Despite the fact that it can be difficult to believe, you are not obligated to stick with what you hear on recording equipment. Inside of you is a voice that is fuller, warmer, and more adult sounding than it was before. When trying to communicate verbally, the majority of individuals depend on their throat and vocal chords to perform the bulk of the work. However, if you shift the location of your voice, you will instantly start to notice a difference in the quality of your sound. This is because your voice will be vibrating in the area of your mid-torso when you make this adjustment. People who have amazing voices vibrate in that region because they utilize their chest cavity as their main sounding board and amplifier. This causes them to vibrate in that location. In point of fact, if James Earl Jones were to be present in the same room as you, you would feel the vibrations of his voice in your chest due to the enormous depth and strength that he would possess. Warmness is the one feature that is shared by all resonant voices, and it is the attribute that best defines them. Nevertheless, there are a great deal of additional advantages that may be obtained just by adjusting the placement of your sound. You will come across as more developed. Each and every voice that is emanating from the chest cavity have such characteristic. Your volume will return to its regular level. The loudness of your voice will rise if you speak in a mild voice. Your volume will drop if your voice is too loud for the environment. In both instances, these outcomes are inevitable and unavoidable. You are going to put an end to verbal abuse. You will get an instant relief from the symptoms of chronic hoarseness or a persistent sore throat if you are not sick and you have been experiencing these symptoms for a long time. The ability to raise your voice without yelling is referred to as projection, and it will be available to you. Shouting causes discomfort not just to your throat but also to the ears of others who are listening to you. There is no effect of projection. This will result in increased voice endurance for you. Consequently, you will be able to maintain your energy levels when speaking for longer periods of time, which is a significant benefit. When you talk, you will be more clear. Regardless of your history, you will see an improvement in your way of speaking. You will put an end to nasal congestion. As a result of the fact that your voice is being powered from your chest, you will have a lower probability of sending your vowels via your nose. The speed that you go will be within your control. It’s not only performers and politicians who may benefit from voice training. It is essential that you do not disregard your speaking voice if the picture that you create is significant to you. When you listen to the tape, you are hearing the truth. There is a deception in what you are hearing in your thoughts. If you alter the manner in which you position your voice, you will not only improve the way you sound, but you will also experience an increase in your level of self-assurance. Nancy Daniels, often known as “the voice lady,” is willing to teach voice and presenting skills in individual, corporate, and group settings, in addition to providing voice acting services. the only video course available on how to enhance your voice. Craig, who is located in the middle of the page on Nancy’s voice training website, is the person you should begin with if you are interested in seeing a dramatic “before” and “after” video clip. Check out some other before and after video clips that are located in the navigation bar.