It would seem that every erogenous zone comes to life as the words kama sutra are said, and images of acrobatic and flexible poses come to mind as a result. there is no surprise. However, the Sanskrit scripture from ancient India is not the same thing as a guide to intimate relationships. An educational guide to living one’s finest life with love and an excessive amount of pleasure, the Kama Sutra is a text that was written by the Buddha. How does it sound to you? This literature, which dates back 2,400 years, contains a few key points that have the potential to revitalize every intimate relationship. The churning method of the kama sutra teaches that you should avoid being the man who physically performs the in and out thrusts, which are merely random thrusts in and out. Nevertheless, this does not imply that a guy is required to dangle from a chandelier like that. Sometimes, all it takes is a little bit of a literal twist to get the job done. Please give the churn a shot in the mixture. By grasping the member by the base, you should move it around inside of her in little circles. When a guy does this, he not only increases the pleasure that both partners experience, but he also discovers new potential hot zones that he was previously unaware of. The kama sutra method is a gentlemanly and high-level action that involves attempting to stimulate the elusive g-spot with the member. Take it down. On the other hand, you should not overlook the rear of the region, which is capable of producing particularly deep and carnal groans. However, while you are in the missionary position, you should push downward rather than up. Strokes should be quick and crisp, or they should be a combination of long, deep strokes and rapid ones. Technique based on the Kama Sutra: buffeting Are you seeking for a strategy to postpone fulfillment while simultaneously maintaining the raw, lustful, and animalistic mood that you have been experiencing? Try your hand at buffeting. An individual should withdraw entirely out of the thrusting position and then push back in with a swift and forceful stroke while thrusting. Shake things up by interspersing it or by doing it, which consists of three brief pulses within and then repeating it. According to the kama sutra method, the three erogenous zones are all connected to one another, therefore it should come as no surprise that stimulating all of them at the same time would result in an intense peak that is mind-blowing. Start by selecting three erogenous zones on a partner, such as the lips, ears, nipples, or clitoris, and then do the desired action. The combination of clitoral stimulation, nipple tweaking, and deep kissing or licking is said to be a profitable combination. This is also effective for males. In order to provide a helpful hand, you are quite welcome to utilize adult toys. The kama sutra method consists of taking aim when in the missionary position, aiming the member to the left or right, and maintaining a hard and constant pressure on that side of the pelvic region. why? In virtually all cases, one side of the clitoris is more sensitive than the other. Maintain an open channel of communication in order to determine which side is more comfortable. When using the kama sutra method, you should concentrate on the first inch of the entrance, which is the second most sensitive region on a woman. This will allow you to quickly mix things up. Utilizing strokes that are quick and shallow, while maintaining the member in place (but only just barely), can induce the inner nerve endings to get agitated. When combined with buffeting, this method creates a powerful combination. Rub her belly Okay, this may seem a bit goofy, but the kama sutra method involves caressing your partner’s (if she is female) tummy just before the intense moment. why? Extremely sensitive tissue may be found in the region above a woman’s pubic bone. Position both hands in a flat position on her lower abdomen, just above her pubic bone area. The next step is to slide the hands over the belly in different directions, moving them back and forth. Not only that, but you shouldn’t stop doing what you’re doing to drive her to that extreme point in the first place! When working with male partners, stimulate the perineum by using a comparable firm pressure and moving back and forth like this. It is possible for a man’s member to get overworked when the closeness is of this high quality. Therefore, in order to revitalize and repair their member, many men utilize a genital health creme that has been particularly designed (man 1 man oil, which has been scientifically confirmed to be safe and gentle for skin) to get the desired results. This kind of crème helps to maintain the skin supple and smooth, preventing chafing and dryness from occurring. Additionally, it contains vitamin C, which helps to build the collagen in the skin. In order to fulfill a man’s every tantric need, shea butter and vitamin E help to lock in moisture, while amino acids contribute to maintaining nerve sensitivity and strength.


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