Recently, I came upon a book that was rather disturbing. According to a survey, half of all chief executive officers are psychopaths. However, you should take those figures with a grain of salt because if there is one thing that I have learned over the course of the last few months, it is that you should question anything that you read on the internet. The answer is yes, including the findings of scientific investigations and study. Nevertheless, regardless of whether the odds are one in five or one in a thousand, I am not at all startled by them. I identified a few frequent indicators of a psychopath online, and I’d like to share your attention with you: • engaging in behavior that is socially irresponsible; • disregarding or violating the rights of others; • being unable to differentiate between right and wrong; • having difficulty expressing remorse or empathy; • having a tendency to lie frequently; • manipulating and hurting other people; • having recurrent issues with the law; • having a general disregard for safety and responsibility resembles characteristics that one would use to define a firm that is considered to be archetypal. But hold on, there’s more to add. Scott Lilienfeld made the following statement at the American Psychological Society Congress: “Being a psychopath can incline someone to short-term success.” These individuals have a tendency to be charming and showy, which makes it simpler for them to achieve success in the short term. I once recounted a tale of a company owner who worked with a psychotic copywriter, and this precisely matches the situation. To make a lengthy tale short: This copywriter was discovered by the proprietor of the company on Facebook via one of his value postings, and he expressed interest in working with him. In addition to being intelligent, compassionate, and kind, he had all of the other admirable qualities that you would want to find in a copywriter. In addition to that, he had a customer history that was overflowing with respected companies and a portfolio that was full of successful sales letters. Therefore, he gave the copywriter a ten thousand dollar commission to produce a sales letter. When the work was handed in, it was nothing more than a sales letter that had been copied and pasted. Additionally, when the copywriter was challenged, he burst into tears, wished the proprietor of the company the best of success, and then disappeared. In addition, when the proprietor of the company undertook a brief investigation, he discovered that the whole of his portfolio included plagiarized work. With any luck, the material presented here will prove to be useful in some kind or another. Within the context of my copywriting services, I am currently not accepting any applications at this time. For the time being, however, you may educate yourself on how to become an email titan and understand the tactics that I use to write email content. in regard to the author: ellisen wang is a copywriter that specializes in email and is also the author of the book “how to become an email titan.” By signing up for an account at, you will have the opportunity to read the sample chapters of the book and get the knowledge necessary to compose email content that your subscribers will never get enough of and that will make them want to purchase from you. If you choose to sign up, you will also get daily copywriting, email marketing, and business ideas sent directly to your inbox for your convenience. You also have the option of reading through the blog and listening to the audios in order to be provided with more marketing information and training if you do not choose to opt in.