of the characters’ narrative patterns. If you want to see full-length movies, you should watch the trailers first. This will give you an idea of how the movie will appear, and it will also provide you more information on the subtleties and particulars of the picture. online movies that are suitable for the whole family The practice of watching movies online may be the ideal option to present new results. Even the idea is that it saves money while also producing interesting results, and vice versa. Film aficionados may want to keep an eye on the movies, since more and more of them are starting to become unavailable on dvds. Using software and mobile applications is a great approach to connect with young people since they like experimenting with new releases. It offers the opportunity to enjoy oneself, to amuse oneself, and to draw one’s comfort. acquire more


In the last several decades, the internet and the world wide web have brought about a transformation all over the globe. Not only has it been beneficial to the expansion of the commercial or educational fields, but it has also established an impressive presence in the sphere of entertainment. When we think of entertainment, the first things that come to mind are the television and the radio. These are the two most significant sources of entertainment. These are the two forms of entertainment that have been around for the longest time yet continue to remain at the top of the list because of the sheer amount of fun they provide. Over the last several years, the internet has come to dominate not just the world of music but also the world of live streaming. The phrase “live internet radio broadcast” refers to the process of transmitting live audios over the internet utilizing bitrates. When we speak about “live internet radio broadcast,” we mean this. This is the amount of bandwidth that is used in the process of transmitting audio to the listener. The use of internet airwave is becoming more common among a large population of individuals, the majority of whom are employed in some capacity. They unwind and have fun by surfing the internet with their airwave. This internet broadcasting works even more effectively and clearly than conventional radios, and it is unaffected by signal issues in low-signal environments such as basements. Anyone may listen to the music whenever they like without restrictions. Despite the fact that conventional airwaves and the internet are more or less comparable in terms of streaming music, the former has a significant edge over the latter. Internet radio stations’ primary goal is to concentrate on their audiences or listeners rather than their sponsors, in contrast to conventional radio stations, which place a greater emphasis on their commercials and ads. Therefore, transmitting content over the internet is far more advantageous than traditional methods. in addition, online transmission enables line discussion programs, in which participants may converse with one another about a variety of subjects or share their own personal experiences with the audience. Since ancient times, radio waves have evolved into a significant form of communication that continues to this day as a long-standing custom. It doesn’t matter whether it’s an online airwave or a conventional one; millions of people use it as a communication platform to trade and express their sentiments with whomever is listening to them. When we speak about the airwaves of the internet, we are referring to the many live radio talk programs that are broadcast online. These shows allow several individuals to take part and debate different themes or talk about their own personal experiences. You may be a part of live talk programs that are broadcast over the radio if you want the opportunity to express your thoughts and opinions with others as well as take part in any kind of conversation. If you use a well-known search engine, you may locate several websites that broadcast online radio by having the engine bring up some of the most relevant results and displaying them in front of you.


There is nothing that even comes close to matching the feeling that we get while looking at private photographs. It is not possible to do business within the theater at each and every single time and point. Therefore, you have the potential to create the exciting journey. If you want to enjoy the greatest quality, you should only purchase DVDs online. Not only will it irritate the members of your family and friends, but it will also provoke you personally. It is in your best interest to proceed with the purchase of image dvds given that you will have access to the collection up to the time that they are out onto the road. request that they be sent to your own email at precisely the same time. You are going to be the chosen one. Why should someone purchase DVDs online? The complete world wide web has continued to exceed your own expectations in just the best way possible. when it comes to the acquisition of movies via the use of the internet! When you buy DVDs on the internet, you will soon become aware of the fact that there is no other better way to get the most recent releases in a way that is both easy and quick. This will become clear to you when you realize that there is no alternative. Several online retailers of amusements and refreshments now offer free delivery. online websites will begin the gate process till they are standing outside to keep your flicks. You might save yourself the time and effort that are wasted while transferring to other theaters. Your photo will be on its way to you as soon as you put in the order, which can be done on the website with only a few clicks. obtaining the best while remaining in the convenience and coziness of one’s own home while everyone else is present. In a scenario such as this one, it is usually necessary for you to make your way toward making contact with everyone involved. It’s possible that the outcome will be remorseful. how do you decide which stress to use when the answer is right there in the palm of your hand? It is now time to go on to the website and buy your movie DVD on the internet so that you may enjoy it to the fullest. In addition, there won’t be any more needless concerns to worry about, since they won’t be essential anymore.


