Occult symbolism abounds in the huge seal with the all-seeing eye on the back of the US dollar note. The following aspects of the law are too strong for even the most stony-eyed skeptic to write off as ‘coincidence.’ There are thirteen leaves on the olive branches. Thirteen bars and stripes Thirteen arrows, thirteen letters: ‘e pluribus unum’ 13 stones in the pyramid, 13 stars in the green crest above them There are thirteen letters in annuit coeptis, and just behind the pyramid is novus ordo seclorum, which means new secular order or new world order. Why 13? But what about the other characteristics? The governing elite, or secret forces, have a strong occult affiliation, as I have stated in other pieces. The pyramid and all-seeing eye, as seen emblazoned on the reverse of a dollar note, represent the covert occult groups that still rule the United States. Given the widespread use of this symbolism in corporate logos, it might also be seen as a declaration by the ruling class that they, via banking and business, dominate the globe. Number 13 is said to signify the colonial states with a Christian country social order that stands for freedom, equality, and peace ever since the one dollar currency was created. However, the symbology really stands for the opposite—something dark and unchristian in its obscurity. The number thirteen is associated with both the number of families who comprise the ruling class and the practice of demonic occultism. For the Egyptians and Babylonians, it was a mysterious number. For the masons today, it is a mysterious number. The 13 items listed on page 1 are occult representations of the preparations for a one-world government conquest and the creation of a new world order (NWO), in which everyone would live under a worldwide fascist dictatorship modeled after the one in George Orwell’s fictional book 1984. thus, to elaborate: The 13 bars and stripes stand for the churches of Christ and the opposition to God. The 13 arrows in the eagle’s right claw stand for military might and conflict. 13 letters in: ‘e pluribus unum’, meaning ‘out of many’, is the plan to unite all governments, money systems, and faiths in the globe to gain global dominance. By the way, Satanism is the new religion that is being prepared. The 13 stars in the green crest above the eagle are called mogen david, a hexagram that is used in occult practice to conjure Satan. The number of evil families ruling the world is represented by the 13 stones or steps of the pyramid. The phrase annuit coeptis (meaning announcing the beginning or arrival) consists of 13 letters. The thirteen leaves located in the olive branches represent peace (really?!) in the bill; Lucifer, or Satan, is the all-seeing eye. Take note of the light that surrounds it. This stands for illumination, and those who engage in satanic occult rituals are considered to be the illuminated ones as they are aware of hidden meanings and possess secret knowledge. so-called all-seeing eye since it sees and knows everything, just what you’d expect from a worldwide fascist tyranny with a big brother monitoring you. It’s no accident that the eagle, drawn from old pagan symbols, also represents the Roman Empire and the German state during World War II, in addition to the dollar. this is due to the fact that these organizations were also controlled by the same evil occult powers. Secret societies are gathering places for the ruling class to debate strategies to forward the goal for nwo slavery. -The Freemasons are one of these organizations. Do not misunderstand me. The majority of freemasons are sincerely good individuals, but those at the bottom of the hierarchy are blind to the fact that those at the top are leading a demonic cult with aspirations to rule the whole globe. It has been said that when they build their nwo, the pyramid’s divided capstone (top) would be united. the answers This message is not meant to cause fear or terror. The purpose of this message is to raise awareness among readers that action must be taken and that solutions are available. We, the people, have to reclaim the earth as our own. Since this message is limited to financial problems, Iceland is the best example of regaining legitimate ownership via financial management. It’s critical that you understand the following. Between 2006 and 2008, the banks and the Icelandic government allowed the country’s economy to collapse, leading to widespread joblessness and significant savings losses for the citizens they were meant to be helping. The largest banks were given permission to privatize and deregulate, which is why this occurred. Yes, this had occurred in many other nations and had been apparent during the 2008 global financial crisis, but the people of Iceland rose above the circumstance and managed to pull themselves out of it by forcing the resignation of the whole corrupt administration. taking the banks national. referendum, giving the populace the power to choose their own economic structure. the rewriting of the Icelandic constitution by its citizens and the imprisonment of those responsible. Iceland’s economy is now among the fastest growing in the world, yet I venture that none of the aforementioned topics have appeared in the mass media outlets controlled by the secret forces. It’s because the powerful people in the background don’t want you to know that this is the way to destabilize the centralized, profit-driven private banks and dishonest governments. Come on, people—it’s time to do something! The solution is a government managed by the people, for the people, rather than by large banks. The secret is to be financially independent. Aside from Iceland, other nations with financial dominance outside of the central banking system include Iran, Russia, China, and Venezuela. It is thus not surprising that these nations have been maligned by the ruling elite. North Dakota has functioned independently of the Federal Reserve System since the early 1920s, in contrast to other US states. North Dakota is the only state without debt, and its banks are open to the public. Businesses are encouraged to bank there. lack of money, scarcity, financial struggle, debt, poverty, and other conditions brought about by the hidden forces’ objective of greed-driven slavery, as well as the companies and banking institutions that support it, continue to dominate us out of fear. dread of not making it. life shows up as a result of where you are at. Reality is manifested via ideas, feelings, emotions, deeds, and acts. Pay attention to what your inner voice is saying you: choose love over hate or fear; choose quiet, resourceful, and creative action over rage; avoid rioting or whining, since these actions only serve to perpetuate victimization. The only thing the unseen forces have over us is our negativity. —this is what they eat. The secret is to refuse to function at this level. Because you are an eternal awareness, you will endure forever. Once this is understood, we will encounter a new paradigm in which collaboration, non-victimhood, love, caring, and sharing are prioritized above rivalry. If you enjoyed reading this essay, you can find more like ones, including a free PDF download, at www.newparadigm.ws. Paul A. Philips is the presenter of newparadigm, a doorway to transformation, awareness, spirituality, mind, body, health, and alternative media, among many other things. The URL is once again as follows: http://www.newparadigm.ws/

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