When you are working as a delivery driver for a living, it is essential to have the appropriate equipment, and there is no piece of equipment that is more crucial than your car. In addition to this, the majority of couriers claim that their vehicle is the single most expensive expenditure they have. Therefore, it is essential that you make a choice based on accurate information. The good news is that we are here to assist you with our helpful guide that ranks five of the most promising new products and services for 2019. new bespoke key statistics for the Ford Transit: a price starting at £21,000 The maximum cargo capacity is 1,450 kg, and the length is 5.3 meters. This year, the transit, which is now considered a real classic in the area of delivery business, will at long last get a new bespoke model. The 2019 custom is equipped with a number of plug connections and USB ports, in addition to a nifty sync 3 entertainment system, which is in keeping with general trends toward interiors that are more comfortable and resemble those of automobiles. Ford’s most recent model is also receiving positive early remarks for its improvements in fuel efficiency. It has ecoblue petrol engines and an acceleration control system, both of which are designed to maximize performance while maintaining low price points. vauxhall vivaro important statistics: price starts at £21,240; maximum cargo capacity is 1,400 kg 4.9 or 5.3 meters in length It is possible to think of the vivaro as a relative to the transit custom since it has statistics that are comparable to those of Ford’s latest product. It is a bit more powerful than the transit, with 178 horsepower as opposed to 170 horsepower, and it provides more choice for individuals who are doing a range of delivery duties. Additionally, consumers have the option of selecting from three different body shapes and a variety of “trim levels,” including the elite model, which comes with blind spot recognition. Additionally, there is a variant that is smaller and more reasonably priced. Key statistics about the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter: • starting price: £24,350 The sprinter is anticipated to become a fleet favorite due to its ‘connected’ module, which enables managers to bring up gps, telematics, and other features. The maximum payload capacity of the sprinter is 1,500 kilograms, and its length may be up to 6.9 meters longer than other vehicles on this list. Mercedes-Benz, on the other hand, guarantees that their new model will outperform the one that is now available in terms of significant criteria such as fuel economy and payload potential. In addition to this, it provides a more comfortable ride thanks to its air suspension, which cushions bumps, and its integrated MBux touchscreen media system. Key statistics for the new Citroen Berlingo: At the other end of the spectrum, the most recent model from Citroen is ideal for small-load delivery operations. Its price starts at £13,990, and its maximum payload is around 854 kilograms. Its length may reach up to 4.6 meters. It is both inexpensive and functional, with the latest upgrades mostly concentrating on comfort (a seven-inch touchscreen entertainment system) and utility (grip control for poor road conditions). statistics on the Toyota Land Cruiser commercial vehicle: Maximum cargo capacity is 580 kg, and the length is 4.3 meters. The inclusion of this halfway house between a conventional Toyota four-wheel drive cruiser and a cargo van may seem to be an odd choice on a list such as this one; nonetheless, it has a number of advantages that are especially useful for specific kinds of delivery jobs. If you are the sort of driver that often has to traverse difficult terrain, climb steep slopes, and handle adverse circumstances, then this van could be the ideal vehicle for you. Irrespective of the fact that it is officially classified as a van, you may find it difficult to believe that after you have seen the way it drives. All of them are, of course, only five of the new automobiles that will be available in 2019. Right now is an excellent moment to investigate the industry more and give some thought to purchasing your next van since there are so many firms that are delivering significant advances in areas such as comfort and fuel economy. publisher’s plate In the field of express freight exchange, Norman Dulwich is a correspondent for courier exchange, which is the biggest neutral trading center in the world for same-day delivery operations. There are a great number of transport exchange companies that are connected to one another via their website. They are exchanging tasks and capacity through what is now the most rapidly expanding freight exchange in the United Kingdom.


