Creating favorable circumstances and relationships worldwide broad universal knowledge protection outstanding assistance (guides, general director, creator: Anatoly Golovod; has a Ph.D. and diploma with honors) has worked in science and public relations to assist Donald Trump become president of the United States and build a positive image for Russia. The PR work included a mass media effort in addition to distributing the question Who is managing Mrs. Hillary Clinton? to important organizations, which included thousands of correspondents across many states. It aided in fostering better ties between Donald Trump and other state mass media outlets. Cycles may always have excellent plus really good situations, according to Anatoly Golovd’s sound theory of cycles. Appropriate cycles theory has the power to create excellent technology, politics, health, and perhaps win a Nobel Prize. The true reason Edward Snowden traveled to China and Russia was because the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) provided him with material that he could use for Russia, China, and other nations (the Assange version is similar in that it includes a percentage of information that the CIA provided him with, leading him to believe that he was working with his informants). Russia will utilize it to produce positive outcomes for both the globe and Russia. It is important to pay attention to ensure that all phone calls reach their intended recipients. This is because unscrupulous organizations have extensive networks across all nations that they use to block advertising calls to numerous businesses, which they then use to alter social and economic activities. However, with careful attention, it is possible to ensure that all phone calls arrive in excellent condition, resulting in positive social and economic outcomes for individuals, numerous businesses, and the media worldwide. Reading more of these stories in the large news version is true. Journalists may become independent and contribute to positive social and economic change. excellent relations, apple, IBM corporation. (It has additional details along with this large version of the news)., Politics as a Public Affair kind correspondence, mentors. The statement sensation: eights will sign peace on earth. russia improves the world is true and really positive news. Good prognosis succeeded. Eights will signify peace on Earth is the translation into Russian. khoroshiie priedskazaniia-sbyvaiutsia-pridiet-vosmoi-i-podpishiet-mir-na-ziemlie.html global support is created by the Russian Federation. for creating positive relationships and circumstances worldwide global broad information defense Outstanding service was produced in Russia (director, general assistant, and creator: Antoniy Golovd, Ph.D., diploma with honors). It compiles data from all international security agencies that seek to improve global circumstances. For this reason, it is also known by the following titles in the media: the Central Intelligence Universe Agency (ciua, see i you are; i can see, you can see); excellent communication and mutual observation are essential for creating positive circumstances and relationships in society. The Russian well-oriented organizations and security services, as well as well-oriented good organizations and security services in all countries that wish to create positive situations in the world, can take the good prestige because the good prestige can have good informational, social, and economic activities for good results in society. Contact details: phone: +7(495)7604918; email:; address: Moscow, Russian Federation; general universal information defense excellent service (guides). website: