My hopes and objectives for the garden are larger than ever these days. My enthusiasm for the pastime increases yearly! If you come visit me on a Saturday, you’ll probably find me contemplating which accessories to add to my online basket and looking at little plants. However, as we are all aware, this summer is a little bit different than it was in the past. I am spending more time inside rather than in my neighborhood’s bustling parks, plazas, and establishments. Rather than making the daily commute to an office building, my job begins and ends in my living room. Maybe you can identify with this. 2020 has surprised us with a few twists. Fortunately, I’ve managed to figure out a few strategies to make my days bright, energetic, and packed with plants. Despite the fact that we could stay inside for a large chunk of this summer, all is not lost. You can still cultivate little fairy gardens that will brighten your home and life to the fullest, even if you have to scale down on the quantity or size of your miniature gardens this year or shift your pastime inside. In 2020, working from home has replaced the desk as the new normal. Since we don’t know how long this lifestyle will stay, I’m attempting to settle in and create a calm, efficient office. I now have a pilea peperomioides plant among my many containerized plants. I can’t wait to spread the word and give it to a few more pals! On top of my usual houseplants, I also have a dish garden growing on my desk. It’s just a plain glass dish that has soil that drains well in it. A coating of reindeer moss at the top provides a hint of green. There’s a jade plant growing in one corner. In the opposite, a zebra cactus grows well. Very little maintenance is required for the dish garden. I place it next to a bright window and give it periodic waterings. Lastly, a few little garden companions scattered across the scene. Some of them are little gems that my grandmother used to display in her house; I bought a couple of them online. Whenever I work in the garden, I have a sense of familial connection. Terrariums, Zen gardens, and dish gardens are all excellent options for compact interior areas. They nevertheless bring light and liveliness into the house while taking up little space and requiring minimal maintenance. Look for pre-selected assortments of terrarium plants if this is your first time starting one. It will enable you to start building your own indoor miniature garden right now. for the walls Most likely, when you picture indoor gardens, you picture pots that are placed on tables, desks, and windowsills. However, as you look to the walls, your gardening possibilities become considerably more varied! Yes, there are a ton of different alternatives available for vertical gardening in the house, ranging from wall planters to hanging baskets. The air plant is my fave right now. Air plants have a mystical quality about them. Soil is not necessary for them. They don’t need manure. They really don’t need anything at all! Some people respond best to occasional misting with water, while others benefit from a brief immersion. If not, they naturally develop nicely. One of these little plants may become a large piece of art by being placed in a wall-mounted air plant holder. I have one over the sofa on my gallery wall. Above my desk, there’s another. I hope that as we go into the next months of 2020, you will be able to discover tiny and large ways to continue your love of gardening. There are many ways to bring the fairy garden inside, such creating desk-sized small gardens for each of your coworkers or adding some plants to your home’s walls. I’m sure that right now, we could all use a little bit of greenery and growth in our lives. To create charming small landscapes for containers or your yard, miniature gardening provides miniature plants, accessories, fairies, garden equipment, and dollhouse furniture. The imaginative fairy garden created by miniature gardening and storytelling bring out the childlike spirit in all of us. Every small miniature garden scene you design is a picture of a fantasy that is full of mystery and intrigue.