Today, the whole globe is on the verge of being engulfed in a major catastrophe known as the COVID-19 epidemic. India has been placed under a total lockdown till the third of May in the year 2020. In light of the fact that the representatives have not been able to maintain their regular consistency, the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) has decided to waive some regulations. As of right now, the deadline for submitting FORM GSTR-3B documents for the extended period of time including February, March, and April 2020 has been extended. In addition, the notification has been sent on the GST Portal that, beginning from this point forward, people will have the option of submitting their GSTR-3B returns using the Electronic Verification Code (EVC) rather of the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC). 1. The cancellation of the GSTR-3B file without the DSC The “Computerized Signature Certificate,” also known as the “DSC,” is used for the purpose of signing online applications, such as GST returns and other business consistency forms, with great care. At this time, the Goods and Services Tax (GST) division has made it possible for people to record their GSTR-3B return without having to attach the DSC. 2. Who is required to join the DSC in order to file their GST returns? In order to fulfill his goal, every person who is registered for the Goods and Services Tax (GST) is required to file a GST return by joining a computerized signing testament (DSC). DSC is required in the following circumstances: all limited liability companies, whether public and private, limited liability partnerships (LLPs), and limited liability partnerships (LLPs) that are located remotely (LLPs) 3. What is the rationale for the unwinding of the GSTR-3B document that does not include the DSC? Because of the current lockdown situation, the people encountered a few challenges throughout the process of submitting their GST returns with the DSC. These challenges allowed them to encounter some problems. An extraordinary amount of difficulty has arisen with regard to the filing of GST returns with the DSC as a result of the lockdown that was imposed as a result of the COVID-19. The DSCs are not really available to persons who have successfully registered for the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in order to file their returns. In point of fact, the Goods and Services Tax (GST) assessment may be paid by making revisions to the GSTR-3B return documents that are recorded by elements; the aforementioned charges are paid either by using the ITC that has been received or by paying money. A variety of firms who wanted to pay responsibilities in a straightforward manner in order to avoid incurring intrigue liabilities were encountering difficulties while attempting to change the GST charges that were stored. Specifically, this is due to the fact that they are unable to register the GST returns without the DSC. Due to the fact that the ITC cannot be assured without the submission of the GSTR-3B, this creates an extra barrier that prevents individuals from claiming the GST input charge credit for the extended periods of March, April, and May for the year 2020. This problem has been addressed by the government, which has taken the initiative to enable the weight of organizations in order to solve the issue. A declaration was made by the experts stating that the submission of the GST return in GSTR-3B should be feasible without the use of DSC during this lockout time. The citizens have been provided with the option of submitting their GSTR-3B forms only via the use of the Electronic Verification Code (EVC). 4. Given the question of whether or not GSTR-1 may be recorded without the use of DSC? No. The relaxations that are granted to citizens of the GST to allow them to file their GST returns without a DSC are only applicable to the filing of GSTR-3B. Due to the fact that the GSTR-1 or any other GST consistency has not been filed, the legislature has not provided this assistance. Today, the whole globe is on the verge of being engulfed in a major catastrophe known as the COVID-19 epidemic. It has been decided to place India under a total lockdown until the third of May in the year 2020. In light of the fact that the representatives have not been able to maintain their regular consistency, the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) has decided to waive some regulations. As of right now, the deadline for submitting FORM GSTR-3B documents for the extended period of time including February, March, and April 2020 has been extended. In addition, the notification has been sent on the GST Portal that, beginning from this point forward, people will have the option of submitting their GSTR-3B returns using the Electronic Verification Code (EVC) rather of the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC). 5. Can you provide any information regarding the GSTR-3B? The Goods and Services Tax (GST) citizens are required to record the GSTR-3B return, which is a combined rundown return of both internal and external supplies. This return structure is required to be recorded alongside the GSTR 1 and GSTR 2 return structures. Everyone who is subject to the Goods and Services Tax is required to submit a GSTR-3B form, regardless of whether or not there is any commercial activity. 6. A variety of exemptions for individuals who are enrolled for the Goods and Services Tax For those individuals who are enrolled in the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and have a total annual turnover of up to?5 Crore, the deadline for recording the GSTR-3B for the months of March, April, and May 2020 has been extended to the 30th of June 2020. It has been determined that the late fee for submitting the GST return has been rejected.


