Nature enthusiasts who come to India on a trip that is specifically designed to see tigers are afforded the opportunity to savor one of the most thrilling wildlife encounters that can be found. The chance to see this mysterious and elusive large cat in its native environment is definitely an experience that comes along just once in a lifetime. On the other hand, the big cat is not the only unusual animal that can be seen on a tiger tour; the parks and reserves are also home to a wide variety of other species of wildlife. The sloth bear, also known as Melursus ursinus, is a species that is indigenous to the Indian subcontinent. It can be found in the lowland forests of India, namely in the Pench, Kanha, and Bandhavgarh reserves. It is one of the experiences that people are most interested in seeing. Physically, bears range in size from tiny to medium, with mature males reaching heights of around 1.8 meters with a tail that is between 7 and 13 centimeters in length. They may reach up to 190 kilograms, with males typically weighing approximately 120 kilograms and females weighing less than that. The thick, bushy hair that they have provides them with protection from bug attacks, but it also gives them a look that is very disheveled. Their hair is even longer around the neck, making a “mane,” and they have a characteristic white v-shaped marking on their upper chest. In addition, their fur is longer around the neck. They are characterized by a stocky body, a nose that is similar to a trunk, short, powerful legs, and white claws that are curled and cannot be retracted. When it comes to behavior and nutrition, bears are mostly solitary animals that only congregate for the purpose of mating. Despite the fact that they are often nocturnal, it is possible to see them roaming about during the day in search of food. The majority of their food is comprised of beetle larvae, ants, and termites, which they supplement with honey, roots, leaves, flowers, and tubers. Not only are bears able to smash apart termite mounds and ant nests with their front claws, but they also have the ability to suck up a significant number of insects thanks to their long, flexible snouts and wide tongues. They are capable of vacuuming up to 10,000 ants or termites at once, which results in a tremendously loud noise that may be heard from a distance of up to 200 meters. These creatures are not lethargic in any way, despite the fact that they walk in a methodical and ambling manner. Despite the fact that they spend the most of their time meandering about in search of food, they are capable of moving quite quickly if the situation calls for it. It is only during the rainy season that they are able to relax (they do not hibernate), and at this time they spend lengthy periods of time in caves, where they remain inactive. favored natural setting Sloth bears are known to reside in tiny, isolated areas, and they are often found in the habitat of tigers. It is believed that there are up to 11,000 sloth bears over the whole country of India. But if a mother carrying a cub feels endangered, they have been known to plunge into a fierce combat. They do become prey for the big cat on occasion, but they have also been known to fight fiercely. It is the only species of bear that does so, and the females are the only ones that carry their pups on their backs. They are able to live in a wide variety of environments, including deep lowland forests, scrubby regions, and tall grasslands, so long as they have access to an abundance of other food sources that are readily accessible. Experience the sloth bear while on a tour of the tigers. On an organized tiger trip to one of India’s beautiful national parks, in addition to the big cat itself, the interesting sloth bear is just one of the many different types of animals, reptiles, and rich bird life that may be observed. Sloth bears are also among the largest mammals in the world. As a wildlife writer who works on a freelance basis, Marissa Ellis-Snow has a particular passion for animal observation. The expert-led tiger tour itineraries that are organized by naturetrek are the ones that Maria chooses to go on because she is a passionate lover of wildlife. These itineraries have provided her with an unforgettable experience of seeing a wide variety of species in some of the most breathtaking regions on the planet.