Why thankfulness is one of the most important factors in achieving success In the process of developing this success tale, there was no miraculous drug, wand, or recipe that was used. There is an underlying, negative-based vibe that many individuals feel, which might very well be contributing to the lack of development that their businesses are experiencing. This is despite the fact that social media can have many positive effects on the expansion of businesses. Jealousy is the source of that energy… We, who live on the western coast of Canada, are fortunate enough to experience the warmth and brightness of summer for just a few months out of the year. At this point, we are making preparations to go outside and take use of the weather to the fullest extent feasible. So it should come as no surprise that the majority of the posts that are shared on social media are dedicated to having fun. When everything is said and done, who would want to write postings about the hours they spend working 15 hours a day behind their computer? It occurred to me lately, while I was away on vacation, that there could be some people who would look at my holiday-themed Facebook postings and believe that this is my life — that I am doing nothing but having fun and traveling on vacations. When I gave it some thinking, I realized that I had provided them with no reason to believe differently. In the event if a new Facebook friend who is also a company owner just saw postings linked to the holidays, then that is the image that they would have of me: I never appear to be working! Those who are familiar with me are aware that this assumption is not even close to being accurate; nevertheless, for those who are not familiar with me, I can see how they may arrive at such a conclusion. Moreover, the intriguing aspect is that this sort of conclusion has a far-reaching consequence that can very well be hurting the profitability of their firm. This is due to the fact that rather than being pleased for me, they are experiencing a tinge of envy. Disappointed that they are unable to take vacations… envious that they are unable to have spa treatments; envious that they are unable to relax by the pool at a resort; and so on and so forth. Jealousy is a highly sneaky emotion that has the ability to creep up on even the most naive individuals and catch them off guard. Over the course of your life, how many times have you secretly desired that you were the one who was experiencing the success of another person or saw all of the fantastic journeys that they have gone on? When something like this occurs, we immediately fall into a mentality of scarcity and lack. When this happens, our egos go into overdrive, and we get into a competitive mindset. making a comparison between what we do not have and what they do have? And when that occurs, we are not in a frame of mind that is spacious and plentiful. It is possible that we are strangling all of the energy that are necessary for progress, which will eventually lead to a lack of success. I did that as well. As I saw folks like Mari Smith travel the globe giving keynote speeches or private consulting contracts, I couldn’t help but think about how fortunate she is to have such a wonderful life. On the other hand, I came to the realization that magic has absolutely nothing to do with it! The labor component of the equation is something that we fail to recognize when we see individuals like her, or me for that matter, receiving the results of our labor. The capacity to take time off, travel, have spa appointments, or relax at resorts is a result of the effort that one puts in with their employment. The whole thing did not take place in a miraculous manner or without any difficulty at all. How does expressing appreciation relate to achieving one’s goals? I have already discussed the factors that contribute to my success, and among those factors, the most important one is appreciation. Other factors include working long hours, having a team, and establishing a company in a strategic manner. Despite the fact that a customer is dissatisfied with me, I am glad each and every day. It is still possible to find thankfulness in the lessons that were learnt in order to prevent incidents like that from occurring again. I am appreciative of the valuable employee that has put in a lot of effort and is giving their notice. I am still able to feel grateful for the fact that I was able to keep them on my team for as long as I did, and I am looking forward to the great influence that the person who is replacing them will have on my company. I am grateful for the customer that continues to be unpaid and unreliable. There is still the possibility of discovering thankfulness by being aware of the types of customers to decline in the future and being able to recognize the indications that they will be difficult to collect from. This is something that I do on a daily basis, and it is well recorded in the thankfulness diary that I keep and write in every year. Success is exactly what you want it to be. You are the one in charge. There is no magic software, product, or formula that will produce it for you, despite the fact that social media gives the idea that it is only presented from one side. It is possible to achieve success, however, if you adopt a mindset of thankfulness, make a firm commitment to achieving achievement, and do not allow jealousy to hinder you from believing that you are capable of achieving success as well. I’ll be clean with you about a tiny secret… Many people are unaware of the fact that Daniel and I were very impoverished not too long ago. Our house was on the point of being taken away from us, and we had a credit card debt of $24,000 (which was caused by identity theft, but that is an another tale). Therefore, I am aware of what it is like to be on the other side of the field, believing that everything was so lush and beautiful over there, and that it was utterly out of ones reach. We never gave in to the idea that we were victims, which is what allowed us to make it through to the other side. We had faith that things would get better, we concentrated on being thankful for what we already had, and we worked toward achieving what I ultimately desired. An specialist in the law of attraction When things are not going according to plan, Dana Smithers has a terrific strategy for dealing with the situation, and that is to ask yourself, “What do I truly want?” (Here is a short video in which she offers an explanation of how this works.) Therefore, the next time you get a little tingle of envy, It is important to keep in mind that there was no magic involved in the success of the person you are seeing when they post about their amazing trip, their work-wide excursion, or their spa treatment. The only way to achieve that level of accomplishment was via a lot of hard work, dedication, and a great deal of thankfulness for the ups and downs that existed along the road. Take a minute right now and ask yourself, regardless of how miserable the day is, what are some things for which you may be thankful? It is important to question yourself what it is that you really want. Feel free to share here, and we will all rejoice with you. Would you be prepared to make a commitment to honor the achievements of everyone and everyone? Do you accept responsibility for your actions and are willing to put in the effort necessary to achieve success in the same way that others have? It is important to avoid allowing envy to be the primary cause of the stagnation of your company development. It’s time to show it who the boss is!