The frail economy of the whole world has been crippled by the epidemic caused by the COVID 19 virus. The first economic system to be affected by the epidemic of the Coronavirus that happened in China was the global supply chain (or chains within the supply chain). As a result of the lockdowns and the “social separation,” both the operations of businesses and the personal finances of individuals have been on a downward spiral since that time. For this reason, it is essential to investigate tried-and-true methods that might effectively lessen the impact on our financial resources. In addition, we have access to a significant number of different financial options that are accessible to us via the use of the internet. Today, without a shadow of a doubt, is one of the most difficult moments that we have seen in the history of our age. After what seemed like an instant, the world was flipped upside down, and the conventional and predictable way of life seemed to vanish. In light of the fact that the coronavirus is still spreading over the globe and that an increasing number of individuals are being infected with the Covid-19 sickness, it might be challenging to choose what actions to take. Nevertheless, a great number of specialists believe that this represents the possibility of making a genuine effect. With the pressure that is now being applied, what kinds of possibilities should you be searching for if you are someone who believes in being proactive and who has a tendency to have a good attitude in everyday life? Trust Precious Metals, Number One People have a tendency to go to precious metals when they are experiencing periods of uncertainty. Especially at this moment, this is the case. Furthermore, despite the fact that the price of gold may have originally decreased at the beginning of the epidemic, it has since managed to recover and return to the position that was anticipated. Despite the fact that regular commercial operations have been restored, there are others who feel that the magnitude of the present problem was the cause of an extraordinary sell-off. This occurred when individuals attempted to free up some cash by selling precious metals. You may anticipate that the price of gold will continue to slowly increase as the enormity of the issue continues to develop. As is customary, gold is now the most valuable commodity by far. There is no question that gold is going to be one of the finest investments during the remainder of the year. Scarcity is another factor that is boosting the price of this commodity over its previous level. Silver is one of the precious metals that besides gold and platinum should be taken into consideration. It is possible that this metal will be impacted by a decrease in the quantity of industrial capacity, since this will have the tendency to result in an excess supply. On the other hand, industrial throughput will soon begin to rebound, and if you want to position yourself for the future, you could be able to get silver at a very favorable price. 2. Put Some Money Into Real Estate When the Great Recession hit in 2008, it was a difficult time for anybody who invested in real estate. On the other hand, things are not going to be the same this time around since it will become far less expensive to invest in high-quality real estate, particularly in light of the relatively low yield on “safe” assets like bonds. There is a good chance that an increased number of customers will be inspired to enter the rental sector as well. The property market is expected to be turbulent as a result of the temporary decrease in personal wages and the significant amount of pressure that is being placed on savings. It is reasonable to anticipate that the government will intervene and provide assistance to those who are interested in entering the rental market, which will result in a significant increase in the available housing stock. By investing your money in housing stock that can be transformed into rental homes, you may take advantage of the cheap interest rates that are now available and the developing market trend. If you have goals that are more long-term or medium-term, you should be in the greatest position to capitalize on the natural bounce that occurs when things begin to improve. 3. Purchase an Existing Business With the passage of time, an increasing number of individuals have made the decision to take charge of their own lives and launch their own enterprise. In difficult circumstances, this may undoubtedly be a viable answer; but, it may be even more profitable to purchase an existing firm rather than beginning a new entrepreneurial venture from scratch. Do not be deceived; a significant proportion of proprietors of small businesses are very interested in escaping the situation. Simply take into consideration the current population of baby boomers and the percentage of those individuals who are at or over the age of retirement. Tens of thousands of these people have put forth a lot of effort during their whole lives, and they will undoubtedly be driven to sell now, if not earlier. A significant number of these business owners are what they refer to as “lifestyle” operators, and they have a company that is capable of surviving their departure since they already have a second-tier management level firmly established. In light of this, it is possible that you may devise an inventive strategy to assist them in handing over their firm without requiring an excessive amount of cash advance from you. 4. Create an online business for yourself. As an alternative, why not launch a firm that operates online? In the event that you do, you will be able to work from the comfort of your own home, take benefit of the most recent technological advancements, and finally put an end to that arduous commute. There are a lot of options available to


In the best of circumstances, money can be a difficult client to deal with. It’s possible that we won’t be able to meet our anticipated revenue goals for a certain time period. It’s possible that we were able to spend a little bit more than we had originally planned to. On the other hand, it’s possible that we are just unable to identify the reason why our financial results don’t exactly match up. This is due to the fact that managing one’s finances is… well, it’s difficult. Taking into account global concerns like as COVID-19, the situation gets even more complicated. Death, suffering, social discord, and economic devastation are among outcomes that have been brought about by the coronavirus, which has had far-reaching consequences over the whole world. When we are confronted with something like this, maintaining control of our financial situation becomes not just little challenging, but it becomes really challenging. Undoubtedly challenging, but not insurmountable. Choosing the appropriate strategy is the most important thing to undertake. We are, of course, discussing self-assurance and a constructive outlook, but we are also discussing real measures that will enable us to be financially robust, even in the face of such obstacles. Also, this is really important. In the process of working through