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Vivonet is the first social health network to be established in Romania and was launched by Romania Libera. Patients and doctors, clinics and hospitals, non-governmental groups and government officials are all connected to one another via this network. Users who sign up for an account on the vivonet network are granted access to a comprehensive database of medical publications, a nationwide directory of clinics and hospitals, as well as a number of helpful services for health monitoring. Users of vivonet have access to a variety of services, some of which include determining their basal metabolic rate, calculating their body mass index, and assessing their daily activity levels. “romanialibera.ro announces vivonet platform, the first social health network in romania, as a response to the increased interest shown by readers in themes such as health and medical services. “Vivonet aspires to establish the greatest integrated database in the internet sector by digitizing information related to clinics and hospitals and the services supplied by them,” said Adrian Rus, manager of the trust medien holding, which owns the romania libera daily and the website. In addition, medical facilities such as clinics and hospitals may set up accounts on the vivonet network in order to communicate with patients. Their profile will contain information such as the services they provide and the pricing associated with those services, as well as the schedule of physicians and clinic hours, as well as other helpful information, such as the location or the phone number. Publishing medical publications, allowing patients to schedule appointments online, and communicating with patients about their health are some of the services that vivonet will provide to clinics. The vivonet network is being built in conjunction with the multinational business ivaluehealth.net, which has a wealth of expertise working in the area of medicine. “ivaluehealth.net is a platform that offers a wide variety of services, and the breadth of those services as well as their adaptability are being shown once again by this recent agreement with romania libera. We are overjoyed to learn that vivonet will provide all users in Romania access to cutting-edge medical services, and we are optimistic that it will achieve the same level of success as ivaluehealth.net in its quest to become the first social health network in the nation. According to Sergio Lozano, Director of IvalueHealth.net, “vivonet will help to bringing physicians and the medical world closer to patients and users, boosting their level of health awareness, and replying to the present demands existent in the nation.” “the requirements of medical professionals and patients are continually developing everywhere in the world, and we witness this every day at ivaluehealth.” “the needs of medical professionals and patients are constantly evolving anywhere in the world.” According to a research published by the European Commission in November 2014, between 60 and 80 percent of Europeans use the internet and mobile phone to look for health information. This is a trend that can also be seen in romania via the usage of our platform. Lozano was added. In the not-too-distant future, vivonet plans to collaborate with healthcare professionals and other businesses who are interested in educating people in Romania about living a healthy lifestyle via the formation of new business partnerships. The “daily health advice” is an example of a first-of-its-kind service that was developed with the goal of improving Romans’ health knowledge and altering their unhealthy behaviors. The website www.romanialibera.ro carries on the heritage of the newspaper that was first published in 1877. It offers its readers high-quality articles on a variety of topics, including politics and economics, as well as lifestyle and technology. The website has over 4,500,000 views each month and has close to one million unique visitors visiting it each month. Approximately sixty percent of the users are between the ages of 25 and 54, have at least a bachelor’s degree, and earn more money than the typical person. The website is constantly expanding and evolving, and as a consequence of large expenditures, it plans to more than quadruple the number of visitors it receives in the next year. about the website ivaluehealth.net: After doing exhaustive study on the many requirements that are now present in the sector of health, the ivaluehealth.net platform was successfully launched in Europe in the year 2012. The platform brings together various health actors in a single location, enabling them to interact with one another, share their own experiences, and benefit from specialized services. As of right now, the platform has approximately one million members and receives millions of visitors on a monthly basis. The following categories of features may be found on the portal: (1) information pertaining to many medical professions, symptoms, disorders, and drugs (2) Medical practitioners now have the ability to post and share articles, including best practices, trends, research, and more. (3) e-health services and m-health solutions for both business-to-business and business-to-consumer markets. At this time, the platform provides access to over fifty different services.
