I began playing the game Cash Flow: How to Escape the Rat Race years ago. Robert Kiyosaki, a well-known real estate investor and author in the financial industry whose books have been on the Wall Street Journal and New York Times bestseller lists many times, invented the game in 1994. He is the creator of Cashflow Technologies, Inc. and Rich Dad Company. The cash flow game is a tool designed to help individuals escape the never-ending pursuit of riches and success by teaching them how to manage their money and gain financial literacy. It combines accounting and investment tools into one and provides real financial education via practice, error, and course correction. In essence, you pick up skills that you can use in the actual world of money the more you play the game. The game 101 and 202 comes in two editions. I started by playing the Cash Flow 101 game with a few others. Although it is highly tough and demanding for most individuals, especially those without even a rudimentary understanding of finance, it is a really simple game. Later, I started playing the 202 game, but I had a terrible time finding other players who could match my skill level. I actually had to go almost the whole length of the nation in search of players. I eventually bought the computer version of the game and spent many days playing Cash Flow 202. Why did I act in that way? The cash flow game on a board truly teaches your brain how to behave in certain ways. If you spend enough time playing the game, the tasks will become second nature to you, and you should be able to earn a passive income and achieve financial independence by just carrying out your daily duties in a new way. The board game is superior than the computer version in many ways since it allows you to play with other people and interact with them, which triggers your emotions. When you finish the financial accounts at a certain point in the game, individuals tend to lose track of their emotions and fully immerse themselves in the experience. After you get the hang of it, you may apply the lessons you gained in the game to your life and financial circumstances in particular. cash flow basics Simply put, the cash flow 101 game teaches you (or rather, provokes you) to look for ways to break free from the typical 9 to 5 rat race that most people are stuck in. If you can increase your passive income—a source of income that comes in even when you’re not working—above your monthly expenses, you can consider yourself to be out of the rate race and on the fast track. The game then teaches you how to develop assets that produce passive revenue, which is still an open subject. cash flow (202) After you have mastered game 101, you will find the cash flow 202 game to be quite engaging. Cash flow 202 builds on the knowledge you gained from cash flow 101 to take you to the next level. There is also a fast track version of cash flow 202 where you start with an abundance of money, allowing you to go deep inside and discover new aspects of yourself while exploring your emotions, anxieties, pleasures, and hobbies. Despite the fact that it sounds amazing, I can personally attest that the more you play, the simpler it becomes for you to handle your money in real life. I used to play the game so much that I would really start swearing at other players because I could see what was wrong with them, how their balance sheets were incorrect, and what false beliefs they had about their assets and obligations. I saw that I was attempting to control and sway the game. You may ask others what they see you doing and they can tell you what they observe, thus playing the game with others gives you both an edge and a chance. This is advantageous because, as an insider, you often are unable to understand what is going on in your own life. However, an outsider may be able to quickly spot issues and help you make the required adjustments to achieve financial success. Financial statement is the main point. Whether in the game or in real life, the financial statement is one of the most crucial tools you need to keep your funds in good shape and under your complete control. Many individuals disagree that they need a financial statement, but believe me, friends—after you produce one, life is lot simpler and you’ll be set for the rest of your days. You may examine your financial status more closely by preparing your own financial statement. It will provide you an assessment of your financial situation as it is right now, help you pinpoint your areas of financial difficulty, or lack thereof. Now that you have this information, you may use your personal financial statement and your newly acquired financial literacy to proceed. I challenge and urge you to play cash flow 101 and 202 as you make improvements to your financial situation and work toward a better life that is both financially significant and joyful. More to come… subscribe to my just launched blog at https://mrrosshowmethemoney.wordpress.com/. I’ll be posting useful advice, links, and other content that you can easily use on a daily basis. I maintain simplicity, Roshi.