Some people view free speech as the ability to say whatever they want, but it is outrageous when someone else says the same thing back. — Winston Churchill In a wired up, turbulent world, finding balance may be challenging. The 2016 election was successful in bringing out the worst in us and stoking feelings of resentment and hatred. It remains battle whether it is mental, verbal, on social media, or in person. a fight that is unwinnable. It’s been stated that if you have to be right, you are already incorrect. Many individuals are being carried along by an invisible, very harmful current while falling in love with the way they sound and believing that their version of events is exceptional, if not exceptional! No lens ought to be so confident. If you never hear other people out, how can you ever achieve balance—or be really exceptional? A real balance will let you comprehend things more fully. It is simple to get so vehement in our opinions that we overstep the line into imperialism when we are out of balance. then too many people are sidelined and nobody is given a voice. joining the bandwagon mentality against men who treat women poorly or ignore the ways in which women also ensnare and harm men; blocking out republican viewpoints because one is a Democrat; and maintaining the presumptive belief that one race, gender, nation, or way of life is superior are all examples of subtly asserting one’s entitlement. Closing our brains and making assumptions about things that are not like us or ours is a ubiquitous and intrusive endeavor to polarize and divide mankind. Not so much a magical conjuring as a really bad manipulation. According to Webster, the definition of a tempest is to be tossed about or agitated violently. confusedly tossed. marked by being battered or struck by adversity’s storms frequently; disturbed or distressed; in peril. seem familiar to you? Everyone is essential. We need to maintain our connection by keeping our hearts and thoughts open. monitoring, honoring, and giving room for a good-willed spirit to exist while the other is articulated. We only need to give this expression some room—not to agree with it or engage in it. Assumptive beliefs are very complex. Periodically analyze and honestly question yourself. You’re going to be shocked by what you discover in your brain’s obscure corners! Someone commented on my blog after a section of it was made available online, saying that while I agree with my thoughts (regarding self-reflection, etc.), men’s rape mindset is much worse than what women do to trap men. I got the impression that this individual was expressing hurt and rage about a recent rape and attack of a loved one. entirely comprehensible. It was possible that the author of this blog was taken to have no comprehension of the rape mindset. It’s simple for me to advocate for justice, tolerance, and other virtues like that, right? She couldn’t have known that the author had been raped and attacked. Naturally, what I’m talking about here is society’s overall disregard for other people—not violent crimes. Thus, it is one aspect. Presumption, misunderstanding, and poor communication are all detrimental during a storm. Our neighbors and coworkers are not our enemies. Conflict and division have an impact. There is a legend that advises against engaging the opponent in combat on his own ground. Shift the battle’s location to avoid confronting the adversary where he feels most comfortable. The adversary is helpless on your chosen territory—the spiritual realms—because it lacks power, endurance, and equilibrium. The adversary is rendered powerless. Right now we need everyone. We need to stay together by keeping our hearts and minds open, exercising self control, and having a clear plan of action. We may not be aware that, in the midst of a furious and violent storm, we are being quietly invited to reflect deeply on our inner selves and our own failings while simultaneously choosing to keep our distance from the dramatic and biased conversations. Recognize and accept the ambiguity around you. Give things a minute to stay unclear. You are not an expert in everything. A turbulent, endless sea constantly rises and falls. Acquire the skill of surfing the waves.

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