Here are some things you should know before casting your ballot in the US general election in November of next year and the UK general election in May of this year. Our school served as a voting place when I was a child, as did many other communities. I can recall three ideas that were profoundly ingrained in me from the voters’ attitudes and thoughts toward voting, and I really believe them to be true: Voting was an act of exercising your democratic right; not voting showed passivity because our forebears had to battle for this democratic right. Selecting a minority candidate was seen as a vote that would be wasted since it would not result in anything. I had a gut sensation that these three things didn’t add up as the years passed well into adulthood, and I eventually discovered that these feelings were completely false for the reasons listed below. These are the four reasons I have chosen not to vote and never will. 1. Since there is no such thing as true democracy, voting is an illusion of choice. Giving someone what seems to be a choice when there isn’t one is a foolproof method of tricking them into making a decision that will lead to the intended result! Allow me to clarify with an example. Consider the situation when parents ask their kid, When will you be having your bath, will it be right now or in 20 minutes.. in an attempt to create the appearance of choice and induce the child to do the desired behavior. Put differently, the youngster understands that it is not being forced to comply and does so because it has been given an option. It has fallen prey to a delusion because it is really powerless. This is comparable to what is happening in politics and voting, regardless of whether it states that it has to take a bath now or in 20 minutes. The trick is that the general public has fallen for the lie that they can decide what policies the newly elected political party and its officials will pursue while in power. The real world rulers—those who own and control the major corporations (weapons, oil, drugs, gold, etc.) and the banks—fund, support, and control all major political parties heavily, giving the people no say over the major directions. These people rule the world with a hidden agenda and an excessive share of the world’s wealth. That agenda must be served by the political party that wins power, especially by top officials, which is why they have received and will continue to receive significant funding. This essentially suggests that the top politicians are not fulfilling their elected duties to represent the interests of the people. 2. The elected officials are only puppets to be repeated, paid off, and perpetually given the benefit of the doubt for enacting legislation and doing other activities that progressively curtail our freedom. the global stage con artists The owners and controllers of the great businesses and banks, who are puppet politicians who act as if they care about you, are ultimately the ones who put them in office to carry out their egregiously unjust, enslaving, and destructive goal for a new world order. This is what you’ll receive regardless of the major political party you choose. Voting, then, is not an exercise of democratic rights as democracy does not exist. It is an illusion, the choice. Do you want this for yourself, your loved ones, your kids, and their kids? How much more history does one need to observe to understand that the party’s leaders make a number of pledges during election campaigns that ultimately turn out to be outright lies? The leaders merely intended to exploit such pledges as gimmicks to win over people; they never intended to follow through on them. Several politicians are too brainwashed, ignorant, arrogant, cowardly, or even stupid to see right through the entire political charade. These senior politicians are nothing more than pure pathological liars, dangerous, narcissistic, and devoid of empathy and a genuine desire to care for others. 3. Regardless of the party you choose, electing a member of one of these political parties entails ceding your authority to a disempowering fascist regime. This is the impact of the system. The fact that these parties all picked similar key courses—damaging GMOs, support for the European Union, unthinking backing for the United States of America in immoral and unlawful actions like the invasion of Iraq and the desire for war in other nations—clearly shows that these parties are all the same. One cannot accuse individuals who choose not to vote of being indifferent since, in the event that no one cast a ballot, none of these parties could claim the right to ‘tax or draft.’ Put another way, a political party can only run for office if the people have given them the authority to do so. -I long ago quit supporting corrupt, fascist despotism. Have you? 4. Voter participation has decreased over time: The declining trust that the public has in politicians is reflected in the decline in election turnout. It demonstrates the public’s growing awareness that voting makes no difference since they have seen through the fraud. 5. There is an easy fix: don’t cast a ballot for any of the main political parties since it will make matters worse. Selecting independent candidates is the way to prevent this dehumanizing circumstance and the Orwellian 1984 dystopia orchestrated by the owners/controllers of the big businesses/banks, who will use their puppet politicians to carry out the actions. Select independent candidates—politicians by the people for the people—who are free from the corrupt structures of the big political parties and who really want to serve the interests of the people they would like to represent. Selecting a minority candidate is consequently an investment rather than a time waster. It may take some time for independent politicians to get traction and support, but if their efforts are successful, other people may decide to follow in their footsteps. This concept must take effect right now. It is the solution to changing society and politics. -Would you be able to run alone for parliament? 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