this challenging circumstance, we are going to re-stimulate the economy in this manner, both in the nations in which we are based and in other countries across the world. Through this method, each and every one of us is going to be able to do more than just survive; we are going to flourish. It all starts when we take control of our own lives and our financial situation. A few of these useful suggestions for managing one’s finances are going to be discussed below. Have a realistic outlook on both your short-term and long-term financial planning. Right now is the moment to arm yourself and obtain a better understanding of your financial situation. It is essential that you have a thorough understanding of your existing income status, how it has been impacted by the virus, and how your financial condition may change in the near future. It is of the utmost importance to steer clear of the debt trap here. It is possible that you may believe that it is OK to place a large number of purchases on a credit card because you are certain that you will be able to pay it off when things begin to improve. However, you should only use this as a last option. Instead, you should think about several ways in which you might continue to thrive despite the fact that your income has decreased. To do this, it is necessary to engage in practical planning and to take a proactive approach to cutting expenditure, at least in the near term. The strategy for your budget should be written out as soon as possible. Putting the strategy into action in this manner makes it much simpler to adhere to, and as a result, you will discover that it is much simpler to maintain a good financial situation. Make use of any assistance that you need. In the midst of this catastrophe, none of us are alone. Inside our communities, within our country states, and all around the planet, we all have a portion of the responsibility. Keeping in mind that we are all in this together is something that is really vital. It is essential that you make use of assistance if you are in need of it and meet the requirements to get it. There is a vast variety of aid packages and policies that are offered by local, state, and national governments in order to provide support to those who may be in need. As a result of this catastrophe, each and every one of us has been impacted, and it would be absurd to grieve in isolation. If you want to learn more about the options that are available in your region, you can either talk to officials of your local government or look them up online. Even a little amount of assistance may make a whole world of difference. Altering the Amount of Money Spent on Luxuries To reiterate, this piece of advice is all about having information — understanding of yourself and what it is that you really need. There are, without a doubt, some standards of life that must be preserved. We are not suggesting that you should limit your diet to nothing more than a cup of porridge on a daily basis and that anything else is an unnecessary indulgence. No. We recommend that you instead think about what you need to keep your level of living near to the one that you and your family are used to, and that you reduce the amount of money that you spend on things that aren’t required. There is a possibility that you may find yourself at home more often than you would want, and it is tempting to go to the internet sites that sell apparel or other devices in order to indulge in some retail therapy. On occasion, there is no danger in doing this; nevertheless, you should make sure to stay on top of it and that it is in accordance with the written budget plan that you have created. Keep an eye out for the tax benefits of working from home. Is it true that you work from home? It is possible that this may significantly alter the tax deductions that you are eligible to claim. There is the possibility of claiming a tax deduction for any expenditures that you have made in order to enhance the working environment in your house. In point of fact, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has implemented a plethora of exemptions, benefits, and prospective payment deferments with the intention of making life simpler for self-employed individuals and small enterprises. Consider Diversification of Sources of Gain We have access to a diverse array of options thanks


Both governments and people all around the globe are facing the same issues, which are centered on the question of how to cure the coronavirus and make sure that it does not spread further. That being said, this is just the beginning. We thank the legions of scientists, medical specialists, and important workers who are working tirelessly each and every day to bring the virus under control. Without a doubt, the goal in the here and now – in the near future – is to bring the virus under control. Now, what is the next step? The economic downturn that accompanies a disaster of this magnitude is a challenge that we must address. What steps can we take to prevent a pandemic? We are required to carry out one thing: Neither of us should give up. It would be irresponsible of us to throw down the towel and accept the worst-case scenario as the outcome. Also, we will not. As a species, we do not operate in this manner. This is not how we do things. If there is one thing that we have learned from the last few months, it is that the extraordinary level of resilience that mankind has is still very much alive and well. Even when confronted with such adversity, the spark of perseverance, compassion, and optimism continues to burn brightly. All of this is well and dandy, but what does this really imply in terms of operation? What are some ways that we can transform this resiliency into a set of answers that are both practical and will help us move ahead with our finances? This is something that needs to be examined in a little bit more depth. Putting into Practice Methods That Will Help You Win the Psychological Battle Quite frequently, we are exposed to the expression “it’s all in your mind,” which implies that a psychological issue is in some way less significant than a physical or exterior problem. Not only are we acknowledging that psychological concerns need serious attention, but we are also coming to terms with the fact that there are actual actions that we can take to overcome these challenges. This is something that we are doing in the 21st century. Consequently, if you have discovered that you are being harassed by thoughts about money and worry as a consequence of this problem, what are some ways that you might overcome the negativity? Make sure you have a clear knowledge of the position you are in. Uncertainty and a lack of understanding are the root causes of a significant portion of the anxiety and stress that we experience on a daily basis. When we do not have a clear understanding of the situation, we tend to anticipate the worst possible outcome. And these unfavorable emotions continue to accumulate until we reach a point of being overwhelmed. Put a stop to this inclination. Use your expertise to combat it. Take a seat and figure out how the virus has impacted the