Getting started with internet sales in a more efficient manner Is it possible that you find the term “difficult times” to be a bit of an understatement? Alternatively, it’s possible that you have successfully redirected your marketing approach and are not being badly impacted by the covid-19 situation. Because individuals are working, socializing, and entertaining themselves online, there is little doubt that this epidemic has contributed to a rise in the amount of traffic on the internet. In accordance with the information provided in this article, distributel, a business that purchases wholesale access to the internet backbone of Rogers Communications Inc., has seen an increase in traffic of around fifty percent. However, a rise in the number of people using the internet does not always suggest that your small company will see an increase in sales. Many customers are reluctant to make a purchase for a variety of reasons, including the fact that they are uncertain about when they will be able to make use of the service that you provide, that they have been laid off, or that they have had their hours decreased. Because of this, I will discuss three issues and solutions related to e-commerce in order to assist you in maintaining and perhaps expanding your business during this period of crisis. overcoming the obstacle of making your (e-commerce) company the most important A significant number of company owners are experiencing a state of fear since they do not own a conventional e-commerce business strategy or an e-commerce website. Moreover, many people are concerned that they do not have a product or service that is sufficiently “important” to sell online, similar to what grocery shops do. It has been reported by apptopia that the number of downloads of the Walmart supermarket app, Shipt, and Instagram Cart have climbed by 218 percent, 160 percent, and 124 percent respectively when compared to the previous year. Okay, so it’s quite unlikely that you operate a grocery store. However, you may still be an indispensable resource for your clients. Is there a particular product or service that you might concentrate on that would better suit the audience that you are trying to reach? example: what is the case? In the event that you own a clothing shop, do you sell fabric face masks and casual attire for those who work from home? if you provide counseling services in the areas of finances, life, or other areas: sessions lasting thirty to sixty minutes for mental health; many individuals are experiencing feelings of loneliness and isolation as a result of covid-19? if you offer things relating to the entertainment industry: You should make some short movies that showcase certain activities, crafts, or puzzles that will be interesting for adults or children who are bored. The fact is that if you do not make as much of an effort to transition to this “new normal” as you possibly can, your small company will suffer. This is true even if it is not feasible for every small business to pivot in this manner. It is remarkable how a little bit of creative thinking can improve your circumstance and enhance your online presence. Although changing your marketing approach might be difficult, it is wonderful how it can transform anything. a greater amount of inquiries and grievances from customers, despite the fact that you have a phone number listed on your website and in your google search results Although the outcomes of my company may have been sufficient before to the epidemic, your consumers want your assistance more than they ever have before. If there are more individuals online, then there is a greater possibility that you may get a greater number of inquiries, comments, and complaints. After being kept on hold for an extended period of time or not receiving a response to an email inquiry you sent about anything, I’m sure you’ve experienced a great deal of frustration at some point in your life. Make sure that your consumers do not have the same experience when they visit your website. If you do not have the ability to handle customer support, you may want to think about adopting a chatbot in order to improve your visibility on the web. By using automated customer service live chat, chatbots enable company owners to deliver replies and solutions, as well as create leads and revenues, around the clock throughout the whole year. According to IBM, a chatbot might provide answers to as much as 80 percent of the common inquiries that customers have about customer care. While a chatbot may not be able to answer every question, it may be able to handle the queries that are less difficult to answer but still need a significant amount of time from your clients. Here you may find out more about chatbots. and the difficulty: website technical problems Suppose you already have an online storefront for your small company that you use for commerce. Your visitors will leave your website if you have a broken link, a page that does not load properly, or poor loading times. Not only is this true during the COVID-19 period, but it is true all the time. Despite the fact that you have a creative 404 page, you will still lose visitors (and potentially sales). Moreover, if your audience has a negative experience with your product or service, you will not be able to earn their confidence. On the off chance that they do not trust your website, no one will provide their contact information or payment card information. to add insult to injury, hackers will target a website that is not well maintained. It is important to keep in mind that you are not only responsible for securing your own data, but also the data of your visitors. The rules for security are continuously being updated, and no company, no matter how big or how little, is secure. For this reason, it is vital to periodically back up your website, update your software, and check for any malfunctions in order to provide the best possible experience for your users. What would you do if, as a result of COVID-19, you were forced to begin selling your products online? There are websites available that allow you to create an e-commerce website on your own; nevertheless, it is important to keep in mind that your website is the most important marketing tool you have. Your small company is presented to the world in a manner that has a significant impact on how it is viewed. This includes everything from calls to action to the style of typeface and pictures that are shown on your website. Additionally, if you want to do it yourself, you won’t have the same opportunities for personalization as if you bought it. A web development business that is competent will not only be familiar with the technical parts of the construction, but they will also be aware of the most effective methods to communicate your message to the audience you are trying to reach. On our website, you may learn about 17 strategic company pivots that you should do in the middle of the COVID-19 era. Instantaneously, we found ourselves in a whole new universe! With the outbreak of the coronavirus, our lives have been drastically altered, and the way we do business has been revolutionized. Being the owner of a company at this time may be a very terrifying experience for many people. You are concerned about the well-being of your workers and the company, as well as the bills that continue to arrive, your income, and the duties you have to your family. Smart owners of small businesses, on the other hand, may take use of this chance to plan and prepare for future development and success rather than allowing this possibility to overwhelm them with worry. With the goal of assisting you in making the most of this uncertain period, we have developed a checklist for the COVID-19. Now is not the time to relax and wait for the epidemic to pass; whether you need to establish an e-commerce website from scratch or change your current marketing plan to boost your online presence, now is not the time to do any of those things. Your target audience is now “living” online, which means that you are going to need to address the issues that your ecommerce firm faces in the most expedient and uncomplicated manner feasible. Take initiative, make adjustments to your marketing approach, and get knowledge from this experience! toward the success of your company I am Susan .