The results of the yearly customer survey conducted by Paragon Software Systems in the United Kingdom have shown two major conclusions. The first fact is that integrated technological solutions are being used in the courier sector more often than ever before in order to alleviate a variety of company challenges. The second difficulty is that the transportation business is still having trouble recruiting new drivers, and the lack of available skilled workers is still the most significant obstacle that the sector is confronted with. For the last three years, delivery companies have been having a difficult time recruiting new employees, which is an increasing worry. According to the findings of the poll, there has been a substantial rise of 62 percent in the number of respondents who have said that the shortage of drivers is having an effect on their company since 2017. In 2018, the percentage of respondents who agreed with the statement was somewhat lower at 46 percent, however this year, more over half of the respondents (55 percent) agreed with the assertion. In the study, a number of additional difficulties were brought to the attention of drivers, and they were questioned whether or not these elements were a cause for worry. Thirteen percent of respondents agreed that the expense of transportation was a problem, and twelve percent of respondents said that the discussion over Brexit was a contributing cause. In terms of urban transit limits, just seven percent of people were concerned about them. The savior of the technological world It has been discovered that a significant number of courier drivers are turning to telematics and other technology planning systems in order to find solutions to these issues, despite the fact that there are still worries within the business. Ninety-seven percent of those who participated in the survey said that they have used some kind of telematics solution, whether it was for the purpose of planning and scheduling timings or just mapping out delivery routes. The two technological solutions that are now being used the most often are proof of delivery and vehicle tracking, with the former being utilized by 95 percent of fleets (over half use this). In addition, there are a variety of apps for labor management, car cameras that make use of 4G, and live temperature monitoring. When courier firms and owner drivers use these sorts of tools, they are able to reap the benefits of real-time performance data, which enables them to determine the most effective methods to operate their businesses and to make their operations more efficient. Why should we alter? In response to the demands exerted by the industry, a great number of companies have made the decision to invest in modern telematics systems. The results of the study indicated that consumers were the source of some of the most significant constraints on transportation planning. These pressures included the desire for more precise delivery time frames, as well as the requirement for more regular contacts and confirmation of delivery. There have been other pressures, such as the need to make the most of the drivers who are available, which have also had an impact. As consumer expectations continue to grow more difficult and technology continue to become more dependable, the courier sector continues to undergo continuous change. Managing director of Paragon Software Systems, William Salter, stated that the results of the survey “suggest the road transport sector faces another tough year, with a number of continuing challenges that are compounded by the current economic and political uncertainty.” This statement was made in reference to the fact that the survey was conducted. With a number of uncertainties still looming, only time will tell whether or not integrated technology solutions will eventually result in improved customer communications, resource utilization, and real-time fleet visibility. However, there is hope that these improvements will eventually be achieved. publisher’s plate A correspondent for courier exchange, the world’s biggest neutral trading center for same-day courier labor in the express freight exchange sector, Norman Dulwich is a member of the express freight exchange industry. There are a great number of transport exchange companies that are connected to one another via their website. These firms are swapping jobs and capacity through what is now the most rapidly expanding freight exchange company in the United Kingdom.


Those who work in the courier sector are likely to spend a significant amount of time behind the wheel. This implies that it is very probable that you are familiar with the topography of the area as well as the rules of the road. On the other hand, regardless of how well-versed you are in a certain subject, a little bit of rewriting never damaged anybody. For this reason, we are here to provide you with a refresher course on the limits of what you are permitted to do when you are behind the wheel. On the road, there are a lot of misconceptions about driving, so many that it may be difficult to differentiate between the factual and the fictional aspects of driving… What is the life of a courier? if you want to know: Continue reading in order to get the information you need to be safe while driving. Are you able to… consume food? In contrast to distracted driving, which is against the law, chewing on a food while driving is not a violation of the law. In other words, if you are paying more attention to your food than you are to the road, the police may pull you over and give you a ticket for reckless driving. The punishment for this offense is three points and a fine of one hundred pounds. If you are going to pick up some fast food from a drive-through place, you should make sure that you are paying with either cash or a credit card. In the event that you use your mobile phone to make a payment while your vehicle’s engine is still running, you face the risk of receiving a fine. Have you ever used a satellite navigation system? Yes, to answer your question in a nutshell (don’t worry, you can still use Google Maps to find your way to your courier delivery). However, your satellite navigation system, regardless of whether it is an app on your phone or a separate device, must be positioned in a permanent place on either your dashboard or your windshield. Additionally, your view of the road must be uninterrupted with the satellite navigation system. If you are using your mobile device while driving, you should make sure that you do not touch it. If you interfere with your phone while driving, you might be subject to a fine of £200 and the accumulation of six penalty