These days, rational thinking has gone on a permanent vacation to the fantasy world of computers. Democrats, liberals, and a good majority of the darlings in academia, including msm, have decided to stay out of places where the truth never enters. President Trump’s recent retweet of films uploaded by a British nationalist against the islamization of the United Kingdom, which obscenely depict Muslims engaging in horrific crimes, serves as the clearest example of this situation. In one video, a disabled Dutch child who need crutches to walk is being beaten by Muslims. In a another video, a Muslim is seen shattering a Catholic-held holy artifact. In a third video, several Muslims beat and toss a teenager over a roof in a considerably more horrific hate crime. The president was seen justifying the retweets in a Washington Times article that was published shortly after the retweets. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the press secretary for the White House, said, The threat is real; the threat needs to be addressed. The president is doing just that by bringing up the danger, which has to be discussed. The response from our most steadfast European friend was a prime example of computer-driven denial, as reported in the Washington Times piece. Prime Minister Theresa May’s office said, The president should not have done this. Britain uses hostile narratives to sell misinformation and inflame tensions in an effort to first split populations. They make law-abiding individuals anxious. Did the president stoke tensions, did the cameras mislead, or were Muslims exposed for their role in hate crimes? Given that law-abiding individuals are undoubtedly anxious upon seeing horrific beatings or deaths, what is the most effective strategy to prevent this from happening again? Theresa May says that you should just sit down and shut up! On MSNBC, HuffPost, and the Cato Institute, among others, denials, flimsy, weak, and erroneous figures are often presented. These organizations all seem to believe that we should compare the small number of Muslims who are killed by them with the whole population of any given country. It would appear that residents should merely give thanks to their fortunate stars since that amount represents a tiny portion of the total population. Statistics are hard data that don’t take into consideration the people and communities who are impacted directly by terrorist attacks. If these individuals were included in the calculation, the number would increase dramatically. But let’s attempt being much more honest if we must use statistics. The most powerful data comes from Europe. The EU is a real-time sneak peek at what may occur in the United States. The easiest approach to understand what President Trump is attempting to prevent with his travel restriction and immigration policy is also to look at what is happening in Europe. Angela Merkel, the chancellor, pummeled the migrant Germany’s unassimilated immigrants are the source of the most violence. Thanks to Merkel’s open doors policy, the numbers from that EU country stand alone. Between 2016 and 2017, there were 100 assaults on German police officers per day across all 16 federal states in Germany. The Bundeskriminalamt, BKA, recorded a staggering 36,755 assaults against police as the total. Violence against law enforcement officials has increased by 70% in 2017. Muslim gangs sometimes outnumber local police, and judges are handing down lenient punishments out of fear of retaliation against their families. It almost appears like there is a hidden yearning among Germans to experience oppression or to fall victim to a communal Stockholm syndrome; if it’s not Hitler, then anybody will do. Immigrants in Sweden set fire to 22 automobiles on average per day; in 2017, 6,000 cars were burned. Because police work is so risky, a lot of career cops are looking for new jobs. A Swedish police officer noticed that a photo of her family had been released together with threats to kill her and her family as a whole. Before leaving for work every day, a large number of cops search beneath their vehicles for explosives. Emmanuel Macron, the leader of France, said he would reign like a Roman god, but after so many violent assaults by immigrants, Macron is now more like a straggling junkyard dog. No one is feeling his bite, therefore his bark is not a reason for concern. Since 2012, Islamic terrorism has claimed more lives in France than in all other EU nations put together. The French are aware that Muslims consider killing unbelievers to be their inalienable right. It seems as if they have a religious responsibility to be victims given how carelessly they handle this issue. According to Pew Research, there is a rising backlash against Muslim immigration in eastern and southern Europe. However, only one nation—Norway—seems to be making significant efforts to stop the violence and resource depletion that is occurring there. Sylvi Listhaug, Norway’s Minister of Immigration, has warned that if you are an economic migrant or an illegal immigrant, you will be taken home, and she doesn’t care what her detractors think. Vouchers rather than cash will now be issued by Norway to immigrants who take advantage of the scheme. Prior to discussing American data, it is important to remember that the European refugee problem is far from being resolved. More than six million migrants are waiting in countries around the Mediterranean to cross into Europe, according to a classified German government report leaked to Bild, says Soeren Kern, distinguished senior scholar at the Gatestone Institute. Muslims have carried out almost thirty assaults against Americans; not all of them originated from the nations that Trump included in his travel ban. In the event that they share the same intellectual perspective, it makes no difference from which nation they originate. Keeping America safe from its adversaries is Mr. Trump’s responsibility, and based on a cursory glance at the events in the EU, we may be grateful that he seems to be doing his job with diligence. Christians are aware that the royal law of the Bible requires them to embrace immigrants, strangers, and guests to our nation. James 2: 8 Those who may still want guidance can find a clear mandate in the ancient testament. Regarding not mistreating the outsider or guest among us, it is quite explicit. (Ex 22: 21) However, the word of God is no longer paid much attention in post-Christian Europe. Consequently, the roles have flipped in a very twisted way. Currently, the oppressor of the countries they have left to seek refuge is the stranger in the country. The EU’s leaders would be carrying out their divinely mandated duty to drive out the oppressors and defend their own people if they maintained their ties to divine guidance. to put it another way: Because rulers frighten the wicked rather than the good deeds. Then, wilt thou not fear the power? He is God’s minister to you for good, therefore perform good deeds, and you will be praised for them. However, if you do evil, you should be terrified because the person carrying the sword is not doing it in vain. He is God’s minister and will exact punishment on those who do evil. (Ro 13: 3–4)

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