In the Sunni nations, there is no such group as Isil, Al Qaeda, or Taliban. In those states, they were not able to secure a single parliamentary seat by popular vote. There is no religious extremism in the popular vote in the majority of Sunni states, including Indonesia (99% Sunni), Malaysia (99% Sunni Muslims within Muslims with a ban on Shia Islam), Brunei (99% Sunni Muslims), Bangladesh (92% Sunni Muslims), Saudi Arabia (99% Sunni Muslims), Pakistan (85% Sunni Muslims), and many more. The clergy of their particular strain of Islam, in contrast, govern over the Iranians by popular mandate. The fundamental phenomena in Iran, or in regions influenced by Iran, is a clear religious inclination toward sectarianism. This does not in any way represent the asna e ashri, agha khanis, or the ismailis as being under Iranian control. Although the claim cannot be applied universally, there is a pattern of behavior in regions affected by Iranian influence. The main question is: Is there instability wherever there is an Iranian influence? Is it the shia masses or the sunni religious groups who get financial backing from Iran? it encompasses Hamas. Why is it the case? There are instances when Iran has mistreated the Shia people. One such instance is the Quetta Shia Hazara community, which was enlisted by Iran to carry its members to Syria. Despite being Shias by religion, the Iranian authorities took advantage of their financial necessities to support terrorism. The deeper roots of Pakistani society have also been penetrated by these Iranians living under the cleric’s rule. The intelligence community in Pakistan is well aware of this, but finds it difficult to deal with because of Iran’s fundamental support for sectarian exploitation, which affects not just Pakistan but most other nations as well. Due to Iranian brainwashing, these individuals have become more Iranian than Americans, Pakistanis, or Bahrainis while residing in those countries. Regarding the allegiances of those brainwashed by Iran’s sectarian doctrines, this is unsettling. This case has become more complex due to the circumstances. Despite the fact that 85% of Muslims worldwide are Sunnis and 5% are Shias who oppose Iran, the 10% who have been brainwashed by sectarian propaganda will continue to reject international attempts to promote peace. Yes, the majority of Muslims will oppose Iranian rule, but the Israeli element is the only one that Iran can use to its advantage in order to divert attention from its opponents. Iran intends to include Israel in the Arab-Israeli conflict in an attempt to garner support from non-Arab Sunni nations like Bangladesh and Pakistan. By providing financial incentives to Sunni religious organizations in these nations, the Iranians have expanded their network of supporters. These groups are prepared to burn American and Israeli flags in order to spread anti-Israel and anti-American sentiments in public. How many of those burning American flags are aware that of the $7 billion yearly budget of the Palestinian Authority, 50% comes from direct and indirect financial assistance from the United governments, with the remaining funds coming from Arab governments in the Gulf Cooperation Council. Iran does not contribute to the welfare of the Palestinian people; on the contrary, it funds the destructive aspect of the conflict by enabling Hamas to launch rockets at Israel, which prompts retaliatory strikes that cause more fatalities among the Palestinian people. Given that all Palestinians are Sunnis, Iran views the loss of Palestinian well-being as a victory for itself. The Iranian government must be changed in order to prevent this conflict from going on forever. It’s a conflict motivated by Iran’s expansionist plans to use force to spread her version of Islam. It seems to go on forever in a scenario like this. This will increase tensions between global civilizations, but the United States stands to gain from extended ties with China, Russia, and Iran. This will cause their economies to collapse, posing a significant danger to both countries. If Israel plays smart and supports the United nations’ idea of a two-state solution that allows for peace, it will push the Sunni nations closer to the West and maybe prevent confrontations with Israel.