There are five months out of the year in which my garden is boring, dead, and brown. In the event if it remained colorless for the remainder of the year, I would not have any sense of enthusiasm or interest in gardening. Color is the term used to describe the characteristics of a person’s voice that make it fascinating to listen to. These characteristics include face expressions, body language, and vocal variation. This is the thing that every listener is hoping to see and hear. Hollywood wouldn’t exist if the people we saw on television and in movies were unable to express themselves expressively. In spite of the fact that we anticipate color in our homes, in our clothes, in our workplaces, in our automobiles, and even in our iPhones, there are some people who talk with a tone that is virtually the same throughout their whole speech. Speaking in a monotone is the term used to describe this. The term “boring” is another name for it. It doesn’t matter what they’re talking about; they never show any signs of life or emotion in what they say. Recently, at a course on presenting skills and voice, one of the participants had a voice that was monotonous, colorless, and flat. Brad, who had been speaking with little to no emotion in the past, had a great time during the session on color and was able to demonstrate a wide range of expressions in both his voice and his body language both during and after the session. Why did this young guy behave in a different manner? During the time that he was speaking, he gave himself freedom to allow for expression. We are all capable of communicating via the use of color. The issue at hand is whether or not you will allow yourself to act in such a manner. You have, in essence, spent your whole life suppressing your feelings and preventing others from seeing them. You have not allowed people to see you. To add insult to injury, the psychological component of “letting go” in this fashion may very likely lead you to be concerned about what other people will think of you. What do you think? Listening to people who talk with color is more intriguing than listening to those who do not communicate with color. Moreover, I will go one step further and say that people are more impressed by individuals who communicate with color than they are by those who do not speak with color. As soon as you give yourself permission to be expressive when you talk, your objective is to build it into a habit by reminding yourself to do it wherever you go, including at home, at work, with your friends, and even in the grocery store. Although it requires effort, if you put in the effort, it will eventually become second nature to you. In the same way that your voice is full of color, life is full of many colors. You should not be terrified of it. That is where it is. Grant yourself permission to make use of it, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the positive reinforcement you will get from others who are listening to you! As the only video training program on voice enhancement, the Voice Lady Nancy Daniels provides individual, corporate, and group courses in voice and presenting skills. Additionally, she is the creator of voicing it!, which is a video training program. Make sure to check out voice dynamic to learn about the most effective ways to breathe new life into your delivery and your voice.

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