payments that have been received. After that, you should figure out what kinds of modifications may be done so that you can not only continue to go ahead, but also give yourself the opportunity to actively set yourself up for a prosperous future. This exercise is not a one-time occurrence. You need to become accustomed to evaluating your position on a regular basis, monitoring the accounts, determining the extent of the harm and the progress that has been made, and equipping yourself with the information that you need in order to get the upper hand. Step one is to diversify. According to an ancient proverb, you should avoid putting all of your eggs in one basket. The fact that this is such sound advice is the reason why it has become such a cliche because of how good it is. In the event that your source of income is too limited or restricted, you are placing yourself in a precarious position. Even in times of prosperity, you are never too far away from a significant financial challenge. All it takes is a hop, step, and leap. However, what is the response? Diversity. It is imperative that you should not abandon the company interests and money sources that you now have. Make it your goal to contribute to them instead. Take into consideration the ways in which you may safeguard yourself by acquiring a portfolio of assets that is more diversified, and then think about the ways in which this variety might really propel your success. Develop an optimistic frame of mind. Being pessimistic will not get us anywhere. Instead, it weakens our psychological well-being and makes it more challenging to acquire perspective and comprehension of the circumstances we find ourselves in. The presence of uncertainty and other such ideas causes our thinking to become muddled. Nevertheless, we are able to combat this by introducing a few little but helpful modifications to our mentality. This may be accomplished by recasting obstacles as opportunities and challenges, for instance, or by placing some minor difficulties within a greater framework. These are the modest adjustments that can be made incrementally. As you get used to doing this, you will notice significant shifts in your mental state. Take initiative. Changing anything cannot occur on its own. Your goals and objectives will not be accomplished until you put in the effort and take action. However, this does not imply that you should mistake movement for advancement and scramble about like a chicken without a head. Rather, it means documenting what you want to accomplish in the short term and the long term, considering the steps you need to take in order to do this, and then moving forward by placing one foot in front of the other until you reach your destination. Because the coronavirus has made it somewhat more difficult than normal to attain your goals, you may need to adjust your strategy in order to reach your objectives. But try not to


Stephen P. Bye, a reporter for the Mirror Rearview, is the subject of Article 15 of the Special Report. Stephen P. Bye, a correspondent for the Mirror Rearview, a fictitious newspaper based in Laicos County, an imagined municipality in the United States of America, is the author of this ongoing and ongoing series. For further context, please refer to the fourteen reports that came before this one. (3rd of April, 2020) Having been away from the beat for a period of twelve months while I was serving my term in jail, I am now back on the beat as an unpaid reporter for The Mirror Rearview. To my great relief, my attorney, Sue Yourbutt, brought my case all the way to the State Supreme Court, where they decided that I had been unlawfully jailed for exercising my right to free speech in earlier contributions. I am astounded by the speed with which the judicial system operates. At the beginning of March, as you are probably aware by this point, the Laicos County Executive, Alice N. Wonderland, ordered the closure of all companies that were not necessary due to the widespread spread of the Coronavirus. This include The Mirror Rearview, which is no longer being printed and is instead dependent completely on electronic distribution. Because of the disastrous state of the economy in Laicos County, advertising money has vanished, and the Internal Revenue Service has determined that The Mirror Rearview is a non-profit organization. On a GoFundMe website located at “,” contributions that are eligible for tax deductions are now being collected. Despite the fact that the three golf courses in the county are closed for golf, the sites are nevertheless available to the public so that they may enjoy the outdoors. However, there is a restriction of eighteen individuals on each course at any one time. For the purpose of ensuring that every individual maintains a social distance of one hole, eighteen sheriff officers from the county are assigned to attend each golf course. As a result of the requirement that they maintain a distance of at least twenty feet between themselves, the queues of people waiting to join the courses take up at least half a mile. As far as Wonderland is concerned, the cultivation of marijuana is still allowed on the boundaries of the golf courses. Every single cannabis store has been shut down, with the exception of those that are run by Pot Luck Inc., which is the corporation that Ms. Wonderland now controls. It was while I was incarcerated that I discovered that rival marijuana stores had been shut down because they had violated county regulations. As a result, Pot Luck, Inc. is the only establishment where cannabis goods may be bought. One of the mandates that Ms. Wonderland has issued is that all vital firms must refrain from terminating or furloughing any of their workers. In a brief press release, she made the following statement: “Companies are formed for the employees…firing people due to a situation that came out of nowhere is unjust.” The County Executive also ordered a six-month rent vacation for all apartment renters, a moratorium on mortgage payments for all borrowers who have a house loan, and a suspension of property tax payments. All of these measures were taken in conjunction with the suspension of property tax payments. However, it is imperative that all companies continue to pay real estate taxes and registration fees, and the County Commissioners have implemented a ten percent increase in the penalty for late payments. Furthermore, Alice N. Wonderland issued an order that each household should divide its members in order to ensure that there is no more than one person present in a room at any one moment. A great number of households have resorted to relegating a member of their family to a closet or to a crawl space in the basement. It has been claimed that the police have made hundreds of arrests after spotting families playing board games or cards, which is a violation of the Executive directive that only solo games should be played. Up to one hundred individuals are crammed into a single cell at the local prison because of the overwhelming number of people who have broken the law. I called Dr. I. M. Gloomy at Laicos County Hospital, where he and Major