Photographs taken by Hemant Suthar; used with permission from Bis Publishers A picture is worth a thousand words, as the saying goes. Hemant Suthar, a design thinker and activist, evaluates the book “visual thinking” by Willemien Brand, an industrial designer. ⌠When I was a small child and I asked my dad for anything, whether it was a pencil or a bike, he would always ask me to sketch it before he would give it to me. After some time, I met professor mp ranjan at the National Institute of Design. He encouraged us to sketch our ideas so that we could better organize our thoughts, as well as develop our capacity to think and communicate. In the end, we came to the conclusion that if your ideas cannot be sketched, then they cannot be implemented. Visual thinking is an important ability for anybody who comes up with new ideas, communicates those ideas to others, and works with other people to realize those ideas. This is another point that the book “visual thinking” makes clear to its readers. In order to put what it teaches into practice, the book simplifies the whole process, from skilling to templating to actualizing, into a series of straightforward stages. In addition to that, it works to alleviate any anxiety you may have about drawing and teaches you the fundamentals of drawing along with certain rules. The “draw!” section “draws out” the fundamental ideas and procedures involved in the process of drawing. The concepts of best practices, models, and templates are all laid out at the beginning of the book, and they serve as the basis for all that follows. This book will be of great assistance to you in building your own personal style via the use of a variety of materials, colors, and types of typography. Additionally, it instructs you on how to effectively communicate thoughts and ideas by using metaphors. The area on visual storytelling has a wealth of novel concepts. The last major portion, which focuses on “visual thinking in a commercial situation,” is the one that I believe will be of the greatest assistance to readers. It offers an excellent structure for methodically progressing through the stages of research, ideation, and design while working on a project. this is a wonderful manual for visual thinking. This is a book that I would suggest to anybody, designer or not, who wants to improve their sketching abilities for brainstorming or who wants to improve their client presentation tactics utilizing sketches and drawings. publisher: bis publishers author: willemien brand format: paperback dimensions: 25 x 21 cm pages: 144 price: âŹ19.90 the critic, hemant suthar is a visual communications designer & a design advocate! he is the co-founder of fractal ink design company, mumbai, focusing in digital experience design & strategy. he may be reached at hsuthar@fractalink.com see the graphic representations from the book on indiaartndesign.com
If you are tired of the typical vacation destinations like oceans and mountains, then the time has come for you to visit a location that was created by humans rather than a natural one. despite the fact that natural wonders can never be replicated. However, you should not overlook the beauty that has been created by humans, since these creations were built by the same group of creatures that you are a part of. If you have a reasonable amount of money, you will be able to visit a variety of destinations that have been created by human people. If you are planning a visit to New York Studio Inc., however, this would be an excellent choice for you to consider. Your trip to the location is not going to put a strain on your finances, and you can be certain that it will be a visual feast for you. Why bother visiting the location when you can watch movies and be exposed to a multitude of stunning vistas and scenes? I have no doubt that you adore such locations. However, it’s conceivable that you won’t be able to go to these locations for a variety of reasons. Consequently, if you have always dreamed of going to any of those locations, a trip to New York Studio Inc. will help you realize a portion of your ambition. The locations have been meticulously crafted to replicate the appearance of some of the world’s most breathtaking landscapes. Therefore, the things you are seeing in the movies are just partial illusions; nonetheless, these illusions are sufficient for the most emotionally intense situations. additional attractions too, despite the fact that these images seem to be quite realistic and are very distinct from the ones that were painted for school time tragedies in the yearly performances. If you tell your friends that you went to a sea or a high altitude mountain and prove it with a piece of photographic evidence that you took in a studio at the New York Studio Inc., then there is no way to prevent them from believing your fabrication. conclusion Now that we’ve got everything out of the way, are you ready to trick your pals with some of the finest lies? maybe you have a desire to make some of your long-term fantasies come true. If this is the case, a trip to New York Studio Inc. should not be skipped. love the oceans? a fan of the mountains? yet is unable to travel! If you go to New York Studio Inc., you will realize why they have such a large following among individuals who are passionate about mountains all around the globe. However, before choosing to use their services, it is best that you do some thorough research on the company. please check out http://nys-corp.com/.