points. Are you able to… make a phone call? What kind of hands-free system do you have? The answer is yes! On the other hand, you will have to change the settings on your smartphone so that you won’t have to touch it in order to answer calls. There is a criminal offense that may be committed if you engage with your phone in any manner, even if it is merely to answer it. You should also keep in mind that even if you adhere to these guidelines to the letter, the police may still pull you over if they believe that you are being distracted by your mobile device… As a result, it is recommended that you only utilize it in times of crisis. You… are able to utilize headphones? Despite the fact that there are no laws that specifically prohibit the use of headphones while driving, it is still something that should be avoided at all costs, even if it is theoretically permissible. It may be risky not only for you but also for other people, since you may not be able to hear other people on the road, warnings about level crossings, or the sirens of emergency vehicles. As a result, you can be charged with driving in a dangerous manner. advice from us? You should instead listen to the radio. You should keep these guidelines in mind for all of your future courier job, regardless of whether you learned anything new or previously had them down pat. If you do this, you will have nothing but clear skies (and roads) ahead of you to look forward to. publisher’s plate A correspondent for courier exchange, the world’s biggest neutral trading center for same-day courier labor in the express freight exchange sector, Norman Dulwich is a member of the express freight exchange industry. There are a great number of transport exchange companies that are connected to one another via their website. These firms are swapping jobs and capacity through what is now the most rapidly expanding freight exchange company in the United Kingdom.


As a result of a preliminary agreement that was reached in March 2019 by the European Union Parliament’s Internal Market and Consumer Protection (ICMO), required safety features will be made mandatory in all new automobiles that are manufactured and released into the market. As of right now, the law that is scheduled to be adopted in 2022 is only applicable to automobiles; however, it is quite probable that in the not too distant future, the same regulations will be applied to the vans that we use for courier work as well as heavy-duty vehicles. If and when this does occur, there will undoubtedly be repercussions for the delivery business; nevertheless, the most important thing that we should all be celebrating is the possibility of significant improvements in road safety beyond the year 2022. Utilize the available technologies. Autonomous emergency braking systems (AEB) with cyclist and pedestrian detection, intelligent speed assistance (ISA), accident data recorders, alcohol interlock systems, inattention and drowsiness detection, and increased levels of direct vision requirements are some of the advanced safety technologies that are going to be incorporated into new automobiles. These technologies are part of a policy that is referred to as the third mobility package. Pay attention to the safety of the roads. Early estimates of the impacts are convincing, to say the least, despite the fact that the law is still in the process of being formally approved. According to the director of the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL), if modern safety measures were to be installed in every new vehicle that was manufactured in the European Union by the year 2022, it is possible that up to 25,000 lives may be saved over the course of the following 15 years. Drivers will be substantially safer on the roads with these measures in place, according to the Transportation Research Laboratory (TRL), and the danger of harm to vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists will also be greatly reduced under these circumstances. Those of us who work as couriers for a livelihood are out on the roads more than the typical motorist, so it is not difficult for us to understand how speed limiters and autonomous emergency braking systems may make a significant difference in the way drivers behave. Education is essential. On the other hand, top authorities on automobile safety believe that it is essential for normal road users to be taught in preventive measures as well, rather than depending just on the technology that is built into their vehicle. Indeed, they assert that there is a possibility that this law might lead to a certain degree of complacency. Intelligent speed limiters would be beneficial considering that speed is a contributing factor in a significant percentage of accidents; yet, there are instances in which changes in GPS mapping or temporary road construction might lead the system to get confused. It is of the utmost importance that motorists do not allow themselves to be lulled into a false feeling of security and place an excessive amount of reliance in the technology integrated into their vehicles. This is where education about the capabilities of the technology becomes so crucial. With an awareness of the constraints imposed by technology, the Royal Automobile Club (RAC) has expressed some reservations regarding the implementation of Isas. They have stated that despite the fact that the systems have the capability to be bypassed, there is still the possibility that drivers will abuse them or find a way to circumvent them. In a similar vein, the driver is still responsible for applying the appropriate amount of brakes while transitioning from a zone of high speed to a zone of reduced speed since the aebs do not automatically activate. how the nature of work for couriers is evolving This latest piece of legislation is just one more illustration of how the delivery sector is continuously evolving in response to new developments. Despite the fact that there are a great number of elements that influence the manner in which we carry out our courier duties, the possibility that vans and other delivery vehicles will be equipped with this kind of cutting-edge technology in the not too distant future ought to be viewed with a degree of optimism. publisher’s plate In the sector of express freight exchange, Norman Dulwich is a correspondent for courier exchange, which is the biggest neutral trading center in the world for same-day courier jobs. There are a great number of transport exchange companies that are connected to one another via their website. They are exchanging tasks and capacity through what is now the most rapidly expanding freight exchange in the United Kingdom.


