There is nothing in the natural world that is quite as thrilling as seeing a tiger in its native habitat, and there is no question that tiger tourism is growing more and more popular as more people become aware of the precarious existence of this wonderful animal. We have a limited understanding of the animal’s development, and the fact that it is solitary and secretive makes it tough to research. Despite the fact that the species is intriguing, that information is restricted. On the other hand, we do have at least some knowledge about the history of this large cat and how it has developed into the majestic animal that it is today. the age of? Fossils of the panthera zdanskyi species have been discovered in the Gansu region of China, which suggests that it existed more than two million years ago. This species is identified as the oldest. After having its beginnings in China, the large cat went on to develop, adapt, and travel. Despite its age, the panthera zdanskyi fossil that was discovered is not too unlike to the species that we are familiar with today. the study of genetics Tigers, lions, leopards, and jaguars are all members of the panthera genus, which means that they are closely related to one another. There are numerous species of giant wild cats, and they are all members of the panthera animal family. Recently, a research that was directed by Brian Davis, William Murphy, and Dr. Gang Li came to the conclusion that the tiger is, in fact, linked to the snow leopard, and that the similarities between the two species started to emerge more than three million years ago. The study has shed light on the origins of panthera tigris, despite the fact that each of these species arose independently from the remainder of the genus. There was a close relationship between the populations of this large cat that lived in China and Central Asia, which resulted in the progressive emergence of subspecies that shared some morphological characteristics. These subspecies were characterized by their isolation. adaption experts think that the contemporary panthera tigris derives from the miacid, which was a predatory mammal that roamed the earth about 62 million years ago. It would seem that the similarities in physical appearance have stood the test of time; the miacid had four legs, a long tail, and fur that was striped in a peculiar way. Even if they have a great deal of other characteristics, they have had to change throughout the course of time in order to live. Their striped coat helps them blend in with the tall grasses that cover the jungle floor, and their shorter legs and larger claws make them excellent climbers. Additionally, their legs have become shorter, and their claws have begun to grow longer. This extraordinary creature’s eyes have a retina that enables more light to bounce back into the eye, which helps with communication. Additionally, the creature’s hearing is enhanced, which helps with communication. As a result of this, they are able to see well in poor light and in the dark, which is why they often hunt at dawn or dusk. on-going study it was only in 2013 that the entire genome sequence was released and comparisons were conducted with the bengal tiger, the african lion, the white african lion and the snow leopard. The fact that the domestic cat and the tiger share more than 96 percent of their genomes is an interesting finding that was made. It is believed that the finding of the genome might be beneficial to the preservation of the big cats, and despite the fact that there is still a great deal to learn about the evolution of the large cats, a great deal of study is being conducted in order to give further knowledge. It is noteworthy to note that the Sumatran tiger is a subspecies that is found on islands and has a genetic profile that is extremely distinct from that of other species. The species is believed to have been isolated thousands of years ago as a result of increasing sea levels, which is the cause for the isolation. More fossils are being found all the time, and the aim is that, with the help of modern technology, the development of this mysterious huge cat may be comprehended in a more comprehensive manner. An interesting approach to learn more about tigers is to participate in responsible tiger travel, which is available to anybody who has an interest in doing so. Marissa Ellis-Snow is a wildlife writer who works independently and has a particular interest in traveling with tigers. Due to the fact that she is extremely enthusiastic about her subject, Maria opts for the expert-led wildlife vacations that are organized by naturetrek. These vacations have provided her with unforgettable experiences of animals from a diverse range of species in some of the most breathtaking regions on the planet.