Information and pictures courtesy of: nbbj Nbbj architects are making strides in the integration of new technologies with design processes, and one of their current projects involves the use of virtual reality to facilitate effective and inclusive communication and decision-making… A groundbreaking virtual reality (vr) productivity platform is going to be incubated and developed by the global architectural and design firm nbbj, which has recently made an announcement on a new business partnership with the start-up company visual vocal. The new technology will provide project stakeholders who are geographically dispersed the ability to immerse themselves in places that have not yet been developed and offer quick input to help guide a collaborative design process. At the moment, the design of buildings is done by dispersed teams utilizing 3d modeling software. However, when it comes time to share those concepts with customers, conventional channels of communication such as email can result in lengthy and inconclusive rounds of feedback. The innovative tool has the potential to alter processes inside the architectural industry and beyond as a result of its integration of virtual reality with mobile and cloud-based communications systems. “The choice that nbbj made to develop visual voice is emblematic of our continuous aim to create methods to involve customers in the design process that are both more informative and more motivating. Because of this relationship, the process by which design input is gathered and incorporated into projects, as well as the speed at which this can be done, will undergo a profound transformation. Because of this, we are able to include a wider variety of project stakeholders on a deeper level than we ever could have imagined in the past. “Virtual reality will deepen design discourse and bring communities together in new and interesting ways,” enlightens nbbj managing partner steve mcconnell, faia of nbbj. “Whether for clients or the general public, virtual reality will deepen design discourse.” Nbbj and visual vocal will use current-generation virtual reality (vr) and augmented reality (ar) technologies, with a concentration on mobile virtual reality platforms in the near future for best accessibility and scalability. This partnership marks the first instance of an established design firm incubating a virtual reality start-up inside its own offices and developing new tools to improve decision-making and eliminate waste from the design process. While a number of firms in the design industry have investigated the potential of virtual reality (VR), this partnership is the first of its kind. Beyond the realm of architecture, the framework has the potential to one day enable immersive discussions in other sectors such as aerospace, product design, and biotech, all of which make extensive use of 3d models. This effort is a part of the continuing investment and development of digital technologies that the nbbj is doing. In the latter part of 2016, nbbj will have the unique right to deploy the beta version of visual vocal’s platform. In addition, nbbj will pilot the visual vocal software on design projects for customers in the healthcare, corporate, and urban planning industries. nbbj is able to develop higher-performing buildings that encourage human connection and productivity by using both already available and developing technology to the specific requirements and obstacles posed by its customers. In the end, the tool will be made accessible to a wider variety of professionals working in the construction, engineering, and architectural fields. To see the photographs on indiaartndesign.com, please click here.
When every penny counts toward the bottom line of generating profits, corporate houses are navigating very competitive times. In these times, even the smallest amount of money saved matters. at the same time, your competition are becoming more competitive, which necessitates that you have a greater level of knowledge to live through it. As a result, the commercial firm properties have the human-resource solution that would be the best, despite the fact that the spending on it would be the smallest possible. Participation in the digital secretary may help bring into harmony items that at first glance seem to be in conflict with one another. Just what is it? A digital secretary is a professional who provides creative administrative or specialized handholding to their clientele from a distant location. The term “virginia” is sometimes shortened to “virginia.” It provides the homes with a team that is comprised of high-expertise manpower to assist in the regime backstage functions of the business process. This covers-up scopes such as the total of any office co-ordination or management perform on a day-to-day basis as well as addressing the inbound calls in an efficient and professional manner. Although this VA performs exactly the same operations that are carried out by the normal staff, the difference may be attributed to the orientations that are taken. The degree of adaptability is the key criterion for differentiation. When dealing with situations of actual full-time work, firms choose to pay wages and compensation on a permanent basis, regardless of the quality of the work produced; nevertheless, when purchasing an electronic secretary, one is required to pay based on the degree to which the services are employed. This tendency helps start-ups and gives them the opportunity to focus on business building steps as the regime performs are shouldered by those individuals who work it to the perfect level. Additionally, this tendency allows smaller enterprise houses to downsize their effort and facilities over head expenses. the significant advantages that the customers obtain there would have been a back up employment since the service is provided in the event that the typical personal assistant is absent, as a temporary replacement. ⢠the firms do not have to spend any money on constructing the most typical types of offices that are set up. ⢠it saves time; ⢠the customers have the freedom of investing in the degree to which they can take advantage of the firms. research may be done at http://timeassistant.co.uk.