Every person who has ever worked in the delivery industry is aware of how intense the pressure can be in the transportation industry. Alongside worries about profit, safety, and performance, there are now concerns regarding the environment and political factors that are becoming more essential. When it comes to keeping the economy going, protecting the haulage business, and maintaining clean environments, particularly in large cities, it may be a difficult balance to maintain. Nevertheless, cities in the United Kingdom are not shrinking in response to these issues, and London is leading the way with its ambitious new action plan for transporting and serving goods. Continue reading to learn more about this topic. aspirational goals and objectives The objectives of the new strategy are to achieve nothing short than a complete and total overhaul of the delivery work that is carried out in London. Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, emphasized the significance of an interconnected and holistic approach when he was discussing the necessity of managing the “essential” freight industry for the future. He also emphasized the importance of working with boroughs and businesses, among other entities, to create a city that is more environmentally friendly and efficient. The significance of haulage haulage is at the core of these plans, and the data that follow illustrate the significance of haulage to the economy of the city: • delivery work presently accounts for around one fifth of all road traffic in London • this number jumps to one third of all peak hour road traffic in the city center • road freight accounts for almost half of the total value of all household expenditure Since 2010, the flow of goods trucks in the city has grown by almost one fifth, while data conducted by the Transport for London reveals that heavy goods vehicles are disproportionately likely to be involved in crashes that result in fatalities. In addition to drastically lowering harmful emissions, the city would become much safer for everyone if certain improvements were made. Accordingly, one of the primary objectives of the mayor is to achieve a ten percent reduction in the number of heavy-duty vehicles that are present in the city center during morning rush hour. Khan mentioned two examples of programs: “building a pan-London network of micro-distribution centers and rolling out innovative click and collect facilities at additional tube stations.” Khan was referring to the expansion of the London Underground. In his argument, the mayor said that they would “decrease congestion around our city” since they will make it easier for citizens to pick up parcels that are located close to their houses. Alongside these modifications to the delivery job, the strategy also details methods to encourage firms to combine their deliveries into times that are less congested. The haulage business, on the other hand, will be presented with fresh incentives to embrace electric cars and alternative fuel technology. response from the industry The atmosphere in the transportation industry seems to be one of cautious collaboration, despite the fact that certain companies, such as the Department of Public Works, have already made major modifications. For example, Natalie Chapman, who is the director of urban policy at the Freight Transport Association (FTA), emphasized the need of having “strong leadership and direction to ensure that [proposals] are executed in a comprehensive and consistent manner.” Those who are providing delivery services need to keep a close watch on newly enacted rules and other policies, and they should collaborate with organizations like the Federal Trade Administration (FTA) in order to speak with a unified voice whenever it is required. When looking to the future, the haulage sector has the opportunity to participate in the process of formulating further regulations via joint efforts. After all, London is still expanding, and it is quite possible that more ambitious projects will be required in order to successfully handle the needs of a metropolis with a population of ten million or more. publisher’s plate A correspondent for haulage exchange, the most prominent online trading network for the road transport business, norman dulwich is a member of both organizations. Haulage Exchange is now the most rapidly expanding freight exchange in the United Kingdom. They link logistics experts from all around Europe and the United Kingdom via their website. They provide services that match delivery business with drivers that are available.


