This is a general term that refers to a number of different diets. In addition to these titles, the raw foodie diet and the raw vegan diet are also known. Throughout the course of this post, I will exclusively utilize the raw food diet to illustrate all three of these concepts. Despite the fact that there are significant distinctions between them, they are all predicated on the concept of consuming raw foods for the most part. Vegetables, fruits, raw nuts, and seeds are all covered in this category. Certain variations of the diet allow for the consumption of grains, dry beans, and legumes provided that they are soaked or sprouted. Raw food diet: fundamental assertions made In every iteration of the raw food diet, there are a few intriguing claims that are not supported by evidence. by no means to imply that any of the assertions are in fact accurate. A significant amount of weight will be lost by following the raw food diet. Raw food diet proponents claim that there are other advantages to following this diet. There are three primary assertions that are made when considered collectively. First, raw food is better for your health than cooked food. The nutritional value of raw food is higher than that of cooked food. (3) Raw food that is both safe and sustainable. First, let’s examine each of these assertions on its own. a diet consisting on raw foods: raw foods are healthier than cooked foods According to the evidence that is currently available, this assertion is not substantiated at all. The notion that there is an improvement in health is supported by a limited number of research. The great majority of people do not. Some studies indicate that blood lipids are lower, and the levels of HDL, sometimes known as “good cholesterol,” were found to be exceptionally low. All of this resulted in levels of vitamin B12 that were dangerously low. Based on the findings of earlier research, it seems that those who consume raw foods have severe erosion of their dental enamel. According to research, those who used the raw food diet had a reduction in both their body fat and their body weight. This resulted in a decrease in bone density coupled with a low body fat percentage. The results of these investigations also demonstrated a low consumption of both calories and protein. The bone loss was attributed to a deficiency in calcium that was present in the diet. Protein is another nutrient that is not easily accessible while following a raw food diet. All things considered, the research indicates that adhering to a raw food diet for an extended period of time is detrimental to one’s health. The hazards are undeniably there and potentially detrimental. Eat just raw foods: Raw food is more nutrient-dense than meat that has been cooked. Additionally, there are a few distinct claims included inside this bigger claim. There are a handful that make sense. One sounds like a delusion caused by psychedelic drugs. Cooking is said to deplete nutrients, according to one theory. This is only somewhat accurate, to be sure. During the cooking process, it is true that certain nutrients are lost from the meal. However, it is also true that the act of cooking is a process that goes through a transformation. Cooking causes the release of nutrients and enzymes, both of which need heat in order to be produced. This is one of the transformations. It is safe to say that this assertion is a deadlock. Some people believe that heating destroys enzymes, which is another argument. That is once again the case; however, the enzymes in question are eliminated in the stomach after consuming raw food. Additionally, this one is a wash. The ‘vital power’ of the food is destroyed when it is cooked, which is the last point, and this one makes me laugh out loud. Raw foods are said to possess a mysterious quality known as the “life force.” On the other hand, the mystery is not characterized in any way other than the tautological phrase “it’s a mystery, dude.” There is no proof in this. On the contrary, it is a kind of new age spiritual concept that needs trust in order to become accepted. My skepticism of assertions that are made without proof to back the claim is something that many people are already aware of. The concept of a plant’s “life force” is not supported by any evidence. Oh, and by the way, why is it that the consumption of the plant does not compromise the integrity of this ‘life force’? As a whole, the data does not entirely support the assertion that raw foods are more nutritious than cooked meals. This is the case when the claim is considered in its whole. The nutritional value of raw or cooked meals is, at best, indistinguishable. The raw food diet is both secure and long-term safe. Raw food diet advocates claim that their diet is not only risk-free but also able to be maintained over time. It has previously been brought to our attention that the diet may not be safe following. Consuming protein and vitamin supplements might be a solution to the problem of safety that has been experienced. It is a nice concept, but unfortunately, the purist form of the raw food diet does not allow supplements to be used. It is basically a matter of overcoming a very difficult obstacle in order to achieve sustainability. The list of items that are permissible is far less than the list of foods that are not allowed. In a raw food diet, there is a very small selection of foods to choose from. When individuals speak about the reasons why they stopped eating raw food and went back to eating prepared food, they say that they start to feel bored. When opposed to diets consisting of prepared food, raw food diets have a far more restricted range of options for meal preparation. Once again, the component of boredom has an effect on sustainability. The raw food diet: a few concluding remarks At first glance, it would seem that the only true advantage of the raw food diet is the relatively quick reduction of weight. However, while contemplating a diet for oneself, it is important to take into consideration both the outcomes and the downsides. In my opinion, the potential drawbacks of consuming raw foods much exceed (pardon the pun) the potential advantages. Simply said, the statements that were made are not backed by any evidence. There is more to choosing a diet plan for life than just having faith. ————————————- The science of lasting weight reduction is led by Sara Dawson, who serves as the principal managing partner. It is important for anybody who struggles with being overweight, having bad health, or both to be aware of her personal path, which began with her being “chubby” and unwell and ended with her being slender and healthy. Sara urges you to read her blog on weight loss, where she not only discusses her own experience but also offers advice and suggestions for losing weight in a healthy way.