Despite being the first overall pick by the Minnesota Vikings in the previous year’s draft, Dalvin Cook played in just seven of the possible 24 regular-season game titles for the Boston Celtics Letter Number Custom. This indicates that early sessions are already focused just as much on managing injuries and making the most of the real inaction as they are on learning up the playbook and adjusting to the tempo of the NFL. Cook said, “i’ve lately been getting expertise via my own teammates, all of whom are more mature males.” “The men in my room are simply putting pressure on me with regard to it,” I said. I’ve learned through this whole process that I’m simply trying to become a lot better person and person overall. ‘ That is precisely what I am gaining from the experience as a whole, and there is really nothing bad about it. Yes, I have been physically and emotionally harmed, but I am merely becoming more enlightened as I go through this ordeal. As soon as I get back, we’ll get down to business.’ This is the kind of mentality that propelled him through the challenging rehabilitation that followed the rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament in his left leg, which he suffered in the fourth game of his rookie season against Detroit. he stayed ahead of schedule and was ready before the particular operator this coming year, accumulating 95 total yards as part of his first performance under new head coach david defilippo. david defilippo eagerly sought to maximize the effect of the adaptable and elusive cook as a ball carrier along with a pass-catcher when he was hired the previous winter season. This sort of loss has, by some counts, been more upsetting because of an apparently minor hamstring injury that Cook was aware of on the sweltering afternoon of September 16 in Green Bay. He was listed as doubtful to play in Los Angeles on September 27 and was assigned to play tailback in a limited role the same evening. He did not play in the next game since he was declared out of playing in that game. Although it was thought that cook would not be able to play against philadelphia on october 7 and against arizona (uniform lettering numbers az) on october 14, he ended up watching both of these games from the sidelines nevertheless. The Vikings then came to the conclusion that enough was enough and decided to bench him for the remainder of the game, which took place over the course of two full days. Cook came back to train as a confined person on Wednesday after sitting out the game against New Orleans, which was his sixth absence in the past six games. Prior to this game, Cook had played in all of the games in the previous six series. It was said that he said that the person in question had no issues ever. The extent of the damage did not totally improve after treatment. According to the chef, “with these creatures,” if you kind of keep walking in it while carrying out your duties, they are actually aiming to keep lingering alongside. “you’ve got to kind of closed your body lower,” the instructor said. Since of this, I have a lot of faith in the people who work in the medical field because they have the appropriate treatment plan laid out for me. We have been basing our decisions on what my body individually gives each day. Since my body has been reacting so well to it, I can confidently say that it is necessary.’ As soon as this week’s injury statement was announced straight after practice on friday, make was labeled as doubtful for the game that would be played against Detroit on sunday. Because the l8rs week is coming up after it, the Vikings might play it safe and give him extra time to heal before the next game. Coach Mike Zimmer minimized the significance of the bye week within the context of the decision. Zimmer said that “if gentlemen can begin to play, they play” (if men can start playing). “It’s simply how we all do that close to here,” the resident said. No matter how often the chef examines the hamstring, there is no way of knowing if it is normal again until the very first carry is performed. You won’t have any trouble working out. You are free to go around. You have the ability to carry out tasks properly. think there is nothing you cannot do,’ the chef said. “but in the end, it all comes down to you going out there, the other person following you, you turning your body, you twisting your body, and having the physical twitch to pull it off,” she said. When this happens, hamstrings are being worked.’ Other players who were listed as having a chance of playing on Sunday but not a guarantee were wide receiver stefon diggs (rib), left tackle riley reiff (feet), cornerback xavier rhodes (foot), and strong safety andrew sendejo (foot) (genitals). Anthony Barr, who was playing linebacker, Tom Compton, who was playing left block, and Roc Thomas, who was playing backup running back, were all taken out of the game due to injuries to their hamstrings.
The rings made by Verragio are excellent examples of exquisite workmanship and also feature unique designs and patterns. As a consequence of the unparalleled quality of the adornments items, you will never be let down by your selection, regardless of what you choose with. You have finally worked up the courage to ask your loved one to marry you, and she has not only accepted your proposal but also expressed her desire to spend the rest of her life with you. Congratulations! This calls for a party at which you and your friends may share the happy news with all of your family members and other loved ones as well as with one another. Celebrations of engagement are joyful occasions that are filled to the brim with laughter, pleasure, and an excessive amount of enthusiasm. In addition, if you want the event to have more significance, you could give your partner a beautiful ring so that she will be amazed by it. This will make the event more memorable. Everyone who attends an engagement party can’t help but gaze admiringly at the ring that will soon be worn by the future spouse. Therefore, Verragio rings ought to be an even greater rarity than they already were. This might perhaps cause you to lose weight in order to avoid disappointing her on such an important day. However, since Verragio rings are so readily available, there is no need for you to be concerned. couples all over the globe love and boost the worth of their unique jewelry pieces, such as engagement rings, groups other than the wedding bands, and other adornments items, that they use for their wedding gatherings. Examples of these pieces include the wedding bands and engagement rings. Verragio rings are unique in that they are able to perfectly reflect the angles of the couples that wear them. They seem to be able to feel the yearnings, aspirations, and wishes of the couples, and in addition to that, they build their own ring collections. Their rings provide an additional connotation to the concept of an impeccable ring. If you were under the impression that there is no such thing as a perfect ring, then you should be prepared to have that notion shattered the minute you look at the Verragio accumulations. In this kind of setting, the stone, which should ideally be the verragio rings, is positioned in such a manner that it is placed on top of the ring in order to allow the largest amount of light to pass through the ring. This tactic improves the jewel’s capacity for reflecting light, so increasing its glitter and sheen. This particular setting achieved such notoriety and was held in such high respect by his clientele that it evolved into the business’s signature setting. In light of this, we will now discuss several rings that use this particular setting. Jones & Son may be found online at http://www.jonesandson.com/