Are you searching for an Ed Sheeran concert that will be taking place soon? You should not feel alone. There are a lot of people looking for an internet service that sells tickets to his forthcoming show, and they are looking for it right now. Popular musicians like Ed Sheeran take pleasure in the fact that their concert tickets sell out very quickly. From the moment that tickets are made available for purchase to the time that they are sold out, their concerts often sell out within just a few minutes to many hours. As a direct consequence of this, a significant number of fans and followers are doing preliminary research on their shows. As soon as they discovered out, they immediately purchased their tickets to prevent missing out on the event entirely. In addition, there is another explanation why there are a great deal of internet ticket dealers for events of this sort. They are aware that a large number of individuals will be seeking for ways to get tickets for forthcoming concerts or events in the near future. For instance, only a few of months ago, ed sheeran was meant to travel on a tour of Asia. However, the trip was canceled. They have made public the list of nations that will host his performances during his next tour. As a result of this, individuals have begun searching the internet for online websites such as yoseats that provide Ed Sheeran concert tickets for sale. Due to the lightning-fast pace at which these tickets were purchased, many fans were unable to get admission for themselves and their family. Ed Sheeran was involved in a bicycle accident a few weeks ago, just before to the start of his Asian tour, which resulted in the breaking of his wrist, elbow, and rib. As a result of this, he was forced to postpone or cancel the majority of his shows, including his tours of Indonesia and Malaysia. A great number of supporters were upset, but they do comprehend the circumstance. They just keep their fingers crossed and wish that the singer-songwriter will make a speedy recovery and go back on stage soon. The artists have recorded a number of successful songs, including “shape of you,” “photograph,” “thinking out loud,” “perfect,” and “dive,” as well as a great many more. Ed Sheeran, whose given name is Edward Christopher Sheeran, is a musician from England who is known for his work as a singer-songwriter, guitarist, and record producer. He was born in February 1991 in Halifax, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom, however he was reared in Framlingham, Suffolk. He will be 26 years old this year. In 2016, the song “thinking out loud” that he wrote and sang received the Grammy Award for Song of the Year. In addition, he was awarded the Grammy for best pop solo performance of that year for the song, which he also won. You may visit yoseats.com to get information on future performances by some of today’s most prominent artists and purchase tickets there in advance if you are interested in attending one of those shows. Additionally, theatrical and sports tickets may be purchased via the website. Additionally, you have the option to explore the website for upcoming concerts and events in your area.


