Given the rising divorce rates and family crises, there is an increasing need for community support to aid these families. Although many individuals understand the need of shelters and transitional housing for assisting families in leaving abusive circumstances, there is less knowledge about the necessity of family centers. These locations are intended to support families as they navigate co-parenting after divorce. Family centers provide crucial support to an underserved demographic, playing a significant role in assisting families dealing with abuse or neglect by ensuring that they fulfill their obligation to co-parent their children. Many individuals want to contribute to enhancing their communities and supporting families affected by abuse. Consider being mandated by a family court to bring your children to see your former husband, who has been aggressive towards you (and maybe the children too), while ensuring everyone’s safety. This is a situation where several families encounter challenges and there are complex solutions. Supervised visits by qualified specialists enable parents to safely engage with their children. Individuals interested in setting up a child visiting center should verify the presence of such a facility in their local area. They might start by training to become a visiting supervisor themselves. County human services departments often provide programs that oversee parental visitations. These services may be a lifesaver for families experiencing a crisis. Often, a parent lacks skills and need time to reestablish a bond or collaborate with parenting coaches to develop effective parenting techniques. Supervisors operate as passive observers, monitoring interactions between parents and children for potential risks. After completing training and determining that establishing a child visiting center is your goal, you must locate a suitable site, comply with zoning regulations, get funds (via fundraisers or grants), and start acquiring equipment and hiring personnel for your facility. It may be necessary to get different licenses or certificates based on the regulations of your city, county, and state. When assembling money, consider exploring the emerging trend of social fundraising methods known as crowd funding. These initiatives are managed by autonomous firms and use social media to increase public knowledge. Projects suitable for crowdfunding campaigns might include acquiring toys and equipment, procuring computers or software packages for human services, developing training sessions for community leaders on child abuse prevention, or obtaining new furniture for your center. Establishing a family center requires a significant investment of time and work but may provide substantial benefits by enhancing the quality of life and safety for families in the neighborhood.