The ability to cast a spell with one’s gaze is one of the many reasons why having a flawless will is the desire of each and every individual living in today’s world. A lovely encounter may be had, but it will not be complete without a set and size. Nevertheless, it’s unfortunate that some people acquire laugh, which often isn’t acceptable and repulsive. As a result, regaining your initial elegance and repairing your guffaw will likely not be optional for you. And if you find yourself in London, the capital of the United Kingdom, you need not be concerned. because of this particular fact. What exactly is this porcelain veneer procedure, and why do individuals choose to go through with it? The term “veneer” refers to a layer that may be formed and manufactured using veneers that are already familiar to the reader. It will be of assistance in gluing your teeth together, which will, in turn, be of assistance in modifying the allure of your smile. Because the process as a whole incorporates elements of both art and technology, we refer to it as cosmetic dentistry. This is why the term “art” is used to describe it. There is a look that was developed by the professionals, and you probably already know that the porcelain manufacturing process includes the “creation” of a chuckle. And as a consequence of this, professionals working in the dental industry are tasked with developing a style that the patients of their practice like. The artisans there are famous for their ceramics, as well as their word sculptures and qualified focused statues, all of which may assist you in regaining your sense of humor. Fortunately, porcelain veneer treatments can be found at every center in London, and each one of those facilities hires only the most qualified professionals in the industry. discover designed and whitened teeth at the same time: it goes without saying that if you are self-conscious about your crooked teeth, then you should seek the assistance of the braces. like a great number of other people have done in the past. Whitening your teeth is an option that is always available to you if you are self-conscious about the color of your teeth, whether they are yellow or stained. However, by undergoing the ceramic veneer surgery, you will be able to enjoy all of these benefits without having to deal with the underlying issues. Additionally, the process will rectify any problems that may have been caused by the change in the arrangement of your teeth as well as the form of your teeth. Because of this, a great number of individuals are deciding to undergo porcelain veneer treatments in London. investigate the website located at http://www.thewelbeckclinic.co.uk/.
The articles you publish on your blog ought to be engaging, relevant, and attractive to the people you want to attract as readers. However, if you publish on a regular basis, you run the risk of developing writer’s block or failing to come up with a fantastic, fresh, and unique concept each and every week. However, coming up with interesting topics for blog posts does not have to be as difficult as trying to locate a unicorn. You probably weren’t aware that you had the ability to be a bit sly, dust out your digital magnifying glass, and spy on what your rivals are doing. When you do research into the topics that your immediate rivals are writing about, it may provide you with important and insightful clues about the kinds of articles you should be putting in your blog, which can then lead to an increase in the amount of traffic that you get. Here are a few methods in which you might increase the traffic that visits your blog by learning from your main competitors. undertake an investigation on the ranks of the keywords. There is a good chance that some of your rivals are ranking for particular keywords. Doing some study into what these keywords are will provide you with useful pointers for coming up with fresh content ideas. There is a good possibility that you have overlooked anything important in the course of your own investigation. Finding out which ones are in your competition’s arsenal will help you come up with fantastic new content ideas, some of which may even enable you to steal some of the traffic that your opponent receives. Semrush is a helpful tool for researching and analyzing the keywords used by competitors. You are able to input the names of your rivals into this tool and discover the top 10 keywords that are driving greater traffic to their website. Look through their posts to see which ones received the most likes and shares. If you have a direct competition, there is a good probability that the audience they are attempting to woo is the same audience that you are attempting to attract yourself. It is possible that your material will be shared by the same audience that is sharing the content of your competitor(s). It is not inappropriate to do a little investigating on their site in order to determine what kinds of content they are highlighting and which of those pieces have garnered the most amount of shares from the people who make up their target audience. buzzsumo is a helpful tool that can be used for this purpose since it enables you to input the website URL of your rival and study the blog content of that website. This provides you with the ability to understand which social media platforms gain more shares for various sorts of postings, which categories of media receive more shares than others, and which social media platforms get the most shares overall. Listen in on talks Tracking discussions that are connected to your content is another technique to get valuable information into the tactics used by your rivals. You may track mentions of your brand on websites, blogs, social media, forums, and picture sites with the use of technologies such as brand24. There are also filters that let you go through the mentions and concentrate your attention on a certain channel rather than on all of them at once. This tool is also helpful in determining the influencers who are responsible for distributing the material produced by your rivals on social media. Additionally, it assists you in identifying the websites on which the information is being discussed, which enables you to contact these influencers and develop your own connection with them. Determine which backlinks are the most beneficial. The verdict is still out, but backlinks are essential for effective search engine optimization. You will be able to gain a significant edge if you focus your efforts on determining which of the websites that link to your rivals have the most value links and then doing an analysis of those websites. There is a possibility that authoritative websites that link to your rivals will also link back to you if those competitors have links on their own websites.