To the firm that came up with the idea for tiktok, I have to offer credit. Despite the fact that they did not begin the process of creating their user base from the ground up, they are successfully encouraging younger people to get addicted to the app. However, there are other individuals that I personally know who are always using the app, to the point where it is a little bit alarming. Let me tell you a little anecdote. I have a group of girls who are always eager to show off their dancing abilities to the people of Tiktok. Whether it’s their own choreography or these short dances that are more often referred to as “tiktok dances,” they are always eager to show off their dance talents. There is no denying that each and every one of them is a fairly talented dancer, particularly considering that some of them have been dancing ever since they were little toddlers. However, there are moments when I get the impression that they go a little bit beyond what is reasonable. I will explain what I mean. In the month of February, a bunch of my girlfriends, along with a handful of other friends, and I participated in the lunar new year parade that was held in New York City. Not only did we participate in the march, but we also helped create the props. Throughout the course of the march, there were times when we were forced to come to a halt due to the presence of traffic. During these occasions, the group of ladies would sometimes bring out their mobile devices and videotape each other dancing for tiktok while they were in the midst of a parade. What is it trying to say? “everything has its own time and place,” as the saying goes. There is no question in my mind that capturing dancing material for TikTok when the procession was in full swing was neither the appropriate time nor the appropriate location. When it comes to marketing and sending emails, however, I do not believe that there is ever a moment or location that is inappropriate. In each and every email that you send out to your subscribers, you should try to sell something. moreover, it is not necessary for it to be something that they can buy. There are a variety of different options available, such as forwarding them to a video, a new episode of a podcast, or registering them for a webinar. Nevertheless, you should avoid asking them to do it in a direct manner. Make an effort to make the encounter enjoyable. Create a humorous email for them to read. If you are interested in learning how to compose these humorous sales emails, you should get a copy of the example chapters that are included in the book “how to become an email titan,” which costs twenty dollars. sample in regard to the author: Hello, my name is Irisen, and I work as a copywriter. In order to assist companies in increasing their sales, I assist them in developing connections with their audience via the use of traditional email. There are further suggestions similar to these waiting to be read at, so if you found this reading to be beneficial, go here. You will have the opportunity to sign up for daily copywriting, email marketing, and business advice when you visit that location. In addition to that, I will offer you free chapters from my book, which has a retail value of twenty dollars and is titled “how to become an email titan.” It teaches you how to produce email text that your subscribers will look forward to reading over and over again and that will make them want to make a purchase from you. You may also go through my blog and listen to my audios for further marketing information if you do not want to opt in via the opt-in process.