Fear, a former military physician, are leading a medical consulting team that reports to Alice N. Wonderland. I was interested in learning more about this situation. In spite of the fact that four individuals died from heart attacks, five from different types of cancer, two from vehicle accidents, four from shootings, and ten from drug overdoses, Dr. Gloomy confirmed that there were no fatalities that were identified as being caused by CV-19 over the preceding month. While Dr. Gloomy is now worried about a significant rise in the number of suicides that have occurred as a result of the quarantine order, he acknowledges that Ms. Wonderland is responsible for the absence of fatalities caused by the virus due to her prompt efforts. In addition, Ms. Wonderland has made it mandatory for all of the inhabitants to wear masks, which are readily available. Nevertheless, 10 banks have been robbed in just this week alone, and the employees of these banks are unhappy because they are unable to differentiate between a thief and a client. In addition, this has been a difficulty for the police department, which has resulted in thousands of “stop and frisk” operations without any arrests being made. There have been no layoffs or terminations of employment for county government workers, according to Ms. Wonderland’s report. For the purpose of administering the County’s portion of the $2.2 trillion rescue plan implemented by the United States Government, one hundred more personnel have been hired. In order to reinforce the police force and ensure compliance with the different governmental mandates and instructions, three hundred of the present workers have been added to the deputies. As a result


The Vulnerability of Cybersecurity and the Covid-19 Virus and What Can Be Done About It In the year 2020, Steve Burgess When we already had a lot of things to be concerned about. With so many of us working from home (nearly 90 percent of American corporations are encouraging or requiring employees to do so), and with so little time to set up corporate cybersecurity barriers, it is possible that employees and their companies are more vulnerable than they have ever been before. Only a small percentage of people have had their home security or protection system professionally assessed or examined. It is quite possible that cybercriminals, who are always ready to seize an opportunity, would instantly take advantage of it by launching malware, phishing assaults, and other forms of cybercrime. An example of this would be the World Health Organization (WHO), which has lately been subjected to twice as many cyber assaults as in the past. In what is believed to be one of the most significant attempts, the Dark Hotel group is suspected of putting up a fake website on or around March 13, 2020, which is designed to imitate the internal email system of the World Health Organization (WHO). However, they were caught in the act, and this effort appeared to have yielded no results. Real-world viruses give rise to imitations of themselves. According to Alexander Urbelis, an expert from Blackstone Law Group, which is based in New York and monitors suspicious activity on the internet regarding domain registration, there are approximately 2,000 websites centered around the coronavirus that are being created every single day, the majority of which are obviously malicious. It’s possible that this is the case with specialists, but the term “obvious” is relative to perception. It’s possible that the majority are more susceptible to being duped. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), there has been a significant increase in the number of scams that take advantage of people’s fears regarding the COVID-19 virus. The majority of these scams target recipients in the three states that have reported the highest number of cases of COVID-19 infections: California, New York, and Washington. If you are one of the other 47, however, you should not be under the impression that a rise in the number of assaults is not already on the way. One of the victims is the Champaign Urbana Public Health District (CHUPD) in Illinois, which serves a population of 210,000 people and includes the largest university in the state with its services. The company’s major website was taken down on March 12, 2020, as a result of a ransomware infestation known as Netwalker. For CHUPD to continue to operate and maintain communication with its users, it was necessary for the organization to establish an alternative website. A number of different types of scams exist, including treatment scams (fake cures and vaccines), supply scams (fake accounts and websites that purport to sell medical supplies), provider scams (supposed doctors and hospitals that claim to have treated a friend and now need to get paid – by you), charity scams (of course), app scams (mobile apps that are disguised as tracking the disease but are actually tracking you), investment scams (as there always are), and a great number of phishing scams. How to proceed: It is possible to report fraudulent activity and other forms of misconduct to a variety of government agencies. • To the Department of Justice: Reporting fraud on the Covid website: COVID-19 Fraud Coordinator, Senior Litigation Counsel Shaun Sweeney may be reached at or by calling 1-888-C19-WDPA with any questions. • You may contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation by calling 412-432-4000 or visiting their website at To the Federal Trade Commission, which may be found at There are over twenty steps that you may perform on your own. Backup your data. • DO NOT react to anyone who tries to sell you a cure for COVID-19. • You should investigate businesses that provide supplies by reading internet reviews, contacting the Better Business Bureau, and using other rating websites. Research any charitable organizations that are looking for contributions. If you need some guidance in this matter, you might look at the website of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). • You should make use of secure passwords. On the website of Gibson Research Corporation, there is a page titled “Perfect Passwords,” which contains a helpful guidance. It is imperative that you protect your network, particularly your wireless router. You may get assistance in determining the optimal configurations for your specific piece of hardware from either the manufacturer or your Internet Service Provider. • Your operating system and antivirus software should be kept up to date at all times. Do not disclose your Social Security number to anybody or use it as a form of identification. Generally speaking, the only people that need it from you are your job, your banking institution, and government authorities. • You should make sure that your computer’s Guest account is disabled. • DO NOT make any of your personal information available to the public on social networks or anywhere else. • DO NOT open emails sent to you by individuals you do not know. If you are not familiar with a website, you should avoid making any transactions or contributions from that website. • It is strongly recommended that you install a firewall on your computer, either in the form of hardware or software. DO NOT divulge any of your passwords to any other individuals. • You should not use the same password for all of your accounts. You are responsible for ensuring that the Administrator access on your computer is secured and that only you have access to it (use a password). • Ensure that you deactivate access for guests on your computer. • You should turn off remote logins. If you want to log into your computer, phone, or email account, you should demand a password. Additionally, you should ensure


