My happy spot is my small garden. I always have a grin on my face, whether I’m weeding and watering my garden, planting new small plants, or showing one of my friends about the fairyhood. But as time has gone on, I’ve discovered that the little garden can also be the ideal setting for introspection, quiet thought, and sometimes, a good weep! Yes, either working in the garden or just lounging there, I have been known to cry a little. The combination of sights, sounds, and fragrances seems to trigger memories and arouse feelings. I have been planting a lot recently, but I have been planting with an eye toward the past. Here are four suggestions for making your own memory garden: a space to celebrate what is yet to come and to pay tribute to what has already flowered. 1. Memorial Day Even though Memorial Day is not until a few weeks from now, I’ve already started thinking about my raised beds and window boxes. Are you planning a landscape that honors our country? There are a lot of us who have friends, family, and other loved ones who have been in the military. One way to pay tribute to those who have sacrificed their lives for our liberties is to create a Memorial Day miniature garden. Whether or not your family has experienced a fallen hero, this year think about adding some small red, white, and blue flowering plants to your front porch or flower box. The last touch is a little flag or a patriotic garland. 2. Honoring departed loved ones The death of a loved one is among life’s most devastating tragedies. At some time, we are all experiencing that anguish. I have seen some of the most exquisite and inspiring little gardens when they are planted and adorned in remembrance of loved ones. They might include hints of the individual’s preferred hue or their small version of their favorite flower or plant. Some people have a fairy cottage, which represents the person’s spirit’s abode. A peaceful water feature and stones with the words in memory of or never forgotten contribute to the creation of a somber, reflective space where we may honor our departed loved ones. 3. The bridge with rainbows Owners of pets are aware of how tragic losing a dog, cat, or other animal friend can be. A remembrance garden provides a space to focus that energy and honor the life of the animal companion. I’ve encountered gardeners who design little spaces that resemble pet heavens with running water features, tiny plants, animals, and open space. A rainbow bridge is a common feature to these pet remembrance gardens. According to the legend, there is a rainbow bridge that connects heaven and earth. People will meet again on the bridge someday, together with their deceased pets. For the time being, you may put a little rainbow bridge in your fairy garden to represent your unwavering love for your animal companion. 4. A dynamic scrapbook A memory garden may be an ever-changing space to delve into more current memories and occurrences, or it can be a permanent feature on the patio or porch. Which spring break, honeymoon, or family vacation was your favorite? In the little garden, duplicate it! Making a tiny lake, beach, or other sunny landscape is simple. It’s great to commemorate major life events like weddings and birthdays in tiny. It will be simple to make adjustments to the landscape as your collection of fairy homes, tiny fairies and characters, and small trees and flora grows. You might use it as a live scrapbook, highlighting a new memory every few weeks or months. You may use this to start interesting conversations with friends, family, and other guests in your miniature garden. What will you produce next, then? In your own little garden, I hope you enjoy creating memories and enjoying happy times. Happy planting! To create charming small landscapes for containers or your yard, miniature gardening provides miniature plants, accessories, fairies, garden equipment, and dollhouse furniture. The imaginative fairy garden created by miniature gardening and storytelling bring out the childlike spirit in all of us. Every small miniature garden scene you design is a picture of a fantasy that is full of mystery and intrigue.