News is here for everyone interested in the stoner cinema genre who is seeking for a nice movie to watch. The independent film “beer & seed” is generating a lot of buzz on Amazon because to its impressively complex and dark humor, genuine gritty realism, and promising performances. The film was given the “best independent feature” prize by the prestigious c-47 magazine, and it has also been officially chosen for the 2017 edition of the natfff festival. Bill Cox, a veteran of the United States Navy, is responsible for writing and producing “beer & seed,” while Seth Conway is in charge of directing the film. Bill takes the role of the main character, Bill Cook, in this story. The independent movie now has a superb rating of 6.7 out of 10 on IMDb, and its amazon website is teeming with a lengthy list of 5 star ratings and glowing remarks from satisfied moviegoers. The protagonist of the award-winning independent project that cox is working on is a former member of the military named Bill Cook who longs to return to school in order to get his degree. In addition to this, he is excited to participate in all of the activities that he was not able to participate in while he was in his early 20s, such as reveling in the wild fun of college life. He embarked on his new voyage without the foggiest idea of what the future held for him. Bill finds himself in a world that is entirely foreign to him but fascinating the moment he walks through the doors of the institution. He meets a seasoned drug dealer named Seed, a novice dealer named Steve, and a very intelligent woman named Sue who went to college merely to hang around with her friends. In addition, there is a student named Jimmy who plays a role similar to that of Doogie Howser and is quite enthusiastic about the seedier aspects of the campus. The younger students are displeased to see an elderly guy on campus and waste no time in picking on and intimidating him when they have the chance. When Bill is embroiled in a violent battle with Steve, the narrative takes a new turn. This is also when Bill meets other significant characters in the film, such as Dean Morris, Graduate Assistant Grady, and Professor Jons. Bill is already having a hard time fitting in with the younger set, and the appearance of these three people makes things much more difficult for him. In spite of all the temptations and challenges that college life presents, the main focus of the movie is on how Bill is still able to make progress toward his ultimate goal of graduating. It is interesting to note that the film was inspired by the real-life experiences of the director, Bill Cox. Cox, who is also a navy veteran, attended college (Central Michigan University) after serving in the navy and had to deal with common problems such as bullying, substance abuse, and excessive drinking. The audience has expressed how much they enjoyed the film’s ability to surprise them with unexpected twists over and over again. The screenplay that bill wrote has received praise for how effortlessly tight and interesting it is. “bill has written this film in such a way that at one moment that film seems to want to go down the american pie or community style comedy path while it often threatens to become a gran torino or harry brown style story where bill might be asked to start cleaning up some of the dirtier sides of the school,” noted one happy review. “bill has written this film in such a way that one moment that film seems to want to go down the american pie or community style comedy path.” Bill’s natural acting abilities have even garnered him laudatory comments from critics. When it comes to acting, Andrew Peacock (Seed) stands out as someone who has élan and shows potential. “after I got out of the service, I went to college, and that’s where the idea for beer and seed came from. I want to express my appreciation to Bob Williams and all of the other performers, as well as the fact that I only owe the success of the picture to them. “With all of the great ratings and lovely reviews that I have been getting as of late, I am optimistic that they will help encourage other beginning authors to dream of making it big with tiny independent ventures,” bill Cox threw in. Go to http://www.amazon.com/beer-seed/dp/b00a9nfl3y/ref=sr 1 1?s=movies-tv&ie=utf8&qid=1354396589&sr=1-1&keywords=beer+ percent 26+seed to download or rent the film from Amazon.com. beer and seed: the trailer (an animated version) may be seen at the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvs2xwtp6ke&feature=share&list=uu6 6sp0nqboav-kiq2oirfq trailer for beer & seed, a film that is both dark and comedic in nature, may be seen at: http://youtu.be/m40s1xkiivi Bill Cox may be reached at the following information: company: a champion entertainment production (houston-hollywood) address: houston, Texas telephone number: 832-444-5077 email address: wmacox @ comcast.net bill cox may be found on facebook.


