An anticoagulant is a class of medication that includes warfarin. It lessens the possibility of blood clots developing. When blood clots obstruct blood veins in the brain, lungs, heart valves, or legs, they may result in major health issues. A prescription for warfarin may be given for any of the following reasons: 1. preventing stroke in atrial fibrillation (af) patients 2. preventing blood clots in those who just had knee or hip replacement surgery 3. managing deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and avoiding DVT recurrence 4. managing pulmonary embolisms (pe) and avoiding more of them When a blood clot from a vein breaks off and goes to the lungs, it causes a pulmonary embolism (PE). 5. preventing mortality, heart attacks, and strokes in individuals with peripheral arterial disease (PAD), coronary artery disease (CAD), and/or patients receiving replacement heart valves You run the danger of blood clots if you take too little warfarin, but you run the risk of severe or uncontrollable bleeding if you take too much. Your blood may not be at the proper thickness level—between 2 and 3 inr—when you start taking warfarin. I had three warfarin injections to help my blood thin down to the proper level since it was too thick. Your blood pressure may vary at first, so your doctor may need to check it often until it stabilizes. There are two brands of warfarin pills available: coumadin (1 mg, 2 mg, and 5 mg) and marevan (1 mg, 3 mg, and 5 mg). It’s crucial to wear the same band and take your pills at the same time every day—ideally just before bed. You still need regular blood testing since the kind of foods you consume might alter your INR level. Sadly, certain nutritious foods may conflict with warfarin. These include foods strong in vitamin K, such as spinach, broccoli, cabbage, and lettuce, as well as avocados, olive oil, chickpeas, liver, egg yolks, whole grain cereal, and aged cheese. also acetyl-l-carnitine and curcumin. However, because you need foods strong in vitamin K for a balanced diet, don’t shun them. Try to resolve this issue by a compromise. If you maintain moderation in all things, you ought to be safe. Warfarin’s effectiveness may be impacted by alcohol. Discuss your tolerance for alcohol consumption with your physician.