There are few things that are more frustrating for truck drivers than arriving at a rest stop that has been well planned and scheduled, only to discover that there are just a few parking spots available. Instantaneously, you move from being in a state of readiness to relax to being in a state of extreme tension as you attempt to determine whether you should wait or go on to the next halting spot. Even more unfortunate is the fact that locating an alternate location to refuel and relax may require you to take an unanticipated detour, which will add additional miles and time to your route. Fortunately, businesses are now working on solutions to circumvent this problem. Read on to find out about the new book and pay technology that has been introduced to retailers in the United Kingdom, as well as what it can imply for you. There is an application that promises to be “europe’s premier booking platform for safe and secure lorry parking places.” Truck Parking Europe (TPE) is an app that is very important for truck drivers. The application provides information on more than 34,000 parking places throughout the continent and in the United Kingdom, making it possible for hauliers to get information on halting points that are close to them in a fast and easy manner. Not only that, but it also gives you the ability to evaluate and review each one, as well as see ratings left by other users. Moreover, it is available for free on both iOS and Android. Book and pay tpe still has a lot to offer in the future. In addition to being a database, it’s becoming more possible for users to make reservations for parking spots remotely. This book and pay function is exactly what it sounds like; it gives truck drivers the opportunity to prearrange parking in advance, and payments may be made by an invoice, a credit or debit card, or through PayPal. In the words of Niels De Zwaan, the general director of TPE, the function enables customers to “enjoy the convenience of reserving a parking spot in twelve countries with the push of a button.” There are presently just 35 establishments that have signed up for this function; but, greater usage is anticipated to generate a snowball effect, with more and more companies embracing the technology as its advantages become more apparent and hauliers learn to demand it. The functionality has recently been made accessible for usage in the United Kingdom. Beginning this year, truck drivers in the United Kingdom will be able to take use of the book and pay service offered by TPE at two different truck stops: the chippenham pit stop and the red lion café & truckstop. Where exactly is the chippenham pit stop located? at the intersection of the M4 and the 17 key routes? This rest stop has more than justified its 4.5-star rating on tpe, since it is located between Bristol and Swindon, offers 95 parking spots adjacent to the filling station, and even includes an outdoor gym for hauliers who prefer to remain active. • truckstop and café on the red lion Just where is it? important thoroughfares in Northampton? between Birmingham and London, hauliers that work between the midlands and London are in for a real treat at this truckstop that has just undergone renovations and has received a rating of four stars. it is highly recommended that you sample the home-cooked cuisine, since it is the source of many of the most positive reviews on tpe. Book and pay should be evident to everyone, and the more truck drivers who utilize the system, the more probable it is that it will spread throughout the nation and beyond in a shorter amount of time. It’s possible that the most recent addition to tpe is just what you need to make your travels less difficult and more convenient. publisher’s plate A correspondent for haulage exchange, the most prominent online trading network for the road transport business, norman dulwich is a member of both organizations. Haulage Exchange is now the most rapidly expanding freight exchange in the United Kingdom. They offer services that link truck drivers with employment in road transport and haulage business, and they connect professionals from all across Europe and the United Kingdom via their website.