The month of November is dedicated to expressing gratitude and helping those in need. This time of year is one of our favorites, and we always like coming up with creative new ways to commemorate the holiday season. monterey, California, the 25th of October, 2017 – November is a month dedicated to expressing gratitude and helping those in need. This time of year is one of our favorites, and we always like coming up with creative new ways to commemorate the holiday season. You may find many beautiful ideas to inspire you on Pinterest, ranging from quotations about gratitude to activities that you and your family can do together to learn more about thankfulness. You may participate to win a two-night stay at the Hyatt Regency Monterey by making your own board and entering the contest. To participate in the competition, all you have to do is pin it to win it: • Please subscribe to our Pinterest feed at pinterest.com/montereyhyatt Create a board on Pinterest and call it “in a Hyatt world.” Add at least five pins to the board, including some of your favorite appreciative phrases, activities, and projects. • use the hashtags #givethanks and #inahyattworld • send an email with a link to your board to marci at chatterbox public relations • One fortunate winner will enjoy a stay at the Hyatt Regency Monterey for two nights, and the winner will be revealed on December 5th. • *Contest entries will be accepted beginning November 1 and ending November 30. airfare is not included in the price. Hyatt Corporation is the owner of the trademark for both the hyatt name and any connected marks. 2017 The Hyatt Corporation. All rights reserved. We reserve all of our rights. contact information may be found at: marci bracco cain chatterbox pr salinas, California 93901 (831) 747-7455 https://monterey.regency.hyatt.com/en/hotel/home.html


Staying at a high-end luxury resort on the coast of Mexico is an alluring experience; but, why would you want to share that experience with hundreds of other people when you could stay in a luxury villa that is chic and contemporary with 11 of your closest friends and family members? 24 octombrie 2017, punta mita, Mexico — A vacation at a high-end luxury resort on the coast of Mexico is an alluring experience; but, why would you want to share that experience with hundreds of other people when you could stay in a luxury villa that is chic and up to date with 11 of your closest friends and family members? the three loves A luxurious and stylish resort villa that is as welcoming as it is intimate, punta mita is located on one of the most beautiful, scenic, and exclusive areas along the coast of Mexico. It is just 26 miles from the coastal resort city of puerto vallarta, which is one of the most popular tourist destinations along the coast. Now, picture yourself celebrating the holidays with your loved ones at this luxurious villa that offers sweeping vistas of the Pacific Ocean, is located just a few minutes’ walk from breathtaking beaches with white sand, two championship golf courses, four beach clubs, and a wide range of opportunities for outdoor recreation. In point of fact, it is one of the few villas in punta mita that has access to both golf courses, pacifico and bahia, as well as all four beach clubs in the area, including residents’, saint. regis, kapuri, and playa fortuna beach clubs. During the Christmas season, the home known as tres amores may be rented out via Airbnb, VRBO, and TripAdvisor. The Punta Mita peninsula is widely regarded as one of the most gorgeous, picturesque, and secluded regions along the coast of Mexico. It is situated just 45 kilometers (28 miles) from the vibrant coastal resort city of Puerto Vallarta. The villa at tres amores features a long list of inclusive amenities, including chef service for breakfast and lunch, daily housekeeping and laundry service, an inviting saltwater infinity pool, hot tub, marble-front bar, gas barbecue, and an on-site private concierge who can help arrange your activities and excursions. The villa has a maximum occupancy of 12 guests. In addition, there is a luxurious golf cart available for visitors to rent in order to navigate the peninsula in order to go on excursions, trips, dine, or shop. Tres Amores is the ideal home base from which to launch an ocean adventure due to its proximity to the Punta Mita pier. Whether you are interested in standup paddleboarding, surfing, snorkeling, scuba diving, sailing, fishing, or whale watching, Tres Amores is the perfect place to launch your ocean adventure. Tres Amores is a favorite location for honeymooners, family holidays, golf retreats, and those who simply want to relax and get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life because of its breathtaking vistas, superb service, and fashionably sophisticated, but easygoing atmosphere. rooms available at Tres Amores Inn The main residence at Tres Amores has a total of four bedrooms, each of which is uniquely designed and decorated. Each of these rooms exudes an ambiance that is yet contemporary and inviting thanks to the use of materials such