Recognizing toxemia Orthodox medicine (though not usually for chronic or degenerative illnesses) often looks for a germ as the origin of a certain ailment. In cases where no germ is discovered, the reason could be listed as unclear. Natural health has a whole different perspective. When we acknowledge that the majority of illnesses in today’s world are diseases of civilization, or, more specifically, diseases of lifestyle, the fundamental reasons for our wide array of health issues and early aging become abundantly evident. The four main areas where we discover the primary causes of sickness in everyday life are our contemporary food, stress, exercise, and man-made toxins. It is almost impossible to stop the trend from the contemporary lifestyle to internal bodily degeneration to illness. Knowing this gives us the ability to take charge of our bodily and mental health. Three fundamental ideas, which are seen as natural laws that sustain human health and provide the methods of maintaining and restoring it, broaden our knowledge of this. three essential ideas for natural health. Over the last 150 to 200 years, a number of well-known figures in the “nature cure” and naturopathy sectors have developed their theories, philosophies, and health-related concepts from their observations and thoughts. While there may have been differences on some points, overall there is a good lot of consensus and it would not be difficult to formulate a set of guiding principles. Of these principles, the ones listed below could be the most crucial: 1. Being in excellent health is a natural condition that ought to last from birth to death. Illness and early aging won’t happen unless we take action to make them happen. 2. In general, illness is not an outside force attacking the body. Instead, it is the body’s defensive mechanisms trying to maintain the current state of health. 3. The human body is an effective, self-healing organism when the correct circumstances are met. A cut on the surface will always heal, but inside organ injury is a different story. They are equally capable of healing. It is simpler to accept the first premise, which is extremely vital, when we take into account the extraordinary health of communities who were cut off from the western world. Rarely do conditions like arthritis, obesity, heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, colds, the flu, skin diseases, etc. arise from physical flaws in the human body; instead, they emerge as a result of our unconscious actions. Principle No. 2 necessitates knowledge of the innate connection between people and microorganisms. They do not cause sickness in the first place. In the next topic, principle no. 3 is discussed. Let us now begin from the outset of what causes sickness (or, better yet, what creates health) in accordance with natural health theory and experience, and examine the effects of chemicals, exercise, stress, food, and other factors on the body and mind. food and chemical toxicity in a large number of persons The contemporary diet is the most significant of these lifestyle factors. It has an excessive amount of fat, protein, and refined carbohydrates and is very concentrated. In addition to having food additives, pesticides, and stimulants like coffee, tea, salt, pepper, and alcohol, it is low in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. (Alcohol increases excretion but dulls the thinking. His eating style will inevitably lead to the formation of toxic waste products from metabolism more quickly than the liver and kidneys can remove them, which causes them to accumulate in the body. This condition is known as “toxemia” or “acidosis” in natural health because the wastes are often acidic in nature, which causes tissue fluids to become more acidic than they should be.(In traditional medicine, some illnesses are referred to as “toxemias.” Toxic and contributing to toxemia include manmade substances, such as pesticides, food additives, air and water pollution, and medications. Lack of exercise causes poor circulation, which prevents waste materials from being regularly flushed out of tissues and into the eliminative organs for the body’s cleansing and elimination. Stress and sleep deprivation deplete essential nerve energy, leaving less accessible for regular functions including digestion, food absorption, and waste removal. waste products accumulate much faster as a consequence, and the toxemia worsens. Negative attitudes such as hatred, resentment, bitterness, intolerance, and greed may have the same impact as grit in an engine’s bearings: they cause our systems to break down sooner. Positive attitudes, on the other hand, such as love, generosity, tolerance, and compassion, function like oil in a bearing to ensure smooth operation. Toxemia is indirectly caused by bad sentiments. Exhausted or, more accurately, enervated (deficient of nerve energy) organs and tissues overwork themselves in order to cope with the demands of daily life and the poisons. Because enervation reduces elimination, the toxemia rises even more. Thus, a vicious circle is established. Most illnesses have enervation and toxemia as their fundamental underlying cause. While there may be other particular reasons, the toxemia that is practically universal in western nations is almost always a necessary condition.