Everyone who works in the haulage sector is aware of how big of an issue speeding can be, but they know it better than most people. When you are on the road day in and day out, it is quite unlikely that you will not come across the hazards of traveling too fast. Unfortunately, crashes that pose a threat to your life are all too often. Needless to say, limits are helpful, and they are set high enough on the majority of main routes that very few drivers will ever have a legitimate reason to go over them. Having said that, these restrictions are only effective if they are enforced, and it is possible that putting money and resources into the problem by means of speeding cameras and police officers is not the most effective way to approach the issue. As an alternative, many people working in the transportation industry and in government are searching for measures to prevent speeding rather than just capturing those who are caught speeding. Continue reading to find out about one possible method of accomplishing this goal, as well as the implications that this may have for the haulage business. restrictors of speed Which ones are they? In practice, speed limiters are just what they sound like: devices that automatically restrict the speed at which a vehicle may travel. How exactly do they function? They make use of a technology known as intelligent speed assistance (ISA) to determine how fast a vehicle is traveling, compare that speed to the restrictions of the region, and make adjustments appropriately. Several of them are equipped with a specialized camera that can read and recognize signs, while others utilize GPS to determine the boundaries of the region. In order to slow down the car, the gadget decreases the power of the engine once it reaches a particular threshold. Although limiters are accessible, many people have not yet embraced them because they lack incentives. This is despite the fact that the technology is available. When many heavy-duty vehicles already prohibit speeding by capturing precise telemetry data, businesses may wonder why they should invest in limiters. This is particularly true in the haulage sector. Nevertheless, things could be shifting, and it’s possible that these gadgets are poised to have a significant influence on the transportation industry. A measure that would make limiters necessary on all cars in the European Union over the next three years is now being examined in the European Parliament. The prominent European Transport Safety Council (etsc) is a vociferous backer of the idea, which is currently being studied. The national vehicle certification agency (vca) has already expressed its plans to mimic eu laws after the United Kingdom leaves the European Union, therefore it seems probable that the United Kingdom would follow Europe’s example regardless of what happens with Brexit. What may alter companies and workers in the haulage sector would, of course, be need to make investments in order to comply with new laws; but, they would also be among the groups that would be in the greatest position to gain from the developments. According to the etsc, limiters would cause a thirty percent reduction in the number of crashes, which would save an estimated twenty-five thousand lives over the following fifteen years. In the meanwhile, the etsc is also in favor of first introducing models that can be overridden by applying a significant amount of pressure to the accelerator. This will allow operators to accelerate above the limitations if they believe it is essential to do so. Importantly, implement limiters in this manner would make it possible for drivers to gradually become more receptive to the concept as the advantages become more apparent. Because of this, the possibility of automobile owners ignoring the new restrictions would decrease, which would contribute to the overall safety of the roads for all users. In spite of the fact that it could seem to be a significant shift, the implementation of required speed limits might be only around the corner. There is a good chance that it will make work in the haulage business much safer for drivers when and if it is implemented. publisher’s plate A correspondent for haulage exchange, the most prominent online trading network for the road transport business, norman dulwich is a member of both organizations. The haulage sector benefits from the vital service that haulage exchange offers by connecting experts from all across the United Kingdom and Europe via their website. This service matches delivery jobs with cars that are available. It has become the most rapidly expanding freight exchange in the United Kingdom.


In the haulage sector, it is of the utmost importance to be current with the most recent laws and legislation and to have a solid understanding of them. The modifications that are made to the law, however, may occur so often and with such precision that it is difficult to keep track of them all. A great deal of law is also fairly difficult to understand, since it contains a great deal of paragraphs that are either obtuse or irrelevant. It is fortunate that the freight transport association (FTA) is aware of these issues or worries. It is now possible to purchase the most recent version of its official handbook, which is known as the yearbook of road transport legislation. Continue reading to see why this resource is so essential and thorough that it should not be missing from the arsenal of any company owner or logistics manager. overview In a nutshell, the FTA handbook provides you with all of the information you need to remain in compliance with the law and to thrive in the business world. It is a crucial reference book that is filled with information on all aspects of the company, ranging from specialized and international operations to insurance and general health and safety. Ian Gallagher, who is the director of compliance information for the FTA, was quite explicit about the issues that plague the transportation industry that the book intends to address. “in a fast-moving regulatory climate,” he added, “it is vital that firms remain informed of legislative changes and ensure that their transport operation is as compliant as it can possible be.” He was referring to circumstances in which regulations are constantly shifting. Making legalese more easily understandable The importance of compliance is something that every manager is aware of, of course. However, there are occasions when it might be difficult to determine what things you truly need to do in order to be in compliance with the law. On this