as warm-toned wood, soft bedding and upholstery, and contemporary design. There are king-sized beds in two of the bedrooms, queen-sized beds in one, and twin bunkbeds in the fourth bedroom. Two of the bedrooms include king-sized beds. Each of the bedrooms is equipped with its own private bathroom. The Tres Amores Inn’s Amenities As soon as you set foot inside casa tres amores for your holiday, the stresses of daily life will quickly go away. In addition to offering personal chef service for breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snacks, Tres Amores also provides daily cleaning and laundry services and an on-site personal concierge who can organize your outside activities like as shopping or sightseeing trips. In addition to this, visitors staying at the villa are invited to use the swimming pools, spas, restaurants, and tennis courts located at the four beach clubs that are located in the immediate area. Furthermore, guests may play golf at the Pacifico and Bahia golf courses. The villa is one of the few on the peninsula that provides access to all four beach clubs as well as both golf courses for its guests. Of course, if you would rather relax in solitude, the villa has its very own resort-quality outdoor patio with breathtaking views of the ocean, an appealing saltwater infinity pool, a hot tub, a gas BBQ grill with an outdoor dining table, as well as covered lounging and eating places. The spacious, bright, and open indoor/outdoor combined living and dining room that looks out over the patio, pool, and ocean beyond is the ideal location for hosting large gatherings of friends and family as well as for unwinding at the end of the day and reminiscing about the exciting events of the day. Through a glass door that folds away into the wall, the roomy living/dining space, which is outfitted with contemporary designer furniture, provides access to the terrace. The iPad that is provided in the home may broadcast a selection of music into any room or the whole house for the purpose of providing entertainment. Refreshments may be served either on the sizable patio or on the island found in the contemporary huge kitchen that is fully equipped with everything. Adults will find themselves congregating around the bar that has been specifically constructed for them in order to enjoy some excellent spirits, drinks, conversation, and maybe a tasty cigar at the end of an incredible day. in-home comforts and conveniences including: kitchen that is well stocked and has appliances from viking and sub zero. icemaker built inside the dishwasher a formal dining space with seats for a total of twelve people and a satellite 4d television in each room system of


Monterey county fair and event center has announced that it is offering reduced rates for mid-week meetings at its facilities at the fairgrounds. monterey, ca, oct 24, 2017 — monterey county fair and event center has announced that it is offering reduced rates for mid-week meetings at its facilities at the fairgrounds. if you book a meeting for your company, organization or group, large or small, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. monday through thursday, the rate will be $299. regular rates range from $750 to $1,100, depending on the room. use of a kitchen is a separate rate. the following rooms are available under this mid-week rate at the event center at 2004 fairground road in monterey: monterey room 7,000 square feet max seated occupancy: 400 max occupancy: 1,000 carpeted permanent dance floor p/a system built-in bar kitchen salinas room: 7,000 square feet max seated occupancy: 400 max occupancy: 1,000 non-carpeted tall vaulted ceilings p/a system electrical drop boxes king city room: 7,000 square feet max seated occupancy: 400 max occupancy: 1,000 non-carpeted tall vaulted ceilings p/a system electrical drop boxes seaside room: 7,000 square feet max occupancy: 300 carpeted p/a system built-in bar large commercial kitchen floor plans and event request forms are available at montereycountyfair.com. for more information or to book a meeting room, contact the event coordinator at (831) 372-5863. about the monterey county fair and event center the monterey county fair & event center is a premier event center set on 22 oak-studded acres with ample parking. it is a state-owned multi-use facility that features four large banquet rooms, two outdoor concert venues, and a variety of outdoor and indoor cost-effective sites ideal for all types of events. it is home of the annual award-winning monterey county fair, host to many major and private events on the central coast, and the site of the monterey bay race place, a satellite wagering facility. for more information, contact the fair administration office, at 2004 fairground road in monterey, by calling (831) 372-5863 or go to www.montereycountyfair.com for more information. contact: marci bracco cain chatterbox pr salinas, ca 93901 (831) 747-7455 http://www.montereycountyfair.com


