To achieve your “ideal” weight, it is not unusual for your physician to recommend that you reduce your weight in order to achieve your desired weight. In light of the fact that I am writing from the United States, I will use pounds as an example. It is my sincere apologies that my country is so far behind in terms of measures. The concept will be clear to you regardless of where you are. In what way does the physician define the term “ideal” weight? The body mass index, often known as bmi, is a relatively arbitrary figure that serves as the basis for this estimate. It is important to keep in mind that while these values have some mathematical foundation, they are still only a plausible estimate. When you consider the concept of ‘optimal’ weight, this is what you take into consideration. It is important to note that the figure is not set; rather, it is a range of weight that I personally consider to be within a range of ten pounds of the ‘optimal’ weight that is stated. Due to the fact that we are not provided with all of the tools necessary to comprehend the true variation in the range that is being supplied, this estimate is nothing more than a guess. When it comes to statistical measures, variance is the most important factor available. When the variance is high, it indicates that there is some room for error in the arithmetic mean or average. a relatively low amount of variation, thus the mean is more dependable. In other words, when your physician recommends that you lose weight in order to achieve your “ideal” weight, he or she is just requesting that you maintain a weight that is representative of your height. We are not aware of any other factors that are considered when determining the average or “ideal” weight. A staggering 120 pounds is the weight that I consider to be my “ideal” weight. Currently, the last time I weighed 120 pounds, I seemed as if I had just emerged from the concentration camp. All I was was a skeleton and a skin. I was unable to pass the mirror exam, which consisted of gazing at myself in the mirror and finding that I was satisfied with the way that I appeared. On any given day, my weight is around 127 pounds, with a margin of error of three pounds. There is a significant change in my appearance as a result of the added four to ten pounds. That has an impact on how I feel. With regard to my weight, my “ideal” weight is around seven pounds more than my “ideal” weight. It has been a long time since I reached my heaviest weight of 189 pounds, when I had significant belly fat that dictated my life. a test using a mirror When attempting to determine an individual’s “ideal” weight, the mirror test is a significant technique that should be used. Be sure to keep in mind that the ‘ideal’ weight is composed of data points. In order to arrive at an average figure, those data points represent the weights of individual persons that have been compressed together. Consider the fact that you are only one of the hundreds of people that are included in the statistic that was published when you add your personal number to the data points. Despite the fact that the ‘ideal’ weight is a significant objective to work toward, it is not a figure that is impossible to achieve. One’s own reflection serves as the only participant in the mirror test, which is a private examination. Every time you hit a new weight reduction target, you should strip down to your underwear, stand in front of a mirror, and evaluate whether or not you are pleased with the way your body appears. If you are content with your current weight, you should stop and begin to maintain that weight. In the event that you are not, continue your efforts to shed additional weight. This examination is not intended to be a criticism but rather a celebration. Whenever you look in the mirror, you are the only one who can make that choice. The room is empty of any other people. There is no one else who can decide based on your preferences. You are, after all, shedding pounds for your own benefit, and not for the benefit of another else. If you want to keep your weight stable, you should listen to your body and allow it tell you when it is appropriate to stop and start a regular activity. ———————————— The science of lasting weight reduction is led by Sara Dawson, who serves as the principal managing partner. It is important for anybody who struggles with being overweight, having bad health, or both to be aware of her personal path, which began with her being “chubby” and unwell and ended with her being slender and healthy. Sara urges you to read her blog on weight loss, where she not only discusses her own experience but also offers advice and suggestions for losing weight in a healthy way.

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