particular point, the FTA handbook has you covered. Logistics managers will find all of the material included in the yearbook to be simply understood since it has been developed expressly to meet the needs of the haulage sector. Those in the transportation industry do not have to go through the process of digesting all of the legalese since the in-house team of specialists at the FTA has gone over the policy. an all-encompassing protection What exactly does the guide cover, then? Transport law experts with extensive expertise have contributed to the text in order to guarantee that every aspect has been adequately addressed. The text has specialized parts that include the following: general operations, specialized operations, and special vehicles. — employment legislation — international business operations There is a good chance that the yearbook will cover you, regardless of the sector of the haulage business in which you are employed. instructions on how to get a copy Even more good news is in store for you if you are a member of the Federal Trade Commission. Every single member is provided with a complimentary copy of the handbook, in addition to extra free downloads. Other advantages of membership include receiving frequent news emails, as well as the monthly freight and logistics magazine and website. This is in addition to the aforementioned advantages. Those who are members pay £47.25 for extra hard copies, while those who are not members pay £80. In spite of the fact that there is no valid reason why anybody in the haulage sector should not be a member of the FTA, the provision of free access to this priceless resource ought to be more than sufficient to convince any lingering skeptics. In order to ensure that your company is always up to date with all of the changes that are occurring, both now and in the future, you should not hesitate to get your hands on a copy of the yearbook. Author plate norman dulwich is a correspondent for haulage exchange, which is the most prominent online trading network for the transportation business that operates on the road. Within the haulage industry, haulage exchange is now the most rapidly expanding freight exchange in the United Kingdom. They provide services for matching jobs in road transport within the haulage industry, and they connect professionals from all over Europe and the United Kingdom through their website.


It is possible that you are becoming a little bit tired of hearing about award shows after the Oscars, Golden Globes, Grammys, Emmys, Brits, and Baftas, among other honors competitions. It is important for haulage drivers to take note of the fact that there is at least one more opportunity later on in the year. Continue reading to find out more about the 33rd annual motor transport awards, which is the most important event on the logistics industry’s calendar this year (mtas). In addition to being assessed by a distinguished group of industry experts, the motor transport awards have the mission of “celebrating, recognizing, and rewarding achievement in the road freight transport business.” Ever since 1986, they have been recognizing haulage drivers, managers, and everyone else working in the industry. Both nominations and winners get a significant increase in visibility, including top trade media, as a result of this recognition. Additionally, the awards provide an excellent opportunity to network with other people. Even if you simply keep an eye on the show, you may get some fantastic ideas about which companies and technologies to invest in. The great and the good from all walks of life in the transportation industry come together to meet and build connections. Best advice: make sure you keep an eye on the whole list of candidates, which is scheduled to be made public on Monday, April 15th. The MTAs include a total of twenty different categories, each of which awards a prize. These awards recognize accomplishments in a wide range of fields, including customer service, technology, and apprenticeships. • the most effective use of technology • the most outstanding business performance In addition to the fleet truck of the year award, there are other awards, such as the haulier of the year award, which is given to acknowledge the significant contributions made by haulage drivers and the businesses for which they work. In 2018, a number of organizations became victorious in the exhibition that took place the previous year. Among these organizations, Whirlpool UK Appliances and Royal Mail both took home two medals. Because there are so many different categories, it is usually less probable that one or two companies would dominate the night. Despite this, a great number of other companies were recognized for their achievements. Additionally, Stephen Sanderson Transport was awarded the title of haulier of the year. The fleet truck of the year was awarded to the man tgx. While everything was going on, Paul Day, who is the managing director of Turners (soham), was personally honored with an award for exceptional service to the industry. The service to industry award is one of the most significant awards that can be won, and it provides an excellent chance to recognize and honor exceptional individual accomplishments. information that are essential When is it going to happen? The concert for this year is set to take place on July 3, 2019. Located in the Grosvenor House Hotel, which is located on Park Lane in London, where is it? The MTAs are a terrific opportunity for haulage drivers and other industry personnel to relax and let their hair down, in addition to the fact that they are an important event for the business. Jimmy Carr, a comedian, and Rachel Riley, a countdown presenter, were the hosts of the show that took place the year before, and very few people who attend them ever complain about being bored. During this year, it is imperative that you remain current on all of the news and releases that pertain to the MTA. In addition, if you haven’t already given it any thought, you may want to give some thought to placing your company in the running for the honors in the year 2020 now. publisher’s plate A correspondent for haulage exchange, the most prominent online trading network for the road transport business, norman dulwich is a member of both organizations. Haulage Exchange is now the most rapidly expanding freight exchange in the United Kingdom. They offer services that link haulage drivers with employment in road transport and haulage industry. Their website connects professionals from all around Europe and the United Kingdom.