The rezvan foundation will be holding their second annual gala. 6:00 p.m. till 12:00 a.m. The Four Seasons Hotel Silicon Valley is located at 2050 University Avenue in East Palo Alto. The event will take place on February 3, 2018. Palo Alto, California, the 24th of October, 2017 – You are cordially invited to attend the rezvan foundation’s second annual gala, which will take place on Saturday, February 3, 2018, from 6 p.m. to midnight. We would like to express our gratitude to the Four Seasons Hotel Silicon Valley for their hospitality in hosting this year’s event at their venue located at 2050 University Avenue in East Palo Alto. This fundraising event is our largest fundraiser of the year, and it includes dj dr. t, a champagne cocktail hour, a four-course meal with wine matching, a spectacular silent and live auction, and host and comic maz jobrani from the cbs smash show superior donuts. tickets are available at a cost of $250 apiece, and premium tables may be purchased via the “buy tickets” option. In addition, the Four Seasons Hotel was kind enough to provide those who were attending the gala an amazing discount on their room fee of $225 per night. The objective of the Rezvan Foundation is to provide financial assistance for the academic endeavors of highly gifted young people who have shown a commitment to achieve despite the tragic death of one or more parents or the separation from their parents’ home. To purchase tickets, please click here. This year, we are delighted to announce that Corryne Brechmann will be the first winner of the foundation’s award. She is presently pursuing her ambition of becoming a kindergarten teacher by attending Fresno State University thanks to the assistance provided by the Rezvan Foundation. She hopes to one day educate young children. incredible live auction with northstar cabin wing and barrel clay shooting in addition to wine tasting Getaway for all four seasons tickets for the Punta Mita Northstar Cabin Warriors as a VIP Donations to the live and silent auctions, as well as sponsorship options, are now being accepted for the Montana Mountains Epsy Awards. Elizabeth Naimi-Yazdi may be reached by phone at (818)-298-8316 or by email at info@rezvanfoundation.com if you have any questions about donations. Donations have to be turned in by the 16th of December, 2017. Donors whose contributions were pledged by the 16th of December will be honored in the gala auction brochure. There are many levels of sponsorship available, such as gold ($3,000), diamond ($4,000), and platinum ($5,000), each of which includes perks such as the inclusion of an advertising in a booklet, a logo in all printed materials, a table for ten people, and a bottle of quality champagne. Every contribution is eligible for a tax deduction to the fullest extent that the legislation in the United States permits. You will get a receipt in the mail for your contribution. To purchase tickets, please click here. a paddle made of gold When you buy a raffle ticket for the golden paddle, you are automatically placed into a drawing for the chance to win the golden paddle. Can you tell me about the golden paddle? The fund-a-need option is one of the live auction packages that may be purchased with the paddle, which already has a preloaded value of $5,000. While doing so, you may even compete for something much more impressive than you had envisioned, all the while contributing to the Rezvan Foundation. The drawing will take place at the beginning of dinner, and the winner will be presented with their golden paddle just before to the commencement of the live auction. The only way to increase your chances of winning the golden paddle is to buy a raffle ticket for it. You may buy a raffle ticket for the golden paddle by calling the number (818)-298-8316 or sending an email to info@rezvanfoundation.com. I wish everyone who enters the contest the best of luck, and may the bidding begin! To purchase tickets, please click here. restrictions: * in order to win, you must attend the gala and auction event that will take place on Saturday, February 3. * the $5,000 credit may only be used toward the purchase of a live auction lot or fund-a-need. no monetary value is supplied if the gift card is not utilized. Your bidding paddle will be credited with $5,000, and this credit may be distributed over more than one auction item if you so choose. The winner of the golden paddle will get credit equal to the full value of one auction item of his or her choice. If there is any credit left over, it may be used to the total price of a second lot if that lot is purchased. Any credit that is not used to purchase an item from the auction will be donated to the winner’s designated fund-a-need account. The $5,000 credit cannot be deducted from taxes and, in the event that it is available, will lower the tax deductibility of the auction lot. The credit of $5,000 cannot be transferred to another person. The purchase of the raffle tickets, $250 total, is not tax deductible. For further information, please call (831) 747-7455 or visit www.rezvanfoundation.com. marci bracco cain chatterbox pr, Salinas, California 93901

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