The outbreak of the dreadful pandemic Novel Coronavirus, sometimes referred to as COVID-19, has resulted in an unstoppable decline in the economy. The Indian government has ordered a lockdown to be implemented over the whole country until the fourteenth of April in the year 2020. As a result of the disruption to the typical flow of business, professionals are unable to fulfill their legal obligations within the allotted amount of time at this moment. The Honorable FM Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman had led a live public interview via Video Conferencing and announced that Due Dates for all of the Business Compliance would now be extended as a result of the contamination caused by COVID-19. This was done in an effort to provide some relaxation. For the time being, the government has also provided some relaxations to persons who have registered for the Goods and Services Tax (GST) with reference to the filing of their GST returns and a few other arrangements concerning the GST registration. Listed below are the relaxations that have been recorded: 1. The earliest date that average persons may file their GST returns The deadline for people who have implemented the Goods and Services Tax (GST) registration and have a total annual revenue of up to?5 Crore to submit their GSTR-3B forms for the months of March, April, and May 2020 has been extended to the 30th of June 2020. In this case, there is no need to levy any kind of penalty, late cost, or intrigue. 2. The deadline for completing the GST return for citizens of gigantic size By the 30th of June in 2020, people who have registered for the Goods and Services Tax and have a total annual turnover of more than five crores may file their GST returns for the extended months of March, April, and May of that year. On the other hand, the equivalent would attract a reduced rate of interest at a rate of nine percent per year commencing fifteen days after the day on which the payment is due. This loan cost was 18 percent per year prior to this. In the event that returns are recorded prior to the 30th of June in 2020, there will be no late expenses or punishments assessed. 3. a new format for the extension of the deadline The deadline for the registration of composition dealers under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) has been extended to the 30th of June in the year 2020. Furthermore, the deadline for making GST payments for the quarter that will conclude on the 31st of March 2020, as well as the deadline for submitting GST returns for the fiscal year 2019-20 by the vendors of the goods and services, will be extended until the 30th of June to 2020. 4. The date by which annual GST returns must be submitted At the moment, the deadline for submitting GST annual reports for the fiscal year 2018–19, which was previously set for before the 31st of March 2020, has been extended until the 30th of June 2020. 5. The time limit for completing the procedures for the GST As an additional point of interest, the deadlines for the issuance of notifications, notices, endorsement orders, authorize orders, filing of any intrigue, other GST return, review reports, applications, and any other archive, as well as GST consistency, which were previously between the twentieth of March and the 29th of June 2020, will now be extended to the 30th of June 2020. Regarding the filing of GST returns and other aspects of GST consistency, these are the essential relaxations that are granted to persons who have registered for the Goods and Services Tax (GST). 6. When it comes to other types of GST returns, is there any kind of exemption? Yes, the existing exception applies to all other kinds of GST returns, including the following: An e-commerce operator who is required to collect TCS (tax collected at source) in accordance with the Goods and Services Tax (GST) is required to submit this report at the latest by the tenth of each month. The Annual Goods and Services Tax return, also known as GSTR 9, is required to be submitted by all registered individuals till the 31st of March in each and every fiscal year. People who are obliged to deduct Tax deducted at source (TDS) under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) are required to record a return known as GSTR 7, which is a GST return. TDS deducted, TDS requirement due, and TDS discount assured are all included in the GSTR 7 return, which includes all of the nuances of these matters… By generating a JSON record, both taxpayers and GST experts are able to establish their GSTR 7 details in a detached manner. · GSTR 5 The Goods and Services Tax Return (GSTR-5) is a return structure that is required to be recorded by a non-resident remote citizen who is registered under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) for the duration of conducting organization exchanges in India.


Providing a Fair Warning Regarding the Coronavirus, the Economy, and the Great Eschaton Concerning the appearance of the coronavirus epidemic, there are certain people who are fully on board with the grim and serious warnings that have been issued. Some others, such as CNN, have already referred to it as a “pandemic.” On the other hand, others with more composed minds, both within and outside of prophetic warnings, are more wary and see it as a portent or even a recipe for global crises that have not yet materialized. Many people are speculating. Some people believe that Covid-19 is a bioweapon, while others, like as the astrobiologist Chandra Wickramasinghe of the Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology, believe that it must have originated from outer space. Where does it come to an end? The origins of the new virus are still unknown, but the concerns that have been sparked by it have a life of their own and are, in some ways, more infectious than the virus itself. These worries have spread from Wuhan to the rest of the globe and from endemic to pandemic. Certain publications place a greater emphasis on the dread than they do on the containment and treatment of the virus. Now, there are many who envision it to be the big “teotwawki,” which is a pandemic that is uncontrollable and moves quickly, and it causes the globe to return to the days when oil burning lights and horses were the norm. And what about the eschatology of the Bible? In light of the fact that biblical prophecy is comprised of a multitude of facets and levels, it is plausible to assert that it is entirely feasible. The preceding prophecies have been completely true, and there is no chance that they could have been wrong in