It is possible that the haulage business is under constant pressure to innovate, maybe even more so than other sectors of the economy. The high rivalry that exists between businesses makes it possible for them to fall behind in a short amount of time. Additionally, environmental concerns and laws that are often updated generate new incentives at every level, from managers and manufacturers to drivers. As a result, it should not come as a surprise that organizations within the sector are eager to play a more active role in assisting with the implementation of policy, as well as to make public authorities sit up and take note. Continue reading to find out more about the efforts being made to choose a new freight commissioner for London and how this may have an impact on your company. a shift in policy This year marks the beginning of the implementation of an ambitious and comprehensive transportation policy by the Mayor of London. Among them are the suggestions for infrastructure, the freight action plan, and the establishment of a new ultra-low emissions zone (ulez) in the central business district. The haulage sector is “more than eager to embrace” the plan, but in order to do so, it need “government leadership and support,” as stated by Natalie Chapman, who is the head of south of England and urban policy at the freight transport agency (FTA). It is her observation that the transportation of goods “underpins the whole economy of the capital.” Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that politicians should collaborate closely with the industry in order to formulate transportation policy. Who would be a freight commissioner? For the purpose of appointing a new commissioner, the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) and the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) have joined forces with the Financial Transactions Authority (FTA). According to Sean McKee, the head of strategy and public relations for the London City Council, the haulage business plays “a fundamental, but not often acknowledged role in our daily lives.” They are in agreement that this industry is very important to the economy of the city. Clearly, the stakes are high, and it is certain that the new transportation policy proposed by the mayor will have a significant influence on the sector. The FTA, the LCC, and the FSSB are all in agreement that there is a need for a dedicated official to assist in the coordination of this approach. How much will a freight commissioner be able to accomplish? The haulage industry’s primary concern with London’s new policies is that, in the absence of a strong voice in government to connect with the transportation sector and manage implementation, policies would be implemented in slightly different ways across the capital’s 33 boroughs. This is the primary concern of the haulage industry. Chapman was particularly emphatic about this issue, pointing out that even minute variations in the manner in which the new schemes are implemented might “make the regulatory environment considerably more complicated than it is today.” Sue Terpilowski OBE, who serves as the London Policy Chair at the Financial Services Board, expressed her agreement with these issues by stating that there is a “clear and current need to build a more comprehensive plan for freight and delivery.” Sean McKee, who works with the LCC, had similar sentiments when he expressed his hope that a commissioner “would assist produce a long-term comprehensive plan for freight.” In addition to these short-term and medium-term advantages, the appointment of a commissioner would most likely make it possible for the government of London and companies to work together more closely in the future. terpilowski and mckee also mention the city’s ever-increasing population, with mckee noting estimations that the city could reach 10 million residents by the year 2030. Such cooperation might prove to be essential to the success of the sector. Given the likelihood that demand will continue to rise, a freight commissioner may be able to play a significant part in assisting the haulage business in meeting the demands of regulatory agencies and other various pressures. publisher’s plate A correspondent for haulage exchange, the most prominent online trading network for the road transport business, norman dulwich is a member of both organizations. The haulage sector benefits from the vital service that haulage exchange offers by connecting experts from all across the United Kingdom and Europe via their website. This service matches delivery jobs with cars that are available. It has become the most rapidly expanding freight exchange in the United Kingdom.

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