One of the most well-known names in women’s footwear, Charles & Keith is almost associated with style. It is currently considered to be one of the top brands in the domain of fashion footwear on the worldwide arena. It was first introduced in Singapore in the year 1996. Having achieved success with its exceptional high street fashion shoes and accessories, charles & keith is a favorite of a large number of people and has positioned itself as one of the quickly moving luxury fashion footwear products off the shelves of market locations all over the globe. At the amara hotel in Singapore, brothers Charles and Keith Wong opened a straightforward shoe shop catering to female customers. This was in the year 1996, and by the time it was over, that little business had become a dominant name in markets all over the world. More than 170 charles & keith franchises are now in operation around the world in a number of different nations. Additionally, it is the owner of the subsidiary brand known as pedro, which specializes in ultra-luxurious footwear collections. Multiple accolades have been bestowed to Charles & Keith in recognition of the company’s pioneering spirit and dedication to the satisfaction of its clients. It was given the award for outstanding service in the year 2002, and it was given the enterprise award at the event that was held in Singapore for business awards in the year 2008. As young youngsters, keith wong and his older brother charles wong had assisted their parents at their shoe shop located in ang mo kio. This provided them with the opportunity to understand the ins and outs of operating a successful company. In 1996, when Charles was just 22 years old, he launched his own shoe store in the financial sector of Manhattan. The shop was located in the amara hotel arcade. After those two years, in 1998, Keith finally joined the company. At the time, it was a very little enterprise that sold women’s shoes that were manufactured in China and Malaysia. They demonstrated a good business sense by correctly predicting the future success of the brand in several areas throughout the world. As a direct consequence of this, the Charles & Keith brand expanded its reach internationally in the year 2000. The brand’s popularity both domestically and globally was bolstered in large part by the fact that its in-house designs were unique and that it offered products at affordable costs. In recent years, Charles & Keith has grown to include more than 170 locations throughout 22 countries, including Japan, Cyprus, Brunei, and Indonesia. These locations are either owned and operated by Charles & Keith directly or by franchisees. 2004 was a year in which Charles and Keith traveled a significant distance. They began their exploration of the gulf nations of the middle east in Dubai, and then continued on to Oman, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain in that order. The next step was to establish retail sites in the countries of Turkey and Egypt, bringing the total number of stores throughout the Middle East and Asia to 12. In the same year, Charles & Keith stepped up their game by expanding their business into the internet realm. It pioneered the establishment of an online shop in Singapore, earning the title of and the distinction of being the country’s first clothes manufacturer to do so. In 2005, charles & keith debuted the pedro collection of men’s footwear, which included stylish and opulent options for the feet. 2007 was the year that saw charles & keith extend their range of products to include women’s and men’s accessories such sunglasses, belts, ties, and purses in addition to their already extensive selection of men’s accessories. They introduced the charles & keith trademark label in addition to marketing the exclusive and high-end items under the brand name of pedro. This label is an extension of Pedro that caters to a highly selective clientele by providing items with a greater level of exclusivity and a higher price range. Charles & Keith is committed to continuing to expand its presence in international markets as part of a continuous strategy for business growth. Within the next five years, their goal is to establish more than 500 more locations. charles & keith has an in-house team of 70 designers, and of course, Keith is the one in charge of the entire operation. This is done so that the company can cater to the distinctive tastes, preferences, and requirements of each individual customer. These fashion designers come up with fresh looks and patterns on a monthly basis and travel often to fashion capitals like Paris and Milan. They not only go to the fashion shows, but they also spend time there researching the forthcoming fashion trends. The names pedro and charles & keith are already more than just household names in singapore, and in recent years, they have continued to take the international markets by storm with their forward-thinking designs, refined branding, and meticulously calculated marketing and advertising, in addition to positioning the products at the appropriate price segments. not to mention the hundreds upon thousands of devoted charles & keith followers who are not bashful about praising the brand that they hold in high regard.


