Your level of success on various social media sites is entirely dependent on the material that you post on those networks. It is a difficult effort in today’s world to create content that is both effective and extremely interesting. To capture the attention of your targeted audience in a single moment requires you to be competitive, entertaining, and appealing. When developing your content strategies, you need to combine several types of material in order to overcome these challenges. If you diversify the sorts of material you use in your marketing approach, you will see a rise in the level of engagement you receive from your target demographics.The following is a list of several sorts of content that may be found on social media, each of which has both advantages and cons. You will gain an understanding of how to develop them as well as the most appropriate platform for your material.Posts on blogs and websites, articles, and other written worksThe knowledge and competence of your organization may easily be seen through these publications, which is an advantage. Additionally, it demonstrates the significance of your company’s brand. Utilizing various social media platforms can be of assistance to you in boosting the credibility and popularity of your company.Negative aspects include the fact that blog writing requires a high level of originality because the online world is so cutthroat. When writing, you need to always be coming up with fresh ideas, which takes a lot of time. It takes imagination and creativity to break down difficult concepts for an audience in a way that allows them to readily grasp what you are trying to convey to them.Winner of the Platform: The term “social media” refers to platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Snapchat, among others. However, since Facebook and LinkedIn posts typically contain roughly 1500 words, these sites are ideal for publishing this kind of content. Twitter is another wonderful network, however users are only allowed to publish a certain number of characters at a time. You have the option of posting the source URL or a brief excerpt on Twitter. Your company’s growth prospects will improve as a result of the increased traffic that it drives to your website.Links to content hosted on other websites Have the Following Advantages: If you are pressed for time when writing an article or blog post, you can easily connect the external links that are relevant to the themes being discussed. It will save you time, which you can then probably put to better use elsewhere. Always keep in mind that you should attach the link to the resources that you have faith in.The link that you are adding to your article is not genuinely part of your own original work, which is a disadvantage. You are permitting your audience to visit other websites, which will progressively raise the amount of business for those other websites but not for you. To summarize, you are allowing someone else to enter before you do so yourself. Actually, readers are surfing the internet for the best content, and when they find it, they choose to get it from the top sites that offer more information than yours does. You need to have a high level of confidence that the content you produce is both more effective and innovative than that of your competitors. Even if it takes up more of your time, this is the only way to ensure that your audience remains engaged while using your platform.The greatest platforms for adding links to your content are Facebook and LinkedIn. If you want to add connections to other social media platforms, go no further. Twitter, on the other hand, is the alternative choice for content relating to external links.ImagesAdvantages: An image is one of the greatest forms of marketing that engage audiences rather than blogs or articles. ImagesAdvantages: Images are one of the best forms of marketing that engage audiences. People are extremely busy due to the packed nature of their daily schedules. They hardly have time to read any articles or blogs due to their busy schedule. They choose to view an image rather than a video since it is more convenient for them. The majority of audience members are equipped with smartphones that are capable of taking breathtaking photographs. They then use an application to edit the photograph that they have taken, apply filters to it, and make use of the many other options that are available to attract the audience’s attention.Disadvantages: Instagram, being an image-focused site, necessitates the utilization of high-quality photographs, which are difficult or impossible to capture with standard cellphones. You are free to use any filters, and you can edit as much as you like. Last but not least, their picture quality is inferior to that of all of their rivals. In order to stay alive in this cutthroat industry, you are going to need to invest in a high-end camera and some expensive editing software. In addition to this, it takes a lot of time.The image format is particularly well suited for practically all of the social media platforms; nevertheless, Instagram and Pinterest stand out as the most effective platforms. Alternative choices include social media websites and microblogging services such as Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Blog entries can have images attached to them, which will increase interaction and ultimately lead to more purchases. VideosThe most engaging material on social media platforms is video. Video has a number of advantages. Taking video is a really simple and uncomplicated process. It is more effective and intriguing than simply looking at an image. The majority of people today would rather watch videos than read articles or look at pictures. The idea will not be too difficult to grasp for the audience. Your website will see a rise in traffic and sales because to the fantastic video content you have there.The disadvantages include the fact that it is possible to record a little video for a lower cost, but that it is also quite expensive to make a video that demands a high level of production. It requires a greater investment of time and effort than the other stuff. Videos of a high production value can be useful for social media. The Most Popular Platform: It’s common knowledge that YouTube is the most popular platform for online video content. However, when it comes to shorter videos, Instagram reigns supreme. Videos do particularly well on Facebook as well.Advantages of Live VideosThese are the features that are exclusive to social media platforms in our day and age. It gathers together in one location all of the audiences who would otherwise be unable to attend your events in person. And maybe most crucially, even if you were unable to attend that event for some reason, you will be able to view live feeds of it at a later time.One of the disadvantages is that in order to stream live videos, an event is required. You are unable to function on your own. You require someone who can chat while also operating cameras or other equipment. The connection to the internet, whether it be a wired or wireless one, should be as fast as possible so that live videos can be seen uninterrupted. If your internet connection is slow, there is a possibility that your video can pause unexpectedly or buffer for an extended period of time, both of which will result in a video of worse quality.The best platform currently available is Facebook Live, which has a massive user base. The second possibility is to use Instagram. The best platform on which to stream live videos will be Facebook or Instagram, depending on which network has more of your followers.