China-based manufacturers of LED street lights is a modular illumination light source for road lighting devices that includes optical, mechanical, electrical, and electronic components in addition to one or more light-emitting diodes as the light source. To avoid confusion, we refer to the sealed, non-disassembled LED in lights and lanterns as an LED street light. When led street lights China are stable at the rated power frequency, the power supply voltage should be within the rating range of plus or minus 0.5% (i.e., if the rating is a range, select one between them); the supply voltage should be within the range of plus or minus 0.2% during the measurement, as long as the harmonic distortion is less than 3% and the fundamental wave frequency deviation is not more than 0.1%. For the life test, the supply voltage should also be within the range of plus or minus 2%. Since the ballast led street light is powered directly by the power supply, the power supply provides energy during external control lamp testing, usually while the controller driver is operating at baseline or under similar circumstances. If the led street light is powered directly by a specialized device power source, it may also be controlled in the same way. The output voltage, current, or power of the unique gadget should be within +/- 0.2% of stability. If an AC drive is used, a matching regulation should be made. Under typical conditions, the fundamental wave frequency deviation cannot exceed 0.1%, and the harmonic distortion cannot exceed 3% in terms of frequency and waveform distortion. After being aged for 100 hours, an LED bulb is put through several tests and measurements to ensure it meets all the requirements outlined in this technical standard. Even if an LED is not influenced by gravity, heat dissipation will clearly impact how well an LED street light works. After burning for 100 hours, the lamp is put through a variety of tests and measurements in accordance with this technical standard. Even though an LED is unaffected by gravity, heat dissipation will clearly impact how well street lights function. The brilliant attributes of LED street lamps are also limited by their work ethic. Therefore, light should be placed in free space according to the technical specification’s standard measuring attitude during the test or measurement if there are no particular requirements. The led street light should stay in a stationary condition while being measured. It should operate in a thermal equilibrium condition during testing or measurement since its photoelectric characteristics may be strongly dependent on heat. In order to guarantee test repeatability, simultaneously monitor the working temperature and the ambient temperature. The operating temperature of a p-n junction may be directly reflected by its led junction voltage. For this reason, junction voltage should be monitored if it is practicable to do so. If not, you should keep an eye on the temperature of the components of the led street light shell that are indicated.