Envision a bus full of people letting the driver and his guides lead them on some kind of mystery trip. It becomes very clear as the trip goes on that the bus will be driven down the cliff! The passengers are either too oblivious to what is happening or too deaf, dumb, and blind. Due to the navigators’ influence, the driver foolishly chooses to press the accelerator pedal harder rather than using the brakes. -This is a metaphor for what is going on in the United States right now: the passengers are the people they are supposed to be looking out for, and the driver and navigator represent the political administration in charge at the White House with their increasingly careless spending of borrowed money that is ruining the American economy. More precisely, the largest crisis in American history is being faced by the country. The current total of the US national debt is far over $17 trillion. What is the appearance of this enormous debt? If the length and breadth of an average American or European football pitch were piled side by side next to the Statue of Liberty, well over 17 trillion dollars would reach shoulder level on the pedestal. -There are around 7 billion people on the planet right now. The total cost to each man, woman, and kid of paying off the US national debt would come to almost $2,150. -It would take you more than 41,000 years to spend 17 trillion dollars if you spent a million dollars every day! -verify the time on your watches. The US national debt rises by $150 million for every hour that passes. -The US national debt has increased by more than $5 trillion since Barack Obama took office. Naturally, paying down the debt would take years, but the Obama administration has no intention of doing so at all. This indicates that policymakers are doing nothing to halt the fast transformation of a once-rich country into a poor one. -that translates to money taken from American citizens, their offspring, and future generations. traveling the highway of disinformation. The facts are not being reported by the mainstream media. They want you to accept the statements made by Obama. that his economic plans are having the desired effect and that the economy is developing gradually; despite the fact that the reality is there in front of the naive people, they have swallowed this spin without question. End of the American Dream is a great website that documents the reality with all the data and facts. How long until the general populace wakes up, stops sleeping with their eyes open, and realizes what’s actually happening? Can you predict where this will end? In America, the scenario is analogous to operating a company on a credit card debt and then taking out another credit card loan to cover the continuous monthly obligations. You’ll declare bankruptcy sooner or later, right? -So let me explain what I mean: America’s financial collapse was purposefully planned in secrecy with the goal of plunging the country’s citizens into enslavement and poverty. As I have already said, the president is not in command of any nation, not even the United States. He is in this position to carry out a covert enslavement plan that the true lords and masters who are in charge of the nation and the world have given him. Applying John Maynard Keynes’ economic theories may be connected to the concept of taking out loans in order to pay off debt. This is promoted in nations other than America, such Europe and Japan. Because the hidden controllers want to see a worldwide financial collapse to produce political upheaval, they let these governments to embrace massive stimulus spending programs and irresponsible expenditure. The ultimate goal of global dominance is then plotted after the financial collapse. this will entail: 1. the establishment of a single super currency and worldwide monetary domination. 2. An oppressive regime: worldwide police/military fascist dictatorship, etc. 3. The great majority of people will live in poverty and be disadvantaged. The ultra-rich will still be in place while the middle classes have been severely damaged financially. 4. While the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has bought millions of rounds of ammunition, a great deal of time, money, and effort has been dedicated to increased monitoring, tighter security, and the weeding out of troublesome people in nations like America. The goal of all of this has been to stop home-grown terrorism. But this isn’t the true cause. -All of this has been done to prepare for the expected negative reaction from the public due to the planned one global rule and the predicted impending financial hardships. 5. the establishment of federal emergency management administration (FEMa) camps to house those facing financial difficulties. The camps may eventually turn into prisons; this is what happens when a group of people in charge of the world act as if they are their own laws. The criminal corporate bankers that control central banks and the Federal Reserve are the global benefactors of the national debt hoax. a change in the wind: the people, who are now at the bottom of the hierarchical tree of power, must rise to the top in order for a democratic system to function. People power does exist, in fact. Before it’s too late, we the people must reclaim our rightful ownership of this planet in order to halt the secret controllers and their enslavement goal. The planet’s covert masterminds are aware of their greatest vulnerability—a large numerical disadvantage. Refusing to cooperate with the moneyed interests of criminal corporate bankers or secret controllers is the best way to put an end to them. They would be overpowered if they all refused to pay the nation’s obligations. In order to restart without the hidden controllers, we must force our governments to act in our best interests, shut down the Federal Reserve, shut down the whole monetary system, and hit the reset button to zero. If you enjoyed reading this essay, you can find more like ones, including a free PDF download, at www.newparadigm.ws. New Paradigm is a gateway to alternative media, awareness, spirituality, mind, body, and health, among many other things. Paul A. Philips is the host. The URL is once again as follows: http://www.newparadigm.ws/