In addition to being associated to diabetes and obesity, sugary beverages have also been linked to a lower life expectancy. According to the findings of a research that was conducted by Harvard University, if you consume at least two of these beverages on a daily basis, you have a 31% increased risk of passing away prematurely from cardiovascular disease. For anybody who is worried about their personal health as well as the health of their children, this is a major matter. Despite the fact that the use of soda has declined over the last several years, the majority of Americans continue to get the majority of their added sugar from these liquid calories. When compared to the suggested limit of eight ounces per week, children and adolescents consume almost twelve ounces of sugary beverages on a daily basis on average. Because of this, the American Academy of Pediatricians has joined the ranks of a large number of other specialists in demanding that soda tariffs and advertising limits be implemented. Altering your personal drinking habits is something you can do while you wait for policy changes to be implemented. Follow these guidelines to help you drink more water and eat less sugar in your diet. Limit your sugar intake: 1. Be sure you read the labels. To provide just one example, soda is a kind of beverage that contains more sugar or other sweets. If you want to know what’s in fruit drinks, sports drinks, and other products, examine the ingredients. Although it contains a few nutrients, juice is nevertheless a very high source of calories and sugar. 2. be familiar with the portions. It’s possible that you aren’t aware of how much sugar you’re consuming. Between seven and ten teaspoons of sugar are included in a single can of soda. In comparison, the American Heart Association recommends that males consume no more than nine teaspoons of sugar per day, while women should limit their intake to six teaspoons. 3. learn to control your urges. Staying hydrated and eating more protein will help you regulate your cravings for sugar, which can help you stop or reduce your consumption. However, despite the fact that artificial sweeteners often have fewer calories, the powerful taste of these sweeteners may cause you to want more of the genuine thing. (4) Be aware of your triggers. It’s possible that there are other things that are causing you to grab for a fruit punch. If you have a habit of indulging after a workout or while you are watching television, you should be particularly vigilant. five, look for alternatives. Substitute healthy beverages with those that are high in sugar. In addition to drinking purified water, you could also choose to drink seltzer or a selection of teas. Get more water to drink: 1. Make a strategy for your convenience. Please make the selection of water as simple as possible. Bring bottles with you. Carry them about. You should store water containers that have been filtered in your refrigerator. Request that every member of the family replenishes them whenever they get depleted. Make a timetable for yourself. Create prompts that will urge you to drink water and make sure you do so. Consume a glass of water during each meal, as well as while your coffee is brewing. 3. Decide on a target. Set precise goals for yourself to help you remain on track. Your goal should be to drink a half ounce of water for every pound that you weigh, or you may substitute a glass of unsweetened iced tea for the soda that you drink at lunch. Enhance the taste of the dish. By adding fruits, herbs, and other healthful components to water, you may make it more delicious and intriguing. Make use of lemon, ginger, and mint in your experiments. 5. Put some ice in it. By diluting your sugary beverages with water, you may take a more progressive approach. If you are dining out, be sure to request more ice. An alternative to your typical glass of wine is a spritzer that has half seltzer added to it. 6. Invest in glasses with a larger frame. Do you feel as if your day is being disrupted in any way by the frequent refills? Make your water bottles and glasses much larger. In the same amount of time, you will drink the same amount of liquid. 7. Reduce the amount of caffeine you consume. There is a possibility that caffeine is to blame if you are trying to kick your soda habit but finding it more challenging than you anticipated. You should try switching to a variety that does not include caffeine and see if it makes a result. 8. Consume some fruit. The water that comes from meals is also included. If you want to consume less calories and more fiber, you should switch from juice to whole fruit. Cucumbers, salad greens, and yogurt are some examples of additional foods that are rich in water content. If you want to change any habit, giving up sugary drinks is the same. You should look for healthy alternatives and continue to practice them until your new choices become second nature. You will not only be able to boost your chances of living a longer and more active life, but you will also be able to set a good example for your children. lifestyle based on a healthy green smoothie