any way. All of the predictions that were made before, during, and after the Exile, as well as the messianic prophesies and the early stage pre-millennial prophecies, are completely correct. At the very beginning of the pre-millennial period, we are able to see the fulfillment of at least one of the biblical prophesies at that time. Prior to the complete eschaton, also known as the second coming of Christ, Christ sent a warning that a period of “pestilence” will begin all throughout the globe, along with other unsettling and frightening developments. Every country will rise up against every other nation, and every kingdom will rise up against every other kingdom. In addition, there will be earthquakes, famines, and pestilences in various locations. Matthew 24:7 According to the Bible, there will be a single global leader who will arise in the latter days. This is a well-known fact. In the future, he will exercise authority over every country, language, and tribe on the planet. The manner in which he acquires power is completely different from that of all the great despots and tyrants who came before him. Despite the fact that he is not opposed to the use of military force, he is able to get complete control of the situation by means of a “economic system.” Without exception, it will exert its influence on every single person on the planet. Up until this point, it has been particularly difficult to conceive of how or why all of the countries might bow to his system. It has been abundantly clear that all political ideologies are subject to the expediency of need, despite the fact that the majority of the globe is moving toward globalism and a smaller number of nations, such as the United States, are opting to adhere to nationalism. Necessity that arises as a result of global catastrophes, such as a pandemic caused by a virus, which destabilizes the economy of the whole globe and poses a significant danger to businesses and markets, if not completely. When a global financial crisis has occurred, it is more probable that an attempt to promote a new ideology will be successful than the introduction of a nation-saving economic system. A obligatory economic system will be implemented all across the world when the antichrist arrives. Revelation 13:16–17 There is a possibility that the coronavirus will not be the cause of the calamity this time; but, the warning and the recipe for disaster must not be ignored. Because of the coronavirus, the whole country of Italy is now under lockdown and is being isolated from the rest of the world. In the event if dozens other countries followed suit, the economy of the whole globe would collapse like a house of cards. As a matter of fact, eschatologists are the ones who are in the position to disseminate the most effective warning against the disasters that occurred the day before, and they do not have any fear of being characterized as people who do not believe in science. According to what Christ instructed us to do, we should give Caesar the things that belong to Caesar and give God the things that belong to God. We will give science all credit that is due to it and will fully appreciate all of the great advantages that it has brought to humanity; yet, we are aware that the future of people, countries, and the whole globe is not in the hands of Caesar’s scientists. The Lord is the one who is responsible for all of these things, and he says, “I create light and I create darkness; I generate prosperity and I create tragedy.” (Chapter 45:7 of the CSB) Related Nero blamed the Christians, while Ahab blamed the Prophet; the United States of America blames both! Are Americans attempting to find the moral low ground in order to get the economic high ground? Since 2005, Michael Bresciani has served as the editor of the website American Both Bresciani’s writings and reports, as well as those of some of the most talented authors and journalists in the United States, may be found on the website. His timely reports and writings have been published in print and


Issues of Political Correctness Regarding the Nicknames of Professional Sports Teams There is a growing amount of pressure to change the nicknames of a number of professional sports teams. This pressure is a result of the groundswell of political correctness that is rising from multiple tribes and polarized camps regarding gender equality, politics, age discrimination, religion, and other mainstream issues. The Republican Party and the Democratic Party… Red vs blue in a battle. For the purpose of avoiding objections from supporters of the other party, a number of teams are required to modify their colors or nicknames. Also, climate change opponents and anti-environmentalist factions are protesting that the Green Bay Packers are affiliated with The Green Party, demanding that the team name be changed to the Wisconsin Packers. These teams include the St. Louis Blues, the Boston Red Sox, the Washington Redskins, the Detroit Red Wings, the Cincinnati Reds (which are doubly important due to their affiliation with Russia), and the New York Red Bulls (the Bulls must be struck as well; see below). In the context of gender equality, there are a few teams that are often referred to by male nicknames. Women’s organizations are requesting that the Milwaukee Bucks be renamed the Milwaukee Does or, as a compromise, the Milwaukee Dear Deer. This demand is being made in relation to the Milwaukee Bucks. Aside than that, what about the Chicago Bulls? Should we call them the COWS or the HEIFERS of the herd? Because the term “Bull” also relates to phrases like “balderdash,” “baloney,” “hogwash,” and “crap,” amongst others, and considering the team’s performance over the course of the previous several years, it is possible that Chicago Baloneys might be a more appropriate moniker. For the LA RAMS, there are a few options… Additionally, when the team makes a horrible play, the supporters may more respectfully shout “eweoooooo” rather of booing. This would be a benefit for the fans. They could alternate with the term LA EWES. Alternately, the group may decide to alter the design of the helmet from a pair of horns to a computer in order to identify it with the letters for “Random Access Memory.” There is also the potential of adopting the image of a “Battering Ram,” which is surely associated with football jargon. This is another significant possibility. And what about the Kings of Los Angeles and the Kings of Sacramento? Changing the name of the band to “Royals” or switching to “Queens” would be a straightforward modification (on second thought, stick with Royals). The Dallas Cowboys and the ‘Dallas Cowgirls’ are required to split the same amount of time. In conclusion, the Indianapolis Colts should switch places with the ‘Indianapolis Fillies’ on a regular basis. The Philadelphia Phillies are a more complicated source of concern. According to the “Urban Dictionary,” the phrase “Phillie” is a slang term that refers to a person who is a member of the Republican Party. This term is often believed to be an insult due to the fact that Republicans are primarily concerned with the welfare of themselves and other wealthy individuals. A girl may also be given the name Phillie, which has its origins in Greek and means “horse lover.” Phillie is a name that can be used for both girls and boys. There is another variant of the name Philippa known as this (Greek). Both the Phillies and the Fillies are frequently mistaken with one another. Consequently, it is possible that Philadelphia ought to restore to the original name, which was the Quakers; yet, the San Francisco NFL club would try to claim that they are the original moniker (see below). Age discrimination: The Philadelphia 76ers are prejudiced against people of all ages because they identify with elderly adults and, as a result, discriminate against them. There is a problem with the San Francisco 49ers as well, and that is that they ignore everyone who is not 49 years old. Atheists are demanding that religion be removed from the realm of sports since there are an excessive number of teams that are oriented toward Roman Catholicism. Some examples of these clubs are the San Diego Padres, the New Jersey Devils, the New Orleans Saints, and the Los Angeles Angels. Both the St. Louis Cardinals and the St. Louis Blues will be required to abandon their St. Louis identities and change their names to the Missouri Cardinals and the Missouri Rivers, from that point forward. Non-politically correct names for a variety of individuals: The anti-gun organizations have demanded that the moniker “Heat” be removed from Miami. The Nashville franchise in the National Hockey League has to do rid of the moniker “Predator” for obvious reasons. Teetotalers are demanding that Milwaukee cease using the term “Brewers,” or else they will abstain from drinking beer as a form of protest. Additionally, there are a great number of people in the area who feel strongly about the draft dodgers during the Vietnam War, which means that the Los Angeles Dodgers also have an issue to overcome. “Looking Forward Through the Rear View Mirror” for the first time


Issues of Political Correctness Regarding the Nicknames of Professional Sports Teams There is a growing amount of pressure to change the nicknames of a number of professional sports teams. This pressure is a result of the groundswell of political correctness that is rising from multiple tribes and polarized camps regarding gender equality, politics, age discrimination, religion, and other mainstream issues. The Republican Party and the Democratic Party… Red vs blue in a battle. For the purpose of avoiding objections from supporters of the other party, a number of teams are required to modify their colors or nicknames. Also, climate change opponents and anti-environmentalist factions are protesting that the Green Bay Packers are affiliated with The Green Party, demanding that the team name be changed to the Wisconsin Packers. These teams include the St. Louis Blues, the Boston Red Sox, the Washington Redskins, the Detroit Red Wings, the Cincinnati Reds (which are doubly important due to their affiliation with Russia), and the New York Red Bulls (the Bulls must be struck as well; see below). In the context of gender equality, there are a few teams that are often referred to by male nicknames. Women’s organizations are requesting that the Milwaukee Bucks be renamed the Milwaukee Does or, as a compromise, the Milwaukee Dear Deer. This demand is being made in relation to the Milwaukee Bucks. Aside than that, what about the Chicago Bulls? Should we call them the COWS or the HEIFERS of the herd? Because the term “Bull” also relates to phrases like “balderdash,” “baloney,” “hogwash,” and “crap,” amongst others, and considering the team’s performance over the course of the previous several years, it is possible that Chicago Baloneys might be a more appropriate moniker. For the LA RAMS, there are a few options… Additionally, when the team makes a horrible play, the supporters may more respectfully shout “eweoooooo” rather of booing. This would be a benefit for the fans. They could alternate with the term LA EWES. Alternately, the group may decide to alter the design of the helmet from a pair of horns to a computer in order to identify it with the letters for “Random Access Memory.” There is also the potential of adopting the image of a “Battering Ram,” which is surely associated with football jargon. This is another significant possibility. And what about the Kings of Los Angeles and the Kings of Sacramento? Changing the name of the band to “Royals” or switching to “Queens” would be a straightforward modification (on second thought, stick with Royals). The Dallas Cowboys and the ‘Dallas Cowgirls’ are required to split the same amount of time. In conclusion, the Indianapolis Colts should switch places with the ‘Indianapolis Fillies’ on a regular basis. The Philadelphia Phillies are a more complicated source of concern. According to the “Urban Dictionary,” the phrase “Phillie” is a slang term that refers to a person who is a member of the Republican Party. This term is often believed to be an insult due to the fact that Republicans are primarily concerned with the welfare of themselves and other wealthy individuals. A girl may also be given the name Phillie, which has its origins in Greek and means “horse lover.” Phillie is a name that can be used for both girls and boys. There is another variant of the name Philippa known as this (Greek). Both the Phillies and the Fillies are frequently mistaken with one another. Consequently, it is possible that Philadelphia ought to restore to the original name, which was the Quakers; yet, the San Francisco NFL club would try to claim that they are the original moniker (see below). Age discrimination: The Philadelphia 76ers are prejudiced against people of all ages because they identify with elderly adults and, as a result, discriminate against them. There is a problem with the San Francisco 49ers as well, and that is that they ignore everyone who is not 49 years old. Atheists are demanding that religion be removed from the realm of sports since there are an excessive number of teams that are oriented toward Roman Catholicism. Some examples of these clubs are the San Diego Padres, the New Jersey Devils, the New Orleans Saints, and the Los Angeles Angels. Both the St. Louis Cardinals and the St. Louis Blues will be required to abandon their St. Louis identities and change their names to the Missouri Cardinals and the Missouri Rivers, from that point forward. Non-politically correct names for a variety of individuals: The anti-gun organizations have demanded that the moniker “Heat” be removed from Miami. The Nashville franchise in the National Hockey League has to do rid of the moniker “Predator” for obvious reasons. Teetotalers are demanding that Milwaukee cease using the term “Brewers,” or else they will abstain from drinking beer as a form of protest. Additionally, there are a great number of people in the area who feel strongly about the draft dodgers during the Vietnam War, which means that the Los Angeles Dodgers also have an issue to overcome. “Looking Forward Through the Rear View Mirror” for the first time

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