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Obama-administrationen stεr nyt pres torsdag at tage handling pε syrien. syriske styrker indledte flere strejker torsdag udenfor damaskus. angrebene skete i samme omrεde, hvor oprψrere hζvder kemiske vεben drζbte hundreder onsdag. cbs news ‘margaret brennan rapporter fra det amerikanske udenrigsministerium, at det endnu ikke er muligt at kontrollere, hvem udfψrt angrebet eller typen af ??giftige brugte gas, der har forεrsaget denne massedrab, men det rejser vanskelige spψrgsmεl om, hvorvidt et land vil tage skridt til at stoppe det. torsdag eftermiddag, fortalte state department canada goose jakke talskvinde jen psaki reportere i washington, at prζsident obama instrueret den amerikanske efterretningstjenester til “hurtigst muligt samle” oplysninger om angrebet. “lige nu er vi i stand til endegyldigt afgψre cw brug, men vi er fokuserede hvert minut af hver dag, siden disse begivenheder skete i gεr pε at gψre alt muligt inden for vores magt for at sψm ned kendsgerningerne,” psaki fortalte reportere. det hvide hus bekrζftede, at prζsidenten rettet efterretningstjenester for at undersψge angrebet pε grund af den pεstεede anvendelse af kemiske vεben. “the intelligence community arbejder pε at indsamle beviser og kendsgerninger for at fε oplyst, hvad der skete i syrien i gεr” en administration embedsmand sagde i en erklζring. “vi taler ikke til intelligens spψrgsmεl, sε jeg har ikke nogen yderligere detaljer for dig pε denne proces.” mange billeder af, hvad der kan vζre verdens mest dψdbringende angreb med kemiske vεben i nζsten 30 εr er for grafisk at vise pε net-tv. psaki sagde, at mellem 1.000 og 1.800 mennesker dψde i, hvad syriske aktivister beskrives som en gas angreb uden for damaskus. (se til venstre en video opnεet ved den syriske opposition, der ikke kunne uafhζngigt bekrζftet viser en mor, siger farvel til sine bψrn, der dψde i angrebet) det hvide hus sagde onsdag var det dybt “bekymret” og opfordrede til en presserende fn undersψgelse. “de, der er ansvarlige for brugen af ??kemiske vεben, hvis det er fastslεet, at det er, hvad der skete, vil blive holdt ansvarlige,” talsmand josh earnest fortalte journalister onsdag. denne angivelige kemiske angreb fandt sted nζsten et εr efter obama advarede bashar assad, at brugen af ??kemiske vεben ville ζndre hans calculus. “det er en rψd linje for os, og at der ville vζre enorme konsekvenser, hvis vi begynder at se bevζgelse pε kemiske vεben fronten,” mr. obama sagde. nεr beviset for assads kemiske vεben brug gjorde dukke for to mεneder siden, prζsidenten lovede at udvide anvendelsesomrεdet og omfanget af stψtten til de vζbnede oprψrere. disse vεben er ikke kommet, hvilket fψrer til flere spψrgsmεl om obama-regeringens politik. “jeg taler ikke om rψde linjer”, psaki fortalte journalister onsdag. “jeg skal ikke have en debat eller samtale om rψde linjer, eller jeg ikke sζtte rψde linjer.” i denne uge, prζsidentens ψverste militζre rεdgiver, martin dempsey, sagde pentagon ikke trζne nogen oprψrerne. i et brev til kongresmedlem eliot engel, dempsey canada goose banff sagde: “de skal vζre klar til at fremme deres interesser og vores … i dag, er de ikke.” engel, en demokrat, sagde, at der er militζre muligheder, herunder missilangreb, at administrationen straks bψr overveje. “jeg tror, ??vi har en masse dεrlige valg at trζffe i syrien, og efter min mening stε pε sidelinjen virkelig gψre noget er det vζrste valg at vi kan gψre,” engel sagde. assads regime er ved at vinde krigen med hjζlp fra iran og hizbollah, og nu al-qaeda er i kontrol over dele af syrien, men pε dette tidspunkt obama-administrationen vurdering, at truslen ikke fortjener amerikansk militζr intervention.

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