Americans are entitled to certain rights as granted by the United States Constitution and its amendments. In this piece, I am exercising two fundamental rights: freedom of expression and freedom of religion. As a Christian, I feel obligated to share my knowledge with others whenever the chance arises. I shall teach and preach as Jesus desires. Some may argue that the Supreme Court has recently ruled Obamacare to be constitutional upon reading the headline of this article. Yes, by a majority of 5 to 4. They made a mistake. An argument that should have been made was seemingly missing. an overlooked factor My faith is not peculiar. I am a Christian. It originates directly from the Holy Bible. Jesus not only forgives sins but also cures sicknesses according to Exodus 15:26 and Psalm 103. Some Christians are familiar with Jesus as the rescuer from sins but are unaware of Jesus as the healer. Mrs. Hayes passed away from cancer because, despite her strong faith, her church was not aware of divine healing. My people are being ruined because they lack knowledge. Reference: Hosea 4:6 I believe that I am entitled to health, remission of sins, baptism with the Holy Spirit, and the ability to communicate in undiscovered languages as gifts from God. If Jesus is my healer, I should not be required to purchase medical insurance since it would infringe upon my fundamental right to freedom of religion. Those who attempt to deny me this right will face consequences from God. Colin Powell appeared on the Charlie Rose program. Powell said that Obama is a Christian. No, you are wrong, Mr. Powell. Obama is not a follower of Christianity. Jesus said that we will be able to recognize individuals based on their actions and behavior. If Obama were a Christian, he wouldn’t be attempting to compel me, also a Christian, to violate my religious beliefs by purchasing health insurance, rather than relying on Jesus to address my health requirements. On December 8, 2009, Obama delivered an address on national television. It was the day he said he would deploy an additional 30,000 military soldiers to Afghanistan. Obama uttered a significant falsehood at the beginning of the address. He said that Islam is among the world’s prominent faiths. It is not. Islam condemns all its adherents to damnation. Jesus said that one must be born anew. Muslims do not undergo a process of being born again. A reputable religion does not condemn its adherents to damnation. Obama recently expressed support for homosexual rights. God’s Bible states that homosexuals are not permitted in paradise. The term effeminate in 1 Corinthians 6:9,10 Given that God opposes homosexuality, how can Obama support it? Effortlessly. Obama is not a Christian and is not a religious guy. Obama could not support Obamacare, misrepresent Islam, and advocate for homosexuality if he were a Christian. I am unsure of his religious beliefs, but it is evident that he is not a Christian. I believe that Obamacare is illegal since it infringes upon my constitutional right to freedom of religion. In Mark chapter 16, Jesus said that believers will exhibit certain signs, including as casting out demons, speaking in foreign languages, and healing the sick via laying on of hands. Divine healing is accessible to me from God under both the ancient and the new covenants, as stated in the Holy Bible. (Please refer to the